

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Angelfall Hospital {IC}

A new day has dawned in the rift that Angelfall is located in however, despite recently opening, the hospital itself soon found itself taking in various patients from across the multiverse. These patients had all arrived at the hospital after having been brought in by the first responders through a portal although some of the patients came from universes that had already been destroyed. When it comes to those patients, they’re often given shelter at the hospital although they are often monitored by the doctors and nurses who work at the hospital just like the other patients are. Likewise, there are also clones that were created within a wing separate from the main hospital and are often kept away from the main hospital buildings as well.

After seemingly several moments of silence, several EMTs quickly rushed Bartz, Firion, Tidus, and Vaan through the doors of the hospital. All four of them had some pretty nasty injuries that was caused by a battle with a tough monster gone wrong however, when it came to Tidus, he was also stuck in his merfolk form which meant that he couldn’t move around on land whatsoever. The four were also brought in on separate stretchers with the people responsible for bringing them in standing right next to the stretchers.

A new day has dawned in the rift that Angelfall is located in however, despite recently opening, the hospital itself soon found itself taking in various patients from across the multiverse. These patients had all arrived at the hospital after having been brought in by the first responders through a portal although some of the patients came from universes that had already been destroyed. When it comes to those patients, they’re often given shelter at the hospital although they are often monitored by the doctors and nurses who work at the hospital just like the other patients are. Likewise, there are also clones that were created within a wing separate from the main hospital and are often kept away from the main hospital buildings as well.

After seemingly several moments of silence, several EMTs quickly rushed Bartz, Firion, Tidus, and Vaan through the doors of the hospital. All four of them had some pretty nasty injuries that was caused by a battle with a tough monster gone wrong however, when it came to Tidus, he was also stuck in his merfolk form which meant that he couldn’t move around on land whatsoever. The four were also brought in on separate stretchers with the people responsible for bringing them in standing right next to the stretchers.
Genesis ran away from a very determined poacher with a Toxtricity and a Weavile after having been blindsided by Ice Punch. The Weavile scratched up her back legs badly, but in spite of the bleeding, she managed to get a fair distance before the poacher commanded his Electric-type to loose a powerful Thunderbolt, but in spite of the electricity coursing through her, the Silvally managed to drag herself into the bushes.

She was met with a flash. They found her that quickly?

Genesis lifted her head weakly as a few minutes after the first round of patients came in, another gurney came through, regaining consciousness if only for a few moments. She hissed instinctively, seeing vague shapes around her.

Patchie was chilling in the lobby with some Pokemon-friendly coffee before they got to work. They could hear the doors being slammed open, and they went from sipping to guzzling. They need to finish this fast because once coffee goes cold, no matter how much you reheat it, it tastes worse.
Genesis ran away from a very determined poacher with a Toxtricity and a Weavile after having been blindsided by Ice Punch. The Weavile scratched up her back legs badly, but in spite of the bleeding, she managed to get a fair distance before the poacher commanded his Electric-type to loose a powerful Thunderbolt, but in spite of the electricity coursing through her, the Silvally managed to drag herself into the bushes.

She was met with a flash. They found her that quickly?

Genesis lifted her head weakly as a few minutes after the first round of patients came in, another gurney came through, regaining consciousness if only for a few moments. She hissed instinctively, seeing vague shapes around her.

Patchie was chilling in the lobby with some Pokemon-friendly coffee before they got to work. They could hear the doors being slammed open, and they went from sipping to guzzling. They need to finish this fast because once coffee goes cold, no matter how much you reheat it, it tastes worse.
[center][emoji=blue vial size=1] [b][color=grey]Doctor Kirby[/color][/b] [emoji=green vial size=1][/center] Some doctors had been smart, having placed Kirby in hospital's daycare before patients started to come in. The little puffball was not very happy about it. He wanted to welcome people! He sat, pouting, on one of the swings, holding a stuffed toy in his stubs. But, as he made the bear dance around in front of him, he began to feel bored. And hungry. And, if there's one thing that motivated the little doctor more than meeting new people, it was hunger. So, the stuffed bear dropped to the soft floor, little magenta feet making their way over to the door out. Kirby looked up at the door knob thoughtfully, a stub to his mouth. Whoever had designed this daycare seemed to do it with the intent of keeping puffballs in, as the door knob was circular. There was no way he could turn it with his little stubs! He wasn't going to give up that easily, though. He summoned a vial and his miniature lab as an idea lit up in his head. He began to mix some things inside of the vial, his tongue sticking out of his mouth like a child working on a doodle, and in a few moments there was a red liquid inside of the glass container. He faced the top of the vial towards the door, and, all at once, the mixture combusted into a steady plume of fire. The door was reduced to ashes. Kirby giggled happily, skipping out of the daycare. He looked around as he discarded the empty vial into the void. Where was the cafeteria again?
Doctor Kirby
Some doctors had been smart, having placed Kirby in hospital's daycare before patients started to come in. The little puffball was not very happy about it. He wanted to welcome people! He sat, pouting, on one of the swings, holding a stuffed toy in his stubs.

But, as he made the bear dance around in front of him, he began to feel bored. And hungry. And, if there's one thing that motivated the little doctor more than meeting new people, it was hunger. So, the stuffed bear dropped to the soft floor, little magenta feet making their way over to the door out. Kirby looked up at the door knob thoughtfully, a stub to his mouth. Whoever had designed this daycare seemed to do it with the intent of keeping puffballs in, as the door knob was circular. There was no way he could turn it with his little stubs!

He wasn't going to give up that easily, though. He summoned a vial and his miniature lab as an idea lit up in his head. He began to mix some things inside of the vial, his tongue sticking out of his mouth like a child working on a doodle, and in a few moments there was a red liquid inside of the glass container. He faced the top of the vial towards the door, and, all at once, the mixture combusted into a steady plume of fire. The door was reduced to ashes. Kirby giggled happily, skipping out of the daycare.

He looked around as he discarded the empty vial into the void. Where was the cafeteria again?
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[emoji=bogsneak size=1] Saphira woke up and found herself in a very strange, alien place. Everything looked small, there were strange lights coming from the ceiling, and there was a strange scent that wafted in the air. The only thing she heard was that the aliens would help get rid of her Gembond, but she hadn't seen any of them yet. Saphira wondered to herself when they'd ever show up, then proceeded to try and scratch some rocks off her hide. -------------------------------- [emoji=rose size=1] Iris arrived to work her new job at the hospital; She hoped it wouldn't be too hard or exhausting. Anyways, she stopped at the lounge before she would have to do be on her feet all day. --------------------------------- [emoji=pink gem size=1] Alia was waiting in her office. She had arrived early on in the day, knowing there would be lots of patients arriving any moment. The Reploid sat on a revolving chair and spun around in it, probably out of boredom.

Saphira woke up and found herself in a very strange, alien place. Everything looked small, there were strange lights coming from the ceiling, and there was a strange scent that wafted in the air. The only thing she heard was that the aliens would help get rid of her Gembond, but she hadn't seen any of them yet.

Saphira wondered to herself when they'd ever show up, then proceeded to try and scratch some rocks off her hide.

Iris arrived to work her new job at the hospital; She hoped it wouldn't be too hard or exhausting. Anyways, she stopped at the lounge before she would have to do be on her feet all day.

Alia was waiting in her office. She had arrived early on in the day, knowing there would be lots of patients arriving any moment.
The Reploid sat on a revolving chair and spun around in it, probably out of boredom.
Dingasoid | They-Them (any pronouns) | 2+ FR time
Her armor grew heavier as the battle drew long, the straps rubbing harshly against her skin. The cries of her countrymen and the orcs they fought disoriented her until she forced herself to block it all out except her master's touch. The reigns pressed against her neck and she turned herself accordingly, avoiding the sword that would have cut him and trampling the orc that wielded it.
A piercing cry cut through the sounds of battle and everything went still for a moment. A dark shape rose in the sky with another terrible screech. Her ears flattened as she trembled and shuffled backwards, the only thing keeping her from bolting was her master's hand. "Easy, Brith. Easy." His voice trembled, but she could feel him tense in preparation as it hardened. "Eorlingas! Charge!"
His boots dug into her side and she sprung forward towards the orcs and the great flying creature and its terrible rider. Nazgul.
She didn't know what happened, but the weight of her master disappeared from her back and she found herself being thrown to the ground. Theoden! She let out a squeal of pain as she landed harshly and the spear that was stuck in her side was jostled roughly. She immediately tried to roll herself upright but stopped when she heard the pained gasp beneath her. Her ears twitched backwards as she listened to her master. This isn't good! His wheezing breath and lack of movement made her nervous. Frightened. She would crush him if she tried to get up, but it wasn't safe here. No where was safe.
The fighting had cleared from the surrounding area, so there was no immediate threat and no immediate help. That could change at any moment, for better or the worst. Her blood trickled down her coat, leaving it sticky and itchy. As time passed, she found herself unwilling to move. Her armor hobbled her to the ground and her stomach lit up with pain with each jolt of the spear shaft. Theoden grew weaker until she could barely feel the rise and fall of his chest.
She let out a groan and let her eyes slip shut, not seeing the portal opening in front of them.

Jacob bolted from his chair in the portal room as the alarm went off. He threw his locker open and grabbed the prepared bag along with is kevlar vest. You never knew what types of things you'd walk into. Before he and his partner could go through, two other EMT pairs rushed through so he stood watching the portal, ready to assist. The door across the bay was flung open and the new doctor entered with his strange little box.
"What happened?"
Before Jacob's partner could answer, the previous EMTs came back through with several gurneys. Jacob hurried over to the nearest one. The patient was burned, yet ice protruded from his arm in a gruesome display. Seeing his condition, the tail was the last thing that concerned him.

Leonard McCoy ran to emergency bay when the alarm went off. It had only been three days since the transporter accident that stranded him here, but it was more than enough to figure out how everything worked. Getting to the bay, he immediately addressed the EMTs waiting. In his three days here he had yet to hear the scaly one speak so he focused on his partner. "What happened?"
He didn't get a chance to receive a response as the teams started to come back through. Seeing the stretchers coming in, he wanted to curse. He couldn't help but be reminded of the missions that Jim came back all beat up and with only half of his team. "Triage, let's go!"

Her armor grew heavier as the battle drew long, the straps rubbing harshly against her skin. The cries of her countrymen and the orcs they fought disoriented her until she forced herself to block it all out except her master's touch. The reigns pressed against her neck and she turned herself accordingly, avoiding the sword that would have cut him and trampling the orc that wielded it.
A piercing cry cut through the sounds of battle and everything went still for a moment. A dark shape rose in the sky with another terrible screech. Her ears flattened as she trembled and shuffled backwards, the only thing keeping her from bolting was her master's hand. "Easy, Brith. Easy." His voice trembled, but she could feel him tense in preparation as it hardened. "Eorlingas! Charge!"
His boots dug into her side and she sprung forward towards the orcs and the great flying creature and its terrible rider. Nazgul.
She didn't know what happened, but the weight of her master disappeared from her back and she found herself being thrown to the ground. Theoden! She let out a squeal of pain as she landed harshly and the spear that was stuck in her side was jostled roughly. She immediately tried to roll herself upright but stopped when she heard the pained gasp beneath her. Her ears twitched backwards as she listened to her master. This isn't good! His wheezing breath and lack of movement made her nervous. Frightened. She would crush him if she tried to get up, but it wasn't safe here. No where was safe.
The fighting had cleared from the surrounding area, so there was no immediate threat and no immediate help. That could change at any moment, for better or the worst. Her blood trickled down her coat, leaving it sticky and itchy. As time passed, she found herself unwilling to move. Her armor hobbled her to the ground and her stomach lit up with pain with each jolt of the spear shaft. Theoden grew weaker until she could barely feel the rise and fall of his chest.
She let out a groan and let her eyes slip shut, not seeing the portal opening in front of them.

Jacob bolted from his chair in the portal room as the alarm went off. He threw his locker open and grabbed the prepared bag along with is kevlar vest. You never knew what types of things you'd walk into. Before he and his partner could go through, two other EMT pairs rushed through so he stood watching the portal, ready to assist. The door across the bay was flung open and the new doctor entered with his strange little box.
"What happened?"
Before Jacob's partner could answer, the previous EMTs came back through with several gurneys. Jacob hurried over to the nearest one. The patient was burned, yet ice protruded from his arm in a gruesome display. Seeing his condition, the tail was the last thing that concerned him.

Leonard McCoy ran to emergency bay when the alarm went off. It had only been three days since the transporter accident that stranded him here, but it was more than enough to figure out how everything worked. Getting to the bay, he immediately addressed the EMTs waiting. In his three days here he had yet to hear the scaly one speak so he focused on his partner. "What happened?"
He didn't get a chance to receive a response as the teams started to come back through. Seeing the stretchers coming in, he wanted to curse. He couldn't help but be reminded of the missions that Jim came back all beat up and with only half of his team. "Triage, let's go!"


Tidus looked over at Jacob and lightly tapped the end of his tail against the gurney that he had been brought to the hospital in. He was currently not in the mood for any sort of conversation with other people and only looked over at Vaan who was in the gurney right next to his. However, despite his unwillingness to be rather vocal, it was clear to see that he was rather worried about Vaan and the other three that were brought to the hospital alongside him.

Tidus looked over at Jacob and lightly tapped the end of his tail against the gurney that he had been brought to the hospital in. He was currently not in the mood for any sort of conversation with other people and only looked over at Vaan who was in the gurney right next to his. However, despite his unwillingness to be rather vocal, it was clear to see that he was rather worried about Vaan and the other three that were brought to the hospital alongside him.
Genesis hisses as an NPC EMT tries to get close to her face, and then she loses consciousness again.

After downing their coffee, Patchie heads out into the hallways. Chances are, people are gonna be freaking out, so they'll need to go Cute Mode by using Transform until they get something small and adorable.
Genesis hisses as an NPC EMT tries to get close to her face, and then she loses consciousness again.

After downing their coffee, Patchie heads out into the hallways. Chances are, people are gonna be freaking out, so they'll need to go Cute Mode by using Transform until they get something small and adorable.
Baku Madarame had been sitting in his office, either diligently working on a report or daydreaming. The gambler-turned-doctor hadn’t had much to do for the past few days, aside from checking in on the patients who were already in the hospital and making sure they were alright, as well as finishing up some (in his opinion, dry) reports about hospital matters. So, in a sense, Baku was very surprised when an alarm went off, one of a rather ominous meaning. Sliding on his white coat over a rather fancy maroon suit and pants, he ran out into the hallways and towards the portal, running a hand through his white hair nervously.

He made it there in good time, passing by stretchers that displayed rather indescribable scenes of injuries. Baku wasn’t that disturbed, having seen a multitude of patients with sometimes disgusting but serious wounds, so he could say that he’s seen almost everything. “Can someone explain what is going on?” He asked, a slight tinge of impatience in his voice. Understandably, this was a big situation, so information was gold in these moments.
Baku Madarame had been sitting in his office, either diligently working on a report or daydreaming. The gambler-turned-doctor hadn’t had much to do for the past few days, aside from checking in on the patients who were already in the hospital and making sure they were alright, as well as finishing up some (in his opinion, dry) reports about hospital matters. So, in a sense, Baku was very surprised when an alarm went off, one of a rather ominous meaning. Sliding on his white coat over a rather fancy maroon suit and pants, he ran out into the hallways and towards the portal, running a hand through his white hair nervously.

He made it there in good time, passing by stretchers that displayed rather indescribable scenes of injuries. Baku wasn’t that disturbed, having seen a multitude of patients with sometimes disgusting but serious wounds, so he could say that he’s seen almost everything. “Can someone explain what is going on?” He asked, a slight tinge of impatience in his voice. Understandably, this was a big situation, so information was gold in these moments.
"I don't know," McCoy ground out, "but these three go first." He gestured towards the men on the stretchers. "They're loosing a lot of blood fast. You!" He didn't look up from where he was bent over the man with the white hair. It took a moment for Jacob to realize that the doctor was addressing him. "Keep him stable."
The portal flickered and stabilized again, signaling a new location. The alarm sounded out again and the two EMTs ran through.
McCoy scowled and pulled a different EMT over.
"I don't know," McCoy ground out, "but these three go first." He gestured towards the men on the stretchers. "They're loosing a lot of blood fast. You!" He didn't look up from where he was bent over the man with the white hair. It took a moment for Jacob to realize that the doctor was addressing him. "Keep him stable."
The portal flickered and stabilized again, signaling a new location. The alarm sounded out again and the two EMTs ran through.
McCoy scowled and pulled a different EMT over.
While walking through the hall, Patchie gambled with their Transforms. Fletchinder, Kommo-o, Medicham, Glaceon.

Screw it, Glaceon works. They kept moving along towards the bay.
"Heyyyy--oh wow there's a lot this time," they muttered, ready to act if requested. They're no EMT, just a nurse, but hey, emotional support Pokemon mode's already been activated.

The Silvally on yet another gurney didn't look great either, thanks to a poaching attempt.
While walking through the hall, Patchie gambled with their Transforms. Fletchinder, Kommo-o, Medicham, Glaceon.

Screw it, Glaceon works. They kept moving along towards the bay.
"Heyyyy--oh wow there's a lot this time," they muttered, ready to act if requested. They're no EMT, just a nurse, but hey, emotional support Pokemon mode's already been activated.

The Silvally on yet another gurney didn't look great either, thanks to a poaching attempt.