
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [Biolocke] Saronai's Pinkerlore Quest
[center][size=7][b]Updated Dragon Appearance[/b][/size][/center] [br] This used to be its own pinglist, but with the drastic cut in my time on FR for the last few months and at least a month from now, I wanted less pinglists to maintain. So from here on out, the new dragon pinglist will get used whenever I make a significant update or change to any dragon's appearance as well. In this case, I'm talking about Ixia, who got a beautiful new skinax and a primary gene change to better blend with it. [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Ixia (she/they)[/center] -------- @pinglist-20417 [size=2](this list is pinged whenever I add a new perma-dragon to my collection)[/size]
Updated Dragon Appearance

This used to be its own pinglist, but with the drastic cut in my time on FR for the last few months and at least a month from now, I wanted less pinglists to maintain. So from here on out, the new dragon pinglist will get used whenever I make a significant update or change to any dragon's appearance as well.

In this case, I'm talking about Ixia, who got a beautiful new skinax and a primary gene change to better blend with it.
Ixia (she/they)

@Saronai's New Dragons
(this list is pinged whenever I add a new perma-dragon to my collection)
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][size=7][b]New Dragon[/b][/size][/center] [br] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Caltha (he/they)[/center] Not exactly the secondary colour I was hoping for with this project BUT I couldn't help but use this one over the Umber hatched last year that was waiting in the wings until recently. Mostly because I knew I wanted to use the Beltane accent on this project and I simply couldn't resist the Beltane hatched close enough version. Caltha here has been named for a popular genus of traditional Beltane flowers and decorated with many yellow flowers likewise significant to Beltane. He is part of a polycule of sanddollar/y/sanddollar dragons who primarily yield pretty much every secondary colour for their variety of jewelry box fae. Also chosen over the umber version because this one hatched with alloy, so I saved 1200g finishing him up. Mates: [url=]Morganite[/url] & [url=]Primaveral[/url] Metamours: [url=]Fiachra[/url] & [url=]Orlaith[/url] -------- @pinglist-20417 [size=2](this list is pinged whenever I add a new perma-dragon to my collection)[/size]
New Dragon

Caltha (he/they)

Not exactly the secondary colour I was hoping for with this project BUT I couldn't help but use this one over the Umber hatched last year that was waiting in the wings until recently. Mostly because I knew I wanted to use the Beltane accent on this project and I simply couldn't resist the Beltane hatched close enough version.

Caltha here has been named for a popular genus of traditional Beltane flowers and decorated with many yellow flowers likewise significant to Beltane. He is part of a polycule of sanddollar/y/sanddollar dragons who primarily yield pretty much every secondary colour for their variety of jewelry box fae. Also chosen over the umber version because this one hatched with alloy, so I saved 1200g finishing him up.

Mates: Morganite & Primaveral

Metamours: Fiachra & Orlaith
@Saronai's New Dragons
(this list is pinged whenever I add a new perma-dragon to my collection)
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][size=7][b]New Art[/b][/size][/center] [br] I've decided to also share new art as it is finished and added to dragon bios in my biolocke, regardless of whether or not it was a task for the day. Note: Sorry for pinging the wrong list just now. Corrected. This will include art I create, such as kscopes for my own dragons, but not the star badges, which will continue to get listed only at [url=]Ylli's Star Collection[/url]. The exception to that last is if I actually have a biolocke day pertaining to new art and I do a star badge to fill it. If you would like to see new art for my dragons as I obtain it, you can join the [url=]Saronai's Biolocke: Art Post[/url] pinglist. -------- Recently got finished full body gijinka art for Taibhse. The original coloring and line art can be viewed [url=]here[/url]. This lovely piece was done for me by [url=]skybluecoffee[/url] and edited with permission to tweak the colours used, add a magic effect and important quest item (the silver scale pendant), resize, and add a flipped image version of Ceo, Taibshe/Diem's familiar as portrayed by [url=]Bzoozu[/url]. Without further ado, Taibhse's new art as it appears in their bio: [center][img alt="Taibshe by skybluecoffee and Ceo by Bzoozu with minor edits by Saronai"][/img][/center] [right][size=2](Gijinka by [url=]skybluecoffee[/url], Kitty by [url=]Bzoozu[/url], minor edits by Saronai)[/size][/right] For this dragon: [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] -------- Also recently received, a lovely foddart piece commissioned from [url=]Megaria[/url] for my Wind elder, Mistral: [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img alt="Mistral headshot by Megaria"][/img][/center] [right][size=2]([url=]Source[/url])[/size][/right] -------- @pinglist-16397 [size=2](this list is pinged whenever I get or make new art to add to a dragon bio)[/size]
New Art

I've decided to also share new art as it is finished and added to dragon bios in my biolocke, regardless of whether or not it was a task for the day.

Note: Sorry for pinging the wrong list just now. Corrected.

This will include art I create, such as kscopes for my own dragons, but not the star badges, which will continue to get listed only at Ylli's Star Collection. The exception to that last is if I actually have a biolocke day pertaining to new art and I do a star badge to fill it. If you would like to see new art for my dragons as I obtain it, you can join the Saronai's Biolocke: Art Post pinglist.

Recently got finished full body gijinka art for Taibhse. The original coloring and line art can be viewed here.

This lovely piece was done for me by skybluecoffee and edited with permission to tweak the colours used, add a magic effect and important quest item (the silver scale pendant), resize, and add a flipped image version of Ceo, Taibshe/Diem's familiar as portrayed by Bzoozu.

Without further ado, Taibhse's new art as it appears in their bio:
Taibshe by skybluecoffee and Ceo by Bzoozu with minor edits by Saronai
(Gijinka by skybluecoffee, Kitty by Bzoozu, minor edits by Saronai)

For this dragon:

Also recently received, a lovely foddart piece commissioned from Megaria for my Wind elder, Mistral:
Mistral headshot by Megaria

@Saronai's Biolocke: Art Post
(this list is pinged whenever I get or make new art to add to a dragon bio)
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][size=7][b]New Art[/b][/size][/center] [br] Definitely didn't expect this project to be finished so quickly, but I already have another bit of fantastic art that got finished today to share. This time a chibi gijinka for Ylli, done by [url=]XXVeil[/url] It's so cute, I can't stop staring <3 Just lookit my sweet, kitty-moth alien himbo <3 [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img alt="Chibi Ylli by XXVeil"][/img][/center] [right][size=2]([url=]Source[/url])[/size][/right] -------- @pinglist-16397 [size=2](this list is pinged whenever I get or make new art to add to a dragon bio)[/size]
New Art

Definitely didn't expect this project to be finished so quickly, but I already have another bit of fantastic art that got finished today to share. This time a chibi gijinka for Ylli, done by XXVeil

It's so cute, I can't stop staring <3

Just lookit my sweet, kitty-moth alien himbo <3
Chibi Ylli by XXVeil

@Saronai's Biolocke: Art Post
(this list is pinged whenever I get or make new art to add to a dragon bio)
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][size=7][b]Updated Dragon Appearance[/b][/size][/center] [br] This used to be its own pinglist, but with the drastic cut in my time on FR for the last few months and at least a month from now, I wanted less pinglists to maintain. So from here on out, the new dragon pinglist will get used whenever I make a significant update or change to any dragon's appearance as well. In this case, I'm talking about Rutaceae, who I think is perfect for that new f wildclaw accent from GG2024, especially with the addition of some bees and a butterfly necklace <3 [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Rutaceae (zie/zem/zir)[/center] -------- @pinglist-20417 [size=2](this list is pinged whenever I add a new perma-dragon to my collection)[/size]
Updated Dragon Appearance

This used to be its own pinglist, but with the drastic cut in my time on FR for the last few months and at least a month from now, I wanted less pinglists to maintain. So from here on out, the new dragon pinglist will get used whenever I make a significant update or change to any dragon's appearance as well.

In this case, I'm talking about Rutaceae, who I think is perfect for that new f wildclaw accent from GG2024, especially with the addition of some bees and a butterfly necklace <3
Rutaceae (zie/zem/zir)

@Saronai's New Dragons
(this list is pinged whenever I add a new perma-dragon to my collection)
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][size=7][b]New Dragon[/b][/size][/center] [br] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] Aisling (they/she/he)[/center] Unplanned realization when trying on the new BSJ m aether accent on various dragons, I clicked on this forgotten TMC one by accident and was like oh that's really nice. But I wanted faceted eyes *and* Monarch without the expense of either. Lucky me there was this lovely little sanddollar/sanddollar/ivory for only 30g on the AH who fit exactly what I wanted. And then, of course, as is my tendency, while figuring out a name I went down a rabbit hole of two hours worth of related research you can read in their bio if you're curious. Now I just need to talk myself out of keeping another mulberry gold aether for the one I meant to look at: [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] So very tempted. I might post this one for like 250g which is actually cheaper than buying one of his siblings and a vial of fractal sight, but more importantly is probably my threshold for "alright you can have him for that, otherwise I'll keep him" lol. Since I own the near-identical parents minus accents, I really do not need another mulberry/gold aether...right? Right??? [size=1]...right?[/size] -------- @pinglist-20417 [size=2](this list is pinged whenever I add a new perma-dragon to my collection)[/size]
New Dragon

Aisling (they/she/he)

Unplanned realization when trying on the new BSJ m aether accent on various dragons, I clicked on this forgotten TMC one by accident and was like oh that's really nice. But I wanted faceted eyes *and* Monarch without the expense of either. Lucky me there was this lovely little sanddollar/sanddollar/ivory for only 30g on the AH who fit exactly what I wanted.

And then, of course, as is my tendency, while figuring out a name I went down a rabbit hole of two hours worth of related research you can read in their bio if you're curious.

Now I just need to talk myself out of keeping another mulberry gold aether for the one I meant to look at:

So very tempted. I might post this one for like 250g which is actually cheaper than buying one of his siblings and a vial of fractal sight, but more importantly is probably my threshold for "alright you can have him for that, otherwise I'll keep him" lol. Since I own the near-identical parents minus accents, I really do not need another mulberry/gold aether...right? Right???

@Saronai's New Dragons
(this list is pinged whenever I add a new perma-dragon to my collection)
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons