
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Plague&Shadow foddart [jan 26-feb 1]
[center][size=2][b][url=]Directory[/url] • [url=]Instructions[/url] •[url=] FAQ[/url] • [url=]Spreadsheet[/url][/size] [center][img][/img] [size=3]Where the Scarred Wasteland meets the Tangled Wood, dragons gather [url=]around the thick thorn tendrils[/url] to witness the joint efforts of Plague and Shadow artists as they celebrate the [b]Year of the Snake[/b] together![/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][url=][color=black]Kephri had arrived at midday, with the sun burning down on the site, clearing the omnipresent mists enough to see clearly across the dig, everything laid out in neat squares and labeled carefully. The dig manager, the snapper from their first encounter, had directed him to Lucent, who held a paintbrush, giving orders to a group of students wearing name badges. She turned to him with distrustful eyes. “What do you want?” she asked, that soft monotone as opaque as ever.[/color][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][url=][color=black]Bring your dragon to the Oracle, Solstice, a celestial dragon who offers personalized blessings, wishes, and prophecies during lunisolar events. This Lunar New Year, allow her to guide your dragon with mystical fortune and spiritual wisdom for the year ahead![/url][/color][/columns]

angelo ♦ he/him ♦ fr+4
plague dom org

about + faq
little guy!!!!!
[center][size=2][url=]Directory[/url] • [url=]Instructions[/url] •[url=] FAQ[/url] • [url=]Spreadsheet[/url][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][b]Information[/b][/size] [list][*] Artists may work on and complete commissions after this week is over. [*] Artists have the right to change prices to meet demand. [*] Dragon levels are cumulative: 4 level 5's = 20 and 2 level 10's = 20. [*] Hatchlings count as a level 1 dragon. [*] Please keep the screenshots of the dragons you sent until you receive your commission from the artist - [url=]Why[/url]?[/list] [size=5][b]Procedure[/b][/size] [b]1.[/b] Peruse the Directory above and find an artist or writer to commission! [b]2.[/b] If the artist has an [b]Open Slot[/b], please order using the artist's preferred form. [b]3.[/b] The artist will confirm your order and the price in dragon levels. [b]4.[/b] Pay for your commission! [br][indent][b]I.[/b] Check the notes of your chosen receiver. [b]II.[/b] Send the dragons via 1-way crossroads or 1t Private Auctions. [b]III.[/b] Keep the screenshots of sent dragons.[/indent] [b]5.[/b] Receive your commission! [br][center][b]Find an ONLINE Receiver and send your dragons:[/b] [br][url=][size=2][b]Spreadsheet Link[/b][/size] [img][/img][/url]


  • Artists may work on and complete commissions after this week is over.
  • Artists have the right to change prices to meet demand.
  • Dragon levels are cumulative: 4 level 5's = 20 and 2 level 10's = 20.
  • Hatchlings count as a level 1 dragon.
  • Please keep the screenshots of the dragons you sent until you receive your commission from the artist - Why?


1. Peruse the Directory above and find an artist or writer to commission!

2. If the artist has an Open Slot, please order using the artist's preferred form.

3. The artist will confirm your order and the price in dragon levels.

4. Pay for your commission!

I. Check the notes of your chosen receiver.

II. Send the dragons via 1-way crossroads or 1t Private Auctions.

III. Keep the screenshots of sent dragons.

5. Receive your commission!

Find an ONLINE Receiver and send your dragons:

Spreadsheet Link

angelo ♦ he/him ♦ fr+4
plague dom org

about + faq
little guy!!!!!
[center][size=2][url=]Directory[/url] • [url=]Instructions[/url] •[url=] FAQ[/url] • [url=]Spreadsheet[/url][/size] [center] [img][/img][/center][/center] [center][size=3]You must have questions. I likely have answers. Feel free to question me, and I will mark the noted ones here![/size][/center] [b]1. Keep the screenshots of dragons I sent? What for?[/b] [indent] Due to an occasional unpleasant experience of foddart artist or writer going missing before delivering the promised piece for whatever reason, we have created Scrimshaw Scrawls Refund System (SSRS from now on) to minimize the negative experience for both artists and commissioners. [b]How does SSRS work?[/b] After commissioner doesn’t receive the commission for [b]30 days[/b] without being given any notice by artist or writer, they may fill out the [url=]Google Form[/url] to apply for either refund in treasure or commission from another artist or writer. If there was some contact, we'd go case by case basis and decide when looking over interactions - aka if the commissioner was pushy/rude, artist postponed a lot or whatever took place and then decide. The SSRS is for [b]Plague only[/b]. Please contact Whimzica for Shadow artists! The appeal is valid only if there is [u]proof of payment[/u] and the artist/writer is missing or unresponsive. [LIST] [*]If the commissioner asked for a refund in treasure, @/Peyp or I (@/Hwei) will send out the appropriate amount via PM. [*]If the commissioner asked for a replacement piece, stand-in artists or writers will be pinged, depending on notes they wrote down on the [url=]stand-in sheet[/url]. [/LIST] [/indent]
You must have questions. I likely have answers. Feel free to question me, and I will mark the noted ones here!

1. Keep the screenshots of dragons I sent? What for?

Due to an occasional unpleasant experience of foddart artist or writer going missing before delivering the promised piece for whatever reason, we have created Scrimshaw Scrawls Refund System (SSRS from now on) to minimize the negative experience for both artists and commissioners.

How does SSRS work?
After commissioner doesn’t receive the commission for 30 days without being given any notice by artist or writer, they may fill out the Google Form to apply for either refund in treasure or commission from another artist or writer.
If there was some contact, we'd go case by case basis and decide when looking over interactions - aka if the commissioner was pushy/rude, artist postponed a lot or whatever took place and then decide.

The SSRS is for Plague only. Please contact Whimzica for Shadow artists!

The appeal is valid only if there is proof of payment and the artist/writer is missing or unresponsive.
  • If the commissioner asked for a refund in treasure, @/Peyp or I (@/Hwei) will send out the appropriate amount via PM.
  • If the commissioner asked for a replacement piece, stand-in artists or writers will be pinged, depending on notes they wrote down on the stand-in sheet.

angelo ♦ he/him ♦ fr+4
plague dom org

about + faq
little guy!!!!!
[center][img][/img][/center] @pinglist-1288 [b]Scrimshaw Scrawls pinglist:[/b] [size=1]@Severynn, @Adrasci, @Kisk, @ema2, @Katsuji, @retrace, @Sienne, @polychromatic, @Medievalredragon, @Xirei, @Koyako, @xXShiverXx, @jbapple, @Loreka, @late711, @RainSystem, @leukristic, @Akeovelora, @Helix, @MadWhisperer, @Venusian, @SteelandSparks, @crowvidae, @kijauni, @SpaceShmuck, @oneluckyduck, @Reignhart, @Avmire, @Enekokoro , @Glory, @vaguelycanine, @pawnsvictory, @c4uni, @Leeviathans, @sm06sm , @Hiii, @1sun1spirit, @SalamiSlamai, @nothingtown, @cryptwalking, @Achromaticism, @galactic, @SomaJean[/size]

@[plaguedom] Scrimshaw Scrawls
Scrimshaw Scrawls pinglist: @Severynn, @Adrasci, @Kisk, @ema2, @Katsuji, @retrace, @Sienne, @polychromatic, @Medievalredragon, @Xirei, @Koyako, @xXShiverXx, @jbapple, @Loreka, @late711, @RainSystem, @leukristic, @Akeovelora, @Helix, @MadWhisperer, @Venusian, @SteelandSparks, @crowvidae, @kijauni, @SpaceShmuck, @oneluckyduck, @Reignhart, @Avmire, @Enekokoro , @Glory, @vaguelycanine, @pawnsvictory, @c4uni, @Leeviathans, @sm06sm , @Hiii, @1sun1spirit, @SalamiSlamai, @nothingtown, @cryptwalking, @Achromaticism, @galactic, @SomaJean


angelo ♦ he/him ♦ fr+4
plague dom org

about + faq
little guy!!!!!
[center][size=2][b][url=]Directory[/url] • [url=]Instructions[/url] •[url=] FAQ[/url] • [url=]Spreadsheet[/url][/size] [br][img][/img] [/center] [br][center]Welcome to the Abiding Boneyard's sketch shop! Here, for a small fee, you can get your picture taken by our resident artist![/center] [img][/img] [br][center][b]Slots: OPEN / [u]CLOSED[/u][/b][/center] [img][/img] [br][center][size=5]HEADSHOT[/size][/center] [br][center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [b]Price:[/b] XX levels [b]Description:[/b] A traditional headshot sketch of your dragon! Can be coloured in with a single colour (my choosing), or left black and white. [b]Slots:[/b] [b]Ping List:[/b] [LIST] [*] @ [*] @ [*] @ [/LIST] [img][/img] [br][center][size=5]FULL BODY[/size][/center] [br][center][img][/img][/center] [b]Price:[/b] 70 levels [b]Description:[/b] [b]Slots Open: 3/3[/b] [b]Ping List:[/b] [LIST] [*] . [*] . [*] . [/LIST] [b]Price:[/b] 160 levels [b]Description:[/b] A traditional full-body sketch of your dragon! Can be coloured in with a single colour (my choosing), or left black and white. [b]Slots Open: 3/3[/b] [b]Ping List:[/b] [LIST] [*] . [*] . [*] . [/LIST] [b]Completed Orders:[/b] [list] [*] . [br][center][img][/img] [br][size=5][b]Order Form[/b][/size] [left][quote]@SoftFrogger [b]Username[/b]: [b]ID[/b]: [b]Dragon[/b]: [b]B&W or Coloured[/b]: [b]Full-body or Headshot[/b]: [b]Price[/b]:[/quote][/left] [br][img][/img][/center]

Welcome to the Abiding Boneyard's sketch shop! Here, for a small fee, you can get your picture taken by our resident artist!





a6OEdTQ.jpeg JBnCiIx.jpeg

Price: XX levels
Description: A traditional headshot sketch of your dragon! Can be coloured in with a single colour (my choosing), or left black and white.
Ping List:
  • @
  • @
  • @




Price: 70 levels
Slots Open: 3/3
Ping List:
  • .
  • .
  • .

Price: 160 levels
Description: A traditional full-body sketch of your dragon! Can be coloured in with a single colour (my choosing), or left black and white.
Slots Open: 3/3
Ping List:
  • .
  • .
  • .

Completed Orders:
  • .


    Order Form

    B&W or Coloured:
    Full-body or Headshot:

xx GIkf7bR.png Wishlist
qCgaJQc.gif Chibi Plaguebringer keychain
[center][size=2][b][url=]Directory[/url] • [url=]Instructions[/url] •[url=] FAQ[/url] • [url=]Spreadsheet[/url][/size] [img][/img] [br][center]Hello! Thank you for checking out my shop![/center] [img][/img] [br][center][b]Slots: OPEN / [s]CLOSED[/s][/b][/center] [img][/img] [center][size=5][b]General rules/info:[/b][/size] [b]Note: I am currently reworking the adopt bases I have already created for full-body and busts to sport more details. All future bases will include details similar to those on the Mirror Bust adopt of Ranger I have on display. Obelisk and Coatl Busts, as well as Obelisk and Mirror full-bodies, will be updated and corrected when I have the chance to work on them. If you have ordered one of those before, or if I make any drastic changes in the future, I'll send you an updated one free of charge once their bases have been updated.[/b] Please wait for me to confirm your order before sending levels. [b]Send lvls to me via Private Auction at 1t.[/b] Art begins once half of the levels have been sent and will be sent once all levels are accounted for. I will work on orders in the order they are received. However, I will prioritize orders that have already been paid in full. Please credit the art to my profile or the thread. [b]To keep things tidy and concise, there are more examples of each art type on this [url=]dragon.[/url][/b] I may use completed artwork as examples for future Foddart runnings or art shops. If you would rather I don't, please let me know. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask![/center] [img][/img] [br][center][size=5]FR Full-body Adopt[/size][/center] [br][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [b]Description:[/b] A full-body adopt of any FR Dragon. Apparel and skin/accents are welcomed. I'm not used to doing full-bodies so it may take longer as I figure out anatomy and composition for various breeds. Apparel is hand drawn and colored every time. The only thing that really won't change is the composition of the dragon and its genes. [b]Size:[/b] 500x1000 [u][b]Pricing:[/b][/u] [b]Base price:[/b] 800 levels flat for all breeds, genes, and skins/accents. No need to unlock anything. [b]Apparel:[/b] 30 levels per apparel [b]Expected turn-around per piece:[/b] 2-14 days. [b]Slots:[/b] [LIST=1] [*]Thagomizer (1000/980) [*] [*] [/LIST] [br][center][img][/img] [center][br][size=5][b]Full-Body Order Form[/b][/size][/center] [left][quote]@ZeplenKing Full-body Order Username: Dragon: (Please include an image and/or ID of the dragon or morphology.) Skin/accents? Yes/no Apparel? Do you want to remove or add more apparel? Please list your additions or limitations here. Or both if you so wish. Custom alterations? Price: [/quote][/left] [br][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [br][center][size=5]FR Bust Adopt[/size][/center] [br][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [b]Description:[/b] A dragon bust adopt of any FR Dragon. Apparel and skin/accents are welcomed. Generally, I count any apparel/skins/accents that are around the neck area. Since wings don’t appear in my busts, I don’t count the apparel on them. If you want something specific to appear in the bust that normally doesn’t appear in that area (like a sword for instance), I can add it for a normal apparel charge. Just let me know in the order form. Apparel is hand drawn and colored every time. The only thing that won't change is the composition of the dragon and its genes. [b]Size:[/b] 500x500 [u][b]Pricing:[/b][/u] [b]Base price:[/b] 300 levels flat for all breeds and genes. No need to unlock anything. [b]Apparel:[/b] 30 levels per apparel [b]Skin/Accent:[/b] 50 levels [b]Expected turn-around per piece:[/b] 2-7 days. [b]Slots:[/b] 1. 2. 3. [br][center][img][/img] [center][br][size=5][b]Bust Order Form[/b][/size][/center] [left][quote]@ZeplenKing Bust Order Username: Dragon: (Please include an image and/or ID of the dragon or morphology.) Skin/accents? Yes/no Apparel? Do you want to remove or add more apparel? Please list your additions or limitations here. Or both if you so wish. Custom alterations? Price: [/quote][/left] [br][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [br][center][size=5]Baby Bleps[/size][/center] [br][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [b]Description:[/b] I’ve got three cats and a dog and they make some pretty adorable and derpy poses. So I decided, why not make some of their poses as FR hatchlings? And well, here we are: full-body, shaded, FR hatchling adopts with a cat-inspired blep. Currently, only Obelisks, Aberrations, Gaolers, Coatls, and Bogsneaks are unlocked. Skins/accents are welcomed. Apparel is not available. [b]Size:[/b] 350x350 [u][b]Pricing:[/b] [/u] [b]Base price:[/b] 150 levels [b]Skin/Accent:[/b] 30 levels [b]Unlock a new breed:[/b] 150 levels [b]Expected turn-around per piece:[/b] 1-7 days. [b]Slots:[/b] [LIST=1] [*] [*] [*] [/LIST] [br][center][img][/img] [center][br][size=5][b]Baby Blep Order Form[/b][/size][/center] [left][quote]@ZeplenKing Baby Blep Order Username: Dragon: (Please include an image and/or ID of the dragon or morphology.) Skin/accents? Yes/no Custom alterations? I am only doing simple alterations for Baby Bleps (ex. Adding a glow effect to the eyes, a mole, extra eyelashes, etc.). Price: [/quote][/left] [br][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][b]Pinglists[/size][/b][/center] [pinglist=37067][pinglist=38498] [pinglist=37066][pinglist=38499] [pinglist=37065][pinglist=38501]
DirectoryInstructions FAQSpreadsheet

Hello! Thank you for checking out my shop!




General rules/info:

Note: I am currently reworking the adopt bases I have already created for full-body and busts to sport more details. All future bases will include details similar to those on the Mirror Bust adopt of Ranger I have on display. Obelisk and Coatl Busts, as well as Obelisk and Mirror full-bodies, will be updated and corrected when I have the chance to work on them.

If you have ordered one of those before, or if I make any drastic changes in the future, I'll send you an updated one free of charge once their bases have been updated.

Please wait for me to confirm your order before sending levels.

Send lvls to me via Private Auction at 1t.

Art begins once half of the levels have been sent and will be sent once all levels are accounted for.

I will work on orders in the order they are received. However, I will prioritize orders that have already been paid in full.

Please credit the art to my profile or the thread.

To keep things tidy and concise, there are more examples of each art type on this dragon.

I may use completed artwork as examples for future Foddart runnings or art shops. If you would rather I don't, please let me know.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask!


FR Full-body Adopt


Description: A full-body adopt of any FR Dragon. Apparel and skin/accents are welcomed. I'm not used to doing full-bodies so it may take longer as I figure out anatomy and composition for various breeds. Apparel is hand drawn and colored every time. The only thing that really won't change is the composition of the dragon and its genes.

Size: 500x1000


Base price: 800 levels flat for all breeds, genes, and skins/accents. No need to unlock anything.

Apparel: 30 levels per apparel

Expected turn-around per piece: 2-14 days.

  1. Thagomizer (1000/980)


Full-Body Order Form

Full-body Order


Dragon: (Please include an image and/or ID of the dragon or morphology.)

Skin/accents? Yes/no

Apparel? Do you want to remove or add more apparel? Please list your additions or limitations here. Or both if you so wish.

Custom alterations?




FR Bust Adopt


Description: A dragon bust adopt of any FR Dragon. Apparel and skin/accents are welcomed. Generally, I count any apparel/skins/accents that are around the neck area. Since wings don’t appear in my busts, I don’t count the apparel on them. If you want something specific to appear in the bust that normally doesn’t appear in that area (like a sword for instance), I can add it for a normal apparel charge. Just let me know in the order form. Apparel is hand drawn and colored every time. The only thing that won't change is the composition of the dragon and its genes.

Size: 500x500


Base price: 300 levels flat for all breeds and genes. No need to unlock anything.

Apparel: 30 levels per apparel

Skin/Accent: 50 levels

Expected turn-around per piece: 2-7 days.




Bust Order Form

Bust Order


Dragon: (Please include an image and/or ID of the dragon or morphology.)

Skin/accents? Yes/no

Apparel? Do you want to remove or add more apparel? Please list your additions or limitations here. Or both if you so wish.

Custom alterations?




Baby Bleps


Description: I’ve got three cats and a dog and they make some pretty adorable and derpy poses. So I decided, why not make some of their poses as FR hatchlings? And well, here we are: full-body, shaded, FR hatchling adopts with a cat-inspired blep. Currently, only Obelisks, Aberrations, Gaolers, Coatls, and Bogsneaks are unlocked. Skins/accents are welcomed. Apparel is not available.

Size: 350x350


Base price: 150 levels

Skin/Accent: 30 levels

Unlock a new breed: 150 levels

Expected turn-around per piece: 1-7 days.



Baby Blep Order Form

Baby Blep Order


Dragon: (Please include an image and/or ID of the dragon or morphology.)

Skin/accents? Yes/no

Custom alterations? I am only doing simple alterations for Baby Bleps (ex. Adding a glow effect to the eyes, a mole, extra eyelashes, etc.).




vsz4f3l.pngMost active during 8:00 - 22:00 FR time.
Ln6jJrs.png librariesrpunk
FR +3
aka Ghost
[center][size=2][b][url=]Directory[/url] • [url=]Instructions[/url] •[url=] FAQ[/url] • [url=]Spreadsheet[/url][/size] [br][img][/img] [br][img][/img] [br][img][/img][/center] [br][center]hi, hello, welcome! it's my first time participating so bare with me! this shop is offering some simple chibis of dragon/gjinka/humanoid/furry characters! [emoji=pink star size=1][b]please ping me (@crowparts) for orders, but also know that much of this work will be drawn collaboratively with @nosferatus so please credit us both with any piece you recieve![/b][emoji=pink star size=1] make sure to send your payment to a receiver and not me![/center] [img][/img] [br][center]Slots: [b]OPEN[/b] / closed[/center] [img][/img] [br][center][size=5]SIMPLE CHIBI (limited appearal)[/size][/center] [br][center][img][/img][/center] [b]Price:[/b] 500 levels + 250 levels for additional characters (2 character maximum) [b]Description:[/b] fullbody chibi in color w/ moderate shading, can be dragon/gjinka/humanoid/furry, appearal will be limited/simplified. if you request multiple characters they will be interacting. [b]Slots(might add more depending on demand and time):[/b] 1. 2. 3. [img][/img] [br][center][size=5][b]FULL join ping[/b] LITTLE GUYS (dragons only)[/size][/center] [br][center][img][/img][/center] [b]Price:[/b] 250 levels [b]Description:[/b] a silly little dragon in full color, apparel is very limited to non, but if you would like glasses or a bow or a little treat that can be doable. you will recieve a 250x250 png as well as a 100x100 png for forum signatures [b]Slots(might add more depending on demand and time):[/b] 1. claimed - clovenheart - complete 2. claimed - saskia - complete 3. claimed - helviiryn - complete 4. claimed - nuztalgia - complete 5. claimed - rainbeetle - complete [b]Ping List:[/b] Join the pinglist for slot openings and future foddarts I join! (Or if you want a ping on opening day!) [pinglist=43815] [br][center][img][/img] [br][size=5][b]Order Form[/b][/size] [left][quote]@crowparts Username: ID: Comm Type: Dragon/Ref Link: Price:[/quote][/left] [br][img][/img][/center]

hi, hello, welcome! it's my first time participating so bare with me! this shop is offering some simple chibis of dragon/gjinka/humanoid/furry characters!

please ping me (@crowparts) for orders, but also know that much of this work will be drawn collaboratively with @nosferatus so please credit us both with any piece you recieve!

make sure to send your payment to a receiver and not me!


Slots: OPEN / closed


SIMPLE CHIBI (limited appearal)


Price: 500 levels + 250 levels for additional characters (2 character maximum)
Description: fullbody chibi in color w/ moderate shading, can be dragon/gjinka/humanoid/furry, appearal will be limited/simplified. if you request multiple characters they will be interacting.
Slots(might add more depending on demand and time):


FULL join ping LITTLE GUYS (dragons only)


Price: 250 levels
Description: a silly little dragon in full color, apparel is very limited to non, but if you would like glasses or a bow or a little treat that can be doable. you will recieve a 250x250 png as well as a 100x100 png for forum signatures
Slots(might add more depending on demand and time):
1. claimed - clovenheart - complete
2. claimed - saskia - complete
3. claimed - helviiryn - complete
4. claimed - nuztalgia - complete
5. claimed - rainbeetle - complete
Ping List:
Join the pinglist for slot openings and future foddarts I join! (Or if you want a ping on opening day!)


Order Form

Comm Type:
Dragon/Ref Link:

[center][size=2][b][url=]Directory[/url] • [url=]Instructions[/url] •[url=] FAQ[/url] • [url=]Spreadsheet[/url][/size] [br][img][/img] [br][img][/img] [br][img][/img] [/center] [br][center]Bring your dragon to the Oracle, Solstice, a celestial dragon who offers personalized blessings, wishes, and prophecies during lunisolar events. This Lunar New Year, allow her to guide your dragon with mystical fortune and spiritual wisdom for the year ahead![/center] [br][img][/img] [br][center][b]Slots: CLOSED[/b][/center] [center][b]1/30/25: Replies & Orders will be slower than usual for approx. 4 months. College Season[/b][/center] [img][/img] [br][center][size=5]Mini Lunar New Year Badge![/size][/center] [br][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [br][code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [b]Price:[/b] 7 levels via [url=]Private Auction[/url] or 10kt sent [url=!]directly[/url] [b]Description:[/b] A cute strand of red yarn with some shinies! Oh? What's this? It seems that there is a small cloud around the coins. Could it perhaps be embedded with the spirit of the Plague? [img][/img] [br][center][size=5]Lunar Blessings[/size][/center] [br][center][url=][img][/img][/url] [br][size=4][i][color=#c13c28]Whether [b]seeking[/b] prosperity, strength, or love, the Oracle’s words carry the glow of the moon and sun, tied with the promise of celestial [b]fortune.[/b] Your dragon’s journey begins here—step forward and let the stars decide their [b]fate[/b] for the new year. [br][b]Don't be shy...[/color][/i][/size][/center][/b] [quote=Sample Lunar Blessing (300 Words)] "Step forth, Child. Come into the candlelight," [i]She spoke softly to the young Veilspun cowering in the shadows, tucked behind the hair in his face. The youngling stepped forth, hesitate of his moves. The Oracle chuckled softly, shifting her weight on her claws while tucking in her tail beneath her. She breaths deeply and then exhales slowly. The Veilspun 's eyes widen in disbelief and awe at the sight of a vibrant violent mist seeping from the Bogsneak's nostrils.[/i] "Fear not," [i]Solstice murmured, her voice a lullaby of ancient warmth.[/i] "The mist reveals truths. It carries whispers from the stars, echoes of the past, and glimpses of what is yet to come." [i]The Veilspun 's breath hitched for a moment, his claws curling into the soft darkened earth beneath him.[/i] "What... what does it say about me?" [i]he whispered, his voice barely louder than the faint crackle of candlelight.[/i] [i]Solstice tilted her head, as if gazing upon the youngling. [/i]"Step closer," [i]she urged gently, her mist swirling in luminous patterns.[/i] "The stars have much to tell, but first, you must give into the light." [i]The Veilspun hesitated, his reflection flickering in the pools of Solstice's vibrant mist. Slowly, he edged forward, until the light bathed his scales. Solstice’s smirk grew wider as the mist curled around him, weaving intricate shapes and symbols in the air and illuminating his small figure. But then suddenly, her appraisal faded.[/i] "Fear. Something troubles you, doesn't it?" [i]Her voice was concreate now as the little Veilspun trembled in the light. They both knew.[/i] "Light itself." [i]Her voice turned to a dampened whisper.[/i] "You're going to have to become brave enough to wander in the light. Seek the light, Child. I fear, you may not get very far in a world that isn't enveloped in Shadow." [/quote] [b]Price:[/b] 40 levels [b][color=#c13c28]per dragon in an order[/color][/b] sent through a receiver or [url=]Private Auction[/url] [b]or[/b] 60kt sent [url=!]directly[/url] [b]Description:[/b] A short futuristic prediction of the new year in terms of your dragon's adventures! Will they face tragedy? Comedy? Romance? Fortune? Wealth? Catastrophe! [i]Only one way to find out...[/i] Lunar Blessings will be between 200-400 words in length. If your specific dragon has lore in their bio, Solstice will take that into account when her predictions are forming. [b]Slots: [color=#c13c28]Unlimited![/color][/b] Orders [b]after[/b] [color=#c13c28]Feb 1st, 23:59 FR[/color] will [b]NOT[/b] be accepted! [b]Ping List/Order Tracker:[/b] [LIST] [*] @feralrookie - done! [*] @Adrasci - payment received; halfway done [*] @Candeloro - done! [*] @ [*] @ [*] @ [*] @ [/LIST] [br][center][img][/img] [br][size=5][b]Order Forms[/b][/size] [left][quote=Mini Lunar New Year Badge!]@Lypryr Username: ID: Payment (Levels/Treasure):[/quote][/left] [left][quote=Lunar Blessings]@Lypryr Username: ID: Dragon(s): Anything they're curious about?: Payment:[/quote][/left] [b]If it makes it easier- You can copy/paste the Lunar Blessings order form multiple times in one message if you're purchasing multiple Blessings for different dragons![/b] [br][img][/img][/center]

Bring your dragon to the Oracle, Solstice, a celestial dragon who offers personalized blessings, wishes, and prophecies during lunisolar events. This Lunar New Year, allow her to guide your dragon with mystical fortune and spiritual wisdom for the year ahead!


1/30/25: Replies & Orders will be slower than usual for approx. 4 months. College Season


Mini Lunar New Year Badge!



Price: 7 levels via Private Auction or 10kt sent directly

Description: A cute strand of red yarn with some shinies! Oh? What's this? It seems that there is a small cloud around the coins. Could it perhaps be embedded with the spirit of the Plague?


Lunar Blessings


Whether seeking prosperity, strength, or love, the Oracle’s words carry the glow of the moon and sun, tied with the promise of celestial fortune. Your dragon’s journey begins here—step forward and let the stars decide their fate for the new year.

Don't be shy...

Sample Lunar Blessing (300 Words) wrote:
"Step forth, Child. Come into the candlelight," She spoke softly to the young Veilspun cowering in the shadows, tucked behind the hair in his face. The youngling stepped forth, hesitate of his moves. The Oracle chuckled softly, shifting her weight on her claws while tucking in her tail beneath her. She breaths deeply and then exhales slowly. The Veilspun 's eyes widen in disbelief and awe at the sight of a vibrant violent mist seeping from the Bogsneak's nostrils.

"Fear not," Solstice murmured, her voice a lullaby of ancient warmth. "The mist reveals truths. It carries whispers from the stars, echoes of the past, and glimpses of what is yet to come."

The Veilspun 's breath hitched for a moment, his claws curling into the soft darkened earth beneath him. "What... what does it say about me?" he whispered, his voice barely louder than the faint crackle of candlelight.

Solstice tilted her head, as if gazing upon the youngling. "Step closer," she urged gently, her mist swirling in luminous patterns. "The stars have much to tell, but first, you must give into the light."

The Veilspun hesitated, his reflection flickering in the pools of Solstice's vibrant mist. Slowly, he edged forward, until the light bathed his scales. Solstice’s smirk grew wider as the mist curled around him, weaving intricate shapes and symbols in the air and illuminating his small figure. But then suddenly, her appraisal faded.

"Fear. Something troubles you, doesn't it?" Her voice was concreate now as the little Veilspun trembled in the light. They both knew.

"Light itself." Her voice turned to a dampened whisper. "You're going to have to become brave enough to wander in the light. Seek the light, Child. I fear, you may not get very far in a world that isn't enveloped in Shadow."

Price: 40 levels per dragon in an order sent through a receiver or Private Auction or 60kt sent directly

Description: A short futuristic prediction of the new year in terms of your dragon's adventures! Will they face tragedy? Comedy? Romance? Fortune? Wealth? Catastrophe!

Only one way to find out...

Lunar Blessings will be between 200-400 words in length. If your specific dragon has lore in their bio, Solstice will take that into account when her predictions are forming.

Slots: Unlimited! Orders after Feb 1st, 23:59 FR will NOT be accepted!

Ping List/Order Tracker:


Order Forms
Mini Lunar New Year Badge! wrote:

Payment (Levels/Treasure):
Lunar Blessings wrote:

Anything they're curious about?:

If it makes it easier- You can copy/paste the Lunar Blessings order form multiple times in one message if you're purchasing multiple Blessings for different dragons!

[center][img][/img] [size=4]Status: [color=orange][b]OVER[/b][/color][/size] [i]Welcome to the catjinka shop![/i][/center] [center][url= ][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][size=4][200lvl] "Catjinka"[/size] [url=]example 2[/url] | [url=]example 3[/url] | [url=]example 4[/url] | [url=]example 5[/url] | [url=]example 6[/url][/center] I will turn your dragon/OC into a cat based on its genes and apparel. This won’t be 1:1, just inspired! [LIST] [*] 500x500 image [*] Not all apparel and skin details are going to be included. They are simplified and will only wear up to ~3 pieces of apparel depending on size and complexity. [*] If you’d like 2 heads for an Abberation, it’ll be +50 levels (unless you’d only like them to have one head) [/LIST] [center][url= ][img][/img][/url][/center] [size=4]Information:[/size] [LIST][*]By purchasing you agree to my [url=][b]Art TOS[/b][/url]. [*] TAT is within [b]3 months[/b] maximum from shop opening, usually within 2. ([b]26 April[/b]) [*] [size=4][b]Payment must be upfront[/size] and sent before the push ends. I won’t start until fully received. [*] No sketches or WIPs will be sent unless on request. [*] ~[b]100lvl :150kT : 150g : $1.50[/b] is my personal ratio. [b]Partial currency payment is okay if at least 50% are in levels![/b] Currency payments should be PM’d to me. [*] You can credit me as _spiritx on or SPRIT3 on BlueSky. [/LIST] [center][url= ][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][size=4]Order up![/size][/center] [columns][quote name=form] @SpiritX [i]I want a Catjinka![/i] Username: Dragon: Apparel: (I can pick instead, just say yes/no in that case) Notes: Background: (transparent or simple transparent bg?) [/quote][nextcol][quote name=slots]See all slots [url=][b]here[/b][/url]. [b]7/12[/b] full 1. all 2. done [b]3 slots per person[/b] maximum! I won’t do your order if levels aren’t sent during the push. [/quote][/columns] [center][url= ][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][pinglist=28737] [i]Want to be pinged for future catjinkas? [size=2]includes only new catjinka stalls.[/size][/i][/center] [center][img][/img] [i]Thanks for ordering![/i] [size=2]See previous orders [url=]here[/url]. [/center] [center][url= ][img][/img][/url][/center] [center]Like koi fishies and more badges? Check out the DOM [url=]Market[/url]! [img][/img] [pinglist=43867][/center]
Status: OVER
Welcome to the catjinka shop!
IMG-6425.png[200lvl] "Catjinka"
example 2 | example 3 | example 4 | example 5 | example 6
I will turn your dragon/OC into a cat based on its genes and apparel. This won’t be 1:1, just inspired!
  • 500x500 image
  • Not all apparel and skin details are going to be included. They are simplified and will only wear up to ~3 pieces of apparel depending on size and complexity.
  • If you’d like 2 heads for an Abberation, it’ll be +50 levels (unless you’d only like them to have one head)


  • By purchasing you agree to my Art TOS.
  • TAT is within 3 months maximum from shop opening, usually within 2. (26 April)
  • Payment must be upfront and sent before the push ends. I won’t start until fully received.
  • No sketches or WIPs will be sent unless on request.
  • ~100lvl :150kT : 150g : $1.50 is my personal ratio. Partial currency payment is okay if at least 50% are in levels! Currency payments should be PM’d to me.
  • You can credit me as _spiritx on or SPRIT3 on BlueSky.

Order up!
form wrote:
@SpiritX I want a Catjinka!

Apparel: (I can pick instead, just say yes/no in that case)
Background: (transparent or simple transparent bg?)
slots wrote:
See all slots here. 7/12 full

1. all
2. done

3 slots per person maximum!

I won’t do your order if levels aren’t sent during the push.


Want to be pinged for future catjinkas?
includes only new catjinka stalls.
Thanks for ordering!
See previous orders here.
Like koi fishies and more badges?
Check out the DOM Market!
xx Cv6WIk6.png
xx Crescent-Dream.png xxxxxtumblr_osr8u7mjpA1v8lm95o2_r1_100.gif