
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
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Energy: 50
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Fire icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Female Pearlcatcher
Female Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Fancy Compass
Soundless Saboteur's Tail Wrap
Porcelain Marionette Tail
Porcelain Marionette Head
Soundless Saboteur's Undershirt
Porcelain Marionette Wings
Soundless Saboteur's Pants
Porcelain Marionette Legs




Scene: Autumn Clearing


4.13 m
5.04 m
637.51 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 18, 2025
(1 month)


Pearlcatcher icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Puppet Master

Your eye catches the puppeteer across the way and she gives you a playful wink. At her feet, one of her puppets animates and saunters clumsily over to you. It dances about your feet for a moment before it rushes back to its master. The Pearlcatcher offers you a nod and wanders off with her puppets. That was strange... and why do you feel lighter?

Circus Performer: Puppeteer | Mate: ? | Song: Bite Marks | Story: WIP

WIP rough draft proofing needed.

Marionette comes off as quiet, but sweet when you first meet her. The more time you spend with her, however, the more you see these traits might not be as true to her as you first thought. There is a coldness in her tone that slips through between her otherwise warm words. And there is a glint in her eyes, a buried wisdom, that belittles her simple posturing.

The reason for this is simple, Marionette was raised to be a spy/assassin by her birth clan and she was very good at her job. She was also taught a very strict moral and honor code that she holds too tightly. This is why, when the leadership changed in her clan, she found herself suddenly at odds with its new ‘values’. The sudden shift caused her to flee her birth clan and go searching for a new life.

A skilled puppeteer, in addition to her other talents, she applied with the Circus of Oddities when she stumbled upon the carnival. They took her in and she has settled in around them easily. Those who get to know her well will be introduced to her hidden sultry and mischievous charm. Marion is clever and, when an opportunity presents itself, devilishly impish. Though, she never takes her pranks or jokes into the realm of cruelty or harm.

Marion has taken a liking to this new family. Their patience, devotion to each other, and jovial look at life remind her of her former family. Her simple station in this very normal (mostly normal) circus has taken some getting used to, but she is enjoying it… for the most part. Marion’s urges to be ‘nosey’ have a tendency to spring up from time to time. Normally when she sees someone that might pose a threat to the Circus or to Etesian. Once or twice, it has almost led to trouble for the circus, but so far she has managed to get away with snooping around.

So far
Porcelain Pocket Fighter Companion: Shatter
Marionette's constant companion and protector. Shatter was made for her when she first started her career and its primary responsibility has always been to protect Marion. Over time, their relationship has grown and now they are fast friends and one is not seen without the other.
Porcelain Marionette Head Item: Puppet Control Mask
This is the enchanted mask that Marion uses to control her puppets. It is the mask's magic that allows her to bind any suitable vessel to her will. She can even bind individuals to long as they are unalived.

DO52uCF.png Will you look at that, someone found their way to a new circus.
WIP rough draft proofing needed.
What was that? This is absolute drivel. It's uncreative and boring. Please, for the love of the Windsinger, please fix this section. Lawrence wouldn't have told the story like that!

Background Report # 100561952
Name: Marionette (AKA Marion of Clan Milagro)
Agent: Scout Captain Lawrence
Date: 2nd day in the month of shadow

Commander, this is one dangerous dragoness. I am putting her threat level at high. Though, I feel her reasons for being in our territory are honest, I recommend keeping a close eye on her to ensure they stay honest. Also, please sir we need more hands out here in Etesian. Me and my crew of two are not enough to oversee this office and investigate all of the creatures that show up in this village. We are drowning in this deluge of traveling merchants… and assassin puppeteers! Please send help!

Marion, also known as Marionette, is currently residing with the Circus of Oddities, a feature of the village of Etesian. She is one of the performers specializing in puppet mastery. The following report is a background of her life (as a note I’d like to point out that it took us two months to even realize she was there, and close to a year and a half to do the background -SCL-).

Born on the 18th of the month of ice seventy-five years ago to the Clan of Milagro. Marion (birth name) was placed in a specialized education program set up by the clan for orphaned or abandoned hatchlings. The goal was to teach the abandoned a useful skill that would benefit the clan. It sounds harsh, but after getting a look at the original program it appeared it was the clan’s attempt to ensure homeless hatchlings had the best opportunities in life. Many of them went on to start businesses or enter a fulfilling career. Only a handful qualified for the spy training.

Marion was one such hatchling. In the program, she was taught primary and secondary education and was given advanced tertiary education and higher adult education. In addition, she was trained in several (10*) different fighting styles, different languages (20*), and the art of subterfuge and assassination. From every source we found it appears that Marion mastered her art forms and advanced further up in the program.

When she reached adulthood she was sent to the clan’s scout division, where she joined Milagro’s Carnival. The circus was a clever ruse to allow the unit's entry into various regions and clans with the goal of collecting intel and removing likely threats to the clan. For her part in the circus, she acted as the master of puppets and used her enchanted mask to animate her dolls. She put on one heck of a puppet show (still does honestly), but she also used her various marionettes to help spy and in some cases to assassinate her targets.

Our puppet master willingly served her birth clan up until a few years ago, when Milagro’s ideals took a radical change and the leadership changed. Today Milagro is a dictatorial clan with harsh rules meant to oppress its own citizens. A sharp contrast from its former ideals, which were honorable. Ambassador Karri explained that our clan used to trade with them, but after the changing of paws, they started to make unreasonable requests that made them sound like thugs. The ambassador quickly backed out of our deals with them after that and there have been no more communications with the clan since then.

Marion fled The Milagro clan and for it she has been marked as a traitor. During our investigation in that torn area, we did not see any indication that they were trying to hunt her down (which is probably the smartest thing they have done). Though, she will likely not survive returning home if she does try. She is marked as ‘terminate if seen’.

Her trail after she left her birth clan was difficult to track, mostly because she never stayed or interacted with any one place for any real length of time, until she reached our clan. Why she chose our home to settle I do not know, but from what I’ve been able to find through the circus and the villagers who know her she’s been the model citizen. We’ve been watching her for a while and we have found no indication of ill intent. In my opinion, she’s just trying to get away from a nasty situation. Any antics she does get into are mostly harmless pranks and the occasional pickpocket of circus guests. Though, every wallet she picks I’ve seen her put back with every coin still in it.

In my personal opinion, I believe she is here to take shelter and nothing else. Knowing that, I believe the small things she does has a purpose and I feel that purpose is to watch over those that took her in. Other than that, I feel she’s no immediate danger to our clan. I do recommend extra diligence around her, but for now I believe she will stay put and not cause trouble for our clan.

End Report

A small yellow note has been taped to the bottom of the report. It reads:

Captain, you flatter me and after I attempted to steal your wallet. How charming of you. Thank you for your kind words. They are correct, by the way. I mean no harm to your clan. I simply wish a place to settle. Though, I cannot fault your worry, so I welcome your eyes. So long as they are yours.

--Your friendly neighborhood puppet master.

P.S. Also, I might have broken your lock trying to get in your office. So sorry about that.

*Due to file damage, it was impossible to determine what styles and languages she was taught. That will have to be discovered through observation.




DrRain Writers Doors wrote:
"A carnival? Well, that explains it! I've never seen a tiger out and about like you! I didn't even know they could talk! Are you an extra special tiger?" Either uncaring or unaware of how her question might have sounded, the dragon stands up, stretching.

"I haven't heard of any traveling circuses, but maybe my uncles have?" She frowns in thought for a second, before punching a closed fist into another paw. "Oh, no wait! I remember now, some fancy lady came looking for a circus as well! She looked very suspicious, I'll be honest, but I guess that won't matter too much, she can probably take you to it! Or you two can go looking together..."

The dragon motions for the tiger to stand up. "C'mon, let's go, I don't think she can have moved too far."

After half an hour of chatting and walking -Sunrise having introduced herself at some point-, the dragon stops. "Oh, there she is!"

The other, a pearlcatcher, startles, and looks downright terrified at the sight of the tiger. "Hey, lady!" Sunrise proceeds, running closer. "We're looking for a circus too, did you find where it is yet?"
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Exalting Marionette to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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