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TOPIC | ¤~~an endless garden [2.4] ~~¤
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How does one use the second dropdown menu in the garden layer? It was working a couple days ago and I remember it took me a bit to figure it out, but now it doesn't seem to be working and I don't know if I'm just doing something wrong here lol
How does one use the second dropdown menu in the garden layer? It was working a couple days ago and I remember it took me a bit to figure it out, but now it doesn't seem to be working and I don't know if I'm just doing something wrong here lol
H9klr6C.png xxxxx

FR +21

QFMsHc3.png xxxxx Uf8EgNV.png
@Ice047 Oogh, the one with the choices like "gravel" and "growth"? Yeah, I need to figure out where I can squish some explanation. That's for the terrain, and since you can't see the terrain unless you increase the y, it's pretty hard to figure out what it's doing! Set y=5 and mess with that second drop down and you should be good.

@Frigate You got it! D0OsWB+OFb
@Ice047 Oogh, the one with the choices like "gravel" and "growth"? Yeah, I need to figure out where I can squish some explanation. That's for the terrain, and since you can't see the terrain unless you increase the y, it's pretty hard to figure out what it's doing! Set y=5 and mess with that second drop down and you should be good.

@Frigate You got it! D0OsWB+OFb
That worked, thank you!
That worked, thank you!
H9klr6C.png xxxxx

FR +21

QFMsHc3.png xxxxx Uf8EgNV.png
@Aphorous Aaa, I'm glad you found us! [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Let me know if anything's unclear, I wrote a lot of code pretty quickly and my documentation hasn't quite caught up yet. I hope you enjoy! @RedRevival I DO love it, those look incredible! Especially in love with Helianthus, both for the name, INCREDIBLE garden/garden palette, and I really love the implications of those plant sprites. Plant-based worldbuilding! ----- Pre-update notes! Let's see... fixed some bugs in garden loading. It kept insisting that every garden had grass for a groundcover, that's fixed. Also, loading gardens with non-fixed positions for plants, a thing I think no one but me does because it's not that useful, hah. Changes to the saves themselves...I'm banking up changes to do them all at once...the next version of the saving will keep layer names + do some stuff with custom height, but that's awhile out, so I might add more. Let me know! (ETA: this won't break existing garden saves!) Not pushing to alphagarden quite yet, as I am once more on my art. A little how it's started/how it's going as I add a new fern [center][img][/img][/center] feels good looking back! If I can do it, anyone can :D New palette, don't know if I mentioned that...themed it as "alien metal", it's a pretty dramatic one [center][img][/img][/center] Overall, nothing too crazy. I'm working on a side project (extra-side project) so that's sucking up some time.
@Aphorous Aaa, I'm glad you found us! Let me know if anything's unclear, I wrote a lot of code pretty quickly and my documentation hasn't quite caught up yet. I hope you enjoy!

@RedRevival I DO love it, those look incredible! Especially in love with Helianthus, both for the name, INCREDIBLE garden/garden palette, and I really love the implications of those plant sprites. Plant-based worldbuilding!

Pre-update notes! Let's see...

fixed some bugs in garden loading. It kept insisting that every garden had grass for a groundcover, that's fixed. Also, loading gardens with non-fixed positions for plants, a thing I think no one but me does because it's not that useful, hah. Changes to the saves themselves...I'm banking up changes to do them all at once...the next version of the saving will keep layer names + do some stuff with custom height, but that's awhile out, so I might add more. Let me know! (ETA: this won't break existing garden saves!)

Not pushing to alphagarden quite yet, as I am once more on my art. A little how it's started/how it's going as I add a new fern

feels good looking back! If I can do it, anyone can :D

New palette, don't know if I mentioned that...themed it as "alien metal", it's a pretty dramatic one

Overall, nothing too crazy. I'm working on a side project (extra-side project) so that's sucking up some time.
[center][img][/img][/center] Colored lights! Kind of! Added two new kinds of marker pixel, which will paint the first accent color at 25% and 10% alpha for a glow effect. Not going to go back to alter old sprites because I can only imagine how many years of gardens and collecting that would mess up, but I do hope to do one or two other bioluminescents for next update! One's a critter.

Colored lights! Kind of!

Added two new kinds of marker pixel, which will paint the first accent color at 25% and 10% alpha for a glow effect. Not going to go back to alter old sprites because I can only imagine how many years of gardens and collecting that would mess up, but I do hope to do one or two other bioluminescents for next update! One's a critter.
We've hit 200 bases! :] That means 6 new ones from me (so far), and I haven't even started adding community bases.

what else? Not much! A bug with garden scaling that caused new layers to have weird widths. Another palette which is based off light as a concept. I mean, to be fair, I guess the alpha thing above was also today? I am not great with the passage of time.
We've hit 200 bases! :] That means 6 new ones from me (so far), and I haven't even started adding community bases.

what else? Not much! A bug with garden scaling that caused new layers to have weird widths. Another palette which is based off light as a concept. I mean, to be fair, I guess the alpha thing above was also today? I am not great with the passage of time.
I just noticed a strange bug where I lose a seed if I click on "mutate", choose the seed and then click on the upper portion of one of the three icons below instead of the image of the item. I get an error saying that the ID of the seed I'm looking for cannot be found and, it's true, it disappears from my inventory despite not having gotten the swapped palette version.

Edit: OOOoh also loving your WIPs!!
I just noticed a strange bug where I lose a seed if I click on "mutate", choose the seed and then click on the upper portion of one of the three icons below instead of the image of the item. I get an error saying that the ID of the seed I'm looking for cannot be found and, it's true, it disappears from my inventory despite not having gotten the swapped palette version.

Edit: OOOoh also loving your WIPs!!
Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources
@Natron Ope, that's a bug for sure! I've fixed it locally (weird interaction with a label element), what would you like for your bughunting seed, and do you remember what the seed(s) you lost looked like? Happy to restore them!

Hopefully I'll have the fix pushed some time tomorrow (with ping), got a few more minor QoL things to get in tonight, time allowing.

Also, I'm glad you like them! Most of the new bases are pretty utilitarian (door, intact column) but the bioluminesence has my brain humming :]
@Natron Ope, that's a bug for sure! I've fixed it locally (weird interaction with a label element), what would you like for your bughunting seed, and do you remember what the seed(s) you lost looked like? Happy to restore them!

Hopefully I'll have the fix pushed some time tomorrow (with ping), got a few more minor QoL things to get in tonight, time allowing.

Also, I'm glad you like them! Most of the new bases are pretty utilitarian (door, intact column) but the bioluminesence has my brain humming :]
[center] [img][/img] @pinglist-10683 [size=5]Endless Garden 2.4 QoL, Glow, and QUESTIONS![/size] [/center] Hey y'all! Updates will likely slow a bit after this, so I wanted to make it a good one :) [b]There are 11 new bases, 2 new palettes, and 2 new component types[/b] 2 community bases this time, thanks to @gardening! A set of super cute planters, a teapot and teacups. Love how they play with the colors! The remaining 9 are mine, and part of the continuing effort to cover a lot of "necessities". One of the more exciting "necessities" is [b]colored transparency[/b]: [center][img][/img][/center] I won't get too into the weird awfulness of Javascript canvas guarantees, but suffice to say that transparent pixels aren't usually recolored right. So til now it all ended up as whatever color it was drawn in. I added two new "special colors" that replace themselves with 10% and 25% opacity of the leftmost accent color, so now bases can have colored "glow"! I won't be going back to change any of my old bases, because they are OLD old, but if anyone wants to update their community base, let me know! 4 of my new sprites use that system, here's one of them as example: [img][/img] [b]Lots of bugfixes too this time[/b]. Where to start...a nasty one that could cause mutation to bug out if you clicked a label just right (let me know if you lost a seed to this one, there would've been an error popup about not finding a seed in your collection), a bunch of formatting and alignment issues, a "nameless" square on the self-care extras board, weird snap-to-top behavior when dragging garden layers, just a lot. [b]Thank you, bughunters[/b] [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [b]There's new sorting and display options in the Collection[/b]. You can now sort by main palette (!!!). "With Colors" has options too now, "Main" is probably the most useful for garden stuff. You can sort the palettes themselves by color instead of internal number (I still need to come up with a to identify palettes...names? Numbers?), and finally you can engage Showcase Mode to embiggen sprites and get rid of borders. Bad menu graphic [url=]here[/url]. I recommend trying "Sort by Main Palette" "Rainbow" and "Showcase Mode" all at once :] [b]New midground/decor layer/yellow tab thing/whatever I'm calling those! It's my favorite yet, Town. Check it out![/b] [center][size=6]AND NOW IT'S QUESTION TIME[/size][/center] I'm nearly through my own to-do list, which means it's time to shift it back to you guys! Here's some questions, you don't have to answer all of them (or any) but it'll help shape the tool [LIST=1] [*]Any ideas for new palettes? [*]What about new bases? [*]Any QoL you'd want to see? [*]How do you feel about the rate you get plants at in general? Should it be easier? Harder? [*]What about raw seedstuff, would you want more ways to earn that? [*]If I was going to add a new way to get either, what would you want to see? (my only current ideas: writing prompt challenges, a habit calendar where you get rewards per day you stick with something) [*]Is there anything specific you'd want a nerf/buff for? [*]What part of the tool do you think needs the most love? (UI facelift, better documentation, etc) [/LIST] Related to that, since I want to work on UI/UX next, a pinglist if you don't mind me bothering you for feedback: [center][pinglist=29247][/center] And that's all from me! Thanks as always for using my weird tool, it makes me so happy :] Now here's the save for the banner image and the freeb seeds...take care! [code]{"version":0.1,"w":450,"h":100,"s":2,"layers":[{"type":1,"x":149,"y":34,"w":450,"h":100,"seeds":["D7GlfCCXU2%80.00<"],"palette":"CunEjC0KIh","gcover":"none","ground":"none","s":0.5},{"type":1,"x":0,"y":-2,"w":250,"h":100,"seeds":["CGkRzCCXU2%0.00","CGkRzCCXU2%70.00"],"palette":"CGkRzCCXU2","gcover":"grass [palette]","ground":"grass","s":2},{"type":1,"x":0,"y":20,"w":450,"h":100,"seeds":["D8ogqC3knb%5.00","D8ogqC3knb%87.00"],"palette":"CGkRzCCXU2","gcover":"none","ground":"none","s":1},{"type":3,"content":"Stars","palette":"early evening","cust":[],"a":1},{"type":3,"content":"Stars","palette":"early evening","cust":[],"a":1},{"type":3,"content":"Sky_Gradient","palette":"night","cust":[],"a":1},{"type":3,"content":"Fog","palette":"shallow water","cust":[],"a":0.2},{"type":1,"x":0,"y":9,"w":450,"h":100,"seeds":["D7dwTCUqjQ%35.00","D7dwTCUqjQ%50.00","D7dwTCUqjQ%92.00","C7xKvCUqjQ%31.00","C7xKvCUqjQ%10.00<"],"palette":"CGkRzCCXU2","gcover":"grass [palette]","ground":"grass","s":1},{"type":1,"x":190,"y":10,"w":200,"h":100,"seeds":["D6WUbCUrHG%70.00"],"palette":"D7dwTCUqjQ","gcover":"carved stone [palette]","ground":"chunky dirt","s":1},{"type":3,"content":"Fog","palette":"night","cust":[],"a":0.6},{"type":1,"x":-20,"y":0,"w":350,"h":100,"seeds":["CM3ADCOkuw%31.71","CM3ADCOkuw%59.71","CM3ADCOkuw%2.57<","CM3ADCOkuw%48.41","CM3ADCOkuw%18.22<","CM3ADCOkuw%68.30","CBNaDCOkus%2.47","CBNaDCOkus%27.26<","CBNaDCOkus%1.93<"],"palette":"CunEjC0KIh","gcover":"grass [palette]","ground":"clumpy dirt","s":1.5},{"type":3,"content":"Fog","palette":"custom","cust":["#000000"],"a":0.9},{"type":1,"x":-20,"y":0,"w":350,"h":100,"seeds":["CM3ADCOkuw%29.43","CM3ADCOkuw%54.57<","CM3ADCOkuw%77.14","CM3ADCOkuw%4.29","CM3ADCOkuw%40.16<","CM3ADCOkuw%13.65<","CM3ADCOkuw%22.13"],"palette":"CunEjC0KIh","gcover":"grass [palette]","ground":"clumpy dirt","s":1.5}]}[/code] [code]D687CC1rpQ, CGkRzCCXU2, CM3ADCOkuw, D81qHCDGek, D7dwTCUqjQ, D9ZUGC4ue5, D993sCawJo, CBNaDCOkus, D7GlfCCXU2, C7xKvCUqjQ, D6WUbCUrHG, D8ogqC3knb[/code]
@Endless Garden Updates

Endless Garden 2.4
QoL, Glow, and QUESTIONS!

Hey y'all! Updates will likely slow a bit after this, so I wanted to make it a good one :)

There are 11 new bases, 2 new palettes, and 2 new component types

2 community bases this time, thanks to @gardening! A set of super cute planters, a teapot and teacups. Love how they play with the colors!

The remaining 9 are mine, and part of the continuing effort to cover a lot of "necessities". One of the more exciting "necessities" is colored transparency:

I won't get too into the weird awfulness of Javascript canvas guarantees, but suffice to say that transparent pixels aren't usually recolored right. So til now it all ended up as whatever color it was drawn in. I added two new "special colors" that replace themselves with 10% and 25% opacity of the leftmost accent color, so now bases can have colored "glow"! I won't be going back to change any of my old bases, because they are OLD old, but if anyone wants to update their community base, let me know! 4 of my new sprites use that system, here's one of them as example: tthmQZl.png

Lots of bugfixes too this time. Where to start...a nasty one that could cause mutation to bug out if you clicked a label just right (let me know if you lost a seed to this one, there would've been an error popup about not finding a seed in your collection), a bunch of formatting and alignment issues, a "nameless" square on the self-care extras board, weird snap-to-top behavior when dragging garden layers, just a lot. Thank you, bughunters

There's new sorting and display options in the Collection. You can now sort by main palette (!!!). "With Colors" has options too now, "Main" is probably the most useful for garden stuff. You can sort the palettes themselves by color instead of internal number (I still need to come up with a to identify palettes...names? Numbers?), and finally you can engage Showcase Mode to embiggen sprites and get rid of borders. Bad menu graphic here. I recommend trying "Sort by Main Palette" "Rainbow" and "Showcase Mode" all at once :]

New midground/decor layer/yellow tab thing/whatever I'm calling those! It's my favorite yet, Town. Check it out!


I'm nearly through my own to-do list, which means it's time to shift it back to you guys! Here's some questions, you don't have to answer all of them (or any) but it'll help shape the tool
  1. Any ideas for new palettes?
  2. What about new bases?
  3. Any QoL you'd want to see?
  4. How do you feel about the rate you get plants at in general? Should it be easier? Harder?
  5. What about raw seedstuff, would you want more ways to earn that?
  6. If I was going to add a new way to get either, what would you want to see? (my only current ideas: writing prompt challenges, a habit calendar where you get rewards per day you stick with something)
  7. Is there anything specific you'd want a nerf/buff for?
  8. What part of the tool do you think needs the most love? (UI facelift, better documentation, etc)

Related to that, since I want to work on UI/UX next, a pinglist if you don't mind me bothering you for feedback:

And that's all from me! Thanks as always for using my weird tool, it makes me so happy :]

Now here's the save for the banner image and the freeb seeds...take care!
{"version":0.1,"w":450,"h":100,"s":2,"layers":[{"type":1,"x":149,"y":34,"w":450,"h":100,"seeds":["D7GlfCCXU2%80.00<"],"palette":"CunEjC0KIh","gcover":"none","ground":"none","s":0.5},{"type":1,"x":0,"y":-2,"w":250,"h":100,"seeds":["CGkRzCCXU2%0.00","CGkRzCCXU2%70.00"],"palette":"CGkRzCCXU2","gcover":"grass [palette]","ground":"grass","s":2},{"type":1,"x":0,"y":20,"w":450,"h":100,"seeds":["D8ogqC3knb%5.00","D8ogqC3knb%87.00"],"palette":"CGkRzCCXU2","gcover":"none","ground":"none","s":1},{"type":3,"content":"Stars","palette":"early evening","cust":[],"a":1},{"type":3,"content":"Stars","palette":"early evening","cust":[],"a":1},{"type":3,"content":"Sky_Gradient","palette":"night","cust":[],"a":1},{"type":3,"content":"Fog","palette":"shallow water","cust":[],"a":0.2},{"type":1,"x":0,"y":9,"w":450,"h":100,"seeds":["D7dwTCUqjQ%35.00","D7dwTCUqjQ%50.00","D7dwTCUqjQ%92.00","C7xKvCUqjQ%31.00","C7xKvCUqjQ%10.00<"],"palette":"CGkRzCCXU2","gcover":"grass [palette]","ground":"grass","s":1},{"type":1,"x":190,"y":10,"w":200,"h":100,"seeds":["D6WUbCUrHG%70.00"],"palette":"D7dwTCUqjQ","gcover":"carved stone [palette]","ground":"chunky dirt","s":1},{"type":3,"content":"Fog","palette":"night","cust":[],"a":0.6},{"type":1,"x":-20,"y":0,"w":350,"h":100,"seeds":["CM3ADCOkuw%31.71","CM3ADCOkuw%59.71","CM3ADCOkuw%2.57<","CM3ADCOkuw%48.41","CM3ADCOkuw%18.22<","CM3ADCOkuw%68.30","CBNaDCOkus%2.47","CBNaDCOkus%27.26<","CBNaDCOkus%1.93<"],"palette":"CunEjC0KIh","gcover":"grass [palette]","ground":"clumpy dirt","s":1.5},{"type":3,"content":"Fog","palette":"custom","cust":["#000000"],"a":0.9},{"type":1,"x":-20,"y":0,"w":350,"h":100,"seeds":["CM3ADCOkuw%29.43","CM3ADCOkuw%54.57<","CM3ADCOkuw%77.14","CM3ADCOkuw%4.29","CM3ADCOkuw%40.16<","CM3ADCOkuw%13.65<","CM3ADCOkuw%22.13"],"palette":"CunEjC0KIh","gcover":"grass [palette]","ground":"clumpy dirt","s":1.5}]}
D687CC1rpQ, CGkRzCCXU2, CM3ADCOkuw, D81qHCDGek, D7dwTCUqjQ, D9ZUGC4ue5, D993sCawJo, CBNaDCOkus, D7GlfCCXU2, C7xKvCUqjQ, D6WUbCUrHG, D8ogqC3knb

@oranitha SORRY I somehow completely missed that ping hjahkjdhs

Thankfully, the seed I lost was only interesting to me because of the palette I wanted to use for another so it's not important! Also, hilarious request but if I could get a long stalk seed (literally anything, I have a surplus of stuff I can use for mutating), that'd be great.

Additionally, on the to-do page, after completing number 13, none of the dropdowns work and I am unsure whether that's intended or not oxo
@oranitha SORRY I somehow completely missed that ping hjahkjdhs

Thankfully, the seed I lost was only interesting to me because of the palette I wanted to use for another so it's not important! Also, hilarious request but if I could get a long stalk seed (literally anything, I have a surplus of stuff I can use for mutating), that'd be great.

Additionally, on the to-do page, after completing number 13, none of the dropdowns work and I am unsure whether that's intended or not oxo
Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources
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