[Foddart] Riot of Rot Scrimshaw Scrawls

MadWhisperer's Clan
Hoarding items is so much fun (o v o)b
Clan Info
MadWhisperer, 21 yo~
Time zone: GMT +1 (FR +9)
Please don't mind my English.
Time zone: GMT +1 (FR +9)
Please don't mind my English.
You don't need to thank me for buying a dragon in AH, it might be for exalting purposes.

These two threads need to be revamped.

Old gems for sale -> http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/ibaz/1961317#post_1961317
Old inktober thread -> ***** INKTOBER SHOP HERE *****
Just keeping interesting threads here
Bubbling Brew Guide
Someone buying DV potatoes with gems
Make a wish: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/1939814/37

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Yeti brawler, Silvermane barbtail or Serpenta?