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TOPIC | EG event hub: event ends today!
@Oranitha Here's mine. [img][/img]

Here's mine.

th72tUi.png tumblr_ojpzfkodsb1u8m70ho5_r1_100.pngtumblr_njw2bk1eZi1unlpe2o1_100.pngnV0BWDQ.gif
@Sciencing Your kind words motivated me over the finish line [emoji=familiar heart size=1] got the system up and running in [url=]AlphaGarden[/url] (where I push changes to test them) if you want to take a look! @Yetaet I do too. Looks like crisp mountain air! C-dAqC610q, CM2dqC61GT, ClzquCAF5F, CPUxrCZnJy, CmmYDC4X2l @rockss Welcome back! Sickly's a fun one, and you have it working great with the browns and metallics. Cy+6WC4W19, CixSHBy7w6, D016DCIEOn, CLIXjCTIX5, CgHgfCOk3q @sylveondreams Of course! D0nNGCMqoq @chamilet Ooh, fun colors! Love some bright and bold. CzM1nCJmQ3, CK8vDCTiB8, C0JY9CP56t, CPt20CPs+y, CqYv8CCVQl
@Sciencing Your kind words motivated me over the finish line got the system up and running in AlphaGarden (where I push changes to test them) if you want to take a look!

@Yetaet I do too. Looks like crisp mountain air! C-dAqC610q, CM2dqC61GT, ClzquCAF5F, CPUxrCZnJy, CmmYDC4X2l

@rockss Welcome back! Sickly's a fun one, and you have it working great with the browns and metallics. Cy+6WC4W19, CixSHBy7w6, D016DCIEOn, CLIXjCTIX5, CgHgfCOk3q

@sylveondreams Of course! D0nNGCMqoq

@chamilet Ooh, fun colors! Love some bright and bold. CzM1nCJmQ3, CK8vDCTiB8, C0JY9CP56t, CPt20CPs+y, CqYv8CCVQl
@Oranitha whoa that was a lot faster than I expected! Gave it a bit of a try and it seems to be working - nice that it not only reembers the layers but brings them up to edit. If it's an easy change it would be great if it could bring the seeds and location %s up too, though if that would be a pain to add in I could probably teach an excel sheet to translate them wih some manual input instead XD Getting the code at all is a big plus, so thank you!
@Oranitha whoa that was a lot faster than I expected! Gave it a bit of a try and it seems to be working - nice that it not only reembers the layers but brings them up to edit. If it's an easy change it would be great if it could bring the seeds and location %s up too, though if that would be a pain to add in I could probably teach an excel sheet to translate them wih some manual input instead XD Getting the code at all is a big plus, so thank you!
@Sciencing It should! Sorry, that's a feature I need to explain better--the garden (green) layers have a star icon, that indicates which one is active in the seedbox. The load op intentionally doesn't override the currently active garden, so if you look on the right after loading, you should see at least one more green layer--click its star.

If you mean that plants aren't showing up period, oops, oh god, and let me boot Chrome again to see what it's doing now.
@Sciencing It should! Sorry, that's a feature I need to explain better--the garden (green) layers have a star icon, that indicates which one is active in the seedbox. The load op intentionally doesn't override the currently active garden, so if you look on the right after loading, you should see at least one more green layer--click its star.

If you mean that plants aren't showing up period, oops, oh god, and let me boot Chrome again to see what it's doing now.
@Oranitha Ah! You're all good, I just hadn't found that, it's exactly as you describe and I can restore the seeds and positions by starring the correct Garden layer. This is so useful! I have a real hard time getting positions how I like them so being able to randomise until I kinda like it then restore with %s and adjust from there will be so useful. Thank you! One minor issue - if I click 'load' after I've already loaded a save it doesn't seem to let me load anything [i]or[/i] close the 'load' input box, so there's nothing to do but close/refresh the tab and lose any progress since the last save was loaded. I've managed to rescue it by inspecting element to hide the popup but that might be something to work in before implementing this is the full version - just an option to close the popup. Even allowing for fighting the 'load' popup this makes it so easy to quickly make a nice garden. [center][img][/img][/center]
@Oranitha Ah! You're all good, I just hadn't found that, it's exactly as you describe and I can restore the seeds and positions by starring the correct Garden layer. This is so useful! I have a real hard time getting positions how I like them so being able to randomise until I kinda like it then restore with %s and adjust from there will be so useful. Thank you!

One minor issue - if I click 'load' after I've already loaded a save it doesn't seem to let me load anything or close the 'load' input box, so there's nothing to do but close/refresh the tab and lose any progress since the last save was loaded. I've managed to rescue it by inspecting element to hide the popup but that might be something to work in before implementing this is the full version - just an option to close the popup.

Even allowing for fighting the 'load' popup this makes it so easy to quickly make a nice garden.
@Sciencing I'm really glad you like it! That double-load thing's a bug for sure, I'll get that sorted tonight most likely. What would you like as your bughunting seed? If you like, the next push will have three new bases and palettes (terrathorn, giant argemone glauca, pillar crystal // blue-purple pastel, night navy, faded bismuth), I'm happy to grab from those with the caveat they'll only work on AlphaGarden for now: [img][/img] (or any other base/colors of course!)
@Sciencing I'm really glad you like it! That double-load thing's a bug for sure, I'll get that sorted tonight most likely. What would you like as your bughunting seed? If you like, the next push will have three new bases and palettes (terrathorn, giant argemone glauca, pillar crystal // blue-purple pastel, night navy, faded bismuth), I'm happy to grab from those with the caveat they'll only work on AlphaGarden for now:


(or any other base/colors of course!)
@Oranitha Oooo, for bug hunting please could I get an XXX table rock in one of the old glitch colours (32 or 33)? I'll go hunting for the new shinies legit with everyone else when they release for real, but a glitch-rock for my rock collection would make a very fitting reward for finding a glitch XD

That pillar crystal is stunning though, I'll be hoarding those for sure once they release!
@Oranitha Oooo, for bug hunting please could I get an XXX table rock in one of the old glitch colours (32 or 33)? I'll go hunting for the new shinies legit with everyone else when they release for real, but a glitch-rock for my rock collection would make a very fitting reward for finding a glitch XD

That pillar crystal is stunning though, I'll be hoarding those for sure once they release!
@Sciencing Ooh, great choice! This one's 32: CofN0C7AA9

Glad you like the pillar crystal! Love an excuse to draw something shiny.
@Sciencing Ooh, great choice! This one's 32: CofN0C7AA9

Glad you like the pillar crystal! Love an excuse to draw something shiny.
@Oranitha Thank you! That's number 59 of 107!
@Oranitha Thank you! That's number 59 of 107!
[center][img][/img] @pinglist-10684 [s]Hey folks! Today's update brought a bunch of new sort options, which brings us to today's event... [center][size=5][s]Design a garden using only one column of your [url=]collection[/url][/s][/size][/center][/s] [color=darkred][b]Event over! Thanks for making so many gorgeous gardens <3[/b][/color] Here's the trick--you can use [b]any combination of sort options[/b] (including clicking on the color in the Analysis view), and you can [b]resize or zoom the window however you want[/b]. So the real challenge is messing around with all that to get a set you like. However, [b]once you pick your first plant, you're not allowed to skip any.[/b] That's just so the main challenge isn't "can you navigate the collection with the world's narrowest window". Otherwise, use as few or as many as you like! You can also use goodies like !nigel, skies, etc. with no limits. [center][img][/img][/center] The prize is [b]any 5 seeds[/b] you like from this set, and you can submit [b]two gardens[/b] (for 10 seeds total). It's not first-come first-serve, and you [b]are[/b] allowed to pick a seed multiple times (click for a bigger view): [url=][img][/img][/url] [center] [b][size=4]This event is """scheduled""" to run until the Sunday-Monday rollover[/size][/b] Good luck and have fun![/center]
@Endless Garden Events

Hey folks! Today's update brought a bunch of new sort options, which brings us to today's event...

Design a garden using only one column of your collection

Event over! Thanks for making so many gorgeous gardens <3

Here's the trick--you can use any combination of sort options (including clicking on the color in the Analysis view), and you can resize or zoom the window however you want. So the real challenge is messing around with all that to get a set you like. However, once you pick your first plant, you're not allowed to skip any. That's just so the main challenge isn't "can you navigate the collection with the world's narrowest window". Otherwise, use as few or as many as you like! You can also use goodies like !nigel, skies, etc. with no limits.

The prize is any 5 seeds you like from this set, and you can submit two gardens (for 10 seeds total). It's not first-come first-serve, and you are allowed to pick a seed multiple times (click for a bigger view):


This event is """scheduled""" to run until the Sunday-Monday rollover Good luck and have fun!