
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | what flight is your second pick?
i joined the site not really with the intention of playing that much so i kinda just picked a flight at random. idrk why i chose water but im glad i did! i dont have any plans to switch but i was curious what flights other people are tempted to change to, or would pick if they didn't love their flight so much!

for me i really love fire (i almost switched to fire like a year ago actually) and the graveyardish aesthetic of plague, so i would probably switch to either of those if i had to choose!
i joined the site not really with the intention of playing that much so i kinda just picked a flight at random. idrk why i chose water but im glad i did! i dont have any plans to switch but i was curious what flights other people are tempted to change to, or would pick if they didn't love their flight so much!

for me i really love fire (i almost switched to fire like a year ago actually) and the graveyardish aesthetic of plague, so i would probably switch to either of those if i had to choose!
I really like Nature's Worldedge Wetlands area and the gardens; so that might be my second pick. But ever since Luminax was placed on the World Map I've always wanted to visit Light too.
I really like Nature's Worldedge Wetlands area and the gardens; so that might be my second pick. But ever since Luminax was placed on the World Map I've always wanted to visit Light too.
Fishes __ she/her | +3 FR time
wishlist | avatar
I love light very much and have no plans to leave, but if I Had to leave I'd probably move to Wind. possibly Nature.
I love light very much and have no plans to leave, but if I Had to leave I'd probably move to Wind. possibly Nature.
Knick -- she/her -- FR+3
Sporadically active, chipping away at gene projects and familiar collecting.
I like cats, folk music, and rain. Always up for a chat!
I am in earth but I contemplate moving/vacationing in water all the time because I love soft beach vibes (funny because I don't really go to the beach much irl at all). I also have debated plague because they have such a nice community but their vibe doesn't really suit my lair aesthetic
I am in earth but I contemplate moving/vacationing in water all the time because I love soft beach vibes (funny because I don't really go to the beach much irl at all). I also have debated plague because they have such a nice community but their vibe doesn't really suit my lair aesthetic
FR +2
Fire for sure, if I could be in two flights at once it'd be fire and earth!
Fire for sure, if I could be in two flights at once it'd be fire and earth!
85212510.pngjeremy says hi
I almost went with Plague because I like red! But... Wind has always been my element.
I almost went with Plague because I like red! But... Wind has always been my element.
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i have no plans to ever leave wind but arcane has tempted me a few time. i loooove the glowy magical crystals aesthetics
i have no plans to ever leave wind but arcane has tempted me a few time. i loooove the glowy magical crystals aesthetics
megastar 4 ever whooo!!!
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Probably plague. Lore-wise I think lightning-plague lore would be neat (if I ever reboot my lore completely, that's the plan). They have a good dom scene and I've heard great things about the community. Only downside is that the eyes are not great for a lot of my pairs.

Alternately, shadow for eyes/banners/visual aesthetic.
Probably plague. Lore-wise I think lightning-plague lore would be neat (if I ever reboot my lore completely, that's the plan). They have a good dom scene and I've heard great things about the community. Only downside is that the eyes are not great for a lot of my pairs.

Alternately, shadow for eyes/banners/visual aesthetic.
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
I think shadow because I like purple and they have nice forests?
the darkness seems depressing, but seriously no other flight than nature and shadow have like a proper forest haha (I know the maps and banners are not literal full representations of the whole territories, but still! I need proper forests)
I think shadow because I like purple and they have nice forests?
the darkness seems depressing, but seriously no other flight than nature and shadow have like a proper forest haha (I know the maps and banners are not literal full representations of the whole territories, but still! I need proper forests)
~~~~ hello ^^ ~~~~
ara - 21 - she/any
pings and messages
always welcome :)

Accent: petals of violet
500g/kt each
I've been in light since 2013 and I don't plan to ever change, but Earth always seemed nice :)
I've been in light since 2013 and I don't plan to ever change, but Earth always seemed nice :)