
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Tech Disparity is Kinda Funny
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this is an amazing discussion thank you all for your participation
this is an amazing discussion thank you all for your participation
"We get along, for the most part, me and reality"
-Grow Up, Paramore
Thank you for this whole observation, truly provokes fun thoughts
Thank you for this whole observation, truly provokes fun thoughts
[quote name="ShiningDawn" date="2024-01-16 06:01:10" ] I actually incorporated that into my lore. I bought a pretty looking dragon on AH, saw that it was a lightning dragon, and decided he was here to install electric lights in our lair. [/quote] That's creative and funny! [emoji=tundra laughing size=2]
ShiningDawn wrote on 2024-01-16 06:01:10:
I actually incorporated that into my lore. I bought a pretty looking dragon on AH, saw that it was a lightning dragon, and decided he was here to install electric lights in our lair.
That's creative and funny!
YOauEPv.gif[/url I never knew Flight Rising had a forum for the longest time. Now that I do, so far it's awesome.
[quote name="@colorscapes" date="2024-01-14 10:07:23" ] this thread reminded me that we have the dragons living in the worldedge wetlands. they have ZERO idea about the chaos taking place in the rest of sornieth. [/quote] THIS! I love “the WHAT” moments. It seems like living in a marsh, bog, swamp, or other type of wetland is the prime location to avoid the nerd chaos of the “hey ground control, we’re in space now. is that bad” Arcane and “remember to go to your 9 to 5 job or this power plant will explode” Lightning flights.
@colorscapes wrote on 2024-01-14 10:07:23:
this thread reminded me that we have the dragons living in the worldedge wetlands. they have ZERO idea about the chaos taking place in the rest of sornieth.

THIS! I love “the WHAT” moments. It seems like living in a marsh, bog, swamp, or other type of wetland is the prime location to avoid the nerd chaos of the “hey ground control, we’re in space now. is that bad” Arcane and “remember to go to your 9 to 5 job or this power plant will explode” Lightning flights.
[quote name="@Recallback" date="2024-01-14 17:49:11" ] It is very funny on the surface, but I think it makes sense when you recontextualize it within the Flight's and their cultures… [/quote] Omg!!! Thank you for the analysis! I love the in universe explanation. One of the reasons I chose the Arcane flight is that they’re somewhat “chill” with everyone. Arcanist 11th wheel moments. Waiting for the others to come to them first even though everyone is too busy with their pre-established dynamics to pay attention to them. I mean, the relationship is probably rocky because of the whole pillar thing, right? The sanctums were pushing it, better not risk it even though it’d be so cool to do more research and exchange knowledge and technology, maybe make some sort of electric library. It must’ve been too overbearing to lightning. Let’s just wait for the others to reach out first so we don’t mess it up with another. Then we can geek out. They’ll reach out. Eventually. Right?
@Recallback wrote on 2024-01-14 17:49:11:
It is very funny on the surface, but I think it makes sense when you recontextualize it within the Flight's and their cultures…
Omg!!! Thank you for the analysis! I love the in universe explanation. One of the reasons I chose the Arcane flight is that they’re somewhat “chill” with everyone. Arcanist 11th wheel moments. Waiting for the others to come to them first even though everyone is too busy with their pre-established dynamics to pay attention to them. I mean, the relationship is probably rocky because of the whole pillar thing, right? The sanctums were pushing it, better not risk it even though it’d be so cool to do more research and exchange knowledge and technology, maybe make some sort of electric library. It must’ve been too overbearing to lightning. Let’s just wait for the others to reach out first so we don’t mess it up with another. Then we can geek out. They’ll reach out. Eventually. Right?
I feel like what can be defined as "advancements" or "tech" may be a little broader in Sornieth. Nature clans may not have robots, but they do have plant-based constructs like Wood Ear Deer and utilize their flora in other creative ways. Plague clans hone themselves as powerful tools and may use their twisted fauna as tools. Wind clans have gates that can launch and sustain fast flight, fulfilling the role of air vehicles without all the extra material. Factories and robots golems aren't the only future, after all!
I feel like what can be defined as "advancements" or "tech" may be a little broader in Sornieth. Nature clans may not have robots, but they do have plant-based constructs like Wood Ear Deer and utilize their flora in other creative ways. Plague clans hone themselves as powerful tools and may use their twisted fauna as tools. Wind clans have gates that can launch and sustain fast flight, fulfilling the role of air vehicles without all the extra material. Factories and robots golems aren't the only future, after all!
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Let the Odyssey begin! May we set sail for treasure and glory... but mostly treasure.
Somebody brought up the idea of "why would dragons need trains though?" earlier in the thread and... I think trains and cars are pretty likely things, myself.

I mean, think about it. Dragons in almost all media have the "lazy" trait. Why go fly somewhere when you can get in the magic box/teleportation circle and just... have the box/circle do the work for you?
(Humans' gig is literally that we're the best keeping-going-ers in the world... and how many of us just sit on our butts all day? Can't imagine dragons would be less, uh, "efficiency-minded". Of course there's the people who like going for runs, so there are dragons who love to fly, but like... if can sit, will sit, yeah?)

Also there's the whole transport-of-goods thing, much easier if you can have three dragons running a train vs. 100 dragons carrying an armful of stuff.

(Shadow and Nature might not bother with any of this though- "We have [X] at home!")
Somebody brought up the idea of "why would dragons need trains though?" earlier in the thread and... I think trains and cars are pretty likely things, myself.

I mean, think about it. Dragons in almost all media have the "lazy" trait. Why go fly somewhere when you can get in the magic box/teleportation circle and just... have the box/circle do the work for you?
(Humans' gig is literally that we're the best keeping-going-ers in the world... and how many of us just sit on our butts all day? Can't imagine dragons would be less, uh, "efficiency-minded". Of course there's the people who like going for runs, so there are dragons who love to fly, but like... if can sit, will sit, yeah?)

Also there's the whole transport-of-goods thing, much easier if you can have three dragons running a train vs. 100 dragons carrying an armful of stuff.

(Shadow and Nature might not bother with any of this though- "We have [X] at home!")
a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, but not mass ones.
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.

Small Logo: Flights and Fancies
I would also like to add that tech disparity is a real thing in the human world!

There's real countries and cultures that either cannot afford or do not want what is thought of as advanced technology. There's plenty of countries that struggle with getting reliable medicine, there's places that don't have reliable access to power, there are still cultures that the wider world is vaguely aware exists but haven't been directly contacted yet who probably aren't even aware that electricity is a thing outside of lightning and static shocks!

Even in a rich country like the United States there's pockets where you have limited access to reliable power, clean water, fresh food, or internet / data.

It is not at all unreasonable in a world of warring factions that resources and knowledge are not evenly distributed. I'd be more confused if they had an all flight wide internet and train network then I am at the fact that these constantly warring (that what dominance is, after all, it's how each flight is doing in the big territory struggle) factions aren't sharing resources with each other.
I would also like to add that tech disparity is a real thing in the human world!

There's real countries and cultures that either cannot afford or do not want what is thought of as advanced technology. There's plenty of countries that struggle with getting reliable medicine, there's places that don't have reliable access to power, there are still cultures that the wider world is vaguely aware exists but haven't been directly contacted yet who probably aren't even aware that electricity is a thing outside of lightning and static shocks!

Even in a rich country like the United States there's pockets where you have limited access to reliable power, clean water, fresh food, or internet / data.

It is not at all unreasonable in a world of warring factions that resources and knowledge are not evenly distributed. I'd be more confused if they had an all flight wide internet and train network then I am at the fact that these constantly warring (that what dominance is, after all, it's how each flight is doing in the big territory struggle) factions aren't sharing resources with each other.
This is such a great discussion, I love it.

The first thing this thread made me think of was back when I was considering my first flight change - Arcane to Plague, because I wanted to do more dom - and the biggest thing holding me back was that my dragons would have to go from living inside at the Observatory to. Outside in the filth? Or something? How would that work? How would they stand the change? Most of my dragons (that have lore in my head, only two of them have anything written down still lmao) are scientists, how are they going to do their normal lab science outside? They can't! And what about the new biology research I wanted to have them start doing with the Plague move?

Luckily around then Arcane had a portal-themed push, and I had my answer: a portal between Plague and the clan's Observatory lab. I could be 'in' Plague (and later Earth) and my dragons could easily access the area for research, but they could continue to live inside xD

So now I'm thinking about differences in standards of living between all the flights, and how that would be for individual dragons that leave their home region to live elsewhere. Like any of my lair's babies growing up in the safety and comfort of the Observatory, and then going to live in a less ~advanced region - could be a culture shock for some xD
This is such a great discussion, I love it.

The first thing this thread made me think of was back when I was considering my first flight change - Arcane to Plague, because I wanted to do more dom - and the biggest thing holding me back was that my dragons would have to go from living inside at the Observatory to. Outside in the filth? Or something? How would that work? How would they stand the change? Most of my dragons (that have lore in my head, only two of them have anything written down still lmao) are scientists, how are they going to do their normal lab science outside? They can't! And what about the new biology research I wanted to have them start doing with the Plague move?

Luckily around then Arcane had a portal-themed push, and I had my answer: a portal between Plague and the clan's Observatory lab. I could be 'in' Plague (and later Earth) and my dragons could easily access the area for research, but they could continue to live inside xD

So now I'm thinking about differences in standards of living between all the flights, and how that would be for individual dragons that leave their home region to live elsewhere. Like any of my lair's babies growing up in the safety and comfort of the Observatory, and then going to live in a less ~advanced region - could be a culture shock for some xD
It's also probably based on location and availability of resources, too, if you want to get into it. c: Nature is a "land of plenty" so to speak. It's easy to find food, grow crops, and the climate is Generally pretty stable (seems like it's close to the equator, if the continent is in the south). There's no need for air conditioning, aquaponics, or electric fences. The wilds are hard to navigate so provides a natural defense, the population is not densely clustered around a certain resource (rivers or oceans) because of ample water, and food is Extremely abundant.

Compare it to lightning which has a harsh climate (hot days, cold nights), scarce water that probably funnels most dragons into living near water sources, and is relatively open and undefendable. There might be more of a push to innovate and get that agricultural revolution rolling.
It's also probably based on location and availability of resources, too, if you want to get into it. c: Nature is a "land of plenty" so to speak. It's easy to find food, grow crops, and the climate is Generally pretty stable (seems like it's close to the equator, if the continent is in the south). There's no need for air conditioning, aquaponics, or electric fences. The wilds are hard to navigate so provides a natural defense, the population is not densely clustered around a certain resource (rivers or oceans) because of ample water, and food is Extremely abundant.

Compare it to lightning which has a harsh climate (hot days, cold nights), scarce water that probably funnels most dragons into living near water sources, and is relatively open and undefendable. There might be more of a push to innovate and get that agricultural revolution rolling.
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