
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | CFCE (private nest exchange) OPEN
[quote=Plague CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Plaguebringer Bone Scrimshaw][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Bearskull, @chaoticknives, @CryptidBones, @Doki, @EmotionalTree, @jbapple, @JinxxYouOweMe, @Kattata, @MiloInSpace, @Necramancy, @PenguinPaws, @Psittacidae, @Rhowyn, @rotskull, @Unsanctum[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @torreywolf[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote] [s]so sorry for short notice but i would like two nests nested before rollover! i can totally give any food n stuff ^^[/s] got a nest, sorz for the ping lol
Plague CFCE Hosts wrote:
Plaguebringer Bone Scrimshaw o @Bearskull, @chaoticknives, @CryptidBones, @Doki, @EmotionalTree, @jbapple, @JinxxYouOweMe, @Kattata, @MiloInSpace, @Necramancy, @PenguinPaws, @Psittacidae, @Rhowyn, @rotskull, @Unsanctum

Flight moderator: @torreywolf

Please host for current CFCE members only!

so sorry for short notice but i would like two nests nested before rollover! i can totally give any food n stuff ^^ got a nest, sorz for the ping lol
LF a Water nest, please let me know if you want any food :)
LF a Water nest, please let me know if you want any food :)

I can host for Water. No need to send food (u.u)

I can host for Water. No need to send food (u.u)
TuZeZkN.png K • A • I • X • I • N
Hatchery_____Art Shop
Tumblr----_-_-Draw Your Lair
Clan Lore
@Tserin - I'm so sorry! IRL got crazy for me over the weekend and I forgot to hatch them. Headed your way now. Also - did you send me a second pair? I was renting two nests and the second pair doesn't have a name in the bio so I'm not sure whose they are.
@Tserin - I'm so sorry! IRL got crazy for me over the weekend and I forgot to hatch them. Headed your way now. Also - did you send me a second pair? I was renting two nests and the second pair doesn't have a name in the bio so I'm not sure whose they are.
shadow_1.png tDeKDnH.png0KYrfCc.png
[quote=Arcane CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Magic Nymph][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@8Spitfire8, @arcaneidolriots, @Bluesette, @carpecat, @ceryskies, @ChromaBoreala, @CrownedLadybug, @DruidicOracle, @ElvenArtist, @Greylag, @KameTurtle, @KhepriRose, @KittyTheLioness, @Koobi, @MyDiamond, @Nalabyte, @SeymourKrelborn, @velvetpaws[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote] [quote=Shadow CFCE Hosts][columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Alecyne, @EntityUnknown, @HiddenGalaxy, @InHerWake, @Lexreon, @MeadowMatriarch, @Myndris, @Saphira455, @SaturnsSenshi, @StormHeart413, @UniverseStar, @YviJoy, @Zaratyst, @Zosimos[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @Zaratyst[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote] hi all! i'm looking for [s]one arcane[/s] and [b]one shadow[/b] nest! please let me know what kind of food to send along as well :]
Arcane CFCE Hosts wrote:
Magic Nymph o @8Spitfire8, @arcaneidolriots, @Bluesette, @carpecat, @ceryskies, @ChromaBoreala, @CrownedLadybug, @DruidicOracle, @ElvenArtist, @Greylag, @KameTurtle, @KhepriRose, @KittyTheLioness, @Koobi, @MyDiamond, @Nalabyte, @SeymourKrelborn, @velvetpaws

Flight moderator: @

Please host for current CFCE members only!

Shadow CFCE Hosts wrote:
shadow_small.png o @Alecyne, @EntityUnknown, @HiddenGalaxy, @InHerWake, @Lexreon, @MeadowMatriarch, @Myndris, @Saphira455, @SaturnsSenshi, @StormHeart413, @UniverseStar, @YviJoy, @Zaratyst, @Zosimos

Flight moderator: @Zaratyst

Please host for current CFCE members only!

hi all! i'm looking for one arcane and one shadow nest! please let me know what kind of food to send along as well :]
78483506_T4h.png YDYolOP.png
@fantasygill I can host your Arcane nest!
@fantasygill I can host your Arcane nest!
[quote=Lightning CFCE Hosts][/quote] Found! ^_^
Lightning CFCE Hosts wrote:

Found! ^_^



I can host Shadow if you still need it


I can host Shadow if you still need it
3aYfNUz.png R1aBgGe.png qHRrWax.png mpx6y3j.png xK39VEI.png vlbsnla.png
My nests just opened up.
Fish if you have, no worries if not!
My nests just opened up.
Fish if you have, no worries if not!
qZwEAEI.png TO5f5vS.png


Your pair have 3 eggs :)


Your pair have 3 eggs :)
3aYfNUz.png R1aBgGe.png qHRrWax.png mpx6y3j.png xK39VEI.png vlbsnla.png