[quote=Plague CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Plaguebringer Bone Scrimshaw][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Bearskull, @chaoticknives, @CryptidBones, @Doki, @EmotionalTree, @jbapple, @JinxxYouOweMe, @Kattata, @MiloInSpace, @Necramancy, @PenguinPaws, @Psittacidae, @Rhowyn, @rotskull, @Unsanctum[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @torreywolf[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote]
[s]so sorry for short notice but i would like two nests nested before rollover! i can totally give any food n stuff ^^[/s] got a nest, sorz for the ping lol
@Tserin - I'm so sorry! IRL got crazy for me over the weekend and I forgot to hatch them. Headed your way now. Also - did you send me a second pair? I was renting two nests and the second pair doesn't have a name in the bio so I'm not sure whose they are.
@Tserin - I'm so sorry! IRL got crazy for me over the weekend and I forgot to hatch them. Headed your way now. Also - did you send me a second pair? I was renting two nests and the second pair doesn't have a name in the bio so I'm not sure whose they are.
[quote=Arcane CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Magic Nymph][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@8Spitfire8, @arcaneidolriots, @Bluesette, @carpecat, @ceryskies, @ChromaBoreala, @CrownedLadybug, @DruidicOracle, @ElvenArtist, @Greylag, @KameTurtle, @KhepriRose, @KittyTheLioness, @Koobi, @MyDiamond, @Nalabyte, @SeymourKrelborn, @velvetpaws[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote]
[quote=Shadow CFCE Hosts][columns][img]http://flightrising.com/images/layout/revamp/banners/shadow_small.png[/img][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Alecyne, @EntityUnknown, @HiddenGalaxy, @InHerWake, @Lexreon, @MeadowMatriarch, @Myndris, @Saphira455, @SaturnsSenshi, @StormHeart413, @UniverseStar, @YviJoy, @Zaratyst, @Zosimos[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @Zaratyst[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote]
hi all! i'm looking for [s]one arcane[/s] and [b]one shadow[/b] nest! please let me know what kind of food to send along as well :]