

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Scales: Hati and Sköll's [PRIVATE]
Sos rubs his muzzle in mock-offense to being called 'scar face', but then shakes his head with a good-natured grin. "You really don't want this stuff, Absinth. Those fools up there won't even drink it without a whole pouch of crystals at the bottom of the glass."

He nods in thanks to Amaranth, eyeing the bottle with ill-concealed glee; at her questioning flick of the crest, however, he returned his attention to her. "Ah! Yes, some food if you would, dear. Anything, so long as it's portioned for a mirror." He gives a toothy grin, and flares his crest in an attemt to emulate a Fae's thanks. He then quickly pours himself another full glass of Te'Vodsky, savoring the acidic drink as he takes a sip.
Sos rubs his muzzle in mock-offense to being called 'scar face', but then shakes his head with a good-natured grin. "You really don't want this stuff, Absinth. Those fools up there won't even drink it without a whole pouch of crystals at the bottom of the glass."

He nods in thanks to Amaranth, eyeing the bottle with ill-concealed glee; at her questioning flick of the crest, however, he returned his attention to her. "Ah! Yes, some food if you would, dear. Anything, so long as it's portioned for a mirror." He gives a toothy grin, and flares his crest in an attemt to emulate a Fae's thanks. He then quickly pours himself another full glass of Te'Vodsky, savoring the acidic drink as he takes a sip.
[quote="Reeperbahn"] Reeperbahn's tail-tip beats the rhythm against the floor as Zion begins playing, watching the dancer with enjoyment. It's not long before the loud voices of Tremble and Amphibian break in, however; recognizing the voices, Reeper perks up and turns to eye the entering pair. [b] "Hatchlings!"[/b] They're not, anymore, but that nice fact doesn't bother their uncle. The smaller dragon following comes as more of a surprise. [b]"Rotoko? Come to socialize with the peasants, or are you just keeping an eye on the hatchlings?"[/b] The barkeep's almost reverent attention towards Rotoko doesn't escape his notice. [b] "Oh, I see. He gets the royal treatment 'cuz he never comes in; I'm here every other night so I'm just another obnoxious patron." [/b] By the tone, Reeper is more amused than offended. He finishes his drink then heads up to join the crowd onstage, more of the tavern's regulars joining in with the 'hatchlings' and Zion's improv verses as they continue. [/Quote] @GameMasterRhy @amariex
Reeperbahn wrote:
Reeperbahn's tail-tip beats the rhythm against the floor as Zion begins playing, watching the dancer with enjoyment. It's not long before the loud voices of Tremble and Amphibian break in, however; recognizing the voices, Reeper perks up and turns to eye the entering pair. "Hatchlings!" They're not, anymore, but that nice fact doesn't bother their uncle. The smaller dragon following comes as more of a surprise. "Rotoko? Come to socialize with the peasants, or are you just keeping an eye on the hatchlings?"

The barkeep's almost reverent attention towards Rotoko doesn't escape his notice. "Oh, I see. He gets the royal treatment 'cuz he never comes in; I'm here every other night so I'm just another obnoxious patron." By the tone, Reeper is more amused than offended. He finishes his drink then heads up to join the crowd onstage, more of the tavern's regulars joining in with the 'hatchlings' and Zion's improv verses as they continue.

@GameMasterRhy @amariex
She huffs, looking to the drink that Amaranth set out for her and started to down it. by the time she pulled her mouth away from the glass the entire thing was empty as she let out a relieved sigh, pushing the glass to the side as she turned her attention back to the trio now on stage.

"Annoying Chaotic bunch aren't they..." She mumbled loud enough for the others to hear, she really didn't expect an answer as she crossed her arms, her tail continuing to flick in ever growing irritation.
She huffs, looking to the drink that Amaranth set out for her and started to down it. by the time she pulled her mouth away from the glass the entire thing was empty as she let out a relieved sigh, pushing the glass to the side as she turned her attention back to the trio now on stage.

"Annoying Chaotic bunch aren't they..." She mumbled loud enough for the others to hear, she really didn't expect an answer as she crossed her arms, her tail continuing to flick in ever growing irritation.
"Absolutely." He grumbles in response to Absinth, wrinkling his nose in distaste. "They're family, though. Unfortunately. Code of blood prevents me from taking..." He sucks in air through his teeth. "Disciplinary action. No matter how much of a migraine they give."

He nods over to Rotoko. "Your boy Locus is a saint, though, Toko, compared to these two slugs. Give him my thanks for the treatment he sent over when you head home? I've been too busy to do it myself." He sighs. "If only Vo weren't so soft for that ball of insufferable light up there.." He trails off to himself, and as Reeper inevitably passes him on his way to the crowd, Sos gives him a little slap on the shoulder with his whip-like tail, quite failing to conceal his fond smile.
"Absolutely." He grumbles in response to Absinth, wrinkling his nose in distaste. "They're family, though. Unfortunately. Code of blood prevents me from taking..." He sucks in air through his teeth. "Disciplinary action. No matter how much of a migraine they give."

He nods over to Rotoko. "Your boy Locus is a saint, though, Toko, compared to these two slugs. Give him my thanks for the treatment he sent over when you head home? I've been too busy to do it myself." He sighs. "If only Vo weren't so soft for that ball of insufferable light up there.." He trails off to himself, and as Reeper inevitably passes him on his way to the crowd, Sos gives him a little slap on the shoulder with his whip-like tail, quite failing to conceal his fond smile.
Rotoko sighed deeply as he eyed his sons. "That they are. I would be lying if I did not admit that I wish their personalities were more like my middle son, Locust. That being said, you could not have a better pair at your side when at war or during danger, and my brother says I should allow them their fun while they can have it. I will inform him of your thanks."

He turns to Sos for a moment and smiles grimly. "Though, I remember a time or two when you were said to be as bad as the children, long ago. It has been a while, revered warrior, Sos of the bloodied fang."

Meanwhile, the Drunken Sailor had finally finished, as neither Tremble, nor Amphibian could figure out something more raunchy than Zion in the end. Tremble grinned and grabbed the two Wildclaws into a hug. "It's been a hell's age since we were all together, how have the two of you been?"

Amph simply went to a table and started ordering drinks for everyone.
Rotoko sighed deeply as he eyed his sons. "That they are. I would be lying if I did not admit that I wish their personalities were more like my middle son, Locust. That being said, you could not have a better pair at your side when at war or during danger, and my brother says I should allow them their fun while they can have it. I will inform him of your thanks."

He turns to Sos for a moment and smiles grimly. "Though, I remember a time or two when you were said to be as bad as the children, long ago. It has been a while, revered warrior, Sos of the bloodied fang."

Meanwhile, the Drunken Sailor had finally finished, as neither Tremble, nor Amphibian could figure out something more raunchy than Zion in the end. Tremble grinned and grabbed the two Wildclaws into a hug. "It's been a hell's age since we were all together, how have the two of you been?"

Amph simply went to a table and started ordering drinks for everyone.
Sos dipped his head slightly towards Rotoko, smiling softly. "You still do me too much kindness with the titles and all, Ro. Ever since you hatched, you always have." He laughed a little, took another swig from his glass. "And, while that may be true, you know invariably as well as I..." He sombered, sightless and haunted eyes trained on the Prince's faux wings. "That things change, don't they? It's inexorable."

The pendant he wore weighed heavily against his heart. But he ignored it, and forced more acid down his throat.

"I'm more of a petty sellsword than a warrior these days, anyways," he mused, using a claw to pick something out from his fangs. "Both get paid to kill, but still."

Sos dipped his head slightly towards Rotoko, smiling softly. "You still do me too much kindness with the titles and all, Ro. Ever since you hatched, you always have." He laughed a little, took another swig from his glass. "And, while that may be true, you know invariably as well as I..." He sombered, sightless and haunted eyes trained on the Prince's faux wings. "That things change, don't they? It's inexorable."

The pendant he wore weighed heavily against his heart. But he ignored it, and forced more acid down his throat.

"I'm more of a petty sellsword than a warrior these days, anyways," he mused, using a claw to pick something out from his fangs. "Both get paid to kill, but still."

Absinthe gave a nod and went back to looking back and forth between the two males as they talked amongst each other. She didn't have much else to say so she didnt say much else.
Absinthe gave a nod and went back to looking back and forth between the two males as they talked amongst each other. She didn't have much else to say so she didnt say much else.
[quote="Athame"]Naturally, the pleasant atmosphere could not last. This is [i]exactly[/i] what Athame wanted to welcome him home - a gaggle of racuous alcoholic Varr barbarians. He does not express his disdain aloud, of course, not even with a snort. The Varr [i]do[/i] have their good points, after all; it's simply difficult to remember that when they start in on this sort of behavior. When the poor dancer finally gives up on keeping the stage to herself, Athame glances away from the increasing chaos up there, idly glancing around the bar. - and pausing when he spots the figure in the corner. Hooded, cloaked, entirely incognito, the Augur messenger would recognize that form anywhere. Yet she's sitting away from the majority of the company, so perhaps she would choose not to be noticed? Athame looks away, uncertain. Then comes an internal voice (which sounds peculiarly similar to Zion): [i]'Athame, you fool, don't be a bloody coward. Go say hello.'[/i] And a second internal voice, more recognizably his own: [i]'It's only common courtesy.'[/i] So he regains his feet, makes a show of 'spotting' Lucis on his way to the bar and detours to hover ambivalently near her corner. [b]"Good evening, Lady Lucis." [/b] The ludicrously formal greeting is all he manages to speak before his usually loquacious mind goes blank.[/quote] @amariex (wow, what a load of filler for four words of dialogue. still feels like I'm not getting his voice quite right but surely it'll come back to me in time.)
Athame wrote:
Naturally, the pleasant atmosphere could not last. This is exactly what Athame wanted to welcome him home - a gaggle of racuous alcoholic Varr barbarians. He does not express his disdain aloud, of course, not even with a snort. The Varr do have their good points, after all; it's simply difficult to remember that when they start in on this sort of behavior. When the poor dancer finally gives up on keeping the stage to herself, Athame glances away from the increasing chaos up there, idly glancing around the bar.

- and pausing when he spots the figure in the corner.

Hooded, cloaked, entirely incognito, the Augur messenger would recognize that form anywhere. Yet she's sitting away from the majority of the company, so perhaps she would choose not to be noticed? Athame looks away, uncertain. Then comes an internal voice (which sounds peculiarly similar to Zion): 'Athame, you fool, don't be a bloody coward. Go say hello.' And a second internal voice, more recognizably his own: 'It's only common courtesy.'

So he regains his feet, makes a show of 'spotting' Lucis on his way to the bar and detours to hover ambivalently near her corner. "Good evening, Lady Lucis." The ludicrously formal greeting is all he manages to speak before his usually loquacious mind goes blank.

@amariex (wow, what a load of filler for four words of dialogue. still feels like I'm not getting his voice quite right but surely it'll come back to me in time.)
[quote="Amaranth"]Amaranth dips her head once in acknowlegement of Sos' request, then sweeps the coins into a pouch. A few seconds of flurried crest-waving as she gives more orders to the other attendants, and they all spring into action at once; in another moment, there is enough enough food brought out to satisfy the hungriest Imperial, which is most likely what Sos meant by "mirror-portioned." Of course, Amaranth has made sure there is food enough for Rotoko as well. Can't neglect the VIPs.[/quote] [quote="Zion"]Zion feels his ribs just about to crush inward from the force of Tremble's embrace--the latter just didn't know his own strength at times--but thankfully he manages to wriggle free, good-naturedly slapping the imperial with a tail. "Trem, you big lug, how've you been? And Amph! Finally got out of training for once, have you? Then does that mean..." He cranes his neck to peer among the crowd and spots who he is seeking, flashing a glittering wing at Rotoko's direction by way of greeting. [/quote] [quote="Lucis"][i]At least it can't get any worse than this,[/i] Lucis thinks drolly to herself, and she's almost made peace with the fact until she hears a familiar, stilted voice nearby. She takes a graceful (and large) sip of her drink before turning to face him. "Athame," she greets back in what she hopes is a passable facade of indifference; he had been gone a while, as usual. Not that she had been keeping tabs on him or anything like that, goodness. "Please, do not even begin to call me a lady when we are in such a place as this. You've returned from another venture?"[/quote] @GameMasterRhy @Screaming @nihill
Amaranth wrote:
Amaranth dips her head once in acknowlegement of Sos' request, then sweeps the coins into a pouch. A few seconds of flurried crest-waving as she gives more orders to the other attendants, and they all spring into action at once; in another moment, there is enough enough food brought out to satisfy the hungriest Imperial, which is most likely what Sos meant by "mirror-portioned." Of course, Amaranth has made sure there is food enough for Rotoko as well. Can't neglect the VIPs.

Zion wrote:
Zion feels his ribs just about to crush inward from the force of Tremble's embrace--the latter just didn't know his own strength at times--but thankfully he manages to wriggle free, good-naturedly slapping the imperial with a tail.

"Trem, you big lug, how've you been? And Amph! Finally got out of training for once, have you? Then does that mean..." He cranes his neck to peer among the crowd and spots who he is seeking, flashing a glittering wing at Rotoko's direction by way of greeting.

Lucis wrote:
At least it can't get any worse than this, Lucis thinks drolly to herself, and she's almost made peace with the fact until she hears a familiar, stilted voice nearby. She takes a graceful (and large) sip of her drink before turning to face him.

"Athame," she greets back in what she hopes is a passable facade of indifference; he had been gone a while, as usual. Not that she had been keeping tabs on him or anything like that, goodness. "Please, do not even begin to call me a lady when we are in such a place as this. You've returned from another venture?"

@GameMasterRhy @Screaming @nihill
[quote="Reeperbahn"]Reeperbahn snaps his head around when his shoulder is smacked, glaring at the perpetrator in an exaggeratedly dangerous way. He does not smile - smiles look hideous on Wildclaws, if not outright threatening - but his own fondness comes through in the way his crest bristles and his eyes shine. [b]"Watch yourself, rogue! You're assaulting a Prince of the Royal Line! We've got oubliettes in Varr Rock so deep you couldn't climb out even if you live[i] another [/i]seven thousand years."[/b] With that he turns, returns the tail-swipe affectionately, and continues to the commandeered stage. Only to be promptly squished. It's still difficult to believe that this huge Imperial is the same small, sly snake he once trained in the Drakecorps - though the slyness is still, at times, in evidence. [b] "Oof. Hasn't anyone taught you not to mash your elders into blood pudding, Trem?"[/b] Extricating himself from the embrace, Reeper ostentatiously straightens his garments. "[b]Y'know me. Kickin' ass and trainin' drakes. Nothing to whatever you sneaks have been getting up to, I'm sure."[/b] He includes Amph by stretching out a wing-tip and tapping his broad back.[/quote] [quote="Athame-mei"]Athame tilts his spade-shaped head to the side, considering Lucis for a moment. Considering whether to make any reply to that request. Before he can come to a weighed decision, he finds himself speaking regardless: [b]"It is your title."[/b] The tone this time is less distant, softer, almost - but not quite - chiding. He's very familiar with her title, after all, but he has no real right to speak on the matter. After clearing his throat noisily, like he's trying to gloss over the previous words using vocal static, he continues more casually. Or, casually for Athame. So impeccably enunciated and wholly forced sounding. [b]"I have. Not a very profitable one, I'm afraid. I ought not speak of it before I see the Empress, however." [/b] Surely Lucis will be privy to the top-secret information after that, being a councilor. [b] "And, ah...what brings you to the surface, if the inquiry is not indiscreet?"[/b][/quote] @amariex @GameMasterRhy @screaming

Reeperbahn wrote:
Reeperbahn snaps his head around when his shoulder is smacked, glaring at the perpetrator in an exaggeratedly dangerous way. He does not smile - smiles look hideous on Wildclaws, if not outright threatening - but his own fondness comes through in the way his crest bristles and his eyes shine. "Watch yourself, rogue! You're assaulting a Prince of the Royal Line! We've got oubliettes in Varr Rock so deep you couldn't climb out even if you live another seven thousand years." With that he turns, returns the tail-swipe affectionately, and continues to the commandeered stage.

Only to be promptly squished. It's still difficult to believe that this huge Imperial is the same small, sly snake he once trained in the Drakecorps - though the slyness is still, at times, in evidence. "Oof. Hasn't anyone taught you not to mash your elders into blood pudding, Trem?" Extricating himself from the embrace, Reeper ostentatiously straightens his garments. "Y'know me. Kickin' *** and trainin' drakes. Nothing to whatever you sneaks have been getting up to, I'm sure." He includes Amph by stretching out a wing-tip and tapping his broad back.

Athame-mei wrote:
Athame tilts his spade-shaped head to the side, considering Lucis for a moment. Considering whether to make any reply to that request. Before he can come to a weighed decision, he finds himself speaking regardless: "It is your title." The tone this time is less distant, softer, almost - but not quite - chiding. He's very familiar with her title, after all, but he has no real right to speak on the matter.

After clearing his throat noisily, like he's trying to gloss over the previous words using vocal static, he continues more casually. Or, casually for Athame. So impeccably enunciated and wholly forced sounding. "I have. Not a very profitable one, I'm afraid. I ought not speak of it before I see the Empress, however." Surely Lucis will be privy to the top-secret information after that, being a councilor. "And, ah...what brings you to the surface, if the inquiry is not indiscreet?"
@amariex @GameMasterRhy @screaming