

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | EG event hub: event ends today!
[center][b]Murkwood[/center] [img][/img] [code] {"version":0.1,"w":450,"h":90,"s":1,"layers":[{"type":1,"x":0,"y":0,"w":450,"h":90,"seeds":["CHTGqC60Mc%9.50","CHTGqC60Mc%23.00","CHTGqC60Mc%47.50","CHTGqC60Mc%74.00","D2gcfCTJpm%38.80","CACzCC7wup%0.40","CACzCC7wup%16.70","CACzCC7wup%54.50","CACzCC7wup%65.60","CACzCC7wup%80.30","CAzhyCUpE2%29.70","CAzhyCUpE2%60.00","C4tL9CLfRU%3.30","C4tL9CLfRU%12.60","C4tL9CLfRU%25.50","C4tL9CLfRU%50.00","C4tL9CLfRU%70.50","C4tL9CLfRU%86.50"],"palette":"CunEjC0KIh","gcover":"grass [palette]","ground":"clumpy dirt","s":1},{"type":2,"x":0,"y":0,"w":450,"h":90,"content":"mountains","palette":"CunEjC0KIh","s":1},{"type":3,"content":"Fog","palette":"sickly","cust":[],"a":0.48},{"type":2,"x":0,"y":0,"w":450,"h":90,"content":"town","palette":"CunEjC0KIh","s":1},{"type":3,"content":"Stars","palette":"forest murk","cust":[],"a":1},{"type":3,"content":"Sky_Gradient","palette":"forest murk","cust":[],"a":1}]} [/code] [rule] [center][b]Toxic Shadows[/center] [img][/img] [code] {"version":0.1,"w":450,"h":80,"s":1,"layers":[{"type":1,"x":0,"y":0,"w":450,"h":80,"seeds":["CKWDPB-96D%8.50","CKWDPB-96D%83.00","!onyx_simple_bench%33.50","+qiE2z2ISs%25.50","CS8KTB+nZz%55.00","CS8KTB+nZz%70.00","CX64OB+nr3%61.90","!stone_supporter%62.50","!onyx_simple_bench%62.50","D0NV1B+nAx%41.50"],"palette":"CKWDPB-96D","gcover":"grass [palette]","ground":"brick","s":1},{"type":3,"content":"Fog","palette":"forest murk","cust":[],"a":0.23},{"type":3,"content":"Fog","palette":"purple night","cust":[],"a":0.78},{"type":2,"x":0,"y":0,"w":450,"h":80,"content":"town","palette":"CS8KTB+nZz","s":1},{"type":3,"content":"Stars","palette":"dusk","cust":[],"a":1},{"type":3,"content":"Sky_Gradient","palette":"rose dusk","cust":[],"a":0.45},{"type":3,"content":"Sky_Gradient","palette":"purple night","cust":[],"a":0.8}]} [/code] I had way too much fun with both of these! Sadly I forgot to screenshot my columns, and didn't write down my filters. I can give you the seed codes I used if needed. Seeds claimed: 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 29, 45, 50, 55, 58

{"version":0.1,"w":450,"h":90,"s":1,"layers":[{"type":1,"x":0,"y":0,"w":450,"h":90,"seeds":["CHTGqC60Mc%9.50","CHTGqC60Mc%23.00","CHTGqC60Mc%47.50","CHTGqC60Mc%74.00","D2gcfCTJpm%38.80","CACzCC7wup%0.40","CACzCC7wup%16.70","CACzCC7wup%54.50","CACzCC7wup%65.60","CACzCC7wup%80.30","CAzhyCUpE2%29.70","CAzhyCUpE2%60.00","C4tL9CLfRU%3.30","C4tL9CLfRU%12.60","C4tL9CLfRU%25.50","C4tL9CLfRU%50.00","C4tL9CLfRU%70.50","C4tL9CLfRU%86.50"],"palette":"CunEjC0KIh","gcover":"grass [palette]","ground":"clumpy dirt","s":1},{"type":2,"x":0,"y":0,"w":450,"h":90,"content":"mountains","palette":"CunEjC0KIh","s":1},{"type":3,"content":"Fog","palette":"sickly","cust":[],"a":0.48},{"type":2,"x":0,"y":0,"w":450,"h":90,"content":"town","palette":"CunEjC0KIh","s":1},{"type":3,"content":"Stars","palette":"forest murk","cust":[],"a":1},{"type":3,"content":"Sky_Gradient","palette":"forest murk","cust":[],"a":1}]}

Toxic Shadows

{"version":0.1,"w":450,"h":80,"s":1,"layers":[{"type":1,"x":0,"y":0,"w":450,"h":80,"seeds":["CKWDPB-96D%8.50","CKWDPB-96D%83.00","!onyx_simple_bench%33.50","+qiE2z2ISs%25.50","CS8KTB+nZz%55.00","CS8KTB+nZz%70.00","CX64OB+nr3%61.90","!stone_supporter%62.50","!onyx_simple_bench%62.50","D0NV1B+nAx%41.50"],"palette":"CKWDPB-96D","gcover":"grass [palette]","ground":"brick","s":1},{"type":3,"content":"Fog","palette":"forest murk","cust":[],"a":0.23},{"type":3,"content":"Fog","palette":"purple night","cust":[],"a":0.78},{"type":2,"x":0,"y":0,"w":450,"h":80,"content":"town","palette":"CS8KTB+nZz","s":1},{"type":3,"content":"Stars","palette":"dusk","cust":[],"a":1},{"type":3,"content":"Sky_Gradient","palette":"rose dusk","cust":[],"a":0.45},{"type":3,"content":"Sky_Gradient","palette":"purple night","cust":[],"a":0.8}]}

I had way too much fun with both of these! Sadly I forgot to screenshot my columns, and didn't write down my filters. I can give you the seed codes I used if needed.

Seeds claimed:
2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 29, 45, 50, 55, 58
Ashen Lightning Glass

((They/Them)) ((Ve/Vir))

@Polty Ooh, those soft pastels look so pretty with the sky! What seeds would you like as the prize? You can pick 5 from here

@Ice047 It does! Especially love the cluster of evergreens and poppies CssJXBzFbl, D8PZ0CaXir, CsV78CEqE8, D0n1OCZ0Gx, CnWsPCSArR

@Ironlily OH wow I love them, both palettes are absolutely ON POINT, I love how you made the lil desert town look so lively! C+sr4C4uLJ, D5lJjCOk3q, CqCIUCUroE, ChR6sC4uGg, D67tbCH52w, CsV78CEqE8, D8o76CXsqq, CvX24CSXxZ, CVDS4By6oF, CvvU8C4tI4

@Yetaet They do! Yeah I gotta agree the city looks great, something about the dark buildings and bright decor make me think of bioluminesence, like it's a really fun town in Shadow :O D016DCIFhb, C+sr4C4uLJ, D5lJjCOk3q, CLg75CUqeh, C4WncC62Uf, CP6gwCP5Bb, D8PZ0CaXir, D6tomCPtfF, D0OV4CFCFd, CvX24CSXxZ

@forestmouse I LOVE IT. The cyan and wine colors, the little ghosties... D0n1OCZ0Gx, D8o76CXsqq, Cd-dnCP5zU, CdcBfCKWsD, CogIPCaA4G

@RedRevival god everyone's gardens slap so hard today. Like I wouldn't even guess you'd made those under such tight restrictions you used the heights of the sprites so well, and that building in silhouette in the third one is absolutely I N S A N E D9YrsCK9AY, D0oTbCDg+o, D0oTbCDg+o, D8PZ0CaXir, D80qDBy7rQ, D67tbCH52w, CsV78CEqE8, D9BVvC617A, D6VznCMQUR, D8o76CXsqq

@Kirrashi I love them! How the scenes tell little stories, and the scaling effect is great. There is kind of the height adjust, but it's not well documented--like the mountains, the height of gardens can be set, it's the y field. So clicking the green button, setting groundcover and ground to none, then messing with the y will get you a "floating" button, but I really need to finish up my work there so I can write actual documentation.


@harpyja No worries at all! It's not a requirement or anything, I think folks were just doing it for fun :] I really like how the two towns have such different vibes, one this huge ancient structure overlooking a swamp, one recessed in shadow... D016DCIFhb, CtFcUCTgCd, D0oTbCDg+o, CekxuCOjuv, D3rLTCHsnp, D8PZ0CaXir, Cp3ZaCOjZ4, D0n1OCZ0Gx, Cd-dnCP5zU, D2f+ECUro3
@Polty Ooh, those soft pastels look so pretty with the sky! What seeds would you like as the prize? You can pick 5 from here

@Ice047 It does! Especially love the cluster of evergreens and poppies CssJXBzFbl, D8PZ0CaXir, CsV78CEqE8, D0n1OCZ0Gx, CnWsPCSArR

@Ironlily OH wow I love them, both palettes are absolutely ON POINT, I love how you made the lil desert town look so lively! C+sr4C4uLJ, D5lJjCOk3q, CqCIUCUroE, ChR6sC4uGg, D67tbCH52w, CsV78CEqE8, D8o76CXsqq, CvX24CSXxZ, CVDS4By6oF, CvvU8C4tI4

@Yetaet They do! Yeah I gotta agree the city looks great, something about the dark buildings and bright decor make me think of bioluminesence, like it's a really fun town in Shadow :O D016DCIFhb, C+sr4C4uLJ, D5lJjCOk3q, CLg75CUqeh, C4WncC62Uf, CP6gwCP5Bb, D8PZ0CaXir, D6tomCPtfF, D0OV4CFCFd, CvX24CSXxZ

@forestmouse I LOVE IT. The cyan and wine colors, the little ghosties... D0n1OCZ0Gx, D8o76CXsqq, Cd-dnCP5zU, CdcBfCKWsD, CogIPCaA4G

@RedRevival god everyone's gardens slap so hard today. Like I wouldn't even guess you'd made those under such tight restrictions you used the heights of the sprites so well, and that building in silhouette in the third one is absolutely I N S A N E D9YrsCK9AY, D0oTbCDg+o, D0oTbCDg+o, D8PZ0CaXir, D80qDBy7rQ, D67tbCH52w, CsV78CEqE8, D9BVvC617A, D6VznCMQUR, D8o76CXsqq

@Kirrashi I love them! How the scenes tell little stories, and the scaling effect is great. There is kind of the height adjust, but it's not well documented--like the mountains, the height of gardens can be set, it's the y field. So clicking the green button, setting groundcover and ground to none, then messing with the y will get you a "floating" button, but I really need to finish up my work there so I can write actual documentation.


@harpyja No worries at all! It's not a requirement or anything, I think folks were just doing it for fun :] I really like how the two towns have such different vibes, one this huge ancient structure overlooking a swamp, one recessed in shadow... D016DCIFhb, CtFcUCTgCd, D0oTbCDg+o, CekxuCOjuv, D3rLTCHsnp, D8PZ0CaXir, Cp3ZaCOjZ4, D0n1OCZ0Gx, Cd-dnCP5zU, D2f+ECUro3
@Oranitha ooh, there's a lot of cute ones... i'll do 6, 25, 53, 57, and 60!
@Oranitha ooh, there's a lot of cute ones... i'll do 6, 25, 53, 57, and 60!

Proud to be autistic!
They/She/He Pronouns
Dragon Sales
~~ Co-Owner of FrostLeaf Hatchery ~~
Proud member of the Hellebores grove!
~~ gWy7Gj5.png
@Poity Of course! CLg75CUqeh, CP6gwCP5Bb, D8o76CXsqq, CvX24CSXxZ, CSXgKCTI0E
@Poity Of course! CLg75CUqeh, CP6gwCP5Bb, D8o76CXsqq, CvX24CSXxZ, CSXgKCTI0E
[center][img][/img] @pinglist-10684 This is the first ever contest where you're not submitting a garden! In celebration of finally adding names for them, [b]this event's all about palettes[/b], namely making a custom one and me giving you seeds in it.[/center] Step 1: Go to the [url=]completion tracker[/url] Step 2: Hit the [b]Reroll[/b] button under the overall palette (big color swatch thing) AND/OR Step 2: Click the [b]Palettes[/b] button above it, then click individual palettes below to start building a custom one Step 3: Keep messing with it until you get an overall palette you like. Don't forget to check in [b]Bases[/b] to see how things look! Step 4: Copy the palette names (the colored text that kept changing while you messed with it) and post them here. No need to ping me! And if you want--that's it! The prize for doing that is [b]two seeds of my choosing that match your chosen palette exactly[/b]. However, there's an optional step 5... Step 5: [b]Include a reason why your overall palette is a great one[/b]. It can be anything: a picture of it, a picture of something in the real world it reminds you of, a garden you made that makes heavy (not necessarily exclusive) use of its component colors, a screenie of a particularly nice plant, prose, poem, the fact that it makes a fun phrase, [b]whatever[/b]. I'll choose a winner*, and if yours wins, you can name 5 bases to get in those colors! [center] [b][size=4]This event is """scheduled""" to run until the Friday-Saturday rollover[/size][/b] One entry per person this time. Good luck and have fun![/center] *but reserve the right to choose as many winners as I like, especially if we get a lot of entries!
@Endless Garden Events

This is the first ever contest where you're not submitting a garden! In celebration of finally adding names for them, this event's all about palettes, namely making a custom one and me giving you seeds in it.

Step 1: Go to the completion tracker

Step 2: Hit the Reroll button under the overall palette (big color swatch thing)
Step 2: Click the Palettes button above it, then click individual palettes below to start building a custom one

Step 3: Keep messing with it until you get an overall palette you like. Don't forget to check in Bases to see how things look!

Step 4: Copy the palette names (the colored text that kept changing while you messed with it) and post them here. No need to ping me!

And if you want--that's it! The prize for doing that is two seeds of my choosing that match your chosen palette exactly.

However, there's an optional step 5...

Step 5: Include a reason why your overall palette is a great one. It can be anything: a picture of it, a picture of something in the real world it reminds you of, a garden you made that makes heavy (not necessarily exclusive) use of its component colors, a screenie of a particularly nice plant, prose, poem, the fact that it makes a fun phrase, whatever. I'll choose a winner*, and if yours wins, you can name 5 bases to get in those colors!

This event is """scheduled""" to run until the Friday-Saturday rollover

One entry per person this time. Good luck and have fun!

*but reserve the right to choose as many winners as I like, especially if we get a lot of entries!
sage/silt/cyan just works for everything, not to mention it's all four-letter words starting with an 's' sound. Plus cyan is one of my favourite colours which makes it great as an accent palette.
sage/silt/cyan just works for everything, not to mention it's all four-letter words starting with an 's' sound. Plus cyan is one of my favourite colours which makes it great as an accent palette.
slate/paper/ice is so beautiful! it's not very colorful, but they give off such a wintry serene feeling :-)
would make an absolutely fantastic background, some of the plantlife looks grayscale and blends in while the flowers and rocks show off the shinier lighter colors. very good illusion of depth possible there i think
slate/paper/ice is so beautiful! it's not very colorful, but they give off such a wintry serene feeling :-)
would make an absolutely fantastic background, some of the plantlife looks grayscale and blends in while the flowers and rocks show off the shinier lighter colors. very good illusion of depth possible there i think
[i]hunter clay honey[/i] my selection is based on very much being a Nature flight member lol - I like 'normal' plants lol, and honey and sunshine yellows are a favorite color of mine. also present in a lot of nature-appropriate site stuff [center] [item=gladegift garlands][item=gladegift halo][item=green lace ribbons] [/center] I had to go through several combinations to find ones I think go together well - just picking my individual favorites didn't always gel (I mean also you can only have 3 together at a time, not like 8)
hunter clay honey
my selection is based on very much being a Nature flight member lol - I like 'normal' plants lol, and honey and sunshine yellows are a favorite color of mine. also present in a lot of nature-appropriate site stuff
Gladegift Garlands Gladegift Halo Green Lace Ribbons
I had to go through several combinations to find ones I think go together well - just picking my individual favorites didn't always gel (I mean also you can only have 3 together at a time, not like 8)

alyblaith / aly
NatDom org team

• they/her
• queer
• neurodivergent
avatar dragons
trade adopts
Magical Meteorite Mayhem - Arcane & Nature 2024
Avocado/Wave/Starburst. I'm in the mood for some vivid colors! Sometimes the bases look familiar, and sometimes they look alien. But the colors complement each other in a way I enjoy.
Avocado/Wave/Starburst. I'm in the mood for some vivid colors! Sometimes the bases look familiar, and sometimes they look alien. But the colors complement each other in a way I enjoy.
1yEY6Jw.png TdTJOrw.png ll0CfnD.png FObX7rS.png
magma sanguine nebulous

it looks amazing with fiery hot ground in mind :D love the highlights from the bottom
nebulous makes a great pop-up addition that that works great and does not clash with the reds

tho only works on trees and flowers in my opinion
magma sanguine nebulous

it looks amazing with fiery hot ground in mind :D love the highlights from the bottom
nebulous makes a great pop-up addition that that works great and does not clash with the reds

tho only works on trees and flowers in my opinion