
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Do you name your familiars?
I definitely name all of them, but I don't give as much thought into them since a lot of them aren't really canon. But it feels nice to have them be named since I don't swap them out like ever.
I definitely name all of them, but I don't give as much thought into them since a lot of them aren't really canon. But it feels nice to have them be named since I don't swap them out like ever.
Come visit my lore lair! It's a fun time here.

Something strange is happening on Sornieth. All across the world, dragons have begun to be born with multiple elements. How? Why? As dragons all across Sornieth takes notice, the wheel of fate begins to turn, as one fae's search for her mysterious origins leads her down a path that could change Sornieth forever.
I usually don't name my familiars. Sometimes I do, though, when a name just pops into my head. Somehow, I'm just content with the familiars not having names. My custom progen and Clan Matriarch and her familiar enjoy a very close bond, but I still didn't feel the need to name her owlcat. My clan's scribe, on the other hand, has a named familiar. *shrugs* It's just the way I do it. I'm always rather annoyed whenever I have to name a familiar in order to get an achievement. I usually delete the name right afterwards.
I usually don't name my familiars. Sometimes I do, though, when a name just pops into my head. Somehow, I'm just content with the familiars not having names. My custom progen and Clan Matriarch and her familiar enjoy a very close bond, but I still didn't feel the need to name her owlcat. My clan's scribe, on the other hand, has a named familiar. *shrugs* It's just the way I do it. I'm always rather annoyed whenever I have to name a familiar in order to get an achievement. I usually delete the name right afterwards.
I didn't even know you COULD name them? That's pretty cool. I don't think I'll ever bother though, I'm not big on lore and use the randomizer for even just dragons 90% of the time as it is.
I didn't even know you COULD name them? That's pretty cool. I don't think I'll ever bother though, I'm not big on lore and use the randomizer for even just dragons 90% of the time as it is.
I started recently to assign permanent familiars to some dragons where I find a nice pair (for example my progen with the anomalous skink as hes well my progen and the skink was the first familiar I fell really in love with and grinded baldwin for) I name them to not accidentaly remove and sell or vault them. All my unnamed familiard are there for bonding and get vaulted as soon as they hit awakend because I want all I can possibly have.
I name them short things I dont really fancy long names for "pet" creatures. They get two sillabels at most and sometimes I just name them a shortened and cutesy version of their familiar name haha (psst dont tell em ^^)
I started recently to assign permanent familiars to some dragons where I find a nice pair (for example my progen with the anomalous skink as hes well my progen and the skink was the first familiar I fell really in love with and grinded baldwin for) I name them to not accidentaly remove and sell or vault them. All my unnamed familiard are there for bonding and get vaulted as soon as they hit awakend because I want all I can possibly have.
I name them short things I dont really fancy long names for "pet" creatures. They get two sillabels at most and sometimes I just name them a shortened and cutesy version of their familiar name haha (psst dont tell em ^^)
Some actually...

I named my Ferocious Foo "IPityThe"

I named my Whisper "Careless"

And I named my Phoenix "River"
Some actually...

I named my Ferocious Foo "IPityThe"

I named my Whisper "Careless"

And I named my Phoenix "River"
Treesixer: Payback on Plague
Sometimes I do. It's usually when the "name a familiar" pursuit shows up.
Sometimes I do. It's usually when the "name a familiar" pursuit shows up.
Tobias | He/Him | Fiesta de Muertos and The Flying Trapeze (100 hatchling challenges)
Regarding forum games, please only select dragons who have familiars - those are the permanent residents of my lair. Feel free to look through the hibernal den, too
I only name my fandragons' familiars to make them fit with the character
I only name my fandragons' familiars to make them fit with the character
tumblr_olkx7k1gjk1w18p86o1_r1_250.png she/her, +10 hours FR time, Fandragons are in hibden
[quote name="KingVulture" date="2023-11-23 23:49:27" ] Sometimes I do. It's usually when the "name a familiar" pursuit shows up. [/quote] This. If the daily pursuit tells me to, I do it, but there's no love in this choice.
KingVulture wrote on 2023-11-23 23:49:27:
Sometimes I do. It's usually when the "name a familiar" pursuit shows up.
This. If the daily pursuit tells me to, I do it, but there's no love in this choice.
i've named... two familiars total, one for lore purposes and another for reasons only funny to me. though that second one's a reference. so it probably doesn't need to be actually funny to other people.

other than that i don't really use familiars, so i don't bother to name the rest. they're mostly non-canon, anyways, and i'm already bad enough at naming that i'd rather turn my energy towards naming my dragons instead
i've named... two familiars total, one for lore purposes and another for reasons only funny to me. though that second one's a reference. so it probably doesn't need to be actually funny to other people.

other than that i don't really use familiars, so i don't bother to name the rest. they're mostly non-canon, anyways, and i'm already bad enough at naming that i'd rather turn my energy towards naming my dragons instead
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| ART SHOP.. |
I always carefully familiar match my dragons, just as much as I match them with their scenes and vistas, and if I'm going to put in that kind of effort I go the full distance and pick a thematically appropriate name for their familiars!
I always carefully familiar match my dragons, just as much as I match them with their scenes and vistas, and if I'm going to put in that kind of effort I go the full distance and pick a thematically appropriate name for their familiars!

divider by irithyll