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TOPIC | Video game fans, talk to me!
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I like stealth games but I'm terrible at actually being stealthy in them lol. So things like Assassins Creed and recently Thief. I heard Thief was a disappointment for fans of the original games but I didn't even know there were other games before I bought it, but I enjoyed the game. I haven't finished it yet though cause then I wanted to play the other games I have. I've got a whole shelf of unfinished games because I got a ps3 recently and then grabbed everything I've been wanting to play for years. I also play stealth characters in Skyrim and Oblivion.

And now I've picked up Dragonage: origins again because I wanted something that took a bit less concentration after a huge Skyrim marathon I did. The problem is that I find the gameplay itself SO boring but the plot itself is interesting.

I love open world, RPG type stuff like that, and also Fallout and Borderlands. A lot of the games I play were suggested to me by friends. I also got into Bioshock and a couple other things.

My absolute FAVOURITE type of genre though is 3d platformers, old things like Ty the Tasmanian Tiger and Kao the Kangaroo, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro. A lot of kids games which I think there is a serious absence of these days. Mostly kids games seem to only be on Nintendo consoles I think that perhaps video games used to be mainly focused on kids, but then those kids grew up and companies wanted to continue to cater for them and made games a lot more mature and realistic. But now kids are playing those mature games a lot more too. This is just my own observation/experience though I could be totally wrong.

I'm also a long time fan of the Sonic franchise. I know a lot of the games suck but the ones that have come out in recent years have been really going in the right direction. I got Sonic: Lost Worlds on 3DS because I don't have a WiiU but it was really bad.. I only really liked the first world and that was it, I couldn't even get past the snow/ice world because it was so ridiculously hard. The chaos emerald stages were also really bad. The WiiU version was apparently sensational though so I feel like I missed out. I also can't seem to find Sonic Colours ANYWHERE and I've been wanting to play that one for ages. So Generations is the only other new one which I have. I love the original games on the Genesis too, I used to play them on my sister's friend's Genesis all the time but now I play them with emulators.

I also like the Kingdom Hearts series. Okay I've rambled a lot in this post so I'll stop...
I like stealth games but I'm terrible at actually being stealthy in them lol. So things like Assassins Creed and recently Thief. I heard Thief was a disappointment for fans of the original games but I didn't even know there were other games before I bought it, but I enjoyed the game. I haven't finished it yet though cause then I wanted to play the other games I have. I've got a whole shelf of unfinished games because I got a ps3 recently and then grabbed everything I've been wanting to play for years. I also play stealth characters in Skyrim and Oblivion.

And now I've picked up Dragonage: origins again because I wanted something that took a bit less concentration after a huge Skyrim marathon I did. The problem is that I find the gameplay itself SO boring but the plot itself is interesting.

I love open world, RPG type stuff like that, and also Fallout and Borderlands. A lot of the games I play were suggested to me by friends. I also got into Bioshock and a couple other things.

My absolute FAVOURITE type of genre though is 3d platformers, old things like Ty the Tasmanian Tiger and Kao the Kangaroo, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro. A lot of kids games which I think there is a serious absence of these days. Mostly kids games seem to only be on Nintendo consoles I think that perhaps video games used to be mainly focused on kids, but then those kids grew up and companies wanted to continue to cater for them and made games a lot more mature and realistic. But now kids are playing those mature games a lot more too. This is just my own observation/experience though I could be totally wrong.

I'm also a long time fan of the Sonic franchise. I know a lot of the games suck but the ones that have come out in recent years have been really going in the right direction. I got Sonic: Lost Worlds on 3DS because I don't have a WiiU but it was really bad.. I only really liked the first world and that was it, I couldn't even get past the snow/ice world because it was so ridiculously hard. The chaos emerald stages were also really bad. The WiiU version was apparently sensational though so I feel like I missed out. I also can't seem to find Sonic Colours ANYWHERE and I've been wanting to play that one for ages. So Generations is the only other new one which I have. I love the original games on the Genesis too, I used to play them on my sister's friend's Genesis all the time but now I play them with emulators.

I also like the Kingdom Hearts series. Okay I've rambled a lot in this post so I'll stop...
Hi I'm Skipper!
I only own my laptop and a 3DS, so I play whatever I have on Steam (my username is asteriskipper btw, feel free to add me!) as well as Animal Crossing and Pokemon on my 3ds. I'm currently trying to play through The Walking Dead and Bioshock Infinite, but I'm pretty slow and like to take my time with games.
Sadly I don't own a ps3, (but im saving up for one, you can commission me if you want to help out *wink wonk*) but I've recently watched LPs of The Last of Us and Beyond:Two Souls, and I have to say, TLOU is probably the best story I've ever encountered in my life. It just totally sucked me in and beat the crap out of my emotions over and over again. I fell in love with every single character, protagonists and antagonists alike. It's just such a beautiful game, from the graphics to the music to the voice acting. It affected me deeply while watching it, and as an aspiring animator I draw a lot of inspiration from it and feel awed by how truly masterful it is.
Hhhehh I rambled a lot and probably sound silly but I'm very passionate about this game and it'd be cool if someone wanted to talk to me about it.
(rolls around)
Hi I'm Skipper!
I only own my laptop and a 3DS, so I play whatever I have on Steam (my username is asteriskipper btw, feel free to add me!) as well as Animal Crossing and Pokemon on my 3ds. I'm currently trying to play through The Walking Dead and Bioshock Infinite, but I'm pretty slow and like to take my time with games.
Sadly I don't own a ps3, (but im saving up for one, you can commission me if you want to help out *wink wonk*) but I've recently watched LPs of The Last of Us and Beyond:Two Souls, and I have to say, TLOU is probably the best story I've ever encountered in my life. It just totally sucked me in and beat the crap out of my emotions over and over again. I fell in love with every single character, protagonists and antagonists alike. It's just such a beautiful game, from the graphics to the music to the voice acting. It affected me deeply while watching it, and as an aspiring animator I draw a lot of inspiration from it and feel awed by how truly masterful it is.
Hhhehh I rambled a lot and probably sound silly but I'm very passionate about this game and it'd be cool if someone wanted to talk to me about it.
(rolls around)
Hi..? I just noticed this thread and..
Video games have always been a great way for me to connect with other people. Share interests, and all that. Uhm, so I have a question! Is there anyone else who loves a good story in a game? I think my main reason for even getting into video games was because I found out that so many of them have a great story. If you have recommendations, send them my way please.
(Some of)My favourite video games have to be Alan Wake, Okami, Silent Hill series and Resident Evil series - not to forget Final Fantasy of course! I would play stealth games like Metal Gear Solid if I wasn't such a goofball. I can't sneak to save my life.

I also have a bad habit of collecting video games. Every time I see a cheap game that seems interesting to me, I just have to buy it.. Its horrible that video games are actually pretty expensive here. I buy my games mostly from Steam or a second hand shop.
Does anyone else have the same problem?
I also like fighting games like Tekken, because fighting against your friends and losing big time is fun too!
What else...oh yes, all games including leveling up, catching monsters or playing as monsters. For example, Pokemon.
Hi..? I just noticed this thread and..
Video games have always been a great way for me to connect with other people. Share interests, and all that. Uhm, so I have a question! Is there anyone else who loves a good story in a game? I think my main reason for even getting into video games was because I found out that so many of them have a great story. If you have recommendations, send them my way please.
(Some of)My favourite video games have to be Alan Wake, Okami, Silent Hill series and Resident Evil series - not to forget Final Fantasy of course! I would play stealth games like Metal Gear Solid if I wasn't such a goofball. I can't sneak to save my life.

I also have a bad habit of collecting video games. Every time I see a cheap game that seems interesting to me, I just have to buy it.. Its horrible that video games are actually pretty expensive here. I buy my games mostly from Steam or a second hand shop.
Does anyone else have the same problem?
I also like fighting games like Tekken, because fighting against your friends and losing big time is fun too!
What else...oh yes, all games including leveling up, catching monsters or playing as monsters. For example, Pokemon.
yes hello my name is chere

i don't play games a whole lot + i'm fantastically bad at them i think but i also really love them

specifically i like collecting achievements + ~bonus~ stuff like the stuff in okami it makes me feel v good about myself

my favorite video game is okami but i have a big huge soft spot 4 fallout: nv

last time i played ANYTHING it was another replay of fallout + i was doing dead money

which i still have yet to finish because i caN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET OUT B4 MY BOMB COLLAR GOES OFF

ye lls

i really need to get another controller too tho the ones we have are,,, dirty


that + the ps3 decided to just delete all of my + my dad's save data huffs

so there goes !!! my 5 replays of okami + 2 replays of fallout hooray

i also really like pokemon obv + i desperately want to play bioshock

i stARTED playing it but i ended up getting frustrated + dad ended up deleting it because he didn't play it

he did infinite tho so we have that downloaded,,,, hmmmm

i've played a lot of things but the only things that deserve mentioning honestly are okami, pokemon (all the ~main story~ games except lg/fr + emerald i think), fallout 3 (didn't finish because i didn't really like that much tbh; i think it was because i played nv first ??? dad + i got both games + divvied them up + i was like 'i want nv' so he played 3 + then we switched after we finished), fallout: nv, portal 2, littlebigplanet 2, started majora's mask, etc etc etc

i plan on playing bioshock infinite as soon as i get another controller

after i replay okami + gET MY KARMIC TRANSFORMERS BACK huffs

also ?? i wouldn't mind game recs !!!

or horror game recs; dad's been lookin 4 some good horror games + he can never find any idk
yes hello my name is chere

i don't play games a whole lot + i'm fantastically bad at them i think but i also really love them

specifically i like collecting achievements + ~bonus~ stuff like the stuff in okami it makes me feel v good about myself

my favorite video game is okami but i have a big huge soft spot 4 fallout: nv

last time i played ANYTHING it was another replay of fallout + i was doing dead money

which i still have yet to finish because i caN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET OUT B4 MY BOMB COLLAR GOES OFF

ye lls

i really need to get another controller too tho the ones we have are,,, dirty


that + the ps3 decided to just delete all of my + my dad's save data huffs

so there goes !!! my 5 replays of okami + 2 replays of fallout hooray

i also really like pokemon obv + i desperately want to play bioshock

i stARTED playing it but i ended up getting frustrated + dad ended up deleting it because he didn't play it

he did infinite tho so we have that downloaded,,,, hmmmm

i've played a lot of things but the only things that deserve mentioning honestly are okami, pokemon (all the ~main story~ games except lg/fr + emerald i think), fallout 3 (didn't finish because i didn't really like that much tbh; i think it was because i played nv first ??? dad + i got both games + divvied them up + i was like 'i want nv' so he played 3 + then we switched after we finished), fallout: nv, portal 2, littlebigplanet 2, started majora's mask, etc etc etc

i plan on playing bioshock infinite as soon as i get another controller

after i replay okami + gET MY KARMIC TRANSFORMERS BACK huffs

also ?? i wouldn't mind game recs !!!

or horror game recs; dad's been lookin 4 some good horror games + he can never find any idk
ivan, it/he pronouns
RPGS. People always complain about my lack of two player games, but they're usually much less fun, I feel. I like huge plots and character things usually, although saying that, I did love PS2 games for the gameplay - Crash games (CRASH BASH ESPECIALLY) and Spyro were my all time favorites, and Bomberman was great for multiplayer ;P

But on my Xbox, 100% RPGs. Oblivion, Skyrim, Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Borderlands(Having trouble getting into the second game, though) are the main games I play. Which is pretty similar to @TealSkeletore ; I agree so much with Origins, especially as a heavy weapon fighter, I can not get over how slow the fighting is. Still, worth it for the plot but I way prefer DA2 because the fighting is much faster, and it's more character based than plot based and that is just perfect
RPGS. People always complain about my lack of two player games, but they're usually much less fun, I feel. I like huge plots and character things usually, although saying that, I did love PS2 games for the gameplay - Crash games (CRASH BASH ESPECIALLY) and Spyro were my all time favorites, and Bomberman was great for multiplayer ;P

But on my Xbox, 100% RPGs. Oblivion, Skyrim, Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Borderlands(Having trouble getting into the second game, though) are the main games I play. Which is pretty similar to @TealSkeletore ; I agree so much with Origins, especially as a heavy weapon fighter, I can not get over how slow the fighting is. Still, worth it for the plot but I way prefer DA2 because the fighting is much faster, and it's more character based than plot based and that is just perfect
Ohhh man, video games~~~ I have PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP, PSVita, DSi, and xBox 360. (I also still have my Gameboy Advance like the huge nerd I am...)

I really like a lot of type of video games, its hard to say what my favorite kind is, because I like video games for different reasons... Though, I have to say my favorite series thus far is the Assassin's Creed series. (With the exception of the AC4, didn't care for that at all.) It's a great and interesting story, and I really care about the characters in it. (Especially Desmond Miles and Connor Kenway, what babes.) (Also all the handhelds!!)

But I also really liked the new Thief, that recently came out. While I don't think the studio who made it did a good job at executing key-plot points, I still like it because I can fill in the blanks that they left. But I really liked the game play.

I also like playing Low Chaos in Dishonored and it's DLCs, honestly, Dishonored is one my top favorite games, too. Like I made a whaler costume and everything because it is such a great game. Like don't look at me, I'm a gross and obsessive nerd about this game.

I was really excited with the new InFamous game, Second Son on the PS4; like honestly, it's such a cool interactive story/game play, as far as making the controller apart of the game. (Like The Last of Us with the flashlight but a lil cooler tbh)

But the video games that I have are also: Bioshock series, Dragon Age series, Mass Effect series, The Last of Us, Remember Me, Prototype series, Kingdom Hearts series, Infamous series, Skyrim, a lot of Final Fantasy games, Deus Ex and the Uncharted series, and the new Tom Raider SquareEnix published recently. (there are a several nameless handhelds too...)

Really looking forward to Watch Dogs, Destiny and The Order: 1886, and I really want to buy Titanfall.

Also, I'm graduating soon from Full Sail University, and my degree program is pretty much learning how to MAKE video games, and I'm so freaking excited~~~~
Ohhh man, video games~~~ I have PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP, PSVita, DSi, and xBox 360. (I also still have my Gameboy Advance like the huge nerd I am...)

I really like a lot of type of video games, its hard to say what my favorite kind is, because I like video games for different reasons... Though, I have to say my favorite series thus far is the Assassin's Creed series. (With the exception of the AC4, didn't care for that at all.) It's a great and interesting story, and I really care about the characters in it. (Especially Desmond Miles and Connor Kenway, what babes.) (Also all the handhelds!!)

But I also really liked the new Thief, that recently came out. While I don't think the studio who made it did a good job at executing key-plot points, I still like it because I can fill in the blanks that they left. But I really liked the game play.

I also like playing Low Chaos in Dishonored and it's DLCs, honestly, Dishonored is one my top favorite games, too. Like I made a whaler costume and everything because it is such a great game. Like don't look at me, I'm a gross and obsessive nerd about this game.

I was really excited with the new InFamous game, Second Son on the PS4; like honestly, it's such a cool interactive story/game play, as far as making the controller apart of the game. (Like The Last of Us with the flashlight but a lil cooler tbh)

But the video games that I have are also: Bioshock series, Dragon Age series, Mass Effect series, The Last of Us, Remember Me, Prototype series, Kingdom Hearts series, Infamous series, Skyrim, a lot of Final Fantasy games, Deus Ex and the Uncharted series, and the new Tom Raider SquareEnix published recently. (there are a several nameless handhelds too...)

Really looking forward to Watch Dogs, Destiny and The Order: 1886, and I really want to buy Titanfall.

Also, I'm graduating soon from Full Sail University, and my degree program is pretty much learning how to MAKE video games, and I'm so freaking excited~~~~
Oh man this is my thing :D

I really, really like videogames. A lot. I like lots of kinds, I guess, but I prefer RPGs above all else, especially with character customization. That's really important to me, too. What I can't play are horror games, no matter what kind of horror, because I'm much too easily frightened and squeamish for that, and stuff in First Person - I just can't handle it and become really nervous and paranoid and yeah. It's a shame, because there are lots of games I'd like to play but alas, I can't.

Ah, but things I actually do play... well. I like the Dragon Age series and I'm really excited for Inquisition, oh man. What else is there...? Mass Effect series, Assassin's Creed series (although sadly I haven't played all of them - I'm not sure my PC can handle Black Flag and I got really frustrated with the first one and Revelations after a while so I haven't finished them :/ I adore Connor though, and he's by far my favorite protagonist.) ... And Portal. I adore Portal 2. It's great.
I also kind of like strategy games, but only a very special kind of them, I guess. I like the Fire Emblem series a lot, for example, with Radiant Dawn being my favorite part simply because of great characters... and yet, it has so much wasted potential. I really like Awakening too. Things like Civilization bore me though - I'm just not interested in that kind of strategy, I guess.

And then there's Dark Souls. Oh man Dark Souls. Talk to me about Dark Souls. I just started playing the second one and I've already been stuck on a boss and been dying like crazy but still, it's a lot of fun... although sometimes I just walk around and admire the scenery - or the armor design, actually.
Oh man this is my thing :D

I really, really like videogames. A lot. I like lots of kinds, I guess, but I prefer RPGs above all else, especially with character customization. That's really important to me, too. What I can't play are horror games, no matter what kind of horror, because I'm much too easily frightened and squeamish for that, and stuff in First Person - I just can't handle it and become really nervous and paranoid and yeah. It's a shame, because there are lots of games I'd like to play but alas, I can't.

Ah, but things I actually do play... well. I like the Dragon Age series and I'm really excited for Inquisition, oh man. What else is there...? Mass Effect series, Assassin's Creed series (although sadly I haven't played all of them - I'm not sure my PC can handle Black Flag and I got really frustrated with the first one and Revelations after a while so I haven't finished them :/ I adore Connor though, and he's by far my favorite protagonist.) ... And Portal. I adore Portal 2. It's great.
I also kind of like strategy games, but only a very special kind of them, I guess. I like the Fire Emblem series a lot, for example, with Radiant Dawn being my favorite part simply because of great characters... and yet, it has so much wasted potential. I really like Awakening too. Things like Civilization bore me though - I'm just not interested in that kind of strategy, I guess.

And then there's Dark Souls. Oh man Dark Souls. Talk to me about Dark Souls. I just started playing the second one and I've already been stuck on a boss and been dying like crazy but still, it's a lot of fun... although sometimes I just walk around and admire the scenery - or the armor design, actually.
I mostly play ds and 3ds games, pokemon is my absolute favorite and I've own all generations :P right now I'm playing the 3ds mystery dungeon and I'm halfway through it (no spoilers please ;-;) I love the mystery dungeon games, is anyone else here a fan? :D

I also have an xbox 360, though I recently moved and left it with my parents so I probably won't be playing any of it's games any time soon ;-; my favorite xbox game i own is definitely skyrim, though I also like the halo games. also last year I got the first mass effect game from the bargain bin at best buy and it was so good I immediately bought the others, though imo they were nowhere near as good as the first one.... especially the third one, but I'm not gonna go on a rant about that right now >.>
I mostly play ds and 3ds games, pokemon is my absolute favorite and I've own all generations :P right now I'm playing the 3ds mystery dungeon and I'm halfway through it (no spoilers please ;-;) I love the mystery dungeon games, is anyone else here a fan? :D

I also have an xbox 360, though I recently moved and left it with my parents so I probably won't be playing any of it's games any time soon ;-; my favorite xbox game i own is definitely skyrim, though I also like the halo games. also last year I got the first mass effect game from the bargain bin at best buy and it was so good I immediately bought the others, though imo they were nowhere near as good as the first one.... especially the third one, but I'm not gonna go on a rant about that right now >.>
This is going to make it look like my whole life is video games...I'm such a nerd for games.

I think I'm the biggest gamer around where I live realize that when every gamestop/the exchange/disc replay people know you by name, and what kind of game you're getting on that day.

My gaming systems list is pretty long...PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP (Crisis core Japanese edition), PS Vita, xbox 360, Wii, Game Boy color, Game Boy advance, DS XL, 3DS (Fire Emblem Awakening version), Portable NES/SNES, and the GameCube.

I play juuust about any RPG that has a good storyline, or is just plain entertaining. (Final Fantasy's, Atelier *Name*'s, Hyperdemnsion Neptunia, Suikoden, Tales of series, Kingdom Hearts, and Legend of Zelda) Puzzle games (Professor Layton kinds) Pokemon of course, Harvest Moon (Which consumes my life whenever a new one gomes out), Katamari, Okami, Hatsune Miku Project Diva F. I'll even sometimes get brave and play games like Deadpool, Dragon Age, Fatal Frame, and Infinite Undiscovery.

...And if anybody REALLY wants to see just how big of a video game person I am, feel free to go here. It includes every. single. game. I own.
This is going to make it look like my whole life is video games...I'm such a nerd for games.

I think I'm the biggest gamer around where I live realize that when every gamestop/the exchange/disc replay people know you by name, and what kind of game you're getting on that day.

My gaming systems list is pretty long...PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP (Crisis core Japanese edition), PS Vita, xbox 360, Wii, Game Boy color, Game Boy advance, DS XL, 3DS (Fire Emblem Awakening version), Portable NES/SNES, and the GameCube.

I play juuust about any RPG that has a good storyline, or is just plain entertaining. (Final Fantasy's, Atelier *Name*'s, Hyperdemnsion Neptunia, Suikoden, Tales of series, Kingdom Hearts, and Legend of Zelda) Puzzle games (Professor Layton kinds) Pokemon of course, Harvest Moon (Which consumes my life whenever a new one gomes out), Katamari, Okami, Hatsune Miku Project Diva F. I'll even sometimes get brave and play games like Deadpool, Dragon Age, Fatal Frame, and Infinite Undiscovery.

...And if anybody REALLY wants to see just how big of a video game person I am, feel free to go here. It includes every. single. game. I own.
I have my own website for things I've made!
Oh god, I'm a mainly PC gamer now but I used to be a console gamer, I own over 100 games on steam and about 200 games total for consoles and PC. I don't have any of the recent new gen. consoles. I like all genres of games though, from FPS to RPG to strategy to puzzle. Although I typically don't like overheard games where all you do is click on stuff and wait as much as I do with other games, they just get repetitive and boring to me quickly.

I was recently playing Skyrim and Killing Floor a lot but I recently got back into some of my favorite Roguelikes: Elona+ (link to homepage) and ToME or Tales of Maj'Eyal (Link with my character I'm currently playing as) and I've been having a lot of fun with those despite being much simpler.
Oh god, I'm a mainly PC gamer now but I used to be a console gamer, I own over 100 games on steam and about 200 games total for consoles and PC. I don't have any of the recent new gen. consoles. I like all genres of games though, from FPS to RPG to strategy to puzzle. Although I typically don't like overheard games where all you do is click on stuff and wait as much as I do with other games, they just get repetitive and boring to me quickly.

I was recently playing Skyrim and Killing Floor a lot but I recently got back into some of my favorite Roguelikes: Elona+ (link to homepage) and ToME or Tales of Maj'Eyal (Link with my character I'm currently playing as) and I've been having a lot of fun with those despite being much simpler.
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