TOPIC | Theme Week: Celestial Dragons

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[img][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=49842673] [img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/350/498427/49842673_350.png[/img] [/url][/img]
Python the clan's trickster
he has constalation and starmap genes
My half-celestial boy:
[emoji=familiar heart size=1]
My starry bois
My Halley! She was named after the comet and seemingly touched down somewhere near Nightshade City. She doesn't recall who she is, just that her name is Halley, and she misses being in space badly.
And Violet, she's an alien who left her home and intergalactic guard post to look for her sister, Halley, after she left home. She ended up living in Nightshade because she liked it so much and so did Halley.

My Halley! She was named after the comet and seemingly touched down somewhere near Nightshade City. She doesn't recall who she is, just that her name is Halley, and she misses being in space badly.

And Violet, she's an alien who left her home and intergalactic guard post to look for her sister, Halley, after she left home. She ended up living in Nightshade because she liked it so much and so did Halley.
"No Act Of Kindness, No Matter How Small, Is Ever Wasted"
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he/him - FR+2 I'm stupid. wishlist | ........................................................................ |
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[center][color=2A407C][font=Century Gothic][size=2]My beauty[/center]
[center][color=2A407C][font=Century Gothic][size=2]My soul[/center]
My star-themed dragon.
Dont be fooled by her dark colors, she's actually pretty tame!
And my sun themed coatl, in her regal outfit ^^
Stardust and her mate Orion![/center]
A triple moon boy! His name is Ganymede, after Jupiter's largest moon [emoji=full moon size=1]
This is Alystair, he's very sunshiney [emoji=sun size=1]
And this is Enchantress, with pretty void wings! [emoji=gloom tile size=1]
[/url][nextcol]Well, the most space-themed dragon in my lair has to be [b]Galactica[/b]! As her name suggests, she's an astronomer and very attuned to star magic. She spends much of her time in the observatories of the Starfall Isles.
[emoji=crystal ball size=1][/columns]
[columns][b]Celestei [/b]is pretty space-themed too, I guess; her name is based on the word celestial, after all! She's an astronomer as well, though not quite as dedicated as Galactica. Celestei would rather show off her arcane magic skills than use them for anything academic.
[emoji=planet size=1][nextcol][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=46858384]
[/url][nextcol]And I suppose [b]Hilda [/b]counts too- the character I based her on, Hilda Berg from Cuphead, is heavily star- and astronomy-themed. In my clan, she's a meteorologist who can control the stars and weather.
[emoji=star size=1][/columns]
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And I suppose Hilda counts too- the character I based her on, Hilda Berg from Cuphead, is heavily star- and astronomy-themed. In my clan, she's a meteorologist who can control the stars and weather.![]() |

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