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fumarate's Clan
cause when you're screaming and crying you're scrying
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The profile quote 😂😂😂
Hey! didn't want to post in your coli tracker, but where did you find the banners that you use at the top?
Thanks! He’s based on a character from the AMC series “The Terror”—but he is in fact a real sailor that was in the British Navy in the 1800s. Highly recommend looking him up. I’m very proud of him.
i love all your pixel dolls in your bio and signature :3 very comforting early internet aesthetic for me
I thought the thing in your forum sig was a smudge on my screen rip
LOVE was on the front page, lovely colors to work with.
Thankyou for purchasing Sandstorm, have a good day :3
flummox is the cutest aether ever! i love the creature art in her bio, it's perfect
thanks for buying my dragons!!! ^_^
Dreamgirl was on the front page! Love her sm, she's so silly
Clicked on all your DC hatchlings. I hope they all make it ^^
Thanks for buying drift! Hope he’s helpful to ya!
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