

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Angelfall Hospital {IC}

Alt!Bartz continued to seemingly stare off into space and remained completely silent for the time being. He was not in the mood to sleep and was currently trying to fight off the strong urge that he had to sleep.

Alt!Bartz continued to seemingly stare off into space and remained completely silent for the time being. He was not in the mood to sleep and was currently trying to fight off the strong urge that he had to sleep.
McCoy took the vial of blood and stepped out of the room to bring it to the lab. Giving it to the nurse there, he went back to his patient. They'd better be quick about it. I don't know how much time he has.
McCoy took the vial of blood and stepped out of the room to bring it to the lab. Giving it to the nurse there, he went back to his patient. They'd better be quick about it. I don't know how much time he has.

After a short while, Vaan ended up regaining consciousness and ended up finding himself in an environment that he was still slightly unfamiliar with. While he still didn’t exactly know where he was, he ended up noticing the sound of something near him beeping which he didn’t seem to be too fond of. However, he was currently unable to see what could have been making said noise due to his vision still being somewhat blurry and out of focus. In addition, he still felt rather sleepy and would most likely end up going back to sleep sometime soon however, he was now also wearing a pale blue hospital gown and boxer shorts instead of his normal clothing.

After a short while, Vaan ended up regaining consciousness and ended up finding himself in an environment that he was still slightly unfamiliar with. While he still didn’t exactly know where he was, he ended up noticing the sound of something near him beeping which he didn’t seem to be too fond of. However, he was currently unable to see what could have been making said noise due to his vision still being somewhat blurry and out of focus. In addition, he still felt rather sleepy and would most likely end up going back to sleep sometime soon however, he was now also wearing a pale blue hospital gown and boxer shorts instead of his normal clothing.
Patchie put the Silvally squarely on the table, reverting back to their base Ditto form.
"Y-You were a Ditto..." Genesis sounded almost relieved.
"It wasn't obvious?" Patchie asked, raising a nonexistent eyebrow.
"Normal Ditto don't do what you do."
"Well I ain't a normal Ditto sweetie. Dammit, what am I supposed to do all by myself? I wasn't trained to be a doctor..."
Patchie put the Silvally squarely on the table, reverting back to their base Ditto form.
"Y-You were a Ditto..." Genesis sounded almost relieved.
"It wasn't obvious?" Patchie asked, raising a nonexistent eyebrow.
"Normal Ditto don't do what you do."
"Well I ain't a normal Ditto sweetie. Dammit, what am I supposed to do all by myself? I wasn't trained to be a doctor..."
Getting into the unfortunate routine of things, McCoy slipped up his mask, pulled on his gloves, and took the scalpel. He was taking a risk not knowing what the poison was, what it did, if it was contagious or not. But there wasn't much he could do if he wanted to keep the patient alive. Put myself into quarantine after this is over... if there was another doctor, this could be going smoothly.
Getting into the unfortunate routine of things, McCoy slipped up his mask, pulled on his gloves, and took the scalpel. He was taking a risk not knowing what the poison was, what it did, if it was contagious or not. But there wasn't much he could do if he wanted to keep the patient alive. Put myself into quarantine after this is over... if there was another doctor, this could be going smoothly.
Elaeron teleported around the long hallways of the hospital, having noticed the new influx of parents a little later than most. His slim stature, almost two and half metres would zip through places, looking for somewhere or someone to help. Anyone walking down the corridors may find a pale, tall figure in purple appearing and vanishing as quickly as he had come. He had yet to meet a new patient, but would do so later. After a few minutes, he found someone, whom he identified as the somewhat grumpy Doctor McCoy, and appeared right behind him with a soft zip sound. Elaeron tapped him gently on the back wordlessly, assuming (and hoping) that he wouldn’t scare the living daylights out of him.
Elaeron teleported around the long hallways of the hospital, having noticed the new influx of parents a little later than most. His slim stature, almost two and half metres would zip through places, looking for somewhere or someone to help. Anyone walking down the corridors may find a pale, tall figure in purple appearing and vanishing as quickly as he had come. He had yet to meet a new patient, but would do so later. After a few minutes, he found someone, whom he identified as the somewhat grumpy Doctor McCoy, and appeared right behind him with a soft zip sound. Elaeron tapped him gently on the back wordlessly, assuming (and hoping) that he wouldn’t scare the living daylights out of him.
McCoy's heart stuttered as he felt a tap on his shoulder. "What on--! You're lucky I had a grip on the scalpel."
He turned to see a purple man in a waistcoat and bolo tie. "What are you doing in here? This is the operating room!"
McCoy's heart stuttered as he felt a tap on his shoulder. "What on--! You're lucky I had a grip on the scalpel."
He turned to see a purple man in a waistcoat and bolo tie. "What are you doing in here? This is the operating room!"
“I came to lend you assistance, Doctor McCoy, and I’m just as qualified as you are to be here.” Elaeron deadpanned, putting his hands together in a matter-of-factly way. “I suppose you’re not accustomed to people greeting you in such a manner.” He added, almost sounding disappointed. His purplish-pink eyes seemed to survey the room in one sweep, before he made a few short teleports around the room, picking himself up a mask and gloves without a word. Elaeron soon found himself towering in front of his colleague, quietly awaiting anything that he may need help with. He peered over the patient, silently calculating.
“I came to lend you assistance, Doctor McCoy, and I’m just as qualified as you are to be here.” Elaeron deadpanned, putting his hands together in a matter-of-factly way. “I suppose you’re not accustomed to people greeting you in such a manner.” He added, almost sounding disappointed. His purplish-pink eyes seemed to survey the room in one sweep, before he made a few short teleports around the room, picking himself up a mask and gloves without a word. Elaeron soon found himself towering in front of his colleague, quietly awaiting anything that he may need help with. He peered over the patient, silently calculating.
McCoy stared as the doctor teleported around the room. Just what I need. A purple Vulcan. Spock, I found your cousin.
He collected himself and shifted himself back to center. "I never said you weren't, but what'd you expect sneaking up like that."
McCoy stared as the doctor teleported around the room. Just what I need. A purple Vulcan. Spock, I found your cousin.
He collected himself and shifted himself back to center. "I never said you weren't, but what'd you expect sneaking up like that."
“I will at least hope you won’t be disturbed by me reacting to my new place here with habits from my home dimension.” He replied, rubbing his hands together as he continued to observe the patient. “So, what may you need help with today?” Elaeron asked, communicating by the mind out of habit. It was something his kind did almost every time, such that even a room full of endermen would be completely silent, spare the idle noises, but a cacophony of voices in each mind. To one receiving the message, it would sound like the sender’s voice, but just more echoey, like it was bouncing around the head.
“I will at least hope you won’t be disturbed by me reacting to my new place here with habits from my home dimension.” He replied, rubbing his hands together as he continued to observe the patient. “So, what may you need help with today?” Elaeron asked, communicating by the mind out of habit. It was something his kind did almost every time, such that even a room full of endermen would be completely silent, spare the idle noises, but a cacophony of voices in each mind. To one receiving the message, it would sound like the sender’s voice, but just more echoey, like it was bouncing around the head.