Baby clothes for permababs.
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We should be able to make our own clothing. Like when we get brooches or cloth, we could make custom clothing.
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We should be able to make our own clothing. Like when we get brooches or cloth, we could make custom clothing.
Check out this GIF:
Check out this GIF:
[center][b]Here it is, the conglomeration of apparel suggestions[/b][/center]
- [b]head chains[/b] - (BvIG YES. Many accents have those. - [i]as suggested by Snapdragon[/i])
- [b]more skulls[/b] (the ones dragons can wear on top of their head like deer skulls/[s]ram skulls[/s], wolf skulls....maybe even thresher jaws around the neck. Or more horns covered in leaves, cobweb and mold, and a ton of different horns as well.
AND bonejaw accessories including something like hippopotamus, lion, crocodile and warthog jaws, and elephant tusks - [i]as suggested by Mutation [/i])
- [s][b]halos and auras[/b] (I'm not necessarily talking about those halos that are portrayed above saints' heads or stuff, more like something the Arcanist has. A physical embodiment of energy, a display, runes, stuff like that)[/s] [color=#731d08]THANK YOU, we got it[/color]
- [b]lanterns and visors[/b] (they would be very useful to adventurers, excavators, miners, explorers, etc - [i]as suggested by CinnamonThief [/i])
- [b]head wraps for deserts and harsh conditions[/b] (something similar to a Keffiyeh or what the Highland Scavenger has but without the chest part. It would go so well with the lore of dragons living in Dragonhome and in the Shifting Expanse since it's dusty and dry. As a clan who lives in a hot, sandy desert, we need more head wraps made for bedouins, oasis guides, travelling merchants, etc. For further details see [i]desert-nomad apparel[/i])
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]more masks[/b] (those Harpy masks look amazing, something of that sort perhaps? Not anything fancy like masques, but something carved out of stone or wood. Also, classical theatrical masks - [i]as suggested by Etzili[/i])
- [b]makeup/tattoos[/b] (eye shadow, eyeliner, blush, etc - [i]as suggested by SaikiyoLuna[/i] + tattoos)
- [b]more hood types[/b] (tattered hoods, tight hoods, Assassin-like hoods, etc)
- [b]crowns and tiaras[/b] ([i]as suggested by many people[/i])
- [b]contacts[/b] (many people want this and I know it's kinda like cheating the system but it would be nice, especially for lore or people who can't find G1s of the required element)
- [s][b]manes[/b] (now, I see people commenting about how wigs should be added. I don't know if wigs would fit dragons, but manes would, like a more scruffy one, a shorter one, a longer one and so on.[/s] [color=#731d08]Thank you, we got manes[/color], now if we could put braids on Pearlcatchers, Tundras, Imperials etc it would be absolutely amazing. Some feathery manes and natural feather plumages would be fantastic as well - [i]as suggested by STRHKR[/i]; shorter manes the length of gladiator headdresses or a bit longer would be much appreciated!)
- [b]beanies[/b] ([i]as suggested by stigma and many other people[/i])
- [b]ties (cravats) and bowties[/b] (many people suggested that and, as a Croat, I'd LOVE to see some cravats)
- [b]broaches[/b] (those would be a fantastic detail for a larger set - [i]as suggested by StarrySpelunker[/i]. Same goes for medals.)
- [b]collars[/b] (i'd kill for a Hainu collar tbh - [i]as suggested by Godspeed[/i])
- [b]bottle necklaces[/b] (with fireflies in them and so on - [i]as suggested by Pammytio[/i])
- [b]more weapons[/b] (Khopeshes, more axes, maces, hammers, spears, knives, daggers, crossbows, tomahawks, scythes and lances, and [s]shields[/s])
- [b]sculpting tools[/b] ([i]as suggested by AgCat[/i])
- [b]tailor equipment[/b] (small set of a tape measure and wrist pincushions)
- [s][b]gardening equipment[/b][/s] [color=#731d08]nice[/color]
- [b]farmer apparel[/b] (aAAAA we need this. Something like hoes, shovels, watering cans, trowels, straw hats, wheat to hold in dragon's mouth, buckets, we have cat companions on the ground why not have some soil bags as well, flower pots, seeds or bulbs, buckets, simple sandals, head wrap rags for protection from the sun, short patterned robes and loin cloths, some simple apparel for ancient farmers)
[right][i]drawn by me[/i][/right]
- [b]other craft tools[/b] (like the magnifying goggles of jewellers and mineralogists)
- [b]more flowers and/or plants[/b] (as in more plants to hold in mouths, plant capes, plant wing loops, plants that cover dragons, also love the idea of more apparel like Gladeboughs with twigs and leafless branches, bamboo shoots, palm leaves, different types of trees. [s]Also flower wing drapes - [i]as suggested by DemonsOfTheNight.[/i][/s] It would be fantastic if you added shrubs and cacti to act like Gladeboughs as well, and some dryad-like apparel that fits the Dryad Guise's theme) [color=#731d08]thank you, Staff, for the wing drapes[/color]
- [s][b]seasonal apparel[/b] (some small accessories to go with the seasonal accent apparel (Autumn Breeze, Summer Swelter, etc). Some simple leaf tangles, leaf crowns and maybe some vegetables or fruit associated with autumn, then flowers for spring and so on - [i]as suggested by Twisted0bsession[/i])[/s] [color=#731d08][i]nice[/i][/color]
- [b]cartography related accessories[/b] (like maps, scrolls, mapping equipment, a sextant, etc)
- [b]baskets[/b] (baskets, both empty or filled with seeds, salt, pebbles, treasure, gems, fish, meat, seashells, etc. As we're getting nets of fruit and vegetables, those might be taken care of.)
- [b]jugs and jars[/b] (the newest Wavecrest jug is amazing, I wouldn't mind amphoras either!)
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by cuelebre[/i][/right]
- [s][b]stolen stash/riches/thief apparel[/b] (now hear me out. Imagine stolen golden chains hanging from dragons' wings, small bags full of stolen Treasure, bigger bags full of Treasure or Gems, then bracelets, chainlets hanging off of a dragon's head, shackles, face masks... apparel that indicates that stuff had been stolen or that the dragon wearing it is a thief. Or just holdable Gems and Treasure for rich dragons - [i]as suggested by Viletta[/i])[/s] [color=#731d08]nice hoard[/color]
- [b]mechanic's tools[/b] (wrenches, screwdriver, adjustable spanner, a regular welding mask, a toolbelt - [i]as suggested by CyberCell[/i]
- [b]sea props[/b] (I am weak for tropical waters, my dudes. It would be incredibly rad if we got a tropical set including seaweed and kelp scattered across dragons' wings and back, bubbles, more seashell apparel, as already mentioned thresher jaws and possibly fins, coral and seashell armour, hanging barnacle encrusted bottles with messages inside, a submerged chest strapped to a dragon with a belt, accent-like apparel with ripples of water that are reflected from the surface and displayed on the dragon. Let's not forget steampunk and antique diving equipment including the helmet, suit, lanterns and whatnot - [i]as suggested by STRHKR[/i])
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Shanty[/i][/right]
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Bluebrine[/i][/right]
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Steelchain[/i][/right]
- [b]nose rings, piercings, Poundland tail rings, horn piercings, horn rings, more simple earrings...[/b] (anything that looks more punk than just bangles. Hoop earrings - [i]as suggested by GardenWyrm and AgCat.[/i] Simple finger rings - [i]as suggested by SerenitySkies[/i])
- [b]over the top jewellry[/b] (I'd love to see that! Something along the lines of excessive golden chains, lots of piercings and earrings, bracelets, cuffs with jewels - very similar to the point above but golden and excessive)
- [s][b]feather jewellry[/b] (like wing rings with feathers, necklaces, earrings and bracelets with feathers, feathered tail rings, etc)[/s] [color=#731d08]plumes?[/color]
- [b]key necklaces[/b] (with locks as well - [i]as suggested by Technicolor[/i])
- [b]MORE BONES[/b] (we need more bone apparel with a plague-y vibe, ribcages, etc. As it was pointed out by Greyjoy, we only have the Bone Crown, where's the rest? Bone masks as well - [i]as suggested by Technicolor[/i])
- [s][b]flags and banners[/b] (some differently themed flags with coats of arms or with elemental sigils)[/s] [color=#731d08]WE'RE GETTING BANNERS!! pride vistas and Flight banners!![/color]
- [b]Kimonos[/b] (or a Sorniethan version of a Kimono so people don't get offended or something. If we can have all that sweet eastern armour, why not some fancy clothes as well?)
- [b]ragged clothes[/b] (an excellent suggestion which I would love to see. Filthy, ragged, hollow clothes as of those of beggars, outcasts, ghouls, etc - [i]as suggested by Strelok[/i])
- [b]PONCHOS[/b] (ponchos or a Sorniethan version of them would be a very nice addition - [i]as suggested by Irascor [/i])
- [b]trenchcoats[/b] ([i]as suggested by many people[/i])
- [b]frock coats[/b] ([i]as suggested by BigNosedKate[/i])
- [b]half-jackets[/b] ([i]as suggested by Luciellia[/i])
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Luciellia[/i][/right]
- [b]Crim's tunic[/b] (a set that looks similar to Crim's tunic OR do a Tunic remake and make a special one that looks like Crim's)
- [s][b]robes and togas[/b] (similar to the clothing ancient Greeks wore like chitons and himations, or Roman togas, along with sandals, more olive pieces like wreaths but in this case necklaces and tail tangles, wing drapes and head covers)[/s] [color=#731d08]YES. YEEEEEESSS.[/color]
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by me[/i][/right]
- [b]metallurgist's or butcher's apron[/b]
- [b]bionic limbs and prostheses[/b] (or perhaps missing or wounded limbs?)
- [b]more butt cover!![/b] (please provide some more sweet sashes that cover butt, something like the sage apparel, I love that. Also, more Egyptian-like butt covers, they had really nice wraparound skirts, fancy belts, kilts and sashes!)
- [b]sarongs[/b] (an amazingly incredible and pure idea and I absolutely heccing love it - [i]as suggested by nootnoot5458[/i])
- [b]military medic apparel and nurse equipment[/b] (unlike the healers' apparel, this would have a bit more serious look - [i]as suggested by many people[/i])
- [b]natural apparel[/b] (more horns, antlers, spikes, tusks, fangs, claws - [i]as suggested by DocMulligan[/i])
- [b]more fins[/b] (not necessarily fish fins but head fins in general. Get creative! - as suggested by Temporal)
- [b]space armour or sentinel armour[/b] (Suits with circuitry flowing through them, epic space armour gauntlets and shoulder pads, glowing chestguards, holographic displays, bionic cyber parts, etc. let's say something similar to what the Miths in the Golem Workshop have.)
- [b]cook apparel and accessories[/b] (now you probably know the most stereotypical version of cooks where Poundland, Target or your Konzum has cheap Halloween costumes of chefs. You know...the white uniform, black pants and a tall hat. Well, what if I told you we don't have to get that? What if I told you there was a 'better' and more unique alternative? We need something old-fashioned: a head wrap or a head-wrap-hat, a simple tunic or a toga, a cute stained kitchen apron, hanging pots and pans, a ladle, wooden spoon and a spatula tied to the tail, a colourful kitchen rag tied to the waist and some herbs tied to arms, a cleaver and knives would be great too)
What I did here was give a headwrap, hanging kitchen utensils, a cleaver attached to the lower leg, a tunic with something like a sinus of a toga, and various vegetables or fruit that are attached to a wreath. The produce are the only things that vary in lineart, the rest vary in colours, like the harvests. The pots and the cleaver are one item each, but I also wouldn't be opposed to two versions like the Gardening Rake.
Also, some more tea colours would look great
- [b]expansion of the Skypost set[/b] (not too much but a post bag or a smaller sling, a nice butt cover and some wings would be nice - [i]as suggested by CursedKaze[/i])
- [b]mini bathhouse set[/b] (towel head cover, waist towel wrap, wreath (original wreaths + expansion), simple wrist cuffs, tray with chalices, grapes in mouth)
- [b]traditional Russian/Slavic apparel[/b] (as a Slavic person, I would be THRILLED to see these! Croatia's got some really cool traditional clothing pieces and it would be really neat if some set was based or referenced to Slavic apparel like this)
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by AgCat[/i][/right]
- [b]beach apparel[/b] (I know I already suggested this, but seriously, diving equipment, swimming shorts, swimsuits, beach towels and even surfboards?? it would be a really cool addition)
- [b]MORE EGYPTIAN APPAREL[/b] (we have the River Royalist and Desert Dynasty, but it would be [i]s o g o o d[/i] if there was more? I am thinking about Hor, Re, Anpu, Sebek, Set, Bastet headdresses, sashes, amulets, armour, weapons, tools, staffs, spears, wings, animal companions, accessories, jewelry, etc. There's a ton of different colourations, especially a lot of golden ones, that can be implemented into already existing [Desert Dynasty/River Royalist] and new apparel sets. It doesn't necessarily have to be deity based since this is Sornieth and not Earth, and the religion is different, but just imagine the possibilities. FRew, you could technically link the headdresses to the Dragon Deities and let each of them have an animal that represents them - [i]supported by monkfishlover.[/i] Just please give us more desert themed apparel, I am running out of outfits I can give to my dragons. There could be a ton of familiars for this too, and it would go fantastically well with the Sandswept Delta redux)
- [b]greenskeeper apparel[/b] (a fancy white T-shirt with buttons, shorts, pliers, branches covering the wings, and a sweet white cap)
- [b]artist's apparel[/b]
- [b]smol sleeptime set[/b] (a very small set of a nightgown, a cap, slippers and possibly a candle)
- [b]tribal apparel[/b] (headdresses, spears, shields, tribal outfits, necklaces, earrings - [i]as suggested by Ryha[/i])
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Steelchain[/i][/right]
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Luciellia[/i][/right]
- [b]African-inspired apparel[/b] (can be modern or old, everything is still very beautiful and interesting, definitely a Sorniethan take on that - [i]as suggested by Skyfyre[/i])
- [b]fishing outfit[/b] (like fishing rods, nets, bucket hats with hooks stuck in them, fishing line hanging from dragons' wings along with the roll, a fishing set box with floats, bait and hooks in it, fish hanging off of a string, pants with many pockets, vests)
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Bluebrine[/i][/right]
[img][/img][right][i]conjured up by me[/i][/right]
- [b]trophy apparel[/b] (some apparel connected to familiars which could only be received from the coli. A fairly big project but an extremely cool idea - suggested by PinkTempest and many other people)
- [b]camping garbs[/b] (oh yes, rolled up tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, compasses, binoculars, hats)
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Nimrook[/i][/right]
- [b]punk/rock apparel[/b] (this includes leather jackets, studded fingerless gloves, studded armbands, wristbands and collars, boots, sunglasses, perhaps makeup and piercings too)
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Absofacto[/i][/right]
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Zenikat[/i][/right]
- [b]more armour sets[/b] (and by that I mean we should have more themed armour like the Roman and Greek armour. I just think it's so pretty, especially the helmets. Imagine how cool those helmets would look on dragons. It could feature furry boots or sandal-like footwear, bracers and metal cuffs, small over-the-shoulder cape, segmented metal or chainmail chestguards, kilts or "tunics" for the groin with metal protection, beautiful scutum shields, pilum or a gladius sword for the Roman-esque set. For the Greek-esque set it would feature sandals, greaves, a cape, a Corinthian helmet with a crest, a chiton that goes beneath the armor, a refined metal breastplate, a ptergus "belt" and a round shield. Also wing guards, chest guards and half helm expansions for the metal armour sets - [i]as suggested by Luciellia.[/i] Also, chainmail - [i]as suggested by Urbarra[/i])
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Luciellia[/i][/right]
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by me[/i][/right]
- [b]a photographer's outfit[/b] (I AM IN DESPERATE NEED OF SOME RN. old fashioned camera, modern cameras, some artistic clothes, a film roll that rolls down a dragon's wings, folded tripod, camera bag, BLOOD AND GORE DAMN IT ADSFGHS)
- [b]imperial servant apparel[/b] (I MEAN, it sounds interesting? I'd love some chains, arm cuffs, leashes, muzzles, sashes, collars and stuff like that. That could also fit an escaped criminal really well. Many people want chains and I agree, please provide some that are not frozen.)
[s]- [b]more silks[/b] (something based on 1001 Arabian Nights and something oriental, possibly with floral patterns and actual flowers)[/s]
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Sazanka[/i][/right]
- [b]apocalypse themed apparel[/b] (something like from the apocalyptic era of Mad Max's reality. That would include body paint, masks, especially gas masks - [i]supported by [b]many[/b] people[/i], cool outfits, oxygen tanks, helmets, special goggles, barbed wire, engine parts and wires worn as accessories, etc)
cables and mechanical accessories - [i]as suggested by DocMulligan[/i])
- [b]miner's garbs[/b] (a pickaxe, a shovel, explosives, mining helmet, rocky apparel altogether)
- [b]lumberjack apparel[/b] (an axe, flannel shirts, pants with suspenders, a cap with ear(lobe) warmers)
- [b]scouts[/b] (AHH this idea came to me while I was trying to sleep. Imagine dragon scouts wearing those cute ranger hats or fake fur hats with tails, scout uniforms, boots, BADGES, neckerchiefs, waterskins)
- [b]tropical island themed apparel[/b] (some beach-y looking apparel that is not related to the classic beach apparel mentioned above, but something more like beach and sea royalty, lots of flowers, seashells, belts, nets, sashes, shell pauldrons, fruithats, kilts...)
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Shanty[/i][/right]
- [b]desert-nomad apparel[/b] (Desert merchant or nomad-themed apparel would be excellent actually and could be a revamp of the Sandwastes set. A turban, a keffiyeh that goes beneath the turban (like how the pants go beneath the bustle), a shawl, some harem or sirwal pants, sashes, sandals, jewellery, palm wing covers, tail wraps and waterskins or some other desert nomad props. Perhaps a rolled up carpet would be a great prop! For instance, take these cloth pieces as sewing and pattern examples on sashes, pants, etc)
[item=Brilliant Length][item=Woven Cloth]
[s]- [b]small winegrower set[/b] (such as grapes and vines spreading across dragons' wings, shears, a crate with wine bottles, a basket with grapes and maybe a barrel? we have a one-item "set" which consists of the Time-turner's Sandglass, I think making small sets of themed apparel would cover a lot of lore faster than bigger sets. I just think it would be nice, that's all)[/s] [color=#731d08]epic gamer win[/color]
[s]- [b]small beekeeper set[/b] (I would really love to see a protective suit, veiled helmet, a swarm of bees and frame wing covers! Maybe a net too?)[/s] [color=#731d08][i]nice[/i][/color]
- [b]merchant set[/b] (apparel implying the dragon sells things mostly such as sacks and crates, flasks, jewellery, etc. Take a look at Swipp. Some apparel based on his style would be really nice, despite the fact that he's actually wearing Sandwastes clothes)
- [b]auctioneer-themed apparel[/b] (I'm thinking about a scale, a gavel, long lists that could either be held, rolled up or just scattered all over dragons' wings or body, pencils or quills behind ears/feathers/horns, pocket watches as well and clothes appropriate for an auctioneer)
[s]- [b]more pelts[/b] (pelts of deer, other big cat pelts with interesting patterns, bovine pelts, perhaps freshly caught prey like rabbits, quails, pheasants. Also, noble pelt shawls - [i]as suggested by Marilith[/i])[/s] [color=#731d08]Thank you for the epic pelt apparel, I wouldn't be opposed to more, honestly![/color]
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Luciellia[/i][/right]
- [b]elemental armour[/b] (it would be amazing to see different types of element-based armour like rocky, magmatic, fleshy, frigid, runic, etc; it would be good as secondary festival apparel - [i]as suggested by Greyjoy [/i])
- [s][b]bug apparel[/b] - nothing more to be said[/s] [color=#731d08]AND we got it![/color]
- [b]elemental apparel[/b] (snow, kites, electric surges, fish bones, sundial trinkets, [s]a bramble wreath[/s], poison vials in bottles, leaves and vines; could be normal festival apparel - [i]as suggested by Cynderbark[/i])
- [b]Aztec apparel[/b] (holy mother of Iten, how did I not come up with this earlier?? THERE IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL WHen it comes to Aztec or Mayan apparel. Really sweet, heavy duty, stone gauntlets, exotic headdresses of different gods, chest guards, shoulder guards, tail cuffs, lots of feathers, flasks with toxins, tranquiliser darts, shoots, banners, capes, spears, shields, sashes, fans and bracelets. That could be an extension to the already-existing Goldslab set)
- [s][b]sailor apparel[/b] (we might have captain apparel, but what about sailor outfits? THOSE SWEET SWEET HATS. Same goes for more modern sailor and captain apparel like the suits, caps, epaulettes, medals, etc - [i]supported by Helix[/i])[/s] [color=#731d08]GOT EM[/color]
- [b]belly/fire dancer set[/b] (A Bedlah outfit which is actually unisex so that's already amazing. Veils/head covers, head jewellery, vests, pants AND skirts (to go together), arm and leg jewellery, tail clasps and silks, and wing jewel chains and silks.)
- [b]casual spring or summer clothes[/b] (like fancy sundresses, straw hats, summer hats, Hawaiian T-shirts, sandals that are less expensive than skypost ones, head wraps, vintage sun umbrellas, light shirts. Grass skirts - [i]as suggested by Glacora[/i])
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by razzroth[/i][/right]
- [b]tattered apparel[/b] (it has been pointed out to me that many players desire tattered, torn and worn-out apparel, not everything needs to be fancy and clean, we would love to have more torn apparel for workers, bandits, outcasts, scavengers, scrappers, druids, bedouins, etc)
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by me[/i][/right]
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Brahkest[/i][/right]
- [s][b]Victorian apparel[/b] (dresses, fancy shoes, gloves, necklaces, etc - [i]as suggested by many people[/i])[/s] [color=#731d08]thank you, Staff, we have it now![/color]
- [b]cowboy expansion[/b] (something that will add more cow and boy to "cowboy" pants. We need dem pants - [i]as suggested by say10[/i])
- [b]more swirl/accentual apparel[/b] (I would really LOVE to see something like a cloud of sand, or a splash of water, mist, rain, actual snow and not unrealistically large snowflakes, embers, ash, light rays, spores, lightning, leaves... but sand is my first priority currently. [s]Also, papers and books - [i]as suggested by Gogoat[/i][/s])
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by Gogoat[/i][/right]
- [b]clouds and/or more cloudy apparel[/b] (actual clouds and apparel similar to Cloudy Wings and Skypost apparel - [i]as suggested by Moosesushi[/i])
- [b]flying insects[/b] (such as swarms of [s]bees[/s], flies, beetles, moths, ten million fireflies, butterflies without the mask haha)
- [b]more companions[/b] ([s]chickens[/s] and hummingbirds, a toucan, a macaw, a Siamese cat, a Mau, a Pharaoh hound, a Rottweiler, a Doberman, insects like cicadas, grasshoppers, dragonflies, flies, [s]bees[/s], scarabs, and arachnids, fish too)
[img][/img][right][i]drawn by me[/i][/right]
- [b]hue shifting cloak[/b] (something similar to the cloak of invisibility but it changes a dragon's hue instead; good example are Coli captcha images - [i]as suggested by Medenadragon[/i])
- [b]ground items[/b] (many options, especially natural aspects like rocks, grass, wheat, branches, bones, roots, bushes, corals, etc - [i]as suggested by many people[/i])
[img][/img][img][/img][right][i]drawn by Nimrook[/i][/right]
[s]- [b]backgrounds[/b] (not necessarily apparel but it would be superb if we could just get some new world-building art that we could put behind our dragons. Their opacity would be lowered so the dragon and the apparel would be visible. I honestly wouldn't mind having a background for my lair either.)[/s] [color=#731d08]WE GOT BACKGROUNDS WOOOOOOO[/color]
[center][b]RECOLOURS + OTHER[/b][/center]
- [b]Halo recolours[/b]
- [b]more Rose Thorn combinations[/b] (they deserve more variations)
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]more golden/goldenrod variations of items[/b] (pwease. like a goldenrod bandana, gladiator set, wings)
- [s][b]recolour of Will o' the Ember[/b] (Light wisps and Water droplets - [i]as suggested by STRHKR[/i])[/s]
- [b]more Seraph colourations[/b] (also pls make them more affordable)
- [b]solar blade recolours + more[/b] (more apparel based on the Solar Blades/Luminous Legguards because it looks really cool. a solar headpiece would be fantastic, maybe even solar halos?)
- [b]general festival items recolours[/b]
[b]Brass Guardplates, Beastly Cavecuffs/Submerged Chains, Pitfall Navigator[/b]
[b]Celestial Gaze/Eyes of the Plague[/b]
[b]Hexed Bangles[/b]
[b]Incense Smokestick[/b]
[b]Coralbind Cloak, Oasis Relicshroud + variations[/b]
[b]Sandstone Marker[/b]
[b]Prairie Scavengetorch[/b]
[b]Kelpdweller Drape & Verdant Drape[/b]
[b]Wine Offerings/Oil Jug[/b]
[b]Ember Mantle[/b]
Recolours of Fin Jewels to look more tropical-water related and to be more matching with Thresher Flatfins, and the Luminous Sundrapes could easily be made to look like the night sky and perhaps called Lunar Moondrapes. I swear, this colour scheme reminds me of the sky from Nitrome's Sandman. All in all, I love the aesthetics, great potential.
PLEASE recolour the Light apparel into matching lunar versions. I'm sure almost everyone wants this and I would literally kill for these. Lunar Blades, Moonguard Chest and Tenebrous Talonguards would be absolutely freaking amazing and a great match to the Lunar Moondrapes in the post before.
The other one would be Honeyed Crown and Honeywax Jewelry.
Steel Golem, Factory Steelgreaves and Mechas Power Pack, a colouration that would really fit electricians and factory workers. Of course, I think there's a better choice in bolt colours but that's up to you to decide. All I'm saying is that it would be nice if some of these recolours were matching.
So, during Bounty of the Elements we got an insight on Shadow culture and their architecture, the fact that many individuals are experts in stone crafts and sculpting, I think the Shady Tools would fit the lore very nicely. We also got information about the Thorndark Alter, Shadowbinder's well, and I thought "why not make a smaller version of it?" Duskcrust Pools would be a perfect match for something shady like this with Gloomy Titanplates on the wings. The fluid/molten material would just have to be recoloured into something dark, similar to Shadowbinder's ooze.
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]more plumes[/b] [s](now I'm pretty sure we'll be getting more plume sets[/s] we got more, but PLEASE, peacock plumes!!! That could be a Gem Marketplace set. We have a unique Royal Cape, you can make peacock plumes too! Or another set that features peacock feathers. That's fine by me)
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]specific recolours[/b]
[quote name=Mystiek]
Steampunk revamp + more colours
More Rogue colour variations
More Sylvan colour variations
More NoTN colour variations
More Silk colour variations[/quote]
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
[img][/img][right][i]made by xCelestiax[/i][/right]
Bandages/wraps revamp + more colours (it could be a cute addition to all those other wraps. I think bandages smudged with motor oil or tar would be really cool and fitting for mechanics or forgers. ALSO, runic wraps - [i]as suggested by IceOfFireflight[/i])
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
[img][/img][right][i]made by IceOfFireflight[/i][/right]
- [b]apparel based on items[/b]
[quote name="UnicornCrazy"]
Also I have a whole bunch of items that I want apparel versions of. Just, make apparel based on all of these things please. I know some aren't dragon-suitable in lore, but I can imagine the dragons might craft something to give a similar look!
[item=Waterskin][item=Copper Pocketwatch][item=Harpy Masque][item=Featherfall Pack][item=Golden Collar][item=Otherworldly Collar][item=Pulsating Pendant][item=Softly Glowing Pendant][item=Glittering Bluesiver Torc][item=Brilliant Brass Torc][item=White Gold Cerdae Pendant][item=Tarnished Cerdae Necklace]
And all the battle-related ones separately here:
[item=Battered Shields][item=Expertly-Crafted Spear][item=Ebon-Edged Spear][item=Sharpened Scythe][item=Ceremonial Scythe][item=Glass Knife][item=Stone Knife][item=Ancient Knife][item=Behemoth Lance][item=Shark Tooth Spear][item=Sharpened Serthis Lance][item=Sharpened Serthis Spear]
And many more! I want a small dagger strapped to a leg or belt that can be easily concealed for assassin dragons, I want skull-topped staves for necromancers, gem-topped staves for mages who work with crystals. I want more nice wing apparel, I want fangs for vampires, I want punk gloves and boots with big buckles. Just, soooo many things![/quote]
[quote name="TheGodOfStories" date="2019-01-18 17:28:20" ]
Coli specific apparel that's pretty rare because it's only dropped by the enemy that wears/uses it.
I mean it makes sense that dragons may scavenge from the.. uh, corpses or dropped belongings of the enemies they battled. Like a raptoric giving its sword away in order to be left to escape. Or skinning an animal for its hide.
Some ideas from the latest venue:
[item=raptorik herder]
->Savannah Herder's staff
[item=raptorik wanderer]
->Avian Wanderer's Cloak
->Prairiebeast Talisman
[item=plainstrider bard]
->Bard's Jacket and Shawl
[item=rockback charger]
->Rockrought Prairiehide
->Vibrant Ampelope Peltcoat
[item=starry ampelope]
->Starry Ampelope Peltcoat
- [b]dove recolours[/b] ([i]as suggested by AgCat[/i])
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]KS apparel recolours[/b] ([i]as suggested by STRHKR[/i])
- [b]more colour variations of breeches[/b] (and it would be fantastic if you re-worked the tunics because they could be really cute apparel)
- [b]more Sage colour combinations[/b] (there are not enough colour variations of the Sage set to fit all dragons. It's sometimes really hard to find fitting colours of this set because many colourations are bright and polychromatic. We need more monochrome versions, especially a purple one like this one)
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]golden wings and multicoloured wings[/b] (or more like Goldenrod wings because I like that colour more than Gold. The River Royalist set has a perfect colour.)
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]more Flame set variations[/b]
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]gladiator recolours[/b] (I would grandly appreciate a goldenrod variation that is not yellow)
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]Sylvan recolours[/b] (I completely agree, we could use several more colourations - [i]as suggested by perikeets[/i])
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]Trickster recolours + expansion[/b] (I'd love to see more of this very set or at least another colouration. I personally like this set a lot more than the NoTN stuff.)
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]more scales variations[/b] (why am I asking for more? Because the set is AWESOME, one of the best things we've gotten lately but where are goldenrod and red versions?? I'm sure we'd love more colours and tbh this took me 10 minutes.)
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]more specter variations[/b]
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]a pale, dusty potionmaster set and a turquoise or azure blue one[/b]
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]a Copper and a Steel Seraph set[/b]
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]dapper stuff[/b] (some more different polychromatic versions, possibly some warm pastel colours too, maybe another torn version that's similar to Ivory Scales)
[img][/img][right][i]made by me[/i][/right]
- [b]bonus: mutations/looks[/b] (dwarfism, winter coat Tundra, shaved Tundra, Ridgebacks with more spines, more frills on Guardians, huge antlers on Imperials, Spirals with more arm and leg wings, missing horns, etc)
[center][b]Sorry I made you scroll so much!![/b][/center]
Here it is, the conglomeration of apparel suggestions
- head chains - (BvIG YES. Many accents have those. - as suggested by Snapdragon)
- more skulls (the ones dragons can wear on top of their head like deer skulls/
AND bonejaw accessories including something like hippopotamus, lion, crocodile and warthog jaws, and elephant tusks - as suggested by Mutation )
- lanterns and visors (they would be very useful to adventurers, excavators, miners, explorers, etc - as suggested by CinnamonThief )
- head wraps for deserts and harsh conditions (something similar to a Keffiyeh or what the Highland Scavenger has but without the chest part. It would go so well with the lore of dragons living in Dragonhome and in the Shifting Expanse since it's dusty and dry. As a clan who lives in a hot, sandy desert, we need more head wraps made for bedouins, oasis guides, travelling merchants, etc. For further details see desert-nomad apparel)
made by me
- more masks (those Harpy masks look amazing, something of that sort perhaps? Not anything fancy like masques, but something carved out of stone or wood. Also, classical theatrical masks - as suggested by Etzili)- makeup/tattoos (eye shadow, eyeliner, blush, etc - as suggested by SaikiyoLuna + tattoos)
- more hood types (tattered hoods, tight hoods, Assassin-like hoods, etc)
- crowns and tiaras (as suggested by many people)
- contacts (many people want this and I know it's kinda like cheating the system but it would be nice, especially for lore or people who can't find G1s of the required element)
- beanies (as suggested by stigma and many other people)
- ties (cravats) and bowties (many people suggested that and, as a Croat, I'd LOVE to see some cravats)
- broaches (those would be a fantastic detail for a larger set - as suggested by StarrySpelunker. Same goes for medals.)
- collars (i'd kill for a Hainu collar tbh - as suggested by Godspeed)
- bottle necklaces (with fireflies in them and so on - as suggested by Pammytio)
- more weapons (Khopeshes, more axes, maces, hammers, spears, knives, daggers, crossbows, tomahawks, scythes and lances, and
- sculpting tools (as suggested by AgCat)
- tailor equipment (small set of a tape measure and wrist pincushions)
- farmer apparel (aAAAA we need this. Something like hoes, shovels, watering cans, trowels, straw hats, wheat to hold in dragon's mouth, buckets, we have cat companions on the ground why not have some soil bags as well, flower pots, seeds or bulbs, buckets, simple sandals, head wrap rags for protection from the sun, short patterned robes and loin cloths, some simple apparel for ancient farmers)
drawn by me
- other craft tools (like the magnifying goggles of jewellers and mineralogists)- more flowers and/or plants (as in more plants to hold in mouths, plant capes, plant wing loops, plants that cover dragons, also love the idea of more apparel like Gladeboughs with twigs and leafless branches, bamboo shoots, palm leaves, different types of trees.
- cartography related accessories (like maps, scrolls, mapping equipment, a sextant, etc)
- baskets (baskets, both empty or filled with seeds, salt, pebbles, treasure, gems, fish, meat, seashells, etc. As we're getting nets of fruit and vegetables, those might be taken care of.)
- jugs and jars (the newest Wavecrest jug is amazing, I wouldn't mind amphoras either!)
drawn by cuelebre
- - mechanic's tools (wrenches, screwdriver, adjustable spanner, a regular welding mask, a toolbelt - as suggested by CyberCell
- sea props (I am weak for tropical waters, my dudes. It would be incredibly rad if we got a tropical set including seaweed and kelp scattered across dragons' wings and back, bubbles, more seashell apparel, as already mentioned thresher jaws and possibly fins, coral and seashell armour, hanging barnacle encrusted bottles with messages inside, a submerged chest strapped to a dragon with a belt, accent-like apparel with ripples of water that are reflected from the surface and displayed on the dragon. Let's not forget steampunk and antique diving equipment including the helmet, suit, lanterns and whatnot - as suggested by STRHKR)
drawn by Shanty
drawn by Bluebrine
drawn by Steelchain
- nose rings, piercings, Poundland tail rings, horn piercings, horn rings, more simple earrings... (anything that looks more punk than just bangles. Hoop earrings - as suggested by GardenWyrm and AgCat. Simple finger rings - as suggested by SerenitySkies)- over the top jewellry (I'd love to see that! Something along the lines of excessive golden chains, lots of piercings and earrings, bracelets, cuffs with jewels - very similar to the point above but golden and excessive)
- key necklaces (with locks as well - as suggested by Technicolor)
- MORE BONES (we need more bone apparel with a plague-y vibe, ribcages, etc. As it was pointed out by Greyjoy, we only have the Bone Crown, where's the rest? Bone masks as well - as suggested by Technicolor)
- Kimonos (or a Sorniethan version of a Kimono so people don't get offended or something. If we can have all that sweet eastern armour, why not some fancy clothes as well?)
- ragged clothes (an excellent suggestion which I would love to see. Filthy, ragged, hollow clothes as of those of beggars, outcasts, ghouls, etc - as suggested by Strelok)
- PONCHOS (ponchos or a Sorniethan version of them would be a very nice addition - as suggested by Irascor )
- trenchcoats (as suggested by many people)
- frock coats (as suggested by BigNosedKate)
- half-jackets (as suggested by Luciellia)
drawn by Luciellia
- Crim's tunic (a set that looks similar to Crim's tunic OR do a Tunic remake and make a special one that looks like Crim's)-
drawn by me
- metallurgist's or butcher's apron- bionic limbs and prostheses (or perhaps missing or wounded limbs?)
- more butt cover!! (please provide some more sweet sashes that cover butt, something like the sage apparel, I love that. Also, more Egyptian-like butt covers, they had really nice wraparound skirts, fancy belts, kilts and sashes!)
- sarongs (an amazingly incredible and pure idea and I absolutely heccing love it - as suggested by nootnoot5458)
- military medic apparel and nurse equipment (unlike the healers' apparel, this would have a bit more serious look - as suggested by many people)
- natural apparel (more horns, antlers, spikes, tusks, fangs, claws - as suggested by DocMulligan)
- more fins (not necessarily fish fins but head fins in general. Get creative! - as suggested by Temporal)
- space armour or sentinel armour (Suits with circuitry flowing through them, epic space armour gauntlets and shoulder pads, glowing chestguards, holographic displays, bionic cyber parts, etc. let's say something similar to what the Miths in the Golem Workshop have.)
- cook apparel and accessories (now you probably know the most stereotypical version of cooks where Poundland, Target or your Konzum has cheap Halloween costumes of chefs. You know...the white uniform, black pants and a tall hat. Well, what if I told you we don't have to get that? What if I told you there was a 'better' and more unique alternative? We need something old-fashioned: a head wrap or a head-wrap-hat, a simple tunic or a toga, a cute stained kitchen apron, hanging pots and pans, a ladle, wooden spoon and a spatula tied to the tail, a colourful kitchen rag tied to the waist and some herbs tied to arms, a cleaver and knives would be great too)
What I did here was give a headwrap, hanging kitchen utensils, a cleaver attached to the lower leg, a tunic with something like a sinus of a toga, and various vegetables or fruit that are attached to a wreath. The produce are the only things that vary in lineart, the rest vary in colours, like the harvests. The pots and the cleaver are one item each, but I also wouldn't be opposed to two versions like the Gardening Rake.
Also, some more tea colours would look great
- expansion of the Skypost set (not too much but a post bag or a smaller sling, a nice butt cover and some wings would be nice - as suggested by CursedKaze)
- mini bathhouse set (towel head cover, waist towel wrap, wreath (original wreaths + expansion), simple wrist cuffs, tray with chalices, grapes in mouth)
- traditional Russian/Slavic apparel (as a Slavic person, I would be THRILLED to see these! Croatia's got some really cool traditional clothing pieces and it would be really neat if some set was based or referenced to Slavic apparel like this)
drawn by AgCat
- beach apparel (I know I already suggested this, but seriously, diving equipment, swimming shorts, swimsuits, beach towels and even surfboards?? it would be a really cool addition)- MORE EGYPTIAN APPAREL (we have the River Royalist and Desert Dynasty, but it would be s o g o o d if there was more? I am thinking about Hor, Re, Anpu, Sebek, Set, Bastet headdresses, sashes, amulets, armour, weapons, tools, staffs, spears, wings, animal companions, accessories, jewelry, etc. There's a ton of different colourations, especially a lot of golden ones, that can be implemented into already existing [Desert Dynasty/River Royalist] and new apparel sets. It doesn't necessarily have to be deity based since this is Sornieth and not Earth, and the religion is different, but just imagine the possibilities. FRew, you could technically link the headdresses to the Dragon Deities and let each of them have an animal that represents them - supported by monkfishlover. Just please give us more desert themed apparel, I am running out of outfits I can give to my dragons. There could be a ton of familiars for this too, and it would go fantastically well with the Sandswept Delta redux)
- greenskeeper apparel (a fancy white T-shirt with buttons, shorts, pliers, branches covering the wings, and a sweet white cap)
- artist's apparel
- smol sleeptime set (a very small set of a nightgown, a cap, slippers and possibly a candle)
- tribal apparel (headdresses, spears, shields, tribal outfits, necklaces, earrings - as suggested by Ryha)
drawn by Steelchain
drawn by Luciellia
- African-inspired apparel (can be modern or old, everything is still very beautiful and interesting, definitely a Sorniethan take on that - as suggested by Skyfyre)- fishing outfit (like fishing rods, nets, bucket hats with hooks stuck in them, fishing line hanging from dragons' wings along with the roll, a fishing set box with floats, bait and hooks in it, fish hanging off of a string, pants with many pockets, vests)
drawn by Bluebrine
conjured up by me
- trophy apparel (some apparel connected to familiars which could only be received from the coli. A fairly big project but an extremely cool idea - suggested by PinkTempest and many other people)- camping garbs (oh yes, rolled up tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, compasses, binoculars, hats)
drawn by Nimrook
- punk/rock apparel (this includes leather jackets, studded fingerless gloves, studded armbands, wristbands and collars, boots, sunglasses, perhaps makeup and piercings too)
drawn by Absofacto
drawn by Zenikat
- more armour sets (and by that I mean we should have more themed armour like the Roman and Greek armour. I just think it's so pretty, especially the helmets. Imagine how cool those helmets would look on dragons. It could feature furry boots or sandal-like footwear, bracers and metal cuffs, small over-the-shoulder cape, segmented metal or chainmail chestguards, kilts or "tunics" for the groin with metal protection, beautiful scutum shields, pilum or a gladius sword for the Roman-esque set. For the Greek-esque set it would feature sandals, greaves, a cape, a Corinthian helmet with a crest, a chiton that goes beneath the armor, a refined metal breastplate, a ptergus "belt" and a round shield. Also wing guards, chest guards and half helm expansions for the metal armour sets - as suggested by Luciellia. Also, chainmail - as suggested by Urbarra)
drawn by Luciellia
drawn by me
- a photographer's outfit (I AM IN DESPERATE NEED OF SOME RN. old fashioned camera, modern cameras, some artistic clothes, a film roll that rolls down a dragon's wings, folded tripod, camera bag, BLOOD AND GORE DAMN IT ADSFGHS)- imperial servant apparel (I MEAN, it sounds interesting? I'd love some chains, arm cuffs, leashes, muzzles, sashes, collars and stuff like that. That could also fit an escaped criminal really well. Many people want chains and I agree, please provide some that are not frozen.)
drawn by Sazanka
- apocalypse themed apparel (something like from the apocalyptic era of Mad Max's reality. That would include body paint, masks, especially gas masks - supported by many people, cool outfits, oxygen tanks, helmets, special goggles, barbed wire, engine parts and wires worn as accessories, etc)cables and mechanical accessories - as suggested by DocMulligan)
- miner's garbs (a pickaxe, a shovel, explosives, mining helmet, rocky apparel altogether)
- lumberjack apparel (an axe, flannel shirts, pants with suspenders, a cap with ear(lobe) warmers)
- scouts (AHH this idea came to me while I was trying to sleep. Imagine dragon scouts wearing those cute ranger hats or fake fur hats with tails, scout uniforms, boots, BADGES, neckerchiefs, waterskins)
- tropical island themed apparel (some beach-y looking apparel that is not related to the classic beach apparel mentioned above, but something more like beach and sea royalty, lots of flowers, seashells, belts, nets, sashes, shell pauldrons, fruithats, kilts...)
drawn by Shanty
- desert-nomad apparel (Desert merchant or nomad-themed apparel would be excellent actually and could be a revamp of the Sandwastes set. A turban, a keffiyeh that goes beneath the turban (like how the pants go beneath the bustle), a shawl, some harem or sirwal pants, sashes, sandals, jewellery, palm wing covers, tail wraps and waterskins or some other desert nomad props. Perhaps a rolled up carpet would be a great prop! For instance, take these cloth pieces as sewing and pattern examples on sashes, pants, etc)- merchant set (apparel implying the dragon sells things mostly such as sacks and crates, flasks, jewellery, etc. Take a look at Swipp. Some apparel based on his style would be really nice, despite the fact that he's actually wearing Sandwastes clothes)
- auctioneer-themed apparel (I'm thinking about a scale, a gavel, long lists that could either be held, rolled up or just scattered all over dragons' wings or body, pencils or quills behind ears/feathers/horns, pocket watches as well and clothes appropriate for an auctioneer)
drawn by Luciellia
- elemental armour (it would be amazing to see different types of element-based armour like rocky, magmatic, fleshy, frigid, runic, etc; it would be good as secondary festival apparel - as suggested by Greyjoy )-
- elemental apparel (snow, kites, electric surges, fish bones, sundial trinkets,
- Aztec apparel (holy mother of Iten, how did I not come up with this earlier?? THERE IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL WHen it comes to Aztec or Mayan apparel. Really sweet, heavy duty, stone gauntlets, exotic headdresses of different gods, chest guards, shoulder guards, tail cuffs, lots of feathers, flasks with toxins, tranquiliser darts, shoots, banners, capes, spears, shields, sashes, fans and bracelets. That could be an extension to the already-existing Goldslab set)
- belly/fire dancer set (A Bedlah outfit which is actually unisex so that's already amazing. Veils/head covers, head jewellery, vests, pants AND skirts (to go together), arm and leg jewellery, tail clasps and silks, and wing jewel chains and silks.)
- casual spring or summer clothes (like fancy sundresses, straw hats, summer hats, Hawaiian T-shirts, sandals that are less expensive than skypost ones, head wraps, vintage sun umbrellas, light shirts. Grass skirts - as suggested by Glacora)
drawn by razzroth
- tattered apparel (it has been pointed out to me that many players desire tattered, torn and worn-out apparel, not everything needs to be fancy and clean, we would love to have more torn apparel for workers, bandits, outcasts, scavengers, scrappers, druids, bedouins, etc)
drawn by me
drawn by Brahkest
- - cowboy expansion (something that will add more cow and boy to "cowboy" pants. We need dem pants - as suggested by say10)
- more swirl/accentual apparel (I would really LOVE to see something like a cloud of sand, or a splash of water, mist, rain, actual snow and not unrealistically large snowflakes, embers, ash, light rays, spores, lightning, leaves... but sand is my first priority currently.
drawn by Gogoat
- clouds and/or more cloudy apparel (actual clouds and apparel similar to Cloudy Wings and Skypost apparel - as suggested by Moosesushi)- flying insects (such as swarms of
- more companions (
drawn by me
- hue shifting cloak (something similar to the cloak of invisibility but it changes a dragon's hue instead; good example are Coli captcha images - as suggested by Medenadragon)- ground items (many options, especially natural aspects like rocks, grass, wheat, branches, bones, roots, bushes, corals, etc - as suggested by many people)
drawn by Nimrook
- Halo recolours
- more Rose Thorn combinations (they deserve more variations)
made by me
- more golden/goldenrod variations of items (pwease. like a goldenrod bandana, gladiator set, wings)-
- more Seraph colourations (also pls make them more affordable)
- solar blade recolours + more (more apparel based on the Solar Blades/Luminous Legguards because it looks really cool. a solar headpiece would be fantastic, maybe even solar halos?)
- general festival items recolours
Brass Guardplates, Beastly Cavecuffs/Submerged Chains, Pitfall Navigator
Celestial Gaze/Eyes of the Plague
Hexed Bangles
Incense Smokestick
Coralbind Cloak, Oasis Relicshroud + variations
Sandstone Marker
Prairie Scavengetorch
Kelpdweller Drape & Verdant Drape
Wine Offerings/Oil Jug
Ember Mantle
Recolours of Fin Jewels to look more tropical-water related and to be more matching with Thresher Flatfins, and the Luminous Sundrapes could easily be made to look like the night sky and perhaps called Lunar Moondrapes. I swear, this colour scheme reminds me of the sky from Nitrome's Sandman. All in all, I love the aesthetics, great potential.
PLEASE recolour the Light apparel into matching lunar versions. I'm sure almost everyone wants this and I would literally kill for these. Lunar Blades, Moonguard Chest and Tenebrous Talonguards would be absolutely freaking amazing and a great match to the Lunar Moondrapes in the post before.
The other one would be Honeyed Crown and Honeywax Jewelry.
Steel Golem, Factory Steelgreaves and Mechas Power Pack, a colouration that would really fit electricians and factory workers. Of course, I think there's a better choice in bolt colours but that's up to you to decide. All I'm saying is that it would be nice if some of these recolours were matching.
So, during Bounty of the Elements we got an insight on Shadow culture and their architecture, the fact that many individuals are experts in stone crafts and sculpting, I think the Shady Tools would fit the lore very nicely. We also got information about the Thorndark Alter, Shadowbinder's well, and I thought "why not make a smaller version of it?" Duskcrust Pools would be a perfect match for something shady like this with Gloomy Titanplates on the wings. The fluid/molten material would just have to be recoloured into something dark, similar to Shadowbinder's ooze.
made by me
- more plumes
made by me
- specific recolours
Mystiek wrote:
Steampunk revamp + more colours
More Rogue colour variations
More Sylvan colour variations
More NoTN colour variations
More Silk colour variations
More Rogue colour variations
More Sylvan colour variations
More NoTN colour variations
More Silk colour variations
made by me
made by xCelestiax
Bandages/wraps revamp + more colours (it could be a cute addition to all those other wraps. I think bandages smudged with motor oil or tar would be really cool and fitting for mechanics or forgers. ALSO, runic wraps - as suggested by IceOfFireflight)
made by me
made by IceOfFireflight
- apparel based on items
UnicornCrazy wrote:
Also I have a whole bunch of items that I want apparel versions of. Just, make apparel based on all of these things please. I know some aren't dragon-suitable in lore, but I can imagine the dragons might craft something to give a similar look!
And all the battle-related ones separately here:
And many more! I want a small dagger strapped to a leg or belt that can be easily concealed for assassin dragons, I want skull-topped staves for necromancers, gem-topped staves for mages who work with crystals. I want more nice wing apparel, I want fangs for vampires, I want punk gloves and boots with big buckles. Just, soooo many things!
And all the battle-related ones separately here:
And many more! I want a small dagger strapped to a leg or belt that can be easily concealed for assassin dragons, I want skull-topped staves for necromancers, gem-topped staves for mages who work with crystals. I want more nice wing apparel, I want fangs for vampires, I want punk gloves and boots with big buckles. Just, soooo many things!
TheGodOfStories wrote on 2019-01-18 17:28:20:
Coli specific apparel that's pretty rare because it's only dropped by the enemy that wears/uses it.
I mean it makes sense that dragons may scavenge from the.. uh, corpses or dropped belongings of the enemies they battled. Like a raptoric giving its sword away in order to be left to escape. Or skinning an animal for its hide.
Some ideas from the latest venue:
->Savannah Herder's staff
->Avian Wanderer's Cloak
->Prairiebeast Talisman
->Bard's Jacket and Shawl
->Rockrought Prairiehide
->Vibrant Ampelope Peltcoat
->Starry Ampelope Peltcoat
I mean it makes sense that dragons may scavenge from the.. uh, corpses or dropped belongings of the enemies they battled. Like a raptoric giving its sword away in order to be left to escape. Or skinning an animal for its hide.
Some ideas from the latest venue:
->Savannah Herder's staff
->Avian Wanderer's Cloak
->Prairiebeast Talisman
->Bard's Jacket and Shawl
->Rockrought Prairiehide
->Vibrant Ampelope Peltcoat
->Starry Ampelope Peltcoat
- dove recolours (as suggested by AgCat)
made by me
- KS apparel recolours (as suggested by STRHKR)- more colour variations of breeches (and it would be fantastic if you re-worked the tunics because they could be really cute apparel)
- more Sage colour combinations (there are not enough colour variations of the Sage set to fit all dragons. It's sometimes really hard to find fitting colours of this set because many colourations are bright and polychromatic. We need more monochrome versions, especially a purple one like this one)
made by me
- golden wings and multicoloured wings (or more like Goldenrod wings because I like that colour more than Gold. The River Royalist set has a perfect colour.)
made by me
- more Flame set variations
made by me
- gladiator recolours (I would grandly appreciate a goldenrod variation that is not yellow)
made by me
- Sylvan recolours (I completely agree, we could use several more colourations - as suggested by perikeets)
made by me
- Trickster recolours + expansion (I'd love to see more of this very set or at least another colouration. I personally like this set a lot more than the NoTN stuff.)
made by me
- more scales variations (why am I asking for more? Because the set is AWESOME, one of the best things we've gotten lately but where are goldenrod and red versions?? I'm sure we'd love more colours and tbh this took me 10 minutes.)
made by me
- more specter variations
made by me
- a pale, dusty potionmaster set and a turquoise or azure blue one
made by me
- a Copper and a Steel Seraph set
made by me
- dapper stuff (some more different polychromatic versions, possibly some warm pastel colours too, maybe another torn version that's similar to Ivory Scales)
made by me
- bonus: mutations/looks (dwarfism, winter coat Tundra, shaved Tundra, Ridgebacks with more spines, more frills on Guardians, huge antlers on Imperials, Spirals with more arm and leg wings, missing horns, etc)
Sorry I made you scroll so much!!
So I posted before that I want a weathered grey stone version of the Goldslab set, and I still do.
But you know what else I'd like? A version out of polished obsidian, glossy black mask and those wing thingies with maybe blue-green tone feathers and ideally some other accessories to go with. That set is so unique looking but coming in only one version (with an unusual color combination to boot) kinda limits it's appeal and usefulness.
But you know what else I'd like? A version out of polished obsidian, glossy black mask and those wing thingies with maybe blue-green tone feathers and ideally some other accessories to go with. That set is so unique looking but coming in only one version (with an unusual color combination to boot) kinda limits it's appeal and usefulness.
So I posted before that I want a weathered grey stone version of the Goldslab set, and I still do.
But you know what else I'd like? A version out of polished obsidian, glossy black mask and those wing thingies with maybe blue-green tone feathers and ideally some other accessories to go with. That set is so unique looking but coming in only one version (with an unusual color combination to boot) kinda limits it's appeal and usefulness.
But you know what else I'd like? A version out of polished obsidian, glossy black mask and those wing thingies with maybe blue-green tone feathers and ideally some other accessories to go with. That set is so unique looking but coming in only one version (with an unusual color combination to boot) kinda limits it's appeal and usefulness.
Most of the long post is a big yes
But I really want chef stuff
Aprons, chef hats.
But I really want chef stuff
Aprons, chef hats.
Most of the long post is a big yes
But I really want chef stuff
Aprons, chef hats.
But I really want chef stuff
Aprons, chef hats.
Currently looking for: Sable/Blush G1s
Girlfriend of Azurodin,
Girlfriend of Azurodin,
Plain shirts! Just plain t-shirts! In your basic colors; white, black, grey. I'm a simple man!
Plain shirts! Just plain t-shirts! In your basic colors; white, black, grey. I'm a simple man!
breathe deep, seek peace
[quote name="wittykitsune" date="2018-11-22 20:44:27" ]
fruit hat
wittykitsune wrote on 2018-11-22 20:44:27:
fruit hat
More weapons? Especially for dragons like Wildclaws to hold in their hands...
More weapons? Especially for dragons like Wildclaws to hold in their hands...
• Neraida, FR +3 • Make sure to ping me, I don't subscribe to threads • Feel free to PM me about anything • On the lookout for Accent: Many Eyes Shadow |
Collars very similar to dog ones, Kneph needs one. A chain that hangs off of it could also be nice.
Fancy loincloth sashes and drapes, Kars deserves more fancy apparel that doesn't just go around his waist. I'm sad that we don't have more sashes.
Also, more types of manes, something shorter this time? Around the same length of the gladiator headdresses or a bit longer, with some braids too!!! I need a Violet one pls
And lastly, more apparel inspired by 1001 Arabian Nights. Something Aladdin-esque, the Sandwastes set is seriously incomplete!
Fancy loincloth sashes and drapes, Kars deserves more fancy apparel that doesn't just go around his waist. I'm sad that we don't have more sashes.
Also, more types of manes, something shorter this time? Around the same length of the gladiator headdresses or a bit longer, with some braids too!!! I need a Violet one pls
And lastly, more apparel inspired by 1001 Arabian Nights. Something Aladdin-esque, the Sandwastes set is seriously incomplete!
Collars very similar to dog ones, Kneph needs one. A chain that hangs off of it could also be nice.
Fancy loincloth sashes and drapes, Kars deserves more fancy apparel that doesn't just go around his waist. I'm sad that we don't have more sashes.
Also, more types of manes, something shorter this time? Around the same length of the gladiator headdresses or a bit longer, with some braids too!!! I need a Violet one pls
And lastly, more apparel inspired by 1001 Arabian Nights. Something Aladdin-esque, the Sandwastes set is seriously incomplete!
Fancy loincloth sashes and drapes, Kars deserves more fancy apparel that doesn't just go around his waist. I'm sad that we don't have more sashes.
Also, more types of manes, something shorter this time? Around the same length of the gladiator headdresses or a bit longer, with some braids too!!! I need a Violet one pls
And lastly, more apparel inspired by 1001 Arabian Nights. Something Aladdin-esque, the Sandwastes set is seriously incomplete!
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