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TOPIC | KitC (discussion - waitlist open!)
Username: Starwindrider Dragon Name: Jinyu Pronouns: He/Him Breed: Imperial (Koi) Rank: Koi Adeptus Image: [url=][img][/img][/url] Short Description: Jinyu is a koi adeptus, much like [url=]Fujin[/url], the carp adeptus in Genshin Impact. He is one of the immortals on Mount Xianyun, a region in my lore, and leads a school of spirit koi. His dragon form is that of an Imperial, though parts of his body are covered in glimmering fish scales rather than dragon scales. He wears bracelets and rings on his claws, all visible on his equipped accent. A small spirit koi, one of his school, swims around him at all times. As a koi, Jinyu is golden and white in colour, much like the other koi in his school. When he is the same size as the other koi, it will be virtually impossible to distinguish him from the rest, except for the fact that he leaves a trail of glimmer while the rest do not. However, Jinyu is able to vary his size, an ability that the other koi do not have. His maximum size is one-third of his Imperial form, and his minimum size is that of the koi visible on his accent (which is also the size of the other koi in his school). Jinyu does not use any elemental magic. Instead, he uses adeptal energy. He can use it for purification against dark/corruptive magic (much like the miasma on Chenyu Vale). He can also use it for levitating small, solid objects like teapots. It is worth noting that since he is only a koi adeptus, his power isn't very strong. He prefers to do things diplomatically. When forced into violent/physical confrontations he cannot avoid, he will opt to flee and preserve the safety of his school. Jinyu rarely travels with his entire school. However, he can use adeptal energy to summon them to him if needed. The amount of energy expended is proportional to the number of koi summoned. The entire school is a giant family, all related by blood. Familiar: NIL Will you devote time to this game for as long as it will run (1-3 months is standard), and are you aware that if you are idle, you will be removed?: Yes
Username: Starwindrider
Dragon Name: Jinyu
Pronouns: He/Him
Breed: Imperial (Koi)
Rank: Koi Adeptus

Short Description:
Jinyu is a koi adeptus, much like Fujin, the carp adeptus in Genshin Impact. He is one of the immortals on Mount Xianyun, a region in my lore, and leads a school of spirit koi.

His dragon form is that of an Imperial, though parts of his body are covered in glimmering fish scales rather than dragon scales. He wears bracelets and rings on his claws, all visible on his equipped accent. A small spirit koi, one of his school, swims around him at all times.

As a koi, Jinyu is golden and white in colour, much like the other koi in his school. When he is the same size as the other koi, it will be virtually impossible to distinguish him from the rest, except for the fact that he leaves a trail of glimmer while the rest do not. However, Jinyu is able to vary his size, an ability that the other koi do not have. His maximum size is one-third of his Imperial form, and his minimum size is that of the koi visible on his accent (which is also the size of the other koi in his school).

Jinyu does not use any elemental magic. Instead, he uses adeptal energy. He can use it for purification against dark/corruptive magic (much like the miasma on Chenyu Vale). He can also use it for levitating small, solid objects like teapots. It is worth noting that since he is only a koi adeptus, his power isn't very strong. He prefers to do things diplomatically. When forced into violent/physical confrontations he cannot avoid, he will opt to flee and preserve the safety of his school.

Jinyu rarely travels with his entire school. However, he can use adeptal energy to summon them to him if needed. The amount of energy expended is proportional to the number of koi summoned. The entire school is a giant family, all related by blood.

Familiar: NIL
Will you devote time to this game for as long as it will run (1-3 months is standard), and are you aware that if you are idle, you will be removed?: Yes
xxxxx32302.png xxxxxxxxxxx star | she/her | fr +15
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xlxdisplay dragon
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxkillers in the clan
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xlxfamiliar trading hub
Username: AmethystGrove Dragon Name: Evergreen Pronouns: She/her Breed: Skydancer Rank: Nature Bonded Image: [url=][img][/img][/url] Short Description: Evergreen was a skydancer who grew up incredibly close to the Wild Sanctum within the Gladekeeper’s domain, and the influx of nature magic she grew up so close to allows her to have a special bond with the flora and fauna around her. The skydancer of arcane origin finds herself having more affinity towards the nature element, being able to communicate and feel the conditions of the plants and animals around her, even beasts who aren’t normally considered sapient. Because of this, she has lost her touch with her arcane magic, and found a proficiency with nature magic now. Evergreen has always had a rough history with other dragons around her. When she was growing up in the Starfall Isles, she was socially awkward and ill-adjusted to public spaces since she was a hatchling, and relentless ridicule from her young arcane peers has made her hold dragons with contempt, even after her clan moved far away to the Viridian Labrynth. She comes off snappy to others, standoffish, even haughty now, but she truly just doesn’t want to be hurt again, and anyone who shares her adoration towards nature is a friend in her heart. Familiar: [columns] [item=Toad Companion] [nextcol] A little toad she keeps with herself constantly that she calls, well, Toad. He’s a friendly little lad who will be always found at Evergreen’s shoulder, and she often holds him in her claws and pets his skin whenever she’s overwhelmed. [/columns] Will you devote time to this game for as long as it will run (1-3 months is standard), and are you aware that if you are idle, you will be removed?: Yes!
Username: AmethystGrove
Dragon Name: Evergreen
Pronouns: She/her
Breed: Skydancer
Rank: Nature Bonded

Short Description: Evergreen was a skydancer who grew up incredibly close to the Wild Sanctum within the Gladekeeper’s domain, and the influx of nature magic she grew up so close to allows her to have a special bond with the flora and fauna around her. The skydancer of arcane origin finds herself having more affinity towards the nature element, being able to communicate and feel the conditions of the plants and animals around her, even beasts who aren’t normally considered sapient. Because of this, she has lost her touch with her arcane magic, and found a proficiency with nature magic now.

Evergreen has always had a rough history with other dragons around her. When she was growing up in the Starfall Isles, she was socially awkward and ill-adjusted to public spaces since she was a hatchling, and relentless ridicule from her young arcane peers has made her hold dragons with contempt, even after her clan moved far away to the Viridian Labrynth. She comes off snappy to others, standoffish, even haughty now, but she truly just doesn’t want to be hurt again, and anyone who shares her adoration towards nature is a friend in her heart.

Toad Companion
A little toad she keeps with herself constantly that she calls, well, Toad. He’s a friendly little lad who will be always found at Evergreen’s shoulder, and she often holds him in her claws and pets his skin whenever she’s overwhelmed.

Will you devote time to this game for as long as it will run (1-3 months is standard), and are you aware that if you are idle, you will be removed?: Yes!
PDT/UTC -7 Timezone
Username: lunarstarclan Dragon Name: Eclipsewing Pronouns: she/her Breed: mirror Rank: Fierce Fighter Image: [url=][img][/img][/url] Short Description: Eclipsewing was always fierce and had an overwhelming urge to prove herself. She always acts before she thinks, resulting in many fights and arguments. Once she gets angry, she would shred anybody. If you make her wait too long for something, you may end up fatally wounded. The only soft spot she has is for younger dragons -- hatchlings, specifically. She would engage in fun games with them. However, letting her with a normal dragon that seems like a threat could make her fight instantly. Hatchlings are safe in her talons but not dragons. There is still a small chance for her to be kind, though. For her to be kind, you would have to negotiate some useful resources with her. Unless she is in dire states, that will happen. She prefers being alone to being surrounded by loud, nosy, annoying dragons. Familiar (if applicable): (*Do note that if you list your familiar here, it will be assumed to be part of the game/RP) Crimson (Valorous Cape) Will you devote time to this game for as long as it will run (1-3 months is standard), and are you aware that if you are idle, you will be removed?: Yes
Username: lunarstarclan
Dragon Name: Eclipsewing
Pronouns: she/her
Breed: mirror
Rank: Fierce Fighter
Short Description: Eclipsewing was always fierce and had an overwhelming urge to prove herself. She always acts before she thinks, resulting in many fights and arguments.

Once she gets angry, she would shred anybody. If you make her wait too long for something, you may end up fatally wounded. The only soft spot she has is for younger dragons -- hatchlings, specifically. She would engage in fun games with them.

However, letting her with a normal dragon that seems like a threat could make her fight instantly. Hatchlings are safe in her talons but not dragons. There is still a small chance for her to be kind, though. For her to be kind, you would have to negotiate some useful resources with her. Unless she is in dire states, that will happen.

She prefers being alone to being surrounded by loud, nosy, annoying dragons.
Familiar (if applicable): (*Do note that if you list your familiar here, it will be assumed to be part of the game/RP) Crimson (Valorous Cape)
Will you devote time to this game for as long as it will run (1-3 months is standard), and are you aware that if you are idle, you will be removed?: Yes
a lot of things about me~
YMPbu9R.pngFemale (Pastel pink)She/Her (Red)Straight (Pink heart)TeTaMBl.pngZuBLVsz.pngYHPKhPJ.pngQUIpVFE.pngsNuSVZA.pngEB9jVcQ.pngrI18gRz.pngqhK4FYS.pngmWCEbQu.pngWFpPzZn.pngoaolHwW.pngkHBaXec.pngF10c885.pngLGvol4P.png09k9uZv.pngk3PfQGk.pngqeWy3Ik.pngO6cEDNG.pngFcevfEX.pngUhnDhXp.png
[b]Username[/b]: Storia [b]Dragon Name[/b]: Flora [b]Pronouns[/b]: she/her [b]Breed[/b]: auraboa [b]Rank[/b]: garden spirit [emoji=rose size=1] (<-- this emoji please) [b]Image[/b]: [url=][img][/img][/url] ps: Flora has the auraboa fangs, but they are retractable and don't have venom since she's a spirit and technically not a dragon. [b]Short Description[/b]: Flora is a nature spirit, but unlike some of her kin, her purpose wasn’t to roam the wilderness - her domain was within quaint little gardens that mortal dragons loved tending to. She protects the flowers from being rudely plucked from their stems without permission, freshly planted crops from being trampled over, and any unsavory character that damages the garden or its owner in any way, be it a bug or god forbid, fire-breathing dragons. She takes the physical form of a tiny Auraboa hatchling, but is not shy about revealing her true nature as a spirit - it’s simply the vessel she has had the most success with being approachable to mortals, and the one that she has made permanent while she remains. Should her physical body sustain lethal damage, or when she simply chooses to return to her original form, Flora turns into a pale green wisp with pink flower petals drifting in the wind. If physically killed, it would take some time before she can assume the form of the adorable Auraboa hatchling most know her as again, and while being a spirit meant real wounds are nonexistent, her powers would be significantly drained while the vessel reforms itself. Being one with nature meant that her knowledge with every bit of plant life is infinite; Flora knows every flower’s name (yes, even their scientific ones), every property of a leaf with just a single glance, and despite animals not being her main thing, she has much more knowledge of fauna than the common dragon, with the ability to even communicate with birds. However, in every other aspect of life, she is equally as clueless as any other hatchling, and her social capabilities are identical to one about 4 years out of their shell (she cannot write and can barely read, for example). She is very honest and frank, but also friendly, playful and affectionate as long as one respects the gardens she’s protecting. (as long as you aren't a fire dragon. she is quick to judge those, but you can still win her over - it is just much harder.) Flora can make plants sprout from the earth at will, but her capabilities are constrained by her size (she can grow multiple flowers and patches of grass just fine, but cannot raise a giant tree from nothing or summon vines longer than she is). Her blue eyes are just for show - she is not elementally aligned with water nor can she use magic. She can, however, summon a small cloud of rain to keep the plants hydrated. Her biggest weakness is fire - she despises it, and will never get close to it on her own accord since she's particularly flammable. Fire is a forest's greatest enemy, after all. Her physical capabilities are also close to zero - there's no chance she's lifting any item larger than herself without help. Flora is immune to any natural diseases. [b]Familiar (if applicable)[/b]: Bud (she/her), a [gamedb item=23279] that despite being different magical beasts of nature, is who Flora considers a sister. She's the size of an average domestic house cat, chirps like a canary and is able to perfectly communicate with Flora. They bicker and care for each other like all siblings, and while unquestionably loyal, do not always agree. Bud does not approve of Flora's temper tantrums whenever she sees a fire dragon remotely close to their vicinity, for example. She also finds Flora's attempts at extinguishing every flame in sight amusing, for her rain shower is often not even remotely enough. Bud consumes insects and is basically the free insecticide that comes with Flora's company. Unlike Flora herself, Bud can only really make flowers sprout, and she tends to offer unfairly assaulted fire dragons one as a sign of apology and goodwill. [b]Will you devote time to this game for as long as it will run (1-3 months is standard), and are you aware that if you are idle, you will be removed?[/b]: o7
Username: Storia
Dragon Name: Flora
Pronouns: she/her
Breed: auraboa
Rank: garden spirit (<-- this emoji please)

ps: Flora has the auraboa fangs, but they are retractable and don't have venom since she's a spirit and technically not a dragon.

Short Description: Flora is a nature spirit, but unlike some of her kin, her purpose wasn’t to roam the wilderness - her domain was within quaint little gardens that mortal dragons loved tending to. She protects the flowers from being rudely plucked from their stems without permission, freshly planted crops from being trampled over, and any unsavory character that damages the garden or its owner in any way, be it a bug or god forbid, fire-breathing dragons.

She takes the physical form of a tiny Auraboa hatchling, but is not shy about revealing her true nature as a spirit - it’s simply the vessel she has had the most success with being approachable to mortals, and the one that she has made permanent while she remains. Should her physical body sustain lethal damage, or when she simply chooses to return to her original form, Flora turns into a pale green wisp with pink flower petals drifting in the wind. If physically killed, it would take some time before she can assume the form of the adorable Auraboa hatchling most know her as again, and while being a spirit meant real wounds are nonexistent, her powers would be significantly drained while the vessel reforms itself.

Being one with nature meant that her knowledge with every bit of plant life is infinite; Flora knows every flower’s name (yes, even their scientific ones), every property of a leaf with just a single glance, and despite animals not being her main thing, she has much more knowledge of fauna than the common dragon, with the ability to even communicate with birds. However, in every other aspect of life, she is equally as clueless as any other hatchling, and her social capabilities are identical to one about 4 years out of their shell (she cannot write and can barely read, for example). She is very honest and frank, but also friendly, playful and affectionate as long as one respects the gardens she’s protecting. (as long as you aren't a fire dragon. she is quick to judge those, but you can still win her over - it is just much harder.)

Flora can make plants sprout from the earth at will, but her capabilities are constrained by her size (she can grow multiple flowers and patches of grass just fine, but cannot raise a giant tree from nothing or summon vines longer than she is). Her blue eyes are just for show - she is not elementally aligned with water nor can she use magic. She can, however, summon a small cloud of rain to keep the plants hydrated. Her biggest weakness is fire - she despises it, and will never get close to it on her own accord since she's particularly flammable. Fire is a forest's greatest enemy, after all. Her physical capabilities are also close to zero - there's no chance she's lifting any item larger than herself without help. Flora is immune to any natural diseases.

Familiar (if applicable):
Bud (she/her), a Flower Nymph that despite being different magical beasts of nature, is who Flora considers a sister. She's the size of an average domestic house cat, chirps like a canary and is able to perfectly communicate with Flora. They bicker and care for each other like all siblings, and while unquestionably loyal, do not always agree. Bud does not approve of Flora's temper tantrums whenever she sees a fire dragon remotely close to their vicinity, for example. She also finds Flora's attempts at extinguishing every flame in sight amusing, for her rain shower is often not even remotely enough. Bud consumes insects and is basically the free insecticide that comes with Flora's company. Unlike Flora herself, Bud can only really make flowers sprout, and she tends to offer unfairly assaulted fire dragons one as a sign of apology and goodwill.

Will you devote time to this game for as long as it will run (1-3 months is standard), and are you aware that if you are idle, you will be removed?: o7
my name is essence, your local gay unicorn!

Hey!! So sorry, but could I be moved to Game 40's waitlist? Some irl stuff came up, and I don't feel like I could keep up with a game currently. ^^

Hey!! So sorry, but could I be moved to Game 40's waitlist? Some irl stuff came up, and I don't feel like I could keep up with a game currently. ^^

Arlo's Ancient Artifacts Research Notes Giveaway!
@SpiritsoftheSun No worries! Thanks for letting us know, I have moved you to the next waitlist. ^^

@Trueterror Since we have had someone leave game 39, you're next in line to sign up! Please submit your form within the next 48 hours! :D
@SpiritsoftheSun No worries! Thanks for letting us know, I have moved you to the next waitlist. ^^

@Trueterror Since we have had someone leave game 39, you're next in line to sign up! Please submit your form within the next 48 hours! :D


@Sonderwalk @ChaoticFriendzy @Olgami

Reminder that y'all have less than 24 hours to get your forms in!
@Sonderwalk @ChaoticFriendzy @Olgami

Reminder that y'all have less than 24 hours to get your forms in!
[b]Username:[/b] TrueTerror [b]Dragon Name:[/b] Shell [b]Pronouns:[/b] She/Her [b]Breed:[/b] Gaoler [b]Rank:[/b] Local Goon [b]Image:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Short Description:[/b] Big, battle-scarred, and boisterous, Shell makes any room she's in a lot louder. She's a professional henchman, and hops from job to job depending on success, pay, and loyalty to her employers. She's done more than her fair share of walloping in the past, and has been beaten to the brink of death herself once or twice. Although brawny and proud, Shell is still nobody's fool. She's clever and quick-witted, and is able to recognize when she's in too deep, at which point she'll retreat. Shell relies on her sheer brawn to win a fight- either by sweeping in from the front or barreling in from the flank. She is by no means sneaky, but has accepted that she doesn't need to be. Shell may have chosen a rough-and-tumble position, but she has a good soul- at least when she isn't breaking folks in two. She's loud and slightly obnoxious, but also incredibly friendly and loyal. If you're not her enemy, then you're her friend, in her eyes. She won't pass up an opportunity to recruit dragons into her "goon union," either. They have incredible dental, for all the times your teeth get knocked out. [b]Familiar:[/b] Abe, a flesh forager. The gryphon has been with Shell for quite some time now, and is incredibly affectionate. Shell jokes that he's just waiting for the day she dies, and maybe he is, but Abe may also genuinely love the gaoler. Nobody knows. It's hard to tell. [b]Will you devote time to this game for as long as it will run (1-3 months is standard), and are you aware that if you are idle, you will be removed?: [/b]Oh yea
Username: TrueTerror
Dragon Name: Shell
Pronouns: She/Her
Breed: Gaoler
Rank: Local Goon

Short Description:
Big, battle-scarred, and boisterous, Shell makes any room she's in a lot louder. She's a professional henchman, and hops from job to job depending on success, pay, and loyalty to her employers. She's done more than her fair share of walloping in the past, and has been beaten to the brink of death herself once or twice.

Although brawny and proud, Shell is still nobody's fool. She's clever and quick-witted, and is able to recognize when she's in too deep, at which point she'll retreat. Shell relies on her sheer brawn to win a fight- either by sweeping in from the front or barreling in from the flank. She is by no means sneaky, but has accepted that she doesn't need to be.

Shell may have chosen a rough-and-tumble position, but she has a good soul- at least when she isn't breaking folks in two. She's loud and slightly obnoxious, but also incredibly friendly and loyal. If you're not her enemy, then you're her friend, in her eyes. She won't pass up an opportunity to recruit dragons into her "goon union," either. They have incredible dental, for all the times your teeth get knocked out.

Familiar: Abe, a flesh forager. The gryphon has been with Shell for quite some time now, and is incredibly affectionate. Shell jokes that he's just waiting for the day she dies, and maybe he is, but Abe may also genuinely love the gaoler. Nobody knows. It's hard to tell.

Will you devote time to this game for as long as it will run (1-3 months is standard), and are you aware that if you are idle, you will be removed?: Oh yea
Wishlist -->Untitled1133-20231107165239.png
[b]Username:[/b] Sonderwalk [b]Dragon Name:[/b] Ritaj [b]Pronouns:[/b] He/Him [b]Breed:[/b] Pearlcatcher [b]Rank:[/b] Cartographer [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Short Description:[/b] Ritaj is often found in his room, smudged with ink, crafting a new map someone commissioned him to make. He draws all of them out by claw, and they are very high quality—painstakingly measured out and intricately designed. The Pearlcatcher refuses to use any magical “shortcuts” while making his maps. Ritaj’s manners are impeccable, and his voice is rich and silky. It has a bit of a calming effect on some of the more emotional dragons in the clan; he is always quick to comfort them with soothing words or a hug. Despite working with maps and easily-staining ink, the Pearlcatcher keeps his pearl in pristine condition. It is always clean and gleaming, and usually sits on a shelf near his nest while he works. He is a few years younger than Kreedline, but the two like to get together to chat about places in Sornieth they haven’t been to yet. Ritaj knows a small amount of basic self-defense, but has never specialized in any particular weapon. He knows some magic, but mainly the artsy and basic carrying kind. He happens to be Bahari’s cousin-in-law(her husband’s cousin). [b]Familiar[/b]: N/A (He technically has a fancy globe, but I doubt it’s sentient or anything so it doesn’t matter) [rule] [b]Will you devote time to this game for as long as it will run, and are you aware that if you are idle, you will be removed?:[/b] Yep
Username: Sonderwalk

Dragon Name: Ritaj

Pronouns: He/Him

Breed: Pearlcatcher

Rank: Cartographer


Short Description:

Ritaj is often found in his room, smudged with ink, crafting a new map someone commissioned him to make. He draws all of them out by claw, and they are very high quality—painstakingly measured out and intricately designed. The Pearlcatcher refuses to use any magical “shortcuts” while making his maps. Ritaj’s manners are impeccable, and his voice is rich and silky. It has a bit of a calming effect on some of the more emotional dragons in the clan; he is always quick to comfort them with soothing words or a hug.

Despite working with maps and easily-staining ink, the Pearlcatcher keeps his pearl in pristine condition. It is always clean and gleaming, and usually sits on a shelf near his nest while he works. He is a few years younger than Kreedline, but the two like to get together to chat about places in Sornieth they haven’t been to yet.

Ritaj knows a small amount of basic self-defense, but has never specialized in any particular weapon. He knows some magic, but mainly the artsy and basic carrying kind. He happens to be Bahari’s cousin-in-law(her husband’s cousin).

Familiar: N/A (He technically has a fancy globe, but I doubt it’s sentient or anything so it doesn’t matter)

Will you devote time to this game for as long as it will run, and are you aware that if you are idle, you will be removed?: Yep

Username: Olgami Dragon Name: Bahari Pronouns: She/Her Breed: Pearlcatcher Rank: Housewife? [url=][img][/img][/url] Short Description: She's married to a Coliseum fighter named SriLanka, she likes to dance and enjoys learning new dances, but only in private. She finds satisfaction in cooking meals for her husband. She's mostly a housewife and she likes kids. She's loyal, passionate and a little shy. Her canon age is 24. Ritaj is her cousin-in-law. Familiar: Snappish Planting named Moondust. It basically takes care of itself, and she’s very happy about that because most things she plants end up dying. It drinks its own water and Bahari feeds her scraps from her plate sometimes. Doesn’t like anybody but her, and acts as cute room decor. ————————- Will you devote time to this game for as long as it will run, and are you aware that if you are idle, you will be removed?: yes!
Username: Olgami

Dragon Name: Bahari

Pronouns: She/Her

Breed: Pearlcatcher

Rank: Housewife?


Short Description: She's married to a Coliseum fighter named SriLanka, she likes to dance and enjoys learning new dances, but only in private. She finds satisfaction in cooking meals for her husband. She's mostly a housewife and she likes kids. She's loyal, passionate and a little shy. Her canon age is 24. Ritaj is her cousin-in-law.

Familiar: Snappish Planting named Moondust. It basically takes care of itself, and she’s very happy about that because most things she plants end up dying. It drinks its own water and Bahari feeds her scraps from her plate sometimes. Doesn’t like anybody but her, and acts as cute room decor.

Will you devote time to this game for as long as it will run, and are you aware that if you are idle, you will be removed?: yes!