
General Discussion

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TOPIC | Video game fans, talk to me!

The thing about Majora's mask is that it's just all in all creepy. The colors, the music, even the graphics help. Once they're all put together it creates this disturbing environment that isn't necessarily scary but is undeniably discomforting.
Which is of course, why I liked it so much. XDD

The thing about Majora's mask is that it's just all in all creepy. The colors, the music, even the graphics help. Once they're all put together it creates this disturbing environment that isn't necessarily scary but is undeniably discomforting.
Which is of course, why I liked it so much. XDD
@featherdragon Pretty much.
@featherdragon Pretty much.
The Sierra Madre is a part of Dead Money, I think!
Ohh yes. I get confused and frightened in NV often, even if that was far from the intention of the creators xD Well I get scared pretty easily, though, considering that I jump and scream bloody murder when a ghoul in the wilds attacks me ;v; I can't even imagine how hearing some of those monster noises in the dead of night feels!!
oh noes I must be on my way soon! Hopefully we'll talk again, nice to meet you and thanks for the great chat about fallout!
The Sierra Madre is a part of Dead Money, I think!
Ohh yes. I get confused and frightened in NV often, even if that was far from the intention of the creators xD Well I get scared pretty easily, though, considering that I jump and scream bloody murder when a ghoul in the wilds attacks me ;v; I can't even imagine how hearing some of those monster noises in the dead of night feels!!
oh noes I must be on my way soon! Hopefully we'll talk again, nice to meet you and thanks for the great chat about fallout!
@Demure I've had it since the first thursday after release and I can assure you that in most parts it is.

Also the PC port is actually good this time according to the guy who made DSFix

@DC111 Rolling mostly. In case you weren't aware, you have invincibility frames while rolling and it's a big part of winning most encounters. The ability to consistently negate damage entirely while moving is massive

If you ever give the game a shot again, remember that, if you want to dodge horizontally swinging attacks from large weapons (like the asylum demon's hammer), roll into the attack. That way you decrease the number of frames where your hitbox would collide with the weapon's, increasing the chance that your I-frames will keep you safe from harm. For attacks without a horizontal component, rolling to the side is usually your best bet but sometimes you might want to roll into the attacker.

Oh also patience is incredibly important.
@Demure I've had it since the first thursday after release and I can assure you that in most parts it is.

Also the PC port is actually good this time according to the guy who made DSFix

@DC111 Rolling mostly. In case you weren't aware, you have invincibility frames while rolling and it's a big part of winning most encounters. The ability to consistently negate damage entirely while moving is massive

If you ever give the game a shot again, remember that, if you want to dodge horizontally swinging attacks from large weapons (like the asylum demon's hammer), roll into the attack. That way you decrease the number of frames where your hitbox would collide with the weapon's, increasing the chance that your I-frames will keep you safe from harm. For attacks without a horizontal component, rolling to the side is usually your best bet but sometimes you might want to roll into the attacker.

Oh also patience is incredibly important.

Ah yes, Dead Money! That's what I was after. xD Liked it one time, but probably wouldn't put myself through that again. XD

Heh, same here. I got spooked easily at night. Y' know what scares me? Fricking yao guai! UGH, their eyes are so weird! I got the Animal Friend perk way later in the game than I should have... in Fallout 3 I learned my lesson and got it early on, so it's much less discomforting watching them walk around or sleep. xD But ugh, yao guai and friggin centaurs. uwu;;

Nice chatting with you too, have a good one! ^w^

Ah yes, Dead Money! That's what I was after. xD Liked it one time, but probably wouldn't put myself through that again. XD

Heh, same here. I got spooked easily at night. Y' know what scares me? Fricking yao guai! UGH, their eyes are so weird! I got the Animal Friend perk way later in the game than I should have... in Fallout 3 I learned my lesson and got it early on, so it's much less discomforting watching them walk around or sleep. xD But ugh, yao guai and friggin centaurs. uwu;;

Nice chatting with you too, have a good one! ^w^

Good to know, heh. I'll probably give it a try again eventually. uwu

Good to know, heh. I'll probably give it a try again eventually. uwu
I lovelovelovelovelove The Last of Us, which if you know the game you can probably tell by my username and signature, lol. Any other TLOU fans?
I lovelovelovelovelove The Last of Us, which if you know the game you can probably tell by my username and signature, lol. Any other TLOU fans?
@ Demure I absolutely love both Dark souls and Dark souls 2. At first I was a quite mad at, well one change in particular, but once I really understood why they did it I accepted it. But I think Dark souls 2 is great in any other way really. As for a sequel to the first game I'm not sure they could have made a better job. Haven't had the time to finish it though. I'm done with about 2/3. I will graduate in less than 2 months so it's pretty hectic at school.
For me it still feels like the same game so that's great. With diablo 2 (still one of my favorite games) and diablo 3 it was the opposite. Didn't even feel like the same game, while it wasn't necessarily a bad game imo.

@EllieEstheim Would love to play that game, unfortunetly I have an xbox >.
@ Demure I absolutely love both Dark souls and Dark souls 2. At first I was a quite mad at, well one change in particular, but once I really understood why they did it I accepted it. But I think Dark souls 2 is great in any other way really. As for a sequel to the first game I'm not sure they could have made a better job. Haven't had the time to finish it though. I'm done with about 2/3. I will graduate in less than 2 months so it's pretty hectic at school.
For me it still feels like the same game so that's great. With diablo 2 (still one of my favorite games) and diablo 3 it was the opposite. Didn't even feel like the same game, while it wasn't necessarily a bad game imo.

@EllieEstheim Would love to play that game, unfortunetly I have an xbox >.
Accidentally X'd out of the tab instead of hitting submit.
/glances at clock/ I should probably head to bed soon.
Here we go again...

My favorite type of game in general is FPSs, and I especially enjoy stealth games, but I'll play just about anything. On the stealth-front, I finished Mark of the Ninja not too long ago, and was thinking of replaying Dishonored now that I have all of the DLC. A few of my favorite games include: Wind Waker, Portal/Portal 2, Half-Life 2 (including the episodes), BioShock, Borderlands 2, Skyrim, Torchlight II, Mass Effect, and Fallout 3/NV.

I recently started replaying Skyrim a few weeks ago. I officially started playing it back in July and finished everything save for the Dragonborn DLC, but after 200+ hours I was getting burnt out on it. I decided to start a new character (stealthy Dunmer female with a preference for dual-wielding shock spells and swords) with the addition of a few random-encounter mods and a personal rule of only fast travelling via carriage. I'm at 330+ hours now and still enjoying myself, though I haven't touched the main questline yet. The game sure is different without dragons swooping down on you at inopportune moments.

About TLOU and Majora's Mask... I've only played the latter (never finished it, sadly) and don't own a PS3 or PS4, but I watch extremely thorough playthroughs of both on YouTube. I really enjoyed TLOU, which seems to be the general concensus, but I /loved/ Majora's Mask. That game freaked me out so much as a kid; I'd deliberaly fool around in-game to get the the ending, then proceed to have nightmares. It's such a dark, atmospheric game, and it's my second favorite LoZ game after Wind Waker.

Oh, Dark Souls... I started playing it when I was quite sick, got to the first boss and went, "nah... nahhhh". I just wasn't in the right state of mind, though I'd like to pick it up again some time. I've heard such good things about it. Though, I have a pretty hefty backlog of games, so who knows when that'll actually be. x3
Accidentally X'd out of the tab instead of hitting submit.
/glances at clock/ I should probably head to bed soon.
Here we go again...

My favorite type of game in general is FPSs, and I especially enjoy stealth games, but I'll play just about anything. On the stealth-front, I finished Mark of the Ninja not too long ago, and was thinking of replaying Dishonored now that I have all of the DLC. A few of my favorite games include: Wind Waker, Portal/Portal 2, Half-Life 2 (including the episodes), BioShock, Borderlands 2, Skyrim, Torchlight II, Mass Effect, and Fallout 3/NV.

I recently started replaying Skyrim a few weeks ago. I officially started playing it back in July and finished everything save for the Dragonborn DLC, but after 200+ hours I was getting burnt out on it. I decided to start a new character (stealthy Dunmer female with a preference for dual-wielding shock spells and swords) with the addition of a few random-encounter mods and a personal rule of only fast travelling via carriage. I'm at 330+ hours now and still enjoying myself, though I haven't touched the main questline yet. The game sure is different without dragons swooping down on you at inopportune moments.

About TLOU and Majora's Mask... I've only played the latter (never finished it, sadly) and don't own a PS3 or PS4, but I watch extremely thorough playthroughs of both on YouTube. I really enjoyed TLOU, which seems to be the general concensus, but I /loved/ Majora's Mask. That game freaked me out so much as a kid; I'd deliberaly fool around in-game to get the the ending, then proceed to have nightmares. It's such a dark, atmospheric game, and it's my second favorite LoZ game after Wind Waker.

Oh, Dark Souls... I started playing it when I was quite sick, got to the first boss and went, "nah... nahhhh". I just wasn't in the right state of mind, though I'd like to pick it up again some time. I've heard such good things about it. Though, I have a pretty hefty backlog of games, so who knows when that'll actually be. x3


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GW2: Esterie.7409
Oh gosh I love video games! I literally play anything and everything, and I love trying out anything new as well as going back and having a go at some classic games.

Currently replaying a lot of Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 and Goat Simulator :D But I pretty much vary a lot day to day what I play, with Trials Evolution being my most recently played game.

I also want am studying game development so that gives me an excuse to play games like Pokemon while I'm at college shhh
Oh gosh I love video games! I literally play anything and everything, and I love trying out anything new as well as going back and having a go at some classic games.

Currently replaying a lot of Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 and Goat Simulator :D But I pretty much vary a lot day to day what I play, with Trials Evolution being my most recently played game.

I also want am studying game development so that gives me an excuse to play games like Pokemon while I'm at college shhh