

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Show a username receipt
First time making a forum post, btw. But basically, regardless of if someone exalts a dragon or not, the selling auction receipt should come with the username of who bought your dragon last
First time making a forum post, btw. But basically, regardless of if someone exalts a dragon or not, the selling auction receipt should come with the username of who bought your dragon last
Absolutely no support, as there's a very high chance it would lead to harassment. It should not matter who bought a dragon because whatever price it sold for, whatever the user does with it, all AH sales are final and it is their dragon now.

If it was a misprice, you (general) can already politely ask to buy it back for the same price. If it's already exalted, there's nothing to be done anyway.

It could be nice if buyers could see who they bought from. But that's it.

Absolutely no support, as there's a very high chance it would lead to harassment. It should not matter who bought a dragon because whatever price it sold for, whatever the user does with it, all AH sales are final and it is their dragon now.

If it was a misprice, you (general) can already politely ask to buy it back for the same price. If it's already exalted, there's nothing to be done anyway.

It could be nice if buyers could see who they bought from. But that's it.

Yeah agreeing with @/Vendrus-- there's no way this won't lead to harassment from certain people. So no support.
At least you can click the dragon and see whose lair it's in if it's not exalted, and if it is exalted, sadly it's just tough cookies lol.
Yeah agreeing with @/Vendrus-- there's no way this won't lead to harassment from certain people. So no support.
At least you can click the dragon and see whose lair it's in if it's not exalted, and if it is exalted, sadly it's just tough cookies lol.
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There's some people who only sell dragons to have them have more dragon babies and to have them immediately exalted is kinda heart breaking. Would just be nice to see WHHO exalts mostly so you can block them, sucks that people would resort to harassing, I personally just want to keep my dragons from being removed form the gene pool by force
There's some people who only sell dragons to have them have more dragon babies and to have them immediately exalted is kinda heart breaking. Would just be nice to see WHHO exalts mostly so you can block them, sucks that people would resort to harassing, I personally just want to keep my dragons from being removed form the gene pool by force
I do wish there were a way to block someone somehow invisibly for this reason. As in, you don't know who you're blocking. But they're blocked now. Unfortunately there's a list of blocked individuals and if your list is small then you'd know who it was.

Perhaps you could choose to block a user and it would wait a random amount of time between 14 and 21 days to put that person on your block list so you also couldn't easily tell who it was.

I don't know. Because people selling on the AH do have the right to not sell to people they don't want to. But if the person buying from you is fast enough then you have to sell to them.

I could see there being a whole list (after we get tiered blocking) that you cannot see for this, and it is an AH-only block. So that you can just block people who purchased your dragon to exalt, for example. You can never see who is on the list, and you could clear the whole list if you wanted. I think that'd work.
I do wish there were a way to block someone somehow invisibly for this reason. As in, you don't know who you're blocking. But they're blocked now. Unfortunately there's a list of blocked individuals and if your list is small then you'd know who it was.

Perhaps you could choose to block a user and it would wait a random amount of time between 14 and 21 days to put that person on your block list so you also couldn't easily tell who it was.

I don't know. Because people selling on the AH do have the right to not sell to people they don't want to. But if the person buying from you is fast enough then you have to sell to them.

I could see there being a whole list (after we get tiered blocking) that you cannot see for this, and it is an AH-only block. So that you can just block people who purchased your dragon to exalt, for example. You can never see who is on the list, and you could clear the whole list if you wanted. I think that'd work.
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[quote name="Sp00kyimp" date="2023-06-12 11:06:06" ] There's some people who only sell dragons to have them have more dragon babies and to have them immediately exalted is kinda heart breaking. Would just be nice to see WHHO exalts mostly so you can block them, sucks that people would resort to harassing, I personally just want to keep my dragons from being removed form the gene pool by force [/quote] I kinda think this is the exact reason why the buyers should be kept anonymous.
Sp00kyimp wrote on 2023-06-12 11:06:06:
There's some people who only sell dragons to have them have more dragon babies and to have them immediately exalted is kinda heart breaking. Would just be nice to see WHHO exalts mostly so you can block them, sucks that people would resort to harassing, I personally just want to keep my dragons from being removed form the gene pool by force
I kinda think this is the exact reason why the buyers should be kept anonymous.
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If writers are supposed to "show not tell," why are we called "storytellers" and not "storyshow-ers"?
[quote name="@Sp00kyimp" date="2023-06-12 11:06:06" ] There's some people who only sell dragons to have them have more dragon babies and to have them immediately exalted is kinda heart breaking. Would just be nice to see WHHO exalts mostly so you can block them, sucks that people would resort to harassing, I personally just want to keep my dragons from being removed form the gene pool by force [/quote] if you want to decide what is done with a dragon, you should not be selling it in the first place, or exclusively sell for friends who you know will have same vision on the dragon and it's future. because the moment dragon leaves your lair, its no longer your dragon. it belongs to the user who bought it. having a way to find users who do not use their own dragons the way you wanted to is not really the way to go on about this situation. the truth about flight rising is that majority of dragons are going to get exalted, especially the one sold cheaply. significant portion of users buy dragons to exalt them, because the many of the game's core mechanics revolve around exalting. having a way to block these users is not going to stop people from exalting dragons because of how important part it is of game.
@Sp00kyimp wrote on 2023-06-12 11:06:06:
There's some people who only sell dragons to have them have more dragon babies and to have them immediately exalted is kinda heart breaking. Would just be nice to see WHHO exalts mostly so you can block them, sucks that people would resort to harassing, I personally just want to keep my dragons from being removed form the gene pool by force

if you want to decide what is done with a dragon, you should not be selling it in the first place, or exclusively sell for friends who you know will have same vision on the dragon and it's future. because the moment dragon leaves your lair, its no longer your dragon. it belongs to the user who bought it. having a way to find users who do not use their own dragons the way you wanted to is not really the way to go on about this situation.

the truth about flight rising is that majority of dragons are going to get exalted, especially the one sold cheaply. significant portion of users buy dragons to exalt them, because the many of the game's core mechanics revolve around exalting. having a way to block these users is not going to stop people from exalting dragons because of how important part it is of game.
horizontal banner that has blue space background, The Arcanist who glows pink, and light pink text that says Thanks Arcanist
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[quote name="Sp00kyimp" date="2023-06-12 11:06:06" ] There's some people who only sell dragons to have them have more dragon babies and to have them immediately exalted is kinda heart breaking. Would just be nice to see WHHO exalts mostly so you can block them, sucks that people would resort to harassing, I personally just want to keep my dragons from being removed form the gene pool by force [/quote] The way to prevent dragons ‘being removed from the gene pool by force’ is to [i]not sell them[/i]. Exalting is an integral part of the game design. Blocking people just because they’re… playing the game as intended but you don’t like it… leaves a really bad taste in the mouth. I mean, you can do it, but I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect the game to help you ostracise people over a perfectly valid playstyle.
Sp00kyimp wrote on 2023-06-12 11:06:06:
There's some people who only sell dragons to have them have more dragon babies and to have them immediately exalted is kinda heart breaking. Would just be nice to see WHHO exalts mostly so you can block them, sucks that people would resort to harassing, I personally just want to keep my dragons from being removed form the gene pool by force

The way to prevent dragons ‘being removed from the gene pool by force’ is to not sell them.

Exalting is an integral part of the game design. Blocking people just because they’re… playing the game as intended but you don’t like it… leaves a really bad taste in the mouth. I mean, you can do it, but I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect the game to help you ostracise people over a perfectly valid playstyle.
Coffee Pot
May be grumpy before coffee. And after coffee. (FR+8)
[quote name="Sp00kyimp" date="2023-06-12 11:06:06" ] There's some people who only sell dragons to have them have more dragon babies and to have them immediately exalted is kinda heart breaking. Would just be nice to see WHHO exalts mostly so you can block them, sucks that people would resort to harassing, I personally just want to keep my dragons from being removed form the gene pool by force [/quote] i'm sorry i'm trying to understand the first part of this post which hasn't been addressed but... are you saying you only want to sell dragons to people who breed them? if so that excludes an enormous portion of the site. a lot of people, exalting lair or not, don't pair up their dragons. is this "removing them from the gene pool"?
Sp00kyimp wrote on 2023-06-12 11:06:06:
There's some people who only sell dragons to have them have more dragon babies and to have them immediately exalted is kinda heart breaking. Would just be nice to see WHHO exalts mostly so you can block them, sucks that people would resort to harassing, I personally just want to keep my dragons from being removed form the gene pool by force
i'm sorry i'm trying to understand the first part of this post which hasn't been addressed but... are you saying you only want to sell dragons to people who breed them? if so that excludes an enormous portion of the site. a lot of people, exalting lair or not, don't pair up their dragons. is this "removing them from the gene pool"?
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No support. If you want a dragon to leave your lair with some reasonable expectation that it won't be exalted right away, then either sell it priced high enough to make exaltation not worth it, or put it up on a giveaway. Not that you can actually control what people do with giveaway dragons, but it's at least considered impolite to exalt a dragon you've been given for free, and it's also easier to keep track of who's taken which dragon and blacklist people as desired. If you sell a dragon on the AH though, then it's not really reasonable to have any additional expectations for that sale. You've been paid, after all.
No support. If you want a dragon to leave your lair with some reasonable expectation that it won't be exalted right away, then either sell it priced high enough to make exaltation not worth it, or put it up on a giveaway. Not that you can actually control what people do with giveaway dragons, but it's at least considered impolite to exalt a dragon you've been given for free, and it's also easier to keep track of who's taken which dragon and blacklist people as desired. If you sell a dragon on the AH though, then it's not really reasonable to have any additional expectations for that sale. You've been paid, after all.
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