Moving Makeovers: Introducing 'Effects'!

Sonderwalk's Clan
[Insert something witty and cool]
Clan Info
“About Me” section? In progress
Formerly SilverSong92
Profile avatar dragon is Nakai, in the Clan Council tab~
I’M STILL HERE BY THE WAY (12/12/24) , I JUST DON’T ALWAYS FEED MY DRAGONS !! -Feel free to still contact me here, I'll see it ^^
So uhh heyo I’m an artist, writer, and beginner-animator who really likes dragons :> What else is there to say?
Oh yes, I have severe procrastination issues
And I have a YT channel yippee ki yaya
See art examples on my website/commissions page!
Soli Deo gloria! I'd like to glorify God with everything that I create and do ^^
As of 3-5-2022, I've been somewhat less active for a while. However, I'd still like very much to finish at least Phase I of my lore, if possible ~
I had so many plans for Phase II, but sadly, I think it’s unlikely to make it :/
As of 8-18-2021:

Wait why does it say 2012–
As of 8-16-2021, Finished giving every single one of my [lore] dragons a scene; all 63 of them :)
(Many thanks to everybody who helped me obtain all those Wind scenes!! Wow!)
Current Lore Phase: I
(Trying to fill out all of my dragons' templates!)
As of July 10, 2020: I made a Wishlist!
As of May 10, 2020: I refuse to accept that the clan is now apparently placed in the Reedcleft Ascent.
Note to Mods: Um, I access FR from multiple different devices ? Oh and I moved recently
Warning ~ All this clan intro profile stuff is pretty outdated.. I’ll update it later.
({Note: Keep in mind... none of my dragons have lore-established parents or offspring in the clan unless specifically otherwise stated.})
Threads ~
The Heist - Lore Story
Draw Hybrid Creatures
Adopt Shop
We are the SilverSong Clan. Don’t ask why, it just... sounded nice? We kinda hate the name, but it stuck. Our clan is still small, and working hard to grow. Ally requests are always welcome; we love to connect with other clans. Nakai, our leader, has connections with certain BeastClan species and sometimes uses it for trading and/or obtaining important materials we might need. Many members in our clan have talents and passions for music and art, as well as a general love of the outdoors. The Clan Council works very hard to help the rest of the clan working together as a team and to nurture the younger members. We are a cheerful little group, and currently house about 60 - 65 dragons in our network of tunnels, which wind into and underneath a large section of the Zephyr Steppes.
Clan Council Members:
Nakai ~ Clan Leader
Fiber ~ Head Advisor
Gethin ~ Advisor - Treasurer - Mediator
Andromedai ~ Advisor - Strategist
Nimh ~ Strategist... ? - Banescale Ambassador
Síocháin ~ Tactician… ? - Banescale Ambassador
Alec ~ Advisor - Historian
Cordial ~ Advisor - Mechanical Genius
Stoirm ~ Advisor - ?
Winter ~ Gaoler Ambassador
Jubilee ~ Obelisk Ambassador
The Clan Council meets once every other week, or whenever needed. The first few members were chosen by Nakai, while others were voted in by the rest of the clan. They help Nakai to decide what is best for the clan, changes in it, and the way it is run. They can overrule her if they believe she has made a bad decision.
Personal Links ~
BBCode Stuff
General Coli Guide
Golem Workshop Guide
Cool Art Shop
W.I.P. Stuff
I dunno
More W.I.P. Stuff
Note: my dragons’ bio templates were all coded by yours truly.
Raychel is my cousin <3
And Olgami is my sister <3
AKA sorry if our accounts come up as suspicious or something, don’t worry we’re following all the rules! ^^
Formerly SilverSong92
Profile avatar dragon is Nakai, in the Clan Council tab~
I’M STILL HERE BY THE WAY (12/12/24) , I JUST DON’T ALWAYS FEED MY DRAGONS !! -Feel free to still contact me here, I'll see it ^^
So uhh heyo I’m an artist, writer, and beginner-animator who really likes dragons :> What else is there to say?
Oh yes, I have severe procrastination issues
And I have a YT channel yippee ki yaya
See art examples on my website/commissions page!
Soli Deo gloria! I'd like to glorify God with everything that I create and do ^^
As of 3-5-2022, I've been somewhat less active for a while. However, I'd still like very much to finish at least Phase I of my lore, if possible ~
I had so many plans for Phase II, but sadly, I think it’s unlikely to make it :/
As of 8-18-2021:

As of 8-16-2021, Finished giving every single one of my [lore] dragons a scene; all 63 of them :)
(Many thanks to everybody who helped me obtain all those Wind scenes!! Wow!)
Current Lore Phase: I
(Trying to fill out all of my dragons' templates!)
As of July 10, 2020: I made a Wishlist!
As of May 10, 2020: I refuse to accept that the clan is now apparently placed in the Reedcleft Ascent.
Note to Mods: Um, I access FR from multiple different devices ? Oh and I moved recently
Warning ~ All this clan intro profile stuff is pretty outdated.. I’ll update it later.
({Note: Keep in mind... none of my dragons have lore-established parents or offspring in the clan unless specifically otherwise stated.})
Threads ~
The Heist - Lore Story
Draw Hybrid Creatures
Adopt Shop
We are the SilverSong Clan. Don’t ask why, it just... sounded nice? We kinda hate the name, but it stuck. Our clan is still small, and working hard to grow. Ally requests are always welcome; we love to connect with other clans. Nakai, our leader, has connections with certain BeastClan species and sometimes uses it for trading and/or obtaining important materials we might need. Many members in our clan have talents and passions for music and art, as well as a general love of the outdoors. The Clan Council works very hard to help the rest of the clan working together as a team and to nurture the younger members. We are a cheerful little group, and currently house about 60 - 65 dragons in our network of tunnels, which wind into and underneath a large section of the Zephyr Steppes.
Clan Council Members:
Nakai ~ Clan Leader
Fiber ~ Head Advisor
Gethin ~ Advisor - Treasurer - Mediator
Andromedai ~ Advisor - Strategist
Nimh ~ Strategist... ? - Banescale Ambassador
Síocháin ~ Tactician… ? - Banescale Ambassador
Alec ~ Advisor - Historian
Cordial ~ Advisor - Mechanical Genius
Stoirm ~ Advisor - ?
Winter ~ Gaoler Ambassador
Jubilee ~ Obelisk Ambassador
The Clan Council meets once every other week, or whenever needed. The first few members were chosen by Nakai, while others were voted in by the rest of the clan. They help Nakai to decide what is best for the clan, changes in it, and the way it is run. They can overrule her if they believe she has made a bad decision.
Personal Links ~
BBCode Stuff
General Coli Guide
Golem Workshop Guide
Cool Art Shop
W.I.P. Stuff
I dunno
More W.I.P. Stuff
Note: my dragons’ bio templates were all coded by yours truly.
Raychel is my cousin <3
And Olgami is my sister <3
AKA sorry if our accounts come up as suspicious or something, don’t worry we’re following all the rules! ^^
Recent Comments
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(Also amethyst looks amazing)
(SUPER pretty wildclaw tho, the thylacine looks perfect on them woah,,)