
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Lore Whining Days v3
Lore Whining Time!

Prompt for May 14th, 2024

Do you have a dragon that writes in a diary or journal everyday? What would a page taken from their Journal look like? Is it just words or do they decorate it with doodles and other various things like leaves and feathers, as if the journal was like a scrapbook? What is their writing style like? Do they hide their journal or leave it somewhat out in the open?
If you don’t have a dragon that writes about their day, choose a random dragon and write something as if they did write a journal entry.

Lore Whining Time!

Prompt for May 14th, 2024

Do you have a dragon that writes in a diary or journal everyday? What would a page taken from their Journal look like? Is it just words or do they decorate it with doodles and other various things like leaves and feathers, as if the journal was like a scrapbook? What is their writing style like? Do they hide their journal or leave it somewhat out in the open?
If you don’t have a dragon that writes about their day, choose a random dragon and write something as if they did write a journal entry.

Bronte just writes whenever he feels like it. And no, he doesn’t hide his diary. [url=][img][/img][/url] Today was…fine. Started out alright. I found a rather pretty feather. Thought about giving it to Fane - but she’s not one for…um - can’t think of the word. Decorations maybe? Whatever the word is - she probably wouldn’t keep it. But it is pretty. Maybe i can stick it in here. Might make the page look a bit nicer. [emoji=phoenix feather size=1] Anyway…as I was sayin’ - the day started off fine. Apart from falling out of bed…but that’s normal for me anyway. Once I’d actually woken up properly, i sniffed around for some food. Found a bit of leftover fruit from yesterday. Nothin’ wrong with it, so I ate it. Finders keepers an’ all that. Wait — is that even the right phrase? Eh, it’ll do anyway. Weather wasn’t too bad. Sometimes it’s pouring rain for days on end, and then the day after there’s bright blazing sunshine that makes me wish I could hide because where there’s sun there’s flies. Nice breeze today though. Bit humid, but then it usually is round here. Maybe I’ll go have a bath in the lake once I’ve finished writing - that usually helps. …Alright I’ll come out and say it truthfully. Today (or so far anyway) was awful. Oh, not the part I’ve already written, that was the only part that went right. See - I’d been hired by someone to go fetch something from a ruin that lay within the forest. Some sort of arti…atef…old thing. They were promising a lot of money, and things have been a bit tight recently, so yeah, I took the job. Not particularly fond of heading into Wynchwood forest…but y’know - money is money. Wynchwood forest is creepy. It’s not just the random paths which go nowhere. Or the ones that take you somewhere unexpected. It’s the trees themselves…I keep feeling like they’re watching me. Or whatever’s hidden up there is watching me. Gives me the shivers. An’ the shadows…I’m used to the dark…but the things that lurk within the shadows [i]scare[/i] me. Eventually (look following directions isn’t my strong point okay?) I came to the ruin the client had mentioned. Just a normal lookin’ one, far as I could work out. The door was a bit annoying but used a bit of patience and got it open. The first bad thing to happen was that the floorboards were so warped and rotten that I ended up just falling through them. Not sure where I am right now. It’s a kind of cellar, I guess? Dunno. There’s doors leading to different parts of it, but I think I need to actually get to the upper floor right now. And that’s probably the second bad thing. Not sure there is a way to safely get around up there. This arti - aeti - old thing better be worth it!
Bronte just writes whenever he feels like it. And no, he doesn’t hide his diary.


Today was…fine. Started out alright. I found a rather pretty feather. Thought about giving it to Fane - but she’s not one for…um - can’t think of the word. Decorations maybe? Whatever the word is - she probably wouldn’t keep it. But it is pretty. Maybe i can stick it in here. Might make the page look a bit nicer.

Anyway…as I was sayin’ - the day started off fine. Apart from falling out of bed…but that’s normal for me anyway. Once I’d actually woken up properly, i sniffed around for some food. Found a bit of leftover fruit from yesterday. Nothin’ wrong with it, so I ate it. Finders keepers an’ all that. Wait — is that even the right phrase? Eh, it’ll do anyway.

Weather wasn’t too bad. Sometimes it’s pouring rain for days on end, and then the day after there’s bright blazing sunshine that makes me wish I could hide because where there’s sun there’s flies. Nice breeze today though. Bit humid, but then it usually is round here. Maybe I’ll go have a bath in the lake once I’ve finished writing - that usually helps.

…Alright I’ll come out and say it truthfully. Today (or so far anyway) was awful. Oh, not the part I’ve already written, that was the only part that went right.

See - I’d been hired by someone to go fetch something from a ruin that lay within the forest. Some sort of arti…atef…old thing. They were promising a lot of money, and things have been a bit tight recently, so yeah, I took the job. Not particularly fond of heading into Wynchwood forest…but y’know - money is money.

Wynchwood forest is creepy. It’s not just the random paths which go nowhere. Or the ones that take you somewhere unexpected. It’s the trees themselves…I keep feeling like they’re watching me. Or whatever’s hidden up there is watching me. Gives me the shivers. An’ the shadows…I’m used to the dark…but the things that lurk within the shadows scare me.

Eventually (look following directions isn’t my strong point okay?) I came to the ruin the client had mentioned. Just a normal lookin’ one, far as I could work out. The door was a bit annoying but used a bit of patience and got it open. The first bad thing to happen was that the floorboards were so warped and rotten that I ended up just falling through them.

Not sure where I am right now. It’s a kind of cellar, I guess? Dunno. There’s doors leading to different parts of it, but I think I need to actually get to the upper floor right now. And that’s probably the second bad thing. Not sure there is a way to safely get around up there. This arti - aeti - old thing better be worth it!

Rylle keeps a journal :) [url=][img][/img][/url] Today has been a fascinating day. Since the… unfortunate… passing of my king, I’ve had so much time to myself! However, I have recently discovered that my survival skills are somewhat, how do I say this, lacking. I have been in the forests for days. And I do worry I’ll be out of food soon. I- oh, wait! I’ve just laid eyes upon a beautiful plant! Just a moment. Alright! This is much different than what I’ve seen back home. It appears to have four round leaves. How interesting. I shall put it here. [emoji=four leaf clover size=1] As I was saying, I’m likely to run out of food soon. There is indeed a stream nearby, so I needn’t search for water, but I do fear for my appetite. I’m not sure I’d be able to kill an animal unless I absolutely must… Either way, I do hope that I shall come across civilization soon. I shall update this journal when I find something noteworthy. … Good Gods, I have found something! In front of me, there is a large structure, with huge pillars and stairs… it looks like a temple of sorts. The snake carvings are a bit terrifying to me, but I have a certain feeling about this place. I have heard rumors of a serpent cult, and I personally believe I have found it! What this means for my lifespan, I don’t know, but I am eager to investigate. Maybe. The snakes do still bring me fear. And, … My goodness, I dropped the journal. My bad. There was an actual serpent slithering toward me, so in a moment’s reaction, I’ve climbed a tree and now I seem to be stuck. There are now three serpents at the base of the tree hissing at me. This is not an ideal situation. I do still have my bow and arrows, which may serve to kill the blasted things, but if more come, I won’t be able to do much. Oh my, this is a terrible situation. If only I hadn’t decided to go adventuring…
Rylle keeps a journal :)

Today has been a fascinating day. Since the… unfortunate… passing of my king, I’ve had so much time to myself! However, I have recently discovered that my survival skills are somewhat, how do I say this, lacking.

I have been in the forests for days. And I do worry I’ll be out of food soon. I- oh, wait! I’ve just laid eyes upon a beautiful plant! Just a moment.

Alright! This is much different than what I’ve seen back home. It appears to have four round leaves. How interesting. I shall put it here.

As I was saying, I’m likely to run out of food soon. There is indeed a stream nearby, so I needn’t search for water, but I do fear for my appetite. I’m not sure I’d be able to kill an animal unless I absolutely must… Either way, I do hope that I shall come across civilization soon. I shall update this journal when I find something noteworthy.

Good Gods, I have found something! In front of me, there is a large structure, with huge pillars and stairs… it looks like a temple of sorts. The snake carvings are a bit terrifying to me, but I have a certain feeling about this place.

I have heard rumors of a serpent cult, and I personally believe I have found it! What this means for my lifespan, I don’t know, but I am eager to investigate. Maybe. The snakes do still bring me fear. And,

My goodness, I dropped the journal. My bad. There was an actual serpent slithering toward me, so in a moment’s reaction, I’ve climbed a tree and now I seem to be stuck. There are now three serpents at the base of the tree hissing at me. This is not an ideal situation.

I do still have my bow and arrows, which may serve to kill the blasted things, but if more come, I won’t be able to do much. Oh my, this is a terrible situation. If only I hadn’t decided to go adventuring…
Call me Soli!
I'm always subbed
Fr +0
myL03yu.gif Art Shop

Avatar Derg
No random friend requests!
Non-exalt (I love my dragons)
Username means “small crow” (crow + ling)
[columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [size=4]oh! i get to talk about [b]Cosmos[/b] today![/size] [/columns] Cosmos is our astronomer over here in the Clan, and possesses a notebook for all of his discoveries! he's an... aggressive and mysterious Aberration that does not care about your presence one bit. that is just on the outside though; if you manage to catch this dragon late at night, be it in his chamber or simply outside, he is collected and actually pretty calm! he is very productive with his studies. while he doesn't exactly care about his notebook being discovered, Cosmos prefers to keep his discoveries a secret till further notice. the reason? well, the last time he showed one of his more groundbreaking finds, it ended in the Clan's advisor, [i][url=]Negative[/url][/i], having HATCHLINGS- [size=1]well, one hatchling[/size] with it. it's Cosmos' fault, though, he showed it to [i][url=]Pearlescent[/url][/i] of all dragons! speeeaking of this insane thing he found, how about i introduce you to it? [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][size=4]this is [b]Orbit[/b], as named by Cosmos. you can actually find his notebook entry on Orbit in her biography![/columns]
93891863.png oh! i get to talk about Cosmos today!
Cosmos is our astronomer over here in the Clan, and possesses a notebook for all of his discoveries! he's an... aggressive and mysterious Aberration that does not care about your presence one bit. that is just on the outside though; if you manage to catch this dragon late at night, be it in his chamber or simply outside, he is collected and actually pretty calm!

he is very productive with his studies. while he doesn't exactly care about his notebook being discovered, Cosmos prefers to keep his discoveries a secret till further notice. the reason? well, the last time he showed one of his more groundbreaking finds, it ended in the Clan's advisor, Negative, having HATCHLINGS- well, one hatchling with it. it's Cosmos' fault, though, he showed it to Pearlescent of all dragons!

speeeaking of this insane thing he found, how about i introduce you to it?
93883388.png this is Orbit, as named by Cosmos. you can actually find his notebook entry on Orbit in her biography!
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [size=2]i have [b]thistle![/b] she cares a great deal about archiving and so makes sure to update her journal regularly. she mostly just uses it as a diary, but she also uses it to take notes on whatever it is she's studying at the time. ... she also likes to write stories, but shh!! nobody is supposed to know about that. she's especially fond of writing romance, and she occasionally writes fanfiction for her favorite books. she also likes to press flowers.

i have thistle! she cares a great deal about archiving and so makes sure to update her journal regularly. she mostly just uses it as a diary, but she also uses it to take notes on whatever it is she's studying at the time.

... she also likes to write stories, but shh!! nobody is supposed to know about that. she's especially fond of writing romance, and she occasionally writes fanfiction for her favorite books.

she also likes to press flowers.
Lore Whining time!

Prompt for May 24th, 2024

it will soon be time for the nature Festival, and you all know the drill by now. Write about a dragon that matches Nature flight in some way. they can be nurturing or gardeners or dressed in lots of nature themed apparel or even just your favorite Wildclaw or Auraboa.

Lore Whining time!

Prompt for May 24th, 2024

it will soon be time for the nature Festival, and you all know the drill by now. Write about a dragon that matches Nature flight in some way. they can be nurturing or gardeners or dressed in lots of nature themed apparel or even just your favorite Wildclaw or Auraboa.

I’ll talk about my lady Niirik <3 [url=][img][/img][/url] — She hadn’t always been a monster. A swing of an axe, a thump of a head, and her old life was no more- gone was her beautiful face, gone was her charisma, gone was her words, her sweet, sweet words. But the earth wasn’t done with her. Not yet, not for a while. The vines of the ground gathered and amalgamated into the closest they could do to a human face, then dragged her headless body to the makeshift head. The eyes made of plants flickered to life, the same color as her old ones, but dull and lifeless. She sat up, her new head lolling around on her shoulders as if she still didn’t know what was happening. Then it snapped straight up, as the vines began to merge with her body, becoming part of the muscles and tendons and becoming a part of the flesh. She looked around, the vacant and terrified stares of the crowd that witnessed her execution glaring into her soul. Moments ago, she was dead. And now she was back. She tried to open her mouth, but instead of words only a low groan came out. She could not try to explain that she was just as clueless as them. Realizing that she wasn’t her real self anymore, she stumbled away, falling down at her first attempt from a lack of balance. She scrambled to get away from the crowd, and, horrified with herself, shakily looked into a pond to see her reflection. And she didn’t realize it was her that was looking back. A loud wail was heard, then quiet sobbing. —
I’ll talk about my lady Niirik <3

She hadn’t always been a monster. A swing of an axe, a thump of a head, and her old life was no more- gone was her beautiful face, gone was her charisma, gone was her words, her sweet, sweet words.

But the earth wasn’t done with her. Not yet, not for a while.

The vines of the ground gathered and amalgamated into the closest they could do to a human face, then dragged her headless body to the makeshift head. The eyes made of plants flickered to life, the same color as her old ones, but dull and lifeless.

She sat up, her new head lolling around on her shoulders as if she still didn’t know what was happening. Then it snapped straight up, as the vines began to merge with her body, becoming part of the muscles and tendons and becoming a part of the flesh.

She looked around, the vacant and terrified stares of the crowd that witnessed her execution glaring into her soul. Moments ago, she was dead. And now she was back. She tried to open her mouth, but instead of words only a low groan came out. She could not try to explain that she was just as clueless as them.

Realizing that she wasn’t her real self anymore, she stumbled away, falling down at her first attempt from a lack of balance. She scrambled to get away from the crowd, and, horrified with herself, shakily looked into a pond to see her reflection. And she didn’t realize it was her that was looking back.

A loud wail was heard, then quiet sobbing.

Call me Soli!
I'm always subbed
Fr +0
myL03yu.gif Art Shop

Avatar Derg
No random friend requests!
Non-exalt (I love my dragons)
Username means “small crow” (crow + ling)
Unfortunately, I don't really follow classic Flight ideas so I can't write this sorta stuff BUT good luck to everyone trying!
Unfortunately, I don't really follow classic Flight ideas so I can't write this sorta stuff BUT good luck to everyone trying!
Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources
Not following the prompt - but I did do a bit more work on Argo’s profile. Hopefully I’ll have it finished soon. [url=][img][/img][/url]
Not following the prompt - but I did do a bit more work on Argo’s profile. Hopefully I’ll have it finished soon.

Lore Whining time!

wow! it's already been a whole year of prompts and in that time we have gotten over 100 subscribers to this thread. it's really nice to see so many people wanting to work on writing lore.

Here's to another year of lore making.
Also don't be afraid to send in any prompt ideas you may have, since everyone has their own perspective and ideas to bring to the table.

Prompt for June 4th, 2024

How has your Clan grown over the year? Any big lore events that have happened, or has it just been another average year in the clan? What sorts of upcoming story plans do you perhaps have planned for the future of your clan?
Also what dragon has developed the most over the year? Who is a dragon that could use a little bit more development?

Lore Whining time!

wow! it's already been a whole year of prompts and in that time we have gotten over 100 subscribers to this thread. it's really nice to see so many people wanting to work on writing lore.

Here's to another year of lore making.
Also don't be afraid to send in any prompt ideas you may have, since everyone has their own perspective and ideas to bring to the table.

Prompt for June 4th, 2024

How has your Clan grown over the year? Any big lore events that have happened, or has it just been another average year in the clan? What sorts of upcoming story plans do you perhaps have planned for the future of your clan?
Also what dragon has developed the most over the year? Who is a dragon that could use a little bit more development?
