[LF] Matching Imp Male

niftydrifty's Clan
candlejack isn't rea--
Clan Info
Let me know if there are any dragons of mine you want to buy or buy dibs on hatchlings.
Paired: Female | Male
Roshan | Soran
Uthama | Bryson
Aihe | Aaja
Thialle | South
Estel | Athux
Ellie | Enox
Meir | Shemhazai
Sidhe | Shallan
Wanted Items/Dragons:
Paired: Female | Male
Roshan | Soran
Uthama | Bryson
Aihe | Aaja
Thialle | South
Estel | Athux
Ellie | Enox
Meir | Shemhazai
Sidhe | Shallan
Wanted Items/Dragons:
This is a LGBTQIA+ safe place.
Leave your (cis)sexism, racism, and phobicism at the door before talking to me.
Im ******* agender and gay as ****.
My favorite things:
Assassin's Creed series and comics, Mass Effect series and comics, Dishonored, Skyrim, Remember Me, Dragon age series, The Last of Us, Infamous seires, Kingdom Hearts series, Final Fantasy series
Pic of me! u v u~~~

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Hi! If you're ever interested in selling Zesiro, please let me know! :D

Thanks for buying one of my babies!

Mmm yes good. ;;;000

*eyebrow waggle*

Saw Thialle as a random derg and wanted to pop by and say wow she's a beaut!

Your dragon Thialle was the random dragon!

Hey! I adore a crapton of your dragon pairs -- do you have like, a general babies pinglist? Or, alternately, do you mind if I friend you so I can check up on your lair at will sometimes? (Your kids showed up in so many color searches I've done, haha...)

Can I buy dibs on one or Lorel or one of her hatchlings if they are a sky/white/pink or any variation of pink girl?

I got him now!!!! :DDDDDD


Leaf sugar daddy oh baby

cute dragons uou
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