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TOPIC | Greenskeeper Gathering 2024
[center][permalink][img alt="The overlaid text reads - Greenskeeper Gathering - Nature festival familiar, apparel, scene, and genes! The image depicts a green mamba snake wrapped around stems of small, bell-shaped Lily of the Valley flowers and their leaves."][/img][/permalink][/center] This month, all of dragonkind come together to celebrate the [i]Greenskeeper Gathering[/i]. This festival celebrates the [b]Nature Flight[/b]. [center][permalink][b]Click here to read more about this update.[/b][/permalink][/center] [more] ------ [center][item=bladed flatleaf][/center] The [b][url=]Festive Favors holiday stall[/url][/b] is now open for the duration of the holiday in the Grand Exchange and you may trade in [gamedb item=892] for exclusive items. It will remain open until the holiday comes to a close on [b]Sunday, June 2 at 06:00 server time[/b]. Our most prized possession, [gamedb item=892]s, can be found by found by doing activities across the site, and neutral and nature-aligned monsters also have a chance to rarely yield these items as drops [b][url=]in the Coliseum.[/url][/b] They may be crafted at [url=][b]Baldwin's Bubbling Brew[/b] [/url] using alchemy reagents. [center][item=Spiderlily Sickle][item=lily of greenskeeper][item=scene: gladekeeper's domain][item=tertiary auraboa gene: greenskeeper][item=tertiary dusthide gene: greenskeeper][/center] [info]This year the Apparel and Familiar item will cycle into Joxar's Spare Inventory Crates as per usual, while the Genes and Scene will return each subsequent year for future Greenskeeper Gathering in Festive Favors.[/info] -------------------------------- [size=4][b]Joxar's Spare Inventory[/b][/size] [emoji=gold crown size=1] Joxar continues to expand his offerings for those who want to buy spare inventory! New creations have appeared at [b][url=]Joxar's Spare Inventory[/url][/b]: [center][item=seaside pearls][/center] -------------------------------- [b][size=4][i]Greenskeeper Gathering[/i] Skin & Accent Contest[/size][/b] [emoji=nature rune size=1] Each festival we run a skin contest so that our community may participate and show off their artistic skill. The results are in; congratulations to all of our winners! This year our winning entries have expanded to 16 (up from 14). [indent][LIST] [*]@Chaosember [*]@DEBUGROOM [*]@Doglike [*]@Dradog [*]@Druvidian [*]@Illuna [*]@Judithan [*]@katrina [*]@Mem [*]@MythicalViper [*]@qvq [*]@RainyServal [*]@Shadeyrain [*]@Talonmaster [*]@Thunderwyvern [*]@XinY [/LIST][/indent] For the remaining duration of holiday, [b]14[/b] of these skins will be [b][url=]available in Festive Favors[/url][/b] and [b]seven[/b] of them can very rarely be [url=]gathered by [b]digging[/b] in nature territories[/url] or by [b]battling in the Coliseum[/b]. [b]2[/b] of these skins will be exclusive to [url=][b]Baldwin's Bubbling Brew[/b][/url]. [center][skin=56919][skin=56920][skin=56921][skin=56922] [skin=56923][skin=56924][skin=56925][skin=56926] [skin=56927][skin=56928][skin=56929][skin=56930] [skin=56931][skin=56932][skin=56933][skin=56934][/center] There were so many amazing entries, we had to take note of several [b]honorable mentions[/b]. A special thanks to: [indent][LIST] [*]@502 [*]@Anozilla [*]@Cloudiness [*]@Erubethil [*]@gravesyard [*]@Illuna [*]@Infenza [*]@Infernette [*]@Kaenith [*]@murmuration [*]@Natron [*]@oO3Oo [*]@ShimmaFish [*]@SpaceDOut28 [*]@Tivvae [*]@Verdes [*]@Xylidriv [*]@YaMaMagic [/LIST][/indent] [br][center][img alt="An image of a green cloth banner with the nature emblem inexpertly stitched on it."][/img][/center]
The overlaid text reads - Greenskeeper Gathering - Nature festival familiar, apparel, scene, and genes! The image depicts a green mamba snake wrapped around stems of small, bell-shaped Lily of the Valley flowers and their leaves.

This month, all of dragonkind come together to celebrate the Greenskeeper Gathering. This festival celebrates the Nature Flight.

Bladed Flatleaf

The Festive Favors holiday stall is now open for the duration of the holiday in the Grand Exchange and you may trade in Bladed Flatleaf for exclusive items. It will remain open until the holiday comes to a close on Sunday, June 2 at 06:00 server time.

Our most prized possession, Bladed Flatleafs, can be found by found by doing activities across the site, and neutral and nature-aligned monsters also have a chance to rarely yield these items as drops in the Coliseum. They may be crafted at Baldwin's Bubbling Brew using alchemy reagents.
Spiderlily Sickle Lily of Greenskeeper Scene: Gladekeeper's Domain Tertiary Auraboa Gene: Greenskeeper Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Greenskeeper

This year the Apparel and Familiar item will cycle into Joxar's Spare Inventory Crates as per usual, while the Genes and Scene will return each subsequent year for future Greenskeeper Gathering in Festive Favors.

Joxar's Spare Inventory
Joxar continues to expand his offerings for those who want to buy spare inventory! New creations have appeared at Joxar's Spare Inventory:
Seaside Pearls

Greenskeeper Gathering Skin & Accent Contest
Each festival we run a skin contest so that our community may participate and show off their artistic skill. The results are in; congratulations to all of our winners! This year our winning entries have expanded to 16 (up from 14).

For the remaining duration of holiday, 14 of these skins will be available in Festive Favors and seven of them can very rarely be gathered by digging in nature territories or by battling in the Coliseum. 2 of these skins will be exclusive to Baldwin's Bubbling Brew.

There were so many amazing entries, we had to take note of several honorable mentions. A special thanks to:

An image of a green cloth banner with the nature emblem inexpertly stitched on it.
[center][emoji=butterfly size=1] Good Greenskeeper Gathering [emoji=butterfly size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Good Greenskeeper Gathering

Happy Gathering! [url=][img][/img][/url] “Stay on the paths. They exist for a reason, and that reason is keeping you from getting lost in the woods.” Edit: Banana Greenskeeper is very pretty!
Happy Gathering!


“Stay on the paths. They exist for a reason, and that reason is keeping you from getting lost in the woods.”

Edit: Banana Greenskeeper is very pretty!
Looking for a White/Silver/Brick G1 with Ice eyes!!!!!
also looking for a Platinum/Dust/Caribbean G1 with Plague eyes
Check out my subspecies!
Doing some art for food >w>
[CENTER][size=5][COLOR=Olive ][FONT=Century Gothic][emoji=butterfly size=1] HAPPY GREENSKEEPER GATHERING! [emoji=butterfly size=1] [COLOR=Palegoldenrod] * * * [url=][img][/img][/url]
* * *
happy greenskeeper gathering :D i need like 5 million of the snake and apparel both
happy greenskeeper gathering :D i need like 5 million of the snake and apparel both
bkxiiMw.png MlJMkHy.gif bkxiiMw.png bkxiiMw.png
hi! i'm meteor.
check out some of my projects? → or the coliseum bounty npc suggestion!

» the bestiary outfit project
» cross-flight outfit project
» 100x100 bio icons
» accent shop
[center]happy greenskeeper from my nature progens <3 [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
happy greenskeeper from my nature progens <3
A splatoon 3 user banner. The banner reads: Evil Freelancer , Polgara , #9997 k7p86mU.png



happy greenskeeper gathering! elio says hi [emoji=ivy leaf size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url]
happy greenskeeper gathering! elio says hi

adopt shop