

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Scales: Hati and Sköll's [PRIVATE]
This is a private roleplay area for all existing members of the Scales universe only! Thank you!

Scales members: Feel free to roleplay any in-character shenanigans here! Timeline doesn't matter. What happens in Hati's--or Sköll's-- stays here, unless otherwise discussed. Of course, we'll abide by FR's rules; besides that, let mayhem ensue.
This is a private roleplay area for all existing members of the Scales universe only! Thank you!

Scales members: Feel free to roleplay any in-character shenanigans here! Timeline doesn't matter. What happens in Hati's--or Sköll's-- stays here, unless otherwise discussed. Of course, we'll abide by FR's rules; besides that, let mayhem ensue.
-saving this slot because i'm sure i'll find some use for it later-
-saving this slot because i'm sure i'll find some use for it later-


Amaranth (PERMANENT; bartender)






Amaranth (PERMANENT; bartender)




[img][/img] [center][i]Hati and Sköll's wasn't a very big tavern, if one looked at it from the outside. It was certainly unorthodox, as far as taverns go. This particular one was born of a large natural alcove in the side of a cliff, with extensions added to it as needed, dug into the rock and smoothed out by the passage of time. It was an oddity even out here in the Borderlands, where nothing was really built to last since dragons came and went with business fairly briskly and rarely stayed for long. And so, Hati's, or Sköll's (there had been many a drunken argument about which shortened version of the name was more acceptable), was something of an anomaly in that it was the the oldest "building" out here. Not one dragon was quite sure when exactly it had come to be. Some would swear on their bloodline that it had opened only a century ago. Others remember further back. Some swear that they had been to the Borderlands many times and had never seen it until yesterday. No matter what the truth, it was a welcome sight in the bleakness of the surrounding area. Within, the tavern's mismatched interior, its many drapes and shades, and the relaxed atmosphere were comfortable enough for everyone that they didn't even mind the rumors that it was so strange a place that time and space didn't actually comply to the rules once you entered. It was just generally accepted that everything that happened in the tavern stayed in the tavern, and everyone was here to relax and have a good time. Most days, anyway.[/i][/center]
Hati and Sköll's wasn't a very big tavern, if one looked at it from the outside. It was certainly unorthodox, as far as taverns go. This particular one was born of a large natural alcove in the side of a cliff, with extensions added to it as needed, dug into the rock and smoothed out by the passage of time. It was an oddity even out here in the Borderlands, where nothing was really built to last since dragons came and went with business fairly briskly and rarely stayed for long. And so, Hati's, or Sköll's (there had been many a drunken argument about which shortened version of the name was more acceptable), was something of an anomaly in that it was the the oldest "building" out here. Not one dragon was quite sure when exactly it had come to be. Some would swear on their bloodline that it had opened only a century ago. Others remember further back. Some swear that they had been to the Borderlands many times and had never seen it until yesterday.

No matter what the truth, it was a welcome sight in the bleakness of the surrounding area. Within, the tavern's mismatched interior, its many drapes and shades, and the relaxed atmosphere were comfortable enough for everyone that they didn't even mind the rumors that it was so strange a place that time and space didn't actually comply to the rules once you entered. It was just generally accepted that everything that happened in the tavern stayed in the tavern, and everyone was here to relax and have a good time.

Most days, anyway.
Reeperbahn hasn't been in Hati and Sköll's ever since the place opened, it only seems that way. Probably to more than himself.

The wildclaw has been leading the upper ranks of the Drakewatch though an extended period training exercise for what feels like eons now. And although he takes the responsibility of shaping the clan's young warriors more seriously than he takes any other duty, he isn't above delegating the charge to some of his underlings for the evening. Almost every evening. So as the day ends and thirsty traders, raiders, and whoever else comes stampeding in, Reeper is already bellied up to the bar, working on another chocolate ale, eyeing the patrons for old friends and interesting potential new friends.
Reeperbahn hasn't been in Hati and Sköll's ever since the place opened, it only seems that way. Probably to more than himself.

The wildclaw has been leading the upper ranks of the Drakewatch though an extended period training exercise for what feels like eons now. And although he takes the responsibility of shaping the clan's young warriors more seriously than he takes any other duty, he isn't above delegating the charge to some of his underlings for the evening. Almost every evening. So as the day ends and thirsty traders, raiders, and whoever else comes stampeding in, Reeper is already bellied up to the bar, working on another chocolate ale, eyeing the patrons for old friends and interesting potential new friends.

The tavern brightens for a brief moment as someone enters and announces themselves.

"I smell someone I know here. Reeperbahn?"

The slightly intoxicated voice that had punctured the relaxed ambiance is given a face as dragons moved aside to let through what seemed to be an obnoxious, miniature sun. Zion struts through them with a wide grin on his face that instantly drops as he sees Reeperbahn.

"...Uh, sorry, I think I mistook your scent for someone else's... Wait, no, that's definitely you, isn't it."

The tavern brightens for a brief moment as someone enters and announces themselves.

"I smell someone I know here. Reeperbahn?"

The slightly intoxicated voice that had punctured the relaxed ambiance is given a face as dragons moved aside to let through what seemed to be an obnoxious, miniature sun. Zion struts through them with a wide grin on his face that instantly drops as he sees Reeperbahn.

"...Uh, sorry, I think I mistook your scent for someone else's... Wait, no, that's definitely you, isn't it."

After all this time, Reeper can't help blinking when Zion emerges from the bland (in comparison) crowd. Indisputably the most brilliant officer in the Var Jagercorps, and we don't mean his tactical thinking. Thankfully Reeperbahn's eyes are used to acclimatising quickly to the change.

"Zion! Of course it's me! Who else could pull this off?" Reeper pauses to vogue, but only for a moment. "Whatcha doing here? Is Vo with you?" The wildclaw stretches his long neck, craning over the other inhabitants of the tavern in an attempt to spot his foster daughter.

After all this time, Reeper can't help blinking when Zion emerges from the bland (in comparison) crowd. Indisputably the most brilliant officer in the Var Jagercorps, and we don't mean his tactical thinking. Thankfully Reeperbahn's eyes are used to acclimatising quickly to the change.

"Zion! Of course it's me! Who else could pull this off?" Reeper pauses to vogue, but only for a moment. "Whatcha doing here? Is Vo with you?" The wildclaw stretches his long neck, craning over the other inhabitants of the tavern in an attempt to spot his foster daughter.

"....No, she isn't," Zion manages to say after giving Reeper several head-to-tailtip looks. "I came here lookin' for her but found you instead."

He sits himself down next to his friend, and before he can say anything, a drink is set down in front of him. He grins at Amaranth, the bartender, who only looks at him as if to say If you start any trouble here I will end you; also you still haven't paid your tab.

Zion sips the drink and makes a face. "Amaranth, this tastes like death. Give me two more. So? What's up with you, Reep? Has your mother managed to pawn you off to somebody yet?"

"....No, she isn't," Zion manages to say after giving Reeper several head-to-tailtip looks. "I came here lookin' for her but found you instead."

He sits himself down next to his friend, and before he can say anything, a drink is set down in front of him. He grins at Amaranth, the bartender, who only looks at him as if to say If you start any trouble here I will end you; also you still haven't paid your tab.

Zion sips the drink and makes a face. "Amaranth, this tastes like death. Give me two more. So? What's up with you, Reep? Has your mother managed to pawn you off to somebody yet?"

"Oh." A little disappointed by that intel, Reeper recovers swiftly nonetheless. "Guess it's a drakes' night out then! We can --- what in the name of Axlent is that?!" He leans in to sniff, cautiously, at the concoction Zion is now drinking. "What did he do to make you finally decide to poison him, Amaranth?"

Not coincidentally, this line of questioning makes it easy to elide the query about his mother. Reeperbahn flips a wing dismissively. "Same old. Training up the legions of tomorrow. What brings you to the Borderlands?"

"Oh." A little disappointed by that intel, Reeper recovers swiftly nonetheless. "Guess it's a drakes' night out then! We can --- what in the name of Axlent is that?!" He leans in to sniff, cautiously, at the concoction Zion is now drinking. "What did he do to make you finally decide to poison him, Amaranth?"

Not coincidentally, this line of questioning makes it easy to elide the query about his mother. Reeperbahn flips a wing dismissively. "Same old. Training up the legions of tomorrow. What brings you to the Borderlands?"

The fae bartender does not verbally reply, just flicks her crests in minor agitation. The fact that it's Zion should speak volumes in itself. She moves on to some other patron, leaving the two drakes alone.

Zion is eager to talk about himself, as always, and curls his tail around his hind legs as he relaxes. "For one thing, this is one of the few bars that I haven't been banned from yet. For another... Like I said, I was looking for Vo. She's been acting..."

He made a wild gesture with his wings.

"...You know. Ever since we found out she's havin' eggs."

He looks uncomfortable even bringing that up.

The fae bartender does not verbally reply, just flicks her crests in minor agitation. The fact that it's Zion should speak volumes in itself. She moves on to some other patron, leaving the two drakes alone.

Zion is eager to talk about himself, as always, and curls his tail around his hind legs as he relaxes. "For one thing, this is one of the few bars that I haven't been banned from yet. For another... Like I said, I was looking for Vo. She's been acting..."

He made a wild gesture with his wings.

"...You know. Ever since we found out she's havin' eggs."

He looks uncomfortable even bringing that up.