
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | | bonivich's accent & skin shop | new!
[center][size=3][font=cambria][color=#6F6A57]@Reithya @Eviscerate @Askesis @InariKitsunee @Yashura @Kael @Andraya @Redsparrow @WickedHeart The first run of [i][b]i. times faded sands[/i][/b] is filled! Please send payment to me in a one-way CR or PM and I'll mark you as paid. ♥ The skin is 850g and for Imperial Males [center][img][/img] /////[/center] [center][size=3][font=cambria][color=#6F6A57]@agheful @Askesis @OverlyOptimistic @Wrecks @Kael @Andraya @Redsparrow @Novrre @wolfpeach The first run of [i][b]i. cities brilliant spires[/i][/b] is filled! Please send payment to me in a one-way CR or PM and I'll mark you as paid. ♥ The skin is 850g and for Imperial Males [center][img][/img][/center]
@Reithya @Eviscerate @Askesis @InariKitsunee @Yashura @Kael @Andraya @Redsparrow @WickedHeart

The first run of i. times faded sands is filled! Please send payment to me in a one-way CR or PM and I'll mark you as paid. ♥

The skin is 850g and for Imperial Males


@agheful @Askesis @OverlyOptimistic @Wrecks @Kael @Andraya @Redsparrow @Novrre @wolfpeach

The first run of i. cities brilliant spires is filled! Please send payment to me in a one-way CR or PM and I'll mark you as paid. ♥

The skin is 850g and for Imperial Males

b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

l i n k s. v art shop » accents » wishlist
Just a question! is the F bane goddess line still going to be printed?
Just a question! is the F bane goddess line still going to be printed?
@Sols Yes it is! But I didn't get as many prepayments to cover full costs so I am submitting them one by one out of pocket mostly. I am correcting shadows on one and then will submit the others.
@Sols Yes it is! But I didn't get as many prepayments to cover full costs so I am submitting them one by one out of pocket mostly. I am correcting shadows on one and then will submit the others.
b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

l i n k s. v art shop » accents » wishlist
Oh no! I believe i sent payment for two except goddess of empires, can i sent it?
Oh no! I believe i sent payment for two except goddess of empires, can i sent it?
@Sols You can if you like! That wasn't me trying to tell you to prepay! XD Just...a bit slow in trying to gather funds for everything but almost there to submit the other two which should give me enough for the others! c:
@Sols You can if you like! That wasn't me trying to tell you to prepay! XD Just...a bit slow in trying to gather funds for everything but almost there to submit the other two which should give me enough for the others! c:
b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

l i n k s. v art shop » accents » wishlist
Oh nono, i didn't take it like that! I just want to help with the run, i'm sorry that it's being quite hard to print tho! :')
Oh nono, i didn't take it like that! I just want to help with the run, i'm sorry that it's being quite hard to print tho! :')
@Sols It's okay it happens sometimes, and I don't like pinging people again for it so I just have to take the temporary hit. c: And thank you for the prepayment! It definitely helps! ♥♥
@Sols It's okay it happens sometimes, and I don't like pinging people again for it so I just have to take the temporary hit. c: And thank you for the prepayment! It definitely helps! ♥♥
b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

l i n k s. v art shop » accents » wishlist
----- [center][size=2][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d][url=][b]I[/b] N T R O[/url] | [url=][b]R[/b] U L E S[/url] | [url=][b]C[/b] U R R E N T - [b]S[/b] K I N S & [b]A[/b] C C E N T S[/url] | [url=][b]A[/b] R C H I V E S[/url] | [url=][b]S[/b] H O W C A S E[/url] | [url=][b]P[/b] I N G L I S T[/url] | [url=][b]C[/b] R E D I T S[/url][/size][/font][/color][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][size=7][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d]| [b]L[/b] I M I T E D - [b]M[/b] E D I E V A L |[/font][/size][/color][/center] [columns] [color=transparent].................[/color] [nextcol] [center][font=spectral][color=#968d7d][size=4]Greetings All! I come to you today with something different! I have decided to make a limited 20-print run of a unlimited skin that will be announced in the next day or two based on a medieval painting! I plan on doing more medieval-esque skins when I can, as it's one of my favorite time periods to study. That said, currently, [i][b]three of the first run are on AH[/i][/b], the other seven claimed! [b]IF THE THREE ARE SOLD[/b] please give me a ping here in my thread and I will add you to the final 10-print run to be submitted once it fills! I have locked this particular skin's spreadsheet thread so you CANNOT EDIT it yourself! This is just to ensure no one removes anyone's name (you all are really sweet but just to be safe!). I have only pinged my general pinglist meaning: you get first dibs! I will only ping GASP if after a day or two the 2nd run doesn't fill! If you cannot afford this skin, but would still love a version of it: don't fret! The standard unlimited version will be making its appearance in the next few days! Thank you all so much for stopping by/viewing! ♥[/font][/color] [nextcol] [color=transparent].................[/color] [/columns][/center] ----- [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][font=spectral][color=#968d7d] [skin=47444] [I][b]t[/b]he gilded age[/i] [b]S[/b] K I N [b]P[/b] E A R L C A T C H E R - [b]F[/b] E M A L E [I]20-PRINT LIMITED.[/i] [font=spectral][color=#968d7d][u][b]P[/b] R I C E[/u] 3,000g ----- [font=spectral][color=#968d7d] [url=][s]| [b]B[/b] U Y |[/s][/url] [i][b]ping me to be added to the 2nd run![/i][/b][/font][/color] [/columns] [center][size=5][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d]| [b]G[/b] E N E R A L - [b]H[/b] O U S E K E E P I N G |[/font][/size][/color][/center] [columns] [color=transparent].................[/color] [nextcol] [center][font=spectral][color=#968d7d][font=4]01. See [url=]Rules[/url] here for any general questions on how my pre-orders and other things work! Obviously, feel free just to ask me and I can tell you as well. c: [/font][/color][/center] [nextcol] [color=transparent].................[/color] [/columns] ----- [center][size=7][font=playfair display][color=#968d7d]| [b]P[/b] I N G L I S T |[/font][/size][/color][/center] [center][size=3][font=spectral][color=#968d7d] @Reithya @rookfern @SleepyTomato @Maeva @RainyCerdae @gentlytohear @Askesis @Rhapsodus @Mystel @maliketh @Meii @willowlight @lugia492 @CrowleyGhost @ikunoche @Marrigan @Sealterbloind @Closetcreep @606 @Hag @KaichouKai @cinTamani @Hideki @Mazurkas @Spookio @meteors @Necramancy @Jabberwocky09 @findingpears @Cringe @Suntouched @Bloomed @Luunai @Xemriss @Demonochorus @Solcie @Aku @Sic @Apology @Kael @Sanzuwu @exp @Altassar @Vulpen @Tuath @Croissants @Spark @Decaying @Hasufel @GermanicNordic @Laeyein @Flora @Subjugation @PlaguedPride @Vrtra @pensive @Paralian @CryptidUni @xoLunaox @insight89x @Behlair @LovelyDeeps @Novrre @Munchcatto @Schattenfeuer @Airmalli @Eviscerate @Moirne @TeenyTK @pedanticism @LArte @Marmite @Self @Outpost @Cao @Gurrero @tokyoisms @Takora @inthedusk @Psi @Industry @Hemophobia @saltmarsh @chaoticstars @Sinnouk @creosote @iniquitas @MittensTheKitten @SuzyChi @milkchai @pepster @Toska @Microfauna @Joule @Skyleidge @Hazelby @Unrest @distaste @above @Neoo @laivence @Digi @JavaMP @Invaki @Worgen @Yukivrali @Archaic @dragonpals @Kaimon @Peachbug @Kiddo @ikelu @onuo @morn @Wrath @komi @Zer00 @Houndstooth @xique @Vanitatum @Fortuna @Crim @GarbagePal @Sidya @Hydrocity @MineralTownNPC @dandyfrau @romeus @bumblebree14 @Ridaine @HalfPintVerdance @Cynil @sleepea @RogueHazel @PaigeBoi @Defiance @Lejsek @elvamere @BeingOfSalt @myasmic @lusterwing @chasegirl @arcanehierophant @AquaArcs @hex @Tuberose @Crim @StarrySkyTonight @lanseax @Eucyon @HandleAnimal @Northerly @Budsturga @Voltaic @Deva @sedge122 @vortexbreakdown @knoggelvi @allegoon @weathering @Zelai @Lewyn @errika @Earthenware @Dimness @Malachite @bunnyfork @timepatches @valrunie @roki @CaptainMoondyne @Jennahe @SolCanis @Aty @InariKitsunee @allrealelements @Caladbolg @Snowyy @Fenixinka @umbers @ThistleProse[/font][/color][/center]


| L I M I T E D - M E D I E V A L |
Greetings All! I come to you today with something different! I have decided to make a limited 20-print run of a unlimited skin that will be announced in the next day or two based on a medieval painting!

I plan on doing more medieval-esque skins when I can, as it's one of my favorite time periods to study. That said, currently, three of the first run are on AH, the other seven claimed!

IF THE THREE ARE SOLD please give me a ping here in my thread and I will add you to the final 10-print run to be submitted once it fills! I have locked this particular skin's spreadsheet thread so you CANNOT EDIT it yourself!

This is just to ensure no one removes anyone's name (you all are really sweet but just to be safe!).

I have only pinged my general pinglist meaning: you get first dibs! I will only ping GASP if after a day or two the 2nd run doesn't fill!

If you cannot afford this skin, but would still love a version of it: don't fret! The standard unlimited version will be making its appearance in the next few days!

Thank you all so much for stopping by/viewing! ♥


the gilded age
P E A R L C A T C H E R - F E M A L E


| B U Y |
ping me to be added to the 2nd run!
| G E N E R A L - H O U S E K E E P I N G |
01. See Rules here for any general questions on how my pre-orders and other things work! Obviously, feel free just to ask me and I can tell you as well. c:

| P I N G L I S T |

@Reithya @rookfern @SleepyTomato @Maeva @RainyCerdae @gentlytohear @Askesis @Rhapsodus @Mystel @maliketh @Meii @willowlight @lugia492 @CrowleyGhost @ikunoche @Marrigan @Sealterbloind @Closetcreep @606 @Hag @KaichouKai @cinTamani @Hideki @Mazurkas @Spookio @meteors @Necramancy @Jabberwocky09 @findingpears @Cringe @Suntouched @Bloomed @Luunai @Xemriss @Demonochorus @Solcie @Aku @Sic @Apology @Kael @Sanzuwu @exp @Altassar @Vulpen @Tuath @Croissants @Spark @Decaying @Hasufel @GermanicNordic @Laeyein @Flora @Subjugation @PlaguedPride @Vrtra @pensive @Paralian @CryptidUni @xoLunaox @insight89x @Behlair @LovelyDeeps @Novrre @Munchcatto @Schattenfeuer @Airmalli @Eviscerate @Moirne @TeenyTK @pedanticism @LArte @Marmite @Self @Outpost @Cao @Gurrero @tokyoisms @Takora @inthedusk @Psi @Industry @Hemophobia @saltmarsh @chaoticstars @Sinnouk @creosote @iniquitas @MittensTheKitten @SuzyChi @milkchai @pepster @Toska @Microfauna @Joule @Skyleidge @Hazelby @Unrest @distaste @above @Neoo @laivence @Digi @JavaMP @Invaki @Worgen @Yukivrali @Archaic @dragonpals @Kaimon @Peachbug @Kiddo @ikelu @onuo @morn @Wrath @komi @Zer00 @Houndstooth @xique @Vanitatum @Fortuna @Crim @GarbagePal @Sidya @Hydrocity @MineralTownNPC @dandyfrau @romeus @bumblebree14 @Ridaine @HalfPintVerdance @Cynil @sleepea @RogueHazel @PaigeBoi @Defiance @Lejsek @elvamere @BeingOfSalt @myasmic @lusterwing @chasegirl @arcanehierophant @AquaArcs @hex @Tuberose @Crim @StarrySkyTonight @lanseax @Eucyon @HandleAnimal @Northerly @Budsturga @Voltaic @Deva @sedge122 @vortexbreakdown @knoggelvi @allegoon @weathering @Zelai @Lewyn @errika @Earthenware @Dimness @Malachite @bunnyfork @timepatches @valrunie @roki @CaptainMoondyne @Jennahe @SolCanis @Aty @InariKitsunee @allrealelements @Caladbolg @Snowyy @Fenixinka @umbers @ThistleProse
b o n i v i c h » light & earth • the atheneum
"You, sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me. Flare up like flame and make big shadows I can move in. Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror."

l i n k s. v art shop » accents » wishlist
I think I grabbed the last one on the AH, but this is perfect for one of my older dragons!! [url=][img][/img][/url] Beautiful accent!
I think I grabbed the last one on the AH, but this is perfect for one of my older dragons!!


Beautiful accent!
look at my dragon I love her
+3 FR time || Manta
Pixel by MissCallieRose!
-sweats- Can I be added to the run? There doesn't seem to be any more on the AH, and this is absolutely gorgeous
-sweats- Can I be added to the run? There doesn't seem to be any more on the AH, and this is absolutely gorgeous
cauldrontext2.png KPogKne.png....................... yIOwECY.png