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TOPIC | Killers in the Clan (waitlist open!)
1 2 ... 394 395 396 397 398 ... 452 453
[url=][img][/img][/url] [b][size=5]Zodonyar | She/Her[/b][/size] | Interacting: Lithium, Cerulean, Tommy/Infirmary Zodonyar keeps his gaze, only breaking it when Lithium jerks away. She worriedly hovers beside him, before his eyes seem to gain a spark of recognition once more. Her claws were still tangled with his, a gentle weight to the Skydancer as he still seemed to shake with fear. "Skeptics? Is that why you... you three have been herded here?" She taps her claw on the ground, her brow furrowing as Lithium turns to converse with Ceru, the two sinking into a small conversation. She was pulled out at her name though, Lithium calling out to her with a tone that she wanted to say was anxious. "Outbreak, outbreak, outbreak. Admittedly, I haven't seen any sightings, but I also have really only been outside at night, when the moon is high. But, no signs of spreading, no wildlife being aggressive, and it feel- felt. It felt calm in the previous nights." Zodonyar had stiffened to a more proper stance, as she listed off the different points with startling efficiency. After she finished, she then relaxed once more, her chest ballooning out as she shuffled to something more comfortable, almost resting on herself like a bird. Her gaze shifted between the two blue toned dragons, giving them their chance to speak. Something between the two felt off, like they had witnessed something secret, to be kept under wraps. It made her nervous. She didn't think that these two had done anything, but something felt dangerous. Her nerves were more akin to a live wire, the veneer of calm only being held together by the comforting grasp she shared with Lithium. Unnoticed, Lotus took its time to rise from Zodonyars bed. Its head lolled to the side, the long, thin stems of lotus crossed around its body, almost looking as though it was choking the small thing. Yet, it instead just blankly stared, before it tilted to look at Tommy. There were more. The little bird. The beast. The Worm. But which one was food? It was alone now, it didn't have its family, but it had its Favorite. But Favorite was busy, and Favorite doesn't like to be interrupted. But its hungry. None of the shines, or the glows, or even the scratchys were tasty enough. Favorite tried, but there wasn't their favorite here, the lotus's wouldn't grow, and the fruits were hard to find. Maybe little bird, or the beast would be better. None of the little critters scurried here, and the ones that did live here Favorite told them not to eat. But it was hungry, so, so hungry. Its head dragged again, faceted eyes unfocusing as it swiveled on its paws. The Worm might be mad if it tried to bite the beast, and the beast was big, but the little bird was small, the little bird was weak. The little bird was prey. Lotus, in an act of surprising speed, lurched off the bed, before dropping into a hunting crouch. It slid, low to the ground, though the rustle of petals may have given it away. The most alive the creature looked in days, and it was hunting a fellow familiar. It paused for a second, as a word from its Favorite reached it's ears, and its eyes glazed as it tried to comprehend it, before blinking it away. It didn't mind Favorite waiting, if it got a good meal. Its flowers needed energy. The final slide was all it needed, as it had reached the beasts bed. All it needed was a moment of distraction, as Larry turned to peck at Tommy, before Lotus had sunk it's surprisingly sharp teeth into it's haunches. Instead of hanging on like a normal predator, Lotus instead wrapped its body around Larry, and heaved it off the bed, before rolling under the covers. All that could be heard was the squeaking of a Slink, the shrieks of a Crow, and the occasional rip as leaves, or bed-sheets, were caught in the crossfire. --- Zodonyar votes for [B]Sabori[/b]
Zodonyar | She/Her
| Interacting: Lithium, Cerulean, Tommy/Infirmary

Zodonyar keeps his gaze, only breaking it when Lithium jerks away. She worriedly hovers beside him, before his eyes seem to gain a spark of recognition once more. Her claws were still tangled with his, a gentle weight to the Skydancer as he still seemed to shake with fear.

"Skeptics? Is that why you... you three have been herded here?"

She taps her claw on the ground, her brow furrowing as Lithium turns to converse with Ceru, the two sinking into a small conversation. She was pulled out at her name though, Lithium calling out to her with a tone that she wanted to say was anxious.

"Outbreak, outbreak, outbreak. Admittedly, I haven't seen any sightings, but I also have really only been outside at night, when the moon is high. But, no signs of spreading, no wildlife being aggressive, and it feel- felt. It felt calm in the previous nights."

Zodonyar had stiffened to a more proper stance, as she listed off the different points with startling efficiency. After she finished, she then relaxed once more, her chest ballooning out as she shuffled to something more comfortable, almost resting on herself like a bird.

Her gaze shifted between the two blue toned dragons, giving them their chance to speak. Something between the two felt off, like they had witnessed something secret, to be kept under wraps. It made her nervous. She didn't think that these two had done anything, but something felt dangerous. Her nerves were more akin to a live wire, the veneer of calm only being held together by the comforting grasp she shared with Lithium.

Unnoticed, Lotus took its time to rise from Zodonyars bed. Its head lolled to the side, the long, thin stems of lotus crossed around its body, almost looking as though it was choking the small thing. Yet, it instead just blankly stared, before it tilted to look at Tommy.

There were more. The little bird. The beast. The Worm. But which one was food? It was alone now, it didn't have its family, but it had its Favorite. But Favorite was busy, and Favorite doesn't like to be interrupted.

But its hungry. None of the shines, or the glows, or even the scratchys were tasty enough. Favorite tried, but there wasn't their favorite here, the lotus's wouldn't grow, and the fruits were hard to find.

Maybe little bird, or the beast would be better. None of the little critters scurried here, and the ones that did live here Favorite told them not to eat. But it was hungry, so, so hungry.

Its head dragged again, faceted eyes unfocusing as it swiveled on its paws. The Worm might be mad if it tried to bite the beast, and the beast was big, but the little bird was small, the little bird was weak.

The little bird was prey.

Lotus, in an act of surprising speed, lurched off the bed, before dropping into a hunting crouch. It slid, low to the ground, though the rustle of petals may have given it away. The most alive the creature looked in days, and it was hunting a fellow familiar. It paused for a second, as a word from its Favorite reached it's ears, and its eyes glazed as it tried to comprehend it, before blinking it away.

It didn't mind Favorite waiting, if it got a good meal. Its flowers needed energy.

The final slide was all it needed, as it had reached the beasts bed. All it needed was a moment of distraction, as Larry turned to peck at Tommy, before Lotus had sunk it's surprisingly sharp teeth into it's haunches. Instead of hanging on like a normal predator, Lotus instead wrapped its body around Larry, and heaved it off the bed, before rolling under the covers. All that could be heard was the squeaking of a Slink, the shrieks of a Crow, and the occasional rip as leaves, or bed-sheets, were caught in the crossfire.


Zodonyar votes for Sabori

Hello! I'm Tuna, or Suns
| any pronouns | +2 FR time
| ~> toyhouse

I am forgetful, so reminders are great.
Interacting with Lith (@nameofuser), Zodo (@SunSprite)

Wait. Stop. How did this dragon know his name?

It stunned Ceru into stiff silence for a countable number of seconds before he was able to regain his composure leaning over the other dragon (Lithium, as provided).

"Ah, he’s been coming after you too, then?"

That could only mean the host, the host that watched out of the bejeweled broom, seeing everything.

"He must like us skeptics."

Ceru was relieved that this dragon was, in fact, cautious and wary, but wasn't too confident on his opinions of Moongaze. A part of him agreed, and another part shook its head in defiance. Which part was right? His gut said run but his head said trust.

He opened his lips in a small grimace as he listened to Lithium 's words. They were an eerie echo of his own doubts. It made his blood run cold.

He made to speak, to respond, but no sound came out. He had to restart just to get his voice moving.

"My name er... is Cerulean. Ceru. I- I appreciate your concern."

Did that sound sarcastic? Because that was one of the most genuine things Ceru had said in a while. He shook his head before continuing.

"I don't think we have a choice..." Ceru glanced a nervous look at the broom. Could it hear as well? "I don't think we can escape him."

"We're all going to be fine at the end of this."

"Ha! Haha. Ehahahehe..." Ceru broke out in a fut of barking laughter. "My friend, none of us are going to be okay. We might as well get our last wishes in because they're coming, and we are all going to die. You, me, we're all doomed. Like sitting ducks, lambs for the slaughter. We're basically already dead. Hahaha..."

He wiped a tear from his eye and tried to choke down the obnoxiously loud cackles. That was quite unwelcome.

"I'm sorry. Ehah."

Cerulean turned at the speaking and tearing coning from beneath the foreign parasite's bed. It was a cruel irony, like the familiars were intentionally punctuating his words.

"I ought to get back to my test. And somebody ought to get that bird."

He gave a sad smile back at Lith and Zodo before retaking his position at the counter, recreating the test he'd watched many times before.
Interacting with Lith (@nameofuser), Zodo (@SunSprite)

Wait. Stop. How did this dragon know his name?

It stunned Ceru into stiff silence for a countable number of seconds before he was able to regain his composure leaning over the other dragon (Lithium, as provided).

"Ah, he’s been coming after you too, then?"

That could only mean the host, the host that watched out of the bejeweled broom, seeing everything.

"He must like us skeptics."

Ceru was relieved that this dragon was, in fact, cautious and wary, but wasn't too confident on his opinions of Moongaze. A part of him agreed, and another part shook its head in defiance. Which part was right? His gut said run but his head said trust.

He opened his lips in a small grimace as he listened to Lithium 's words. They were an eerie echo of his own doubts. It made his blood run cold.

He made to speak, to respond, but no sound came out. He had to restart just to get his voice moving.

"My name er... is Cerulean. Ceru. I- I appreciate your concern."

Did that sound sarcastic? Because that was one of the most genuine things Ceru had said in a while. He shook his head before continuing.

"I don't think we have a choice..." Ceru glanced a nervous look at the broom. Could it hear as well? "I don't think we can escape him."

"We're all going to be fine at the end of this."

"Ha! Haha. Ehahahehe..." Ceru broke out in a fut of barking laughter. "My friend, none of us are going to be okay. We might as well get our last wishes in because they're coming, and we are all going to die. You, me, we're all doomed. Like sitting ducks, lambs for the slaughter. We're basically already dead. Hahaha..."

He wiped a tear from his eye and tried to choke down the obnoxiously loud cackles. That was quite unwelcome.

"I'm sorry. Ehah."

Cerulean turned at the speaking and tearing coning from beneath the foreign parasite's bed. It was a cruel irony, like the familiars were intentionally punctuating his words.

"I ought to get back to my test. And somebody ought to get that bird."

He gave a sad smile back at Lith and Zodo before retaking his position at the counter, recreating the test he'd watched many times before.
Wishlist -->Untitled1133-20231107165239.png
The news of another death is terrifying. Lao has never been known for going out at night, but now he will be most certain to lock his doors. There wasn't a single machine in his workshop that would help him defend himself against a killer- if it came to it, perhaps the sharp edge of some scrap metal lying around could be used in self defense.

What is more disturbing is the method of the killing. The town is quiet where he takes a stroll, carefully brushing the snow off his pearl once his claws hit clean ground once again. He has heard of magic being used to spy on people, and wonders if engineering could achieve a similar feat. If possible, he imagines that the achievement would allow everyone to keep an eye on one place, catching a killer in the act. Lao spends the rest of the day researching this idea, to no avail.


Lao votes for Lithium

The news of another death is terrifying. Lao has never been known for going out at night, but now he will be most certain to lock his doors. There wasn't a single machine in his workshop that would help him defend himself against a killer- if it came to it, perhaps the sharp edge of some scrap metal lying around could be used in self defense.

What is more disturbing is the method of the killing. The town is quiet where he takes a stroll, carefully brushing the snow off his pearl once his claws hit clean ground once again. He has heard of magic being used to spy on people, and wonders if engineering could achieve a similar feat. If possible, he imagines that the achievement would allow everyone to keep an eye on one place, catching a killer in the act. Lao spends the rest of the day researching this idea, to no avail.


Lao votes for Lithium

[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [i][b]a q u a l i a[/b][/i] interacting with nobody[/center] Aqualia silently contemplates the death. She would ask Hearth for specifics, of course, but she is not yet that curious. There is a pattern in these kills, and while the rest of the town is likely thinking of a mysterious invader, Aqualia has come to the conclusion that it is someone in the town. It’s not a pretty thought. It means that she’d lowered her guard, accepted one of the odd dragons making up the clan even though they have malevolent intentions (beyond the obvious). With a deep sigh, footprints tracking through the snow, Aqualia paces the length of the small town, circling around the dome. Inferno scuttles besides her in an attempt to catch up with her irritated pacing. “[i]Why[/i],” is the first word Aqualia utters in irritation, “is some dragon running free and taking the liberty to kill dragons every night? In my own clan? Without me knowing?” She punctuates[b][/b] her words with angrier steps. She quite dislikes the disturbed peace, and while dead bodies are excellent for certain clan members, it’s just some more hassle for her — if they were disposed of properly, then there wouldn’t be so much fuss about the killer. Glancing at Inferno, the cauldron looking suitably confused, she states, “I will find them, don’t you worry. I will find them, and I will ensure that they regret the decision.” [rule] Aqualia votes for [b]Sabori[/b]
a q u a l i a
interacting with nobody

Aqualia silently contemplates the death. She would ask Hearth for specifics, of course, but she is not yet that curious. There is a pattern in these kills, and while the rest of the town is likely thinking of a mysterious invader, Aqualia has come to the conclusion that it is someone in the town.

It’s not a pretty thought. It means that she’d lowered her guard, accepted one of the odd dragons making up the clan even though they have malevolent intentions (beyond the obvious).

With a deep sigh, footprints tracking through the snow, Aqualia paces the length of the small town, circling around the dome. Inferno scuttles besides her in an attempt to catch up with her irritated pacing.

Why,” is the first word Aqualia utters in irritation, “is some dragon running free and taking the liberty to kill dragons every night? In my own clan? Without me knowing?” She punctuates her words with angrier steps. She quite dislikes the disturbed peace, and while dead bodies are excellent for certain clan members, it’s just some more hassle for her — if they were disposed of properly, then there wouldn’t be so much fuss about the killer.

Glancing at Inferno, the cauldron looking suitably confused, she states, “I will find them, don’t you worry. I will find them, and I will ensure that they regret the decision.”

Aqualia votes for Sabori
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center]Interacting with: No one[/center] Azael stayed in her room for the day. Vida chirped in her nest, and Azael could sorta pick up what was happening. Another one had died. She didn’t wanna know how, but… she wishes she knew the why. Azael cane here as a retreat, but everything happening made her feel as if this was a nightmare. Azael votes for [b]Sabori[/b]
Interacting with: No one

Azael stayed in her room for the day. Vida chirped in her nest, and Azael could sorta pick up what was happening. Another one had died. She didn’t wanna know how, but… she wishes she knew the why. Azael cane here as a retreat, but everything happening made her feel as if this was a nightmare.

Azael votes for Sabori
Furry Halfbody Commisons!!
[center]Tommy [url=][img][/img][/url] Interacting with Lotus Tommy was simply admiring the view when he hard some shrieking not far away, and it sounded awfully like that of a crow's...wait was that... It turned around, only to see some kind of creature pouncing and nibbling on Larry. He snarled, his mouth foaming. He didn't think much about what he was doing and he lunged towards Lotus, grabbing it. It took him quite the restraint to simply not rip it into pieces, so he simply threw Lotus out of the way. Larry was freed, though now its flight was wobbly with an injured wing. It continued shrieking and cawing as it returned to him. For some strange reason, Larry's cries sounded awfully soothing. Didn't he find Larry's cries annoying earlier? That's when he realized that he was slipping away again. The fog was coming back in. So he returned to his bed to accept his fate.


Interacting with Lotus

Tommy was simply admiring the view when he hard some shrieking not far away, and it sounded awfully like that of a crow's...wait was that...

It turned around, only to see some kind of creature pouncing and nibbling on Larry. He snarled, his mouth foaming. He didn't think much about what he was doing and he lunged towards Lotus, grabbing it. It took him quite the restraint to simply not rip it into pieces, so he simply threw Lotus out of the way. Larry was freed, though now its flight was wobbly with an injured wing. It continued shrieking and cawing as it returned to him.

For some strange reason, Larry's cries sounded awfully soothing. Didn't he find Larry's cries annoying earlier? That's when he realized that he was slipping away again. The fog was coming back in. So he returned to his bed to accept his fate.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=century gothic][size=5] Yuumi [emoji=cat 3 size=1] she/her[/size] interacting with: [b]Zodonyar[/b] (@SunSprite), mention of [b]Lithium[/b] and [b]Cerulean[/b][/center] [font=century gothic][size=4]While she wandered about the crystalline dome, Yuumi subconsciously found herself in the infirmary again. That's right - Zodo, her friend and probably one of the only companions in this new retreat that she felt like she could trust, was still injured. The cat flicked her tail and made Book swerve into the near-invisible doorway that led to the medical area. It was... livelier here than it was before. Yuumi meowed in greeting upon seeing Zodo, hopping onto the bed near her and purring affectionately, before she realized that a Skydancer she had seen yesterday was holding onto her claw. She tilted her head but decided not to question it. In the distance, she saw the blue Pearlcatcher - Ceru, as Book just reminded her, that she tried to comfort yesterday. He didn't seem to appreciate her being on his shoulder - best to leave him be. "Are you doing okay, friend?" Yuumi meowed in question, laying a paw on Zodo's scales and transferring some magic into her again. She concentrated slightly to send a wave of the same energy to the Skydancer as well, the flow made easy by his front leg still holding onto the Wildclaw's. She debated on asking who those new "guests" were, but under Book's insistence, Yuumi kept silent. Instead, she simply enjoyed being back by Zodo's side for now. ----- [center][font=century gothic][size=5]Yuumi changes her vote to [b]Lithium[/b].[/center]

Yuumi she/her

interacting with: Zodonyar (@SunSprite), mention of Lithium and Cerulean

While she wandered about the crystalline dome, Yuumi subconsciously found herself in the infirmary again. That's right - Zodo, her friend and probably one of the only companions in this new retreat that she felt like she could trust, was still injured. The cat flicked her tail and made Book swerve into the near-invisible doorway that led to the medical area.

It was... livelier here than it was before. Yuumi meowed in greeting upon seeing Zodo, hopping onto the bed near her and purring affectionately, before she realized that a Skydancer she had seen yesterday was holding onto her claw. She tilted her head but decided not to question it. In the distance, she saw the blue Pearlcatcher - Ceru, as Book just reminded her, that she tried to comfort yesterday. He didn't seem to appreciate her being on his shoulder - best to leave him be.

"Are you doing okay, friend?" Yuumi meowed in question, laying a paw on Zodo's scales and transferring some magic into her again. She concentrated slightly to send a wave of the same energy to the Skydancer as well, the flow made easy by his front leg still holding onto the Wildclaw's. She debated on asking who those new "guests" were, but under Book's insistence, Yuumi kept silent. Instead, she simply enjoyed being back by Zodo's side for now.

Yuumi changes her vote to Lithium.
my name is essence, your local gay unicorn!
Voting is now closed! Please stand by for the exile.
Voting is now closed! Please stand by for the exile.
Live today. Don’t wait for tomorrow.
[center][size=6][b][u][emoji=sun]The Evening[emoji=sun][/u][/b][/size][/center] [quote=The Exile] [center][emoji=torch] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [emoji=torch][/center] The new day began with the discovery of another murder, to the dismay of many. After Holly's horrifying death came to light, dragons and dragon-like beings alike resumed their suspicions and accusations of the previous day. As evening drew near, Moongaze sent out aspects of himself to collect the vote tally from his clan members, and found that everyone besides himself was accusing the skydancer siblings of the crime. Ultimately, the majority of the votes landed on Lithium, the wanderer whom he had visited himself in some form earlier that day. Though he had his own doubts about the peculiar skydancer being the culprit, the leader chose to deliver the news of his eviction to him regardless. Moongaze found the accused dragon within the infirmary, alongside a soldier, a janitor, and a cat-like dragon who was struggling to soothe all of her new friends at once. When they heard his booming footsteps, all of the dragons ceased their conversation and stood at attention, with Lithium and Ceru cowering back ever so slightly. The demigod let his gaze fall on the former. "You," he declared, "are to leave my clan at once." Lithium made no attempt to hide his shock. He had to leave? [i]Now[/i]? Tch, perhaps that demigod had been listening to his words of warning towards the others after all. He could understand not wanting to keep a potential insurgent within the walls of the "idyllic" clan. "Fine," he said while raising his chin, mustering all of his courage to not tremble before that void. "I see no reason to stay." As he walked out of the infirmary, Lithium stopped to glance back at Moongaze. "Will you do it?" He asked after a pause, his voice slightly hushed. "Will you teach that researcher a lesson?" Moongaze smiled back down at him, but it was hard to tell if his expression was one of genuine empathy or malicious glee. "I will do whatever I please." "Tch. Of course you will..." Lithium shook his head and left, suddenly eager to get as far away from that [i]thing[/i] as possible. He packed his belongings quickly, and when he opened his front door to go, he was surprised to find a small gathering of dragons waiting outside of his cottage to bid him farewell. He looked around the crowd, and was disappointed when he realized that his sister was not there. How very predictable of her, to never leave her den all day, even as her own brother was being exiled to the frozen wasteland. With a huff, he tightened the straps of his bag and took off, praying that he would never have to see that false paradise or its accursed leader ever again. [/quote] [emoji=ping][b]Is it better to keep your enemies close, or far, far away?[/b] [u]Lithium was a Civilian.[/u] [emoji=comment]The Nighttime starts now. Guard and Killer PM me with who you want to guard (Guards) or kill (Killer). Seer and Magist can PM me as well, if applicable. And if you still haven’t joined the Discord, hurry and do so [url=]here[/url]! [emoji=subscription update]@pinglist-15711 [quote=Current Allegiances] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=gold crown size=1][b]Leader, Amorphous Demigod:[/b] [emoji=question mark size=1] Moongaze | He/They/It | Altered Imperial | Ozeatetsor | [url=]Link[/url] [i](Unnamed) | Lost souls[/i] [emoji=silver crown size=1][b]Second-in-Command:[/b] N/A [emoji=full moon size=1][b]Stranded Soldier:[/b] [emoji=nature rune size=1] Zodonyar | She/Her | Were-Coyote Wildclaw | SunSprite | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Lotus | [url=]Brambleback Slink[/url] (Lotus variant)[/i] [emoji=red gem size=1][b]Cult Leader:[/b] [emoji=fire rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1] Azael | She/He | Imperial | SunClassic | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Vida | [url=]Gold-Throated Sparrow[/url][/i] [emoji=cat 3 size=1][b]Assistant:[/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] Yuumi | She/Her | Cat-like Obelisk | Storia | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Book | [url=]Ensorcelled Volume[/url][/i] [s][emoji=green vial size=1][b]Scientist:[/b] [emoji=wind rune size=1] pLACEHOLDER | She/They | Fae | ChaoticFriendzy | [url=]Link[/url][/s] [emoji=dna size=1][b]Infected:[/b] [emoji=ice rune size=1] Tommy | He/Him | Aether (former Tundra) | Grow | [url=]Link[/url] [i](Unnamed) | [url=]Death Seeker[/url][/i] [emoji=shockswitch red size=1][b]Janitor:[/b] [emoji=light rune size=1] Cerulean | He/Him | Pearlcatcher | TrueTerror | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Goober | [url=]Sentient Alloy[/url][/i] [emoji=crescent moon 1 size=1][b]Pilgrim:[/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1][emoji=ice rune size=1][emoji=shadow rune size=1] Alnitak | He/Him | Banesurge | JellyRaven | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Luna | [url=]Sandskink[/url][/i] [s][emoji=snowflake size=1][b]Winter Dryad:[/b] [emoji=earth rune size=1] Holly | She/They | Fae-like Spirit | natsinabucket | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Frost | [url=]Snowfall Elk[/url][/i][/s] [emoji=old parchment size=1][b]Researcher:[/b] [emoji=earth rune size=1][emoji=shadow rune size=1] Hearth | They/He | Enhanced Pearlcatcher | BoatBud | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=gloom tile size=1][b]Shadow Weaver:[/b] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] Aqualia | She/Her | Imperial | Scorisyn | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Inferno | [url=]Ravenous Cauldron[/url][/i] [s][emoji=bare tree size=1][b]Cold-Hearted Wanderer:[/b] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] Lithium | He/Him | Skydancer | nameofuser | [url=]Link[/url][/s] [emoji=gear size=1][b]Engineer:[/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] Lao | He/Him | Pearlcatcher | WhiteShadow3478 | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Kamal | [url=]Peony of Rockbreaker[/url][/i] [s][emoji=music notes size=1][b]Weaponized DJ:[/b] [emoji=water rune size=1] Tokyo | He/Him | Enhanced Coatl | undertones | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Pixzel | [url=]Crystal Collector[/url][/i][/s] [emoji=wizard hat size=1][b]Mage:[/b] [emoji=ice rune size=1] Sabori | She/Her | Skydancer | CrazyAKAPanda | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=familiar heart size=1][b]Relations:[/b] ? x ? -> [s]Lithium[/s], Sabori ? x ? -> Zodonyar, [s]Tokyo[/s] Alnitak x Aqualia x Hearth -> ??? [ 11 dragons remaining ] [/quote]
The Evening
The Exile wrote:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The new day began with the discovery of another murder, to the dismay of many. After Holly's horrifying death came to light, dragons and dragon-like beings alike resumed their suspicions and accusations of the previous day. As evening drew near, Moongaze sent out aspects of himself to collect the vote tally from his clan members, and found that everyone besides himself was accusing the skydancer siblings of the crime. Ultimately, the majority of the votes landed on Lithium, the wanderer whom he had visited himself in some form earlier that day. Though he had his own doubts about the peculiar skydancer being the culprit, the leader chose to deliver the news of his eviction to him regardless.

Moongaze found the accused dragon within the infirmary, alongside a soldier, a janitor, and a cat-like dragon who was struggling to soothe all of her new friends at once. When they heard his booming footsteps, all of the dragons ceased their conversation and stood at attention, with Lithium and Ceru cowering back ever so slightly. The demigod let his gaze fall on the former. "You," he declared, "are to leave my clan at once."

Lithium made no attempt to hide his shock. He had to leave? Now? Tch, perhaps that demigod had been listening to his words of warning towards the others after all. He could understand not wanting to keep a potential insurgent within the walls of the "idyllic" clan. "Fine," he said while raising his chin, mustering all of his courage to not tremble before that void. "I see no reason to stay."

As he walked out of the infirmary, Lithium stopped to glance back at Moongaze. "Will you do it?" He asked after a pause, his voice slightly hushed. "Will you teach that researcher a lesson?"

Moongaze smiled back down at him, but it was hard to tell if his expression was one of genuine empathy or malicious glee. "I will do whatever I please."

"Tch. Of course you will..." Lithium shook his head and left, suddenly eager to get as far away from that thing as possible. He packed his belongings quickly, and when he opened his front door to go, he was surprised to find a small gathering of dragons waiting outside of his cottage to bid him farewell. He looked around the crowd, and was disappointed when he realized that his sister was not there. How very predictable of her, to never leave her den all day, even as her own brother was being exiled to the frozen wasteland. With a huff, he tightened the straps of his bag and took off, praying that he would never have to see that false paradise or its accursed leader ever again.

Is it better to keep your enemies close, or far, far away?
Lithium was a Civilian.

The Nighttime starts now. Guard and Killer PM me with who you want to guard (Guards) or kill (Killer). Seer and Magist can PM me as well, if applicable.
And if you still haven’t joined the Discord, hurry and do so here!

@KitC Game 35

Current Allegiances wrote:

Leader, Amorphous Demigod:
Moongaze | He/They/It | Altered Imperial | Ozeatetsor | Link
(Unnamed) | Lost souls


Stranded Soldier:
Zodonyar | She/Her | Were-Coyote Wildclaw | SunSprite | Link
Lotus | Brambleback Slink (Lotus variant)

Cult Leader:
Azael | She/He | Imperial | SunClassic | Link
Vida | Gold-Throated Sparrow

Yuumi | She/Her | Cat-like Obelisk | Storia | Link
Book | Ensorcelled Volume

pLACEHOLDER | She/They | Fae | ChaoticFriendzy | Link

Tommy | He/Him | Aether (former Tundra) | Grow | Link
(Unnamed) | Death Seeker

Cerulean | He/Him | Pearlcatcher | TrueTerror | Link
Goober | Sentient Alloy

Alnitak | He/Him | Banesurge | JellyRaven | Link
Luna | Sandskink

Winter Dryad:
Holly | She/They | Fae-like Spirit | natsinabucket | Link
Frost | Snowfall Elk

Hearth | They/He | Enhanced Pearlcatcher | BoatBud | Link

Shadow Weaver:
Aqualia | She/Her | Imperial | Scorisyn | Link
Inferno | Ravenous Cauldron

Cold-Hearted Wanderer:
Lithium | He/Him | Skydancer | nameofuser | Link

Lao | He/Him | Pearlcatcher | WhiteShadow3478 | Link
Kamal | Peony of Rockbreaker

Weaponized DJ:
Tokyo | He/Him | Enhanced Coatl | undertones | Link
Pixzel | Crystal Collector

Sabori | She/Her | Skydancer | CrazyAKAPanda | Link


? x ?
-> Lithium, Sabori

? x ?
-> Zodonyar, Tokyo

Alnitak x Aqualia x Hearth
-> ???
[ 11 dragons remaining ]
Live today. Don’t wait for tomorrow.
[center][size=6][emoji=crescent moon 2][b][u]The Nighttime[/u][/b][emoji=crescent moon 2][/size][/center] [quote=The Kill] [center][emoji=skull] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [emoji=skull][/center] After another successful exile, all of the dragons of the clan returned to their cottages, eager to get inside before the deadly chill of the night set in. Moongaze was no different; though he doubted a little wind would kill him, he still greatly preferred the warmth of the indoors. That was why he had built his dome and village, after all. Once he was safely in his home, it didn't take long for him to curl up on his bed and fall asleep, wholly unconcerned about the potential of a murder in the night. A bloodcurdling scream roused Moongaze from his sleep. Slowly, he lifted his head, a few too many eyes blinking as he tried to register what had disturbed his slumber. It didn't sound terribly far away, so it wouldn't inconvenience him to go pay that unfortunate soul a visit. If it was the telltale sound of the killer claiming their next victim, then he thought it would be fitting for him to arrive in his true form to show them his power and might, and hopefully scare them away from his clan for good. Yes, that would be perfect. As he stood up, the lost souls surrounding him whispered of deception and danger, but he paid them no mind. Moongaze left his home and immediately took to the skies, intending to get an aerial view of his village to see what the trouble was. To his surprise, he saw no signs of a conflict anywhere - only one dragon was out and about on that night, and they appeared to be struggling to escape from a frozen lake. Evidently, they had been walking on its surface until a sliver of the ice broke, plunging them into the water. As they cried out for help, Moongaze realized that they were the one who had woken him up. Well, no matter. Even if he couldn't scare away the killer, he could at least take the opportunity to make one of the residents in awe of him. As Moongaze landed on the bank of the lake, the Killer continued writhing in the water, their movements becoming slower and slower as the exhaustion kicked in. "Worry not, my friend," Moongaze declared, stepping forward onto the thick ice that hadn't cracked yet. "Stop your struggling, and I will save you." Surprisingly, the Killer did what they were told, and almost immediately disappeared under the inky water's surface as they stopped trying to keep themselves afloat. Suddenly alarmed for their safety, Moongaze lunged forward, causing the ice beneath him to shatter and send him plummeting into the lake as well. He immediately felt his heart rate accelerate and his muscles begin to spasm, but he refused to leave this lake until he had rescued the dragon he believed to be drowning. However, as soon as Moongaze entered the water with a mighty [i]SPLASH[/i], the Killer darted up from the abyss and jumped out of the water, before flying away and leaving him behind. Realizing his help was no longer needed, or that perhaps it had never been needed at all, Moongaze began swimming to the surface as well, but his own body betrayed him and refused to exhibit its full strength due to the sheer cold. By the time he reached the surface, he found that the lake had already frozen over again. He beat against the ice, but thanks to his lack of leverage and the weakness induced by the frigid water, he was unable to make more than a crack. Soon enough, the lack of oxygen was too much for him to handle, and his body fell limp under the water. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The next day, Moongaze's body would be found floating in the lake, sealed beneath a layer of ice. No one could say for certain if it was the water that had killed him, or the cold. [/quote] [emoji=ping][b]Perhaps the best way to kill the divine is with something mundane after all.[/b] [u]Moongaze was a Civilian.[/u] [tl;dr: The Killer lured Moongaze to a frozen lake by screaming and pretending to drown. When Moongaze attempted to rescue them, they jumped out of the water and flew away, leaving Moongaze to drown as the lake refroze. ] [emoji=comment]The Voting starts now, put in your post who you would vote to exile as the Killer. You may also discuss or put in your assumptions/facts [url=]here[/url] until The Voting ends. And if you still haven’t joined the Discord, hurry and do so [url=]here[/url]! [emoji=subscription update]@pinglist-15711 [quote=Current Allegiances] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [s][emoji=gold crown size=1][b]Leader, Amorphous Demigod:[/b] [emoji=question mark size=1] Moongaze | He/They/It | Altered Imperial | Ozeatetsor | [url=]Link[/url] [i](Unnamed) | Lost souls[/i][/s] [emoji=silver crown size=1][b]Second-in-Command:[/b] N/A [emoji=full moon size=1][b]Stranded Soldier:[/b] [emoji=nature rune size=1] Zodonyar | She/Her | Were-Coyote Wildclaw | SunSprite | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Lotus | [url=]Brambleback Slink[/url] (Lotus variant)[/i] [emoji=red gem size=1][b]Cult Leader:[/b] [emoji=fire rune size=1][emoji=light rune size=1] Azael | She/He | Imperial | SunClassic | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Vida | [url=]Gold-Throated Sparrow[/url][/i] [emoji=cat 3 size=1][b]Assistant:[/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] Yuumi | She/Her | Cat-like Obelisk | Storia | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Book | [url=]Ensorcelled Volume[/url][/i] [s][emoji=green vial size=1][b]Scientist:[/b] [emoji=wind rune size=1] pLACEHOLDER | She/They | Fae | ChaoticFriendzy | [url=]Link[/url][/s] [emoji=dna size=1][b]Infected:[/b] [emoji=ice rune size=1] Tommy | He/Him | Aether (former Tundra) | Grow | [url=]Link[/url] [i](Unnamed) | [url=]Death Seeker[/url][/i] [emoji=shockswitch red size=1][b]Janitor:[/b] [emoji=light rune size=1] Cerulean | He/Him | Pearlcatcher | TrueTerror | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Goober | [url=]Sentient Alloy[/url][/i] [emoji=crescent moon 1 size=1][b]Pilgrim:[/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1][emoji=ice rune size=1][emoji=shadow rune size=1] Alnitak | He/Him | Banesurge | JellyRaven | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Luna | [url=]Sandskink[/url][/i] [s][emoji=snowflake size=1][b]Winter Dryad:[/b] [emoji=earth rune size=1] Holly | She/They | Fae-like Spirit | natsinabucket | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Frost | [url=]Snowfall Elk[/url][/i][/s] [emoji=old parchment size=1][b]Researcher:[/b] [emoji=earth rune size=1][emoji=shadow rune size=1] Hearth | They/He | Enhanced Pearlcatcher | BoatBud | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=gloom tile size=1][b]Shadow Weaver:[/b] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] Aqualia | She/Her | Imperial | Scorisyn | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Inferno | [url=]Ravenous Cauldron[/url][/i] [s][emoji=bare tree size=1][b]Cold-Hearted Wanderer:[/b] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] Lithium | He/Him | Skydancer | nameofuser | [url=]Link[/url][/s] [emoji=gear size=1][b]Engineer:[/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] Lao | He/Him | Pearlcatcher | WhiteShadow3478 | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Kamal | [url=]Peony of Rockbreaker[/url][/i] [s][emoji=music notes size=1][b]Weaponized DJ:[/b] [emoji=water rune size=1] Tokyo | He/Him | Enhanced Coatl | undertones | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Pixzel | [url=]Crystal Collector[/url][/i][/s] [emoji=wizard hat size=1][b]Mage:[/b] [emoji=ice rune size=1] Sabori | She/Her | Skydancer | CrazyAKAPanda | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=familiar heart size=1][b]Relations:[/b] ? x ? -> [s]Lithium[/s], Sabori ? x ? -> Zodonyar, [s]Tokyo[/s] Alnitak x Aqualia x Hearth -> ??? [ 10 dragons remaining ] [/quote]
The Nighttime
The Kill wrote:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
After another successful exile, all of the dragons of the clan returned to their cottages, eager to get inside before the deadly chill of the night set in. Moongaze was no different; though he doubted a little wind would kill him, he still greatly preferred the warmth of the indoors. That was why he had built his dome and village, after all. Once he was safely in his home, it didn't take long for him to curl up on his bed and fall asleep, wholly unconcerned about the potential of a murder in the night.

A bloodcurdling scream roused Moongaze from his sleep. Slowly, he lifted his head, a few too many eyes blinking as he tried to register what had disturbed his slumber. It didn't sound terribly far away, so it wouldn't inconvenience him to go pay that unfortunate soul a visit. If it was the telltale sound of the killer claiming their next victim, then he thought it would be fitting for him to arrive in his true form to show them his power and might, and hopefully scare them away from his clan for good. Yes, that would be perfect. As he stood up, the lost souls surrounding him whispered of deception and danger, but he paid them no mind.

Moongaze left his home and immediately took to the skies, intending to get an aerial view of his village to see what the trouble was. To his surprise, he saw no signs of a conflict anywhere - only one dragon was out and about on that night, and they appeared to be struggling to escape from a frozen lake. Evidently, they had been walking on its surface until a sliver of the ice broke, plunging them into the water. As they cried out for help, Moongaze realized that they were the one who had woken him up. Well, no matter. Even if he couldn't scare away the killer, he could at least take the opportunity to make one of the residents in awe of him.

As Moongaze landed on the bank of the lake, the Killer continued writhing in the water, their movements becoming slower and slower as the exhaustion kicked in. "Worry not, my friend," Moongaze declared, stepping forward onto the thick ice that hadn't cracked yet. "Stop your struggling, and I will save you."

Surprisingly, the Killer did what they were told, and almost immediately disappeared under the inky water's surface as they stopped trying to keep themselves afloat. Suddenly alarmed for their safety, Moongaze lunged forward, causing the ice beneath him to shatter and send him plummeting into the lake as well. He immediately felt his heart rate accelerate and his muscles begin to spasm, but he refused to leave this lake until he had rescued the dragon he believed to be drowning. However, as soon as Moongaze entered the water with a mighty SPLASH, the Killer darted up from the abyss and jumped out of the water, before flying away and leaving him behind. Realizing his help was no longer needed, or that perhaps it had never been needed at all, Moongaze began swimming to the surface as well, but his own body betrayed him and refused to exhibit its full strength due to the sheer cold. By the time he reached the surface, he found that the lake had already frozen over again. He beat against the ice, but thanks to his lack of leverage and the weakness induced by the frigid water, he was unable to make more than a crack. Soon enough, the lack of oxygen was too much for him to handle, and his body fell limp under the water.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next day, Moongaze's body would be found floating in the lake, sealed beneath a layer of ice. No one could say for certain if it was the water that had killed him, or the cold.

Perhaps the best way to kill the divine is with something mundane after all.
Moongaze was a Civilian.

[tl;dr: The Killer lured Moongaze to a frozen lake by screaming and pretending to drown. When Moongaze attempted to rescue them, they jumped out of the water and flew away, leaving Moongaze to drown as the lake refroze. ]

The Voting starts now, put in your post who you would vote to exile as the Killer. You may also discuss or put in your assumptions/facts here until The Voting ends.
And if you still haven’t joined the Discord, hurry and do so here!

@KitC Game 35

Current Allegiances wrote:

Leader, Amorphous Demigod:
Moongaze | He/They/It | Altered Imperial | Ozeatetsor | Link
(Unnamed) | Lost souls


Stranded Soldier:
Zodonyar | She/Her | Were-Coyote Wildclaw | SunSprite | Link
Lotus | Brambleback Slink (Lotus variant)

Cult Leader:
Azael | She/He | Imperial | SunClassic | Link
Vida | Gold-Throated Sparrow

Yuumi | She/Her | Cat-like Obelisk | Storia | Link
Book | Ensorcelled Volume

pLACEHOLDER | She/They | Fae | ChaoticFriendzy | Link

Tommy | He/Him | Aether (former Tundra) | Grow | Link
(Unnamed) | Death Seeker

Cerulean | He/Him | Pearlcatcher | TrueTerror | Link
Goober | Sentient Alloy

Alnitak | He/Him | Banesurge | JellyRaven | Link
Luna | Sandskink

Winter Dryad:
Holly | She/They | Fae-like Spirit | natsinabucket | Link
Frost | Snowfall Elk

Hearth | They/He | Enhanced Pearlcatcher | BoatBud | Link

Shadow Weaver:
Aqualia | She/Her | Imperial | Scorisyn | Link
Inferno | Ravenous Cauldron

Cold-Hearted Wanderer:
Lithium | He/Him | Skydancer | nameofuser | Link

Lao | He/Him | Pearlcatcher | WhiteShadow3478 | Link
Kamal | Peony of Rockbreaker

Weaponized DJ:
Tokyo | He/Him | Enhanced Coatl | undertones | Link
Pixzel | Crystal Collector

Sabori | She/Her | Skydancer | CrazyAKAPanda | Link


? x ?
-> Lithium, Sabori

? x ?
-> Zodonyar, Tokyo

Alnitak x Aqualia x Hearth
-> ???
[ 10 dragons remaining ]
Live today. Don’t wait for tomorrow.
1 2 ... 394 395 396 397 398 ... 452 453