

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Roleplay: Player Directory
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Heyo everyone!

Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

Afraid I've only ever done original characters, however lately I have been really interested in JJBA and would consider the fan character route. For the most part I lean on wanting to have creative control of an OC and like altering or creating characters to fit the setting ^^

Prefer human/humanoids if possible, I have a hard time with dragons or likewise animalistic characters.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

Not particularly! Though lately I have been craving either sci-fi or historical fantasy. Supernatural powers are my jam and I'm a sucker for scandel.

Open to just about any genre but I'm a bit stiff when it comes to fight scenes or pure romance. My ideal roleplay is usually a stitch of all genres with a generous dash of world building.

I do tend to lean on the more utopian spectrum, and pure post-apocalyptic just isn't for me. a little angst is always welcome though

Player Information

Average reply length?

Varies :,D
Initially I always offer paragraphs, but sometimes that devolves to blurbs.

Average reply speed?
Typically within a day! I'm busier some days more than others, but I don't like to leave people hanging for more than a few hours.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I identify as ace and have many LGBTQA+ characters, its not a deal breaker if you don't want to rp same sex romance or otherwise but I do ask that you are respectful of this.

I also have a mild southern accent and it tends to bleed in to my writing sometimes, so I ask that you spare mercy lol

Would you like to share any additional information?

I'm a sucker for the arts and just about all music. I have a dragon bio here because. . . I honestly just wanted to dress a dragon how I wanted shh don't think about it too much.

I also swear way too much.
Discord preferred , thank you <3
Heyo everyone!

Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

Afraid I've only ever done original characters, however lately I have been really interested in JJBA and would consider the fan character route. For the most part I lean on wanting to have creative control of an OC and like altering or creating characters to fit the setting ^^

Prefer human/humanoids if possible, I have a hard time with dragons or likewise animalistic characters.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

Not particularly! Though lately I have been craving either sci-fi or historical fantasy. Supernatural powers are my jam and I'm a sucker for scandel.

Open to just about any genre but I'm a bit stiff when it comes to fight scenes or pure romance. My ideal roleplay is usually a stitch of all genres with a generous dash of world building.

I do tend to lean on the more utopian spectrum, and pure post-apocalyptic just isn't for me. a little angst is always welcome though

Player Information

Average reply length?

Varies :,D
Initially I always offer paragraphs, but sometimes that devolves to blurbs.

Average reply speed?
Typically within a day! I'm busier some days more than others, but I don't like to leave people hanging for more than a few hours.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I identify as ace and have many LGBTQA+ characters, its not a deal breaker if you don't want to rp same sex romance or otherwise but I do ask that you are respectful of this.

I also have a mild southern accent and it tends to bleed in to my writing sometimes, so I ask that you spare mercy lol

Would you like to share any additional information?

I'm a sucker for the arts and just about all music. I have a dragon bio here because. . . I honestly just wanted to dress a dragon how I wanted shh don't think about it too much.

I also swear way too much.
Discord preferred , thank you <3
I've been rping here for a while, so I figure it's about time I make one of these.

Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
All of my characters are OC's. I find it hard to work with an established character, as I'm scared I'll get their personality wrong. If you wish to do a fandom character, go for it, depending on the fandom.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Well, yes and no. I almost exclusively roleplay fantasy storylines, so that is the genre that I like to have. I'm always looking for shifter plot lines in particular. Plus, I have this idea that I've been holding onto for a bit, but have been too scared to post. Ask me about it! I'll be happy to share it, just don't shoot me down too much, lol.

Player Information

Average reply length?
Two paragraphs are my minimum, and tend to be what I go for. However, depending on what's happening and my partner's reply length, I can get longer.

Average reply speed?
Due to quarantine, within a few hours is my usual reply. However, I'm going to give myself some wiggle room and put within 24 hours. I'm online every day.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
- Romance cannot be the central plot. It can be an aspect of the plot, yes. But, it cannot completely take over the plot. No way. That does not work for me.
- I prefer the forums to Discord. But, I'll use it if you really need me to.
- NO ONE LINERS. That's not enough to work with. I expect at least one paragraph, and even that's getting into not enough to work with territory.
- Help with plot creation. Yes, I do love worldbuilding, but I want to roleplay so that I have an interactive experience. So I can create something alongside you. I don't want to be the only one creating the world, or the plot.

Would you like to share any additional information?
- LGBTQ+ plots are my lifeline. Nearly all of my characters are pan, just because I like to have some variety. And there's not nearly enough pan representation.
- Sci-fi isn't my strong suit, but I am willing to try.
- I am not above cliches. In fact, I can love them, if done well! I will take part in a cliche'd plot, and we can figure out how to subvert it. Because I LOVE the subversion of cliche's.
- I really don't mind OOC conversation, but I'm unlikely to initiate it. It's nothing against you, starting a conversation just bothers me.
- PM me if you're interested! I don't bite!
I've been rping here for a while, so I figure it's about time I make one of these.

Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
All of my characters are OC's. I find it hard to work with an established character, as I'm scared I'll get their personality wrong. If you wish to do a fandom character, go for it, depending on the fandom.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Well, yes and no. I almost exclusively roleplay fantasy storylines, so that is the genre that I like to have. I'm always looking for shifter plot lines in particular. Plus, I have this idea that I've been holding onto for a bit, but have been too scared to post. Ask me about it! I'll be happy to share it, just don't shoot me down too much, lol.

Player Information

Average reply length?
Two paragraphs are my minimum, and tend to be what I go for. However, depending on what's happening and my partner's reply length, I can get longer.

Average reply speed?
Due to quarantine, within a few hours is my usual reply. However, I'm going to give myself some wiggle room and put within 24 hours. I'm online every day.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
- Romance cannot be the central plot. It can be an aspect of the plot, yes. But, it cannot completely take over the plot. No way. That does not work for me.
- I prefer the forums to Discord. But, I'll use it if you really need me to.
- NO ONE LINERS. That's not enough to work with. I expect at least one paragraph, and even that's getting into not enough to work with territory.
- Help with plot creation. Yes, I do love worldbuilding, but I want to roleplay so that I have an interactive experience. So I can create something alongside you. I don't want to be the only one creating the world, or the plot.

Would you like to share any additional information?
- LGBTQ+ plots are my lifeline. Nearly all of my characters are pan, just because I like to have some variety. And there's not nearly enough pan representation.
- Sci-fi isn't my strong suit, but I am willing to try.
- I am not above cliches. In fact, I can love them, if done well! I will take part in a cliche'd plot, and we can figure out how to subvert it. Because I LOVE the subversion of cliche's.
- I really don't mind OOC conversation, but I'm unlikely to initiate it. It's nothing against you, starting a conversation just bothers me.
- PM me if you're interested! I don't bite!
I'm a pansexual with she/her pronouns. I don't mind a message or a ping! Timezone is +1 FR time.
Currently: Grew UP in the French court, oui oui bonjour, life was a chore so...
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

As of the time of this post, all my dragons from 1-20 are open as potential roleplay characters, as well as Abyssal. I've already tried my best to give each of them their own distinct personality. The others are most likely going to be exalted or are simply for keeps. Dragons in my hibernal den are locked from RP.
Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

As of now, no.
Average reply length?

I consider myself to be a highly adaptive roleplayer, changing the length of my replies to match my partner. In the case of a multi-person roleplay, I tend to be fairly literate, typing a paragraph at least. My range would probably be about a few lines up to 3-4 paragraphs.
Average reply speed?

My reply speed was always a bit of a downfall of me. I don't necessarily have a set reply speed, as my life schedule often throws me around. Normally, I'd be avaliable in the afternoon, Pacific Daylight Time. Sometimes sooner, sometimes less. I do try my best to respond as soon as possible, and reminders every now and again are appreciated. I hope to find somebody who can bear with my odd tendencies.
Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

I don't wish to call anybody out by saying this, nor do I wish to appear rude in any way, but I'd be thankful if you weren't one of those people with illiterate, short-thought and overall childish responses. I lose interest in those type in people very quickly and tend to leave them hanging for up to a few weeks.

I also ask that things be at least somewhat realistic in terms of minor scientific accuracy. Yes, various magic exists in this universe, and I respect that. But if somebody tears off your wings, you're not just going to start hovering on without them. That's just not how it works. If you're hunting game or such, your prey isn't just going to stand there was you walk up on it and casually tear it asunder. That's not how it works. A person who can respect that is a person I'm willing to roleplay with.
Would you like to share any additional information?

It's very likely that this will be updated some time in the future, as this is my first post on any forum. Please do have patience with me, and have a wonderful day.
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

As of the time of this post, all my dragons from 1-20 are open as potential roleplay characters, as well as Abyssal. I've already tried my best to give each of them their own distinct personality. The others are most likely going to be exalted or are simply for keeps. Dragons in my hibernal den are locked from RP.
Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

As of now, no.
Average reply length?

I consider myself to be a highly adaptive roleplayer, changing the length of my replies to match my partner. In the case of a multi-person roleplay, I tend to be fairly literate, typing a paragraph at least. My range would probably be about a few lines up to 3-4 paragraphs.
Average reply speed?

My reply speed was always a bit of a downfall of me. I don't necessarily have a set reply speed, as my life schedule often throws me around. Normally, I'd be avaliable in the afternoon, Pacific Daylight Time. Sometimes sooner, sometimes less. I do try my best to respond as soon as possible, and reminders every now and again are appreciated. I hope to find somebody who can bear with my odd tendencies.
Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

I don't wish to call anybody out by saying this, nor do I wish to appear rude in any way, but I'd be thankful if you weren't one of those people with illiterate, short-thought and overall childish responses. I lose interest in those type in people very quickly and tend to leave them hanging for up to a few weeks.

I also ask that things be at least somewhat realistic in terms of minor scientific accuracy. Yes, various magic exists in this universe, and I respect that. But if somebody tears off your wings, you're not just going to start hovering on without them. That's just not how it works. If you're hunting game or such, your prey isn't just going to stand there was you walk up on it and casually tear it asunder. That's not how it works. A person who can respect that is a person I'm willing to roleplay with.
Would you like to share any additional information?

It's very likely that this will be updated some time in the future, as this is my first post on any forum. Please do have patience with me, and have a wonderful day.
Y'know, I really like water. Water is very good. I really like water. Water is good for your soul. It is good for your body. Stay hydrated. Drink water.
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Original character - it will be one of my lair dragons.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Yes, I am looking for someone to take on my dragon as an apprentice of sorts. My lair came to realise they don't know an awful lot about magic. We brew potions which have magical properties but not spells. The only dragon who does know spells isn't willing to share them.

Average reply length?
However long is needed - usually paragraphs but not so long as to make it tiresome to read and respond to.

Average reply speed?
On average once a day, perhaps more. I will always inform you if there's something going on and I can't respond as normal.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
My character want's to learn but not be told off for their ignorance constantly - the odd harsh lesson sure but not be abused for not knowing. You should be willing to teach someone who doesn't have a clue.

Would you like to share any additional information?

I have RPd before on other games but not this one. I'm a little rusty.

My lair has a leader but there is no formal structure to it aside from roles such as guards, writers, carers etc. It isn't regal for example. It is simply a place for dragons to relax and enjoy a peaceful life.
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Original character - it will be one of my lair dragons.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Yes, I am looking for someone to take on my dragon as an apprentice of sorts. My lair came to realise they don't know an awful lot about magic. We brew potions which have magical properties but not spells. The only dragon who does know spells isn't willing to share them.

Average reply length?
However long is needed - usually paragraphs but not so long as to make it tiresome to read and respond to.

Average reply speed?
On average once a day, perhaps more. I will always inform you if there's something going on and I can't respond as normal.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
My character want's to learn but not be told off for their ignorance constantly - the odd harsh lesson sure but not be abused for not knowing. You should be willing to teach someone who doesn't have a clue.

Would you like to share any additional information?

I have RPd before on other games but not this one. I'm a little rusty.

My lair has a leader but there is no formal structure to it aside from roles such as guards, writers, carers etc. It isn't regal for example. It is simply a place for dragons to relax and enjoy a peaceful life.
mWb40Sz.png ° Loreka :: FR +8
° Hatchery
° True Love Lore
° Dom Shop
° Cauldron
° Wishlist
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Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Original, I'm planning to use some dragons from my clan.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Not really. I'm just wanting to write up some lore for my dragons.

Average reply length?
I can write around 150-200 words, sometimes more if my muse is high.

Average reply speed?
I try to be on at least once a day.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
All I ask is that you're a friendly person with good grammar and decent reply length. I want to make some good lore, and I'm sure you do too! We can make great stories if we work together.

Would you like to share any additional information?
I don't cuss, like at all. The worst I'll say (write?) are words like dang, crap, heck, etc. Also, I would be down for a small group or a 1x1, so hit me up ^.^
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Original, I'm planning to use some dragons from my clan.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Not really. I'm just wanting to write up some lore for my dragons.

Average reply length?
I can write around 150-200 words, sometimes more if my muse is high.

Average reply speed?
I try to be on at least once a day.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
All I ask is that you're a friendly person with good grammar and decent reply length. I want to make some good lore, and I'm sure you do too! We can make great stories if we work together.

Would you like to share any additional information?
I don't cuss, like at all. The worst I'll say (write?) are words like dang, crap, heck, etc. Also, I would be down for a small group or a 1x1, so hit me up ^.^
Hi there! My name is Quin! I've been a casual rper for 10+ years and I'm looking to play around with my FR lore. I'm normally active from 12:00 to 24:00 (im on EST)

Currently Seeking: 1x1 roleplay preferably on Discord.

Current Status: Looking and available.

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
(Will Smith poses at my lair) They're original dragon ocs baby!

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
I'm looking primarily to roleplay in my lair lore setting or others, or a combo of both! Alternatively I'm always down to rp fantasy, urban fantasy, and scifi settings. My dragons are all humans.

Average reply length?
I try to match my partner but longer replies take me a while, so I tend to prefer something more casual.

Average reply speed?
Depending on length I can usually fire off 1-4 replies a day.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
Since I am 25 I require my rp partners to be 18+! I also strongly prefer Discord as I use my PMs here for corresponding on art and buying or selling dragons. Besides that I'm not picky and rather lax on grammar and such.

Would you like to share any additional information?
I am a character driven roleplayer. I find that the plot will unravel itself the more I develop my characters! I LOVE throwing ideas around and getting excited! I also love romance and playing around with character's chemistry whether it's friends, lovers, enemies etc.
Hi there! My name is Quin! I've been a casual rper for 10+ years and I'm looking to play around with my FR lore. I'm normally active from 12:00 to 24:00 (im on EST)

Currently Seeking: 1x1 roleplay preferably on Discord.

Current Status: Looking and available.

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
(Will Smith poses at my lair) They're original dragon ocs baby!

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
I'm looking primarily to roleplay in my lair lore setting or others, or a combo of both! Alternatively I'm always down to rp fantasy, urban fantasy, and scifi settings. My dragons are all humans.

Average reply length?
I try to match my partner but longer replies take me a while, so I tend to prefer something more casual.

Average reply speed?
Depending on length I can usually fire off 1-4 replies a day.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
Since I am 25 I require my rp partners to be 18+! I also strongly prefer Discord as I use my PMs here for corresponding on art and buying or selling dragons. Besides that I'm not picky and rather lax on grammar and such.

Would you like to share any additional information?
I am a character driven roleplayer. I find that the plot will unravel itself the more I develop my characters! I LOVE throwing ideas around and getting excited! I also love romance and playing around with character's chemistry whether it's friends, lovers, enemies etc.
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Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
original ! any dragon in my lair <3

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
yes and no. i'd like an rp with a looser plot so that we can hopefully create some lore for our clans together. i'd love to hear any plot you may have in mind.

Player Information

Average reply length?
i try to match my partner but 10+ sentences

Average reply speed?
depending on the length of my replies 2-5 replies a day

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
nope !

Would you like to share any additional information?
i love creating ideas for our characters. i love romance, forbidden romance, rivalries and anything involving some adventure.
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
original ! any dragon in my lair <3

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
yes and no. i'd like an rp with a looser plot so that we can hopefully create some lore for our clans together. i'd love to hear any plot you may have in mind.

Player Information

Average reply length?
i try to match my partner but 10+ sentences

Average reply speed?
depending on the length of my replies 2-5 replies a day

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
nope !

Would you like to share any additional information?
i love creating ideas for our characters. i love romance, forbidden romance, rivalries and anything involving some adventure.
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
OC's, I'm primarily interested in roleplaying dragons from my lair.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Nothing specific! I'm mostly looking to develop my characters and lore a little better so looser is better as far as I'm concerned. Ideally we would come up with something that would make sense for the characters and why they would be interacting.

Player Information

Average reply length?
I'd estimate the average to be about one to two paragraphs. I try to match the length of whoever I'm roleplaying with so it can vary a bit.

Average reply speed?
Right now about once a day, if something were to come up that would change my availability I would make sure to let you know!

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I just need a decent reply length, it doesn't need to be paragraphs and paragraphs but I do need something to work with as well!

Would you like to share any additional information?
I haven't roleplayed for a few years now so I may be a little rusty getting back into it. I'm also open to most platforms and either 1x1 or a small group.
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
OC's, I'm primarily interested in roleplaying dragons from my lair.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Nothing specific! I'm mostly looking to develop my characters and lore a little better so looser is better as far as I'm concerned. Ideally we would come up with something that would make sense for the characters and why they would be interacting.

Player Information

Average reply length?
I'd estimate the average to be about one to two paragraphs. I try to match the length of whoever I'm roleplaying with so it can vary a bit.

Average reply speed?
Right now about once a day, if something were to come up that would change my availability I would make sure to let you know!

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I just need a decent reply length, it doesn't need to be paragraphs and paragraphs but I do need something to work with as well!

Would you like to share any additional information?
I haven't roleplayed for a few years now so I may be a little rusty getting back into it. I'm also open to most platforms and either 1x1 or a small group.
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Looking to play characters from my lair, but my experience consists of mostly characters from my own worlds or rarely a fan character. Almost never play canon characters, mainly because I find it hard to stick to their personas.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Not really, just looking to have some fun here.

Player Information

Average reply length?
About a paragraph or two. Can definitely do less, can try to do more.

Average reply speed?
Depends on timezone. I'm most active 4-10PM EST on weekdays, varies on weekends.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I don't really like literate roleplays, or role plays that require playing a canon character.

Would you like to share any additional information?
Not really? PM me if you have questions!
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Looking to play characters from my lair, but my experience consists of mostly characters from my own worlds or rarely a fan character. Almost never play canon characters, mainly because I find it hard to stick to their personas.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Not really, just looking to have some fun here.

Player Information

Average reply length?
About a paragraph or two. Can definitely do less, can try to do more.

Average reply speed?
Depends on timezone. I'm most active 4-10PM EST on weekdays, varies on weekends.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I don't really like literate roleplays, or role plays that require playing a canon character.

Would you like to share any additional information?
Not really? PM me if you have questions!
Character Information
Pretty much any of my dragons, including ones in my Hibernal Den

Not particularly looking for a specific storyline, I'll go with the flow of almost anything but I will make references to my own personal lore

Player Information

Average reply length? On my days off at work I'm available during the whole day, I'm 2 hours ahead of server time and I'm awake around 5:00-21:00 server time, and during my work days I have a one-hour break at either 14:00 or 15:00 server time (I can let you know if I'm working for the day and when I'll be at break)

Average reply speed? Depending on work, I can be pretty speedy. Of course I cant answer at work, but off work i can get to a reply in short minutes

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups? I don't like rping in groups, so all my rp is gonna be 1x1

Would you like to share any additional information? My replies will be either one sentence or one essay, depends on how much the ADHD is talking /s (real talk I'm really fond of RP, so as long as you're a good rp partner itll be all good!)

PM me if you have questions/wanna start an rp!
Character Information
Pretty much any of my dragons, including ones in my Hibernal Den

Not particularly looking for a specific storyline, I'll go with the flow of almost anything but I will make references to my own personal lore

Player Information

Average reply length? On my days off at work I'm available during the whole day, I'm 2 hours ahead of server time and I'm awake around 5:00-21:00 server time, and during my work days I have a one-hour break at either 14:00 or 15:00 server time (I can let you know if I'm working for the day and when I'll be at break)

Average reply speed? Depending on work, I can be pretty speedy. Of course I cant answer at work, but off work i can get to a reply in short minutes

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups? I don't like rping in groups, so all my rp is gonna be 1x1

Would you like to share any additional information? My replies will be either one sentence or one essay, depends on how much the ADHD is talking /s (real talk I'm really fond of RP, so as long as you're a good rp partner itll be all good!)

PM me if you have questions/wanna start an rp!
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