

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Scales: Hati and Sköll's [PRIVATE]
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[quote="Lucis"]The tone in Athame's voice doesn't escape Lucis' attention, and her headfeathers raise a little; the gem on her forehead glows ever so softly as she probed into the emotion behind his words. It's a natural skydancer talent that she's formed into a habit thanks to her line of work, and so she barely stops herself in time. She's grateful once he hastily diverts the topic. [b]"Oh? I suppose I'll find out about it soon, then."[/b] She rearranges her tail so that it wraps neatly around her feet as she chooses her next words carefully. [b]"As for myself, I came to pick up a parcel."[/b] Not exactly, as it had been information and not any material object that she had extracted from a finally-cornered lead, but Lucis knows that she need not elaborate further. Athame is one of the few dragons aware of the true nature of her job, after all.[/quote] @nihill
Lucis wrote:
The tone in Athame's voice doesn't escape Lucis' attention, and her headfeathers raise a little; the gem on her forehead glows ever so softly as she probed into the emotion behind his words. It's a natural skydancer talent that she's formed into a habit thanks to her line of work, and so she barely stops herself in time. She's grateful once he hastily diverts the topic.

"Oh? I suppose I'll find out about it soon, then." She rearranges her tail so that it wraps neatly around her feet as she chooses her next words carefully. "As for myself, I came to pick up a parcel." Not exactly, as it had been information and not any material object that she had extracted from a finally-cornered lead, but Lucis knows that she need not elaborate further. Athame is one of the few dragons aware of the true nature of her job, after all.

[quote="Athame"][color=olive] Athame affects not to have noticed Lucis' (physical) response to his impudent slip. He's quite glad to let all of that go unremarked. [b]"Indubitably."[/b] Momentarily, Athame wonders how many of his deliveries make their way into Lucis' talons, direct or inadvertant. It's not worth more than a moment's consideration, however; speaking of such [i]would be[/i] indiscreet. But if not that, what to speak of? The growing noise from the back of the tavern makes it difficult to think. Athame nearly falls back on ingenuously offering to fetch her a drink. Fortunately, he realizes in time that she already has one. He fidgets a bit, tapping a large foretalon on the floor, until he notices his own actions and halts it forcibly. It shouldn't still be this difficult to converse with Lucis! [b]"I've just come from the Turquoise Seaside. Can you imagine, some of the dragons there had no notion of the egg theft, much less the events occasioning the return of the single egg? Truly, it brings the isolation of the Deepheart into focus. I don't suppose the royal egg has yet hatched?"[/b][/color][/quote] @amariex
Athame wrote:

Athame affects not to have noticed Lucis' (physical) response to his impudent slip. He's quite glad to let all of that go unremarked. "Indubitably." Momentarily, Athame wonders how many of his deliveries make their way into Lucis' talons, direct or inadvertant. It's not worth more than a moment's consideration, however; speaking of such would be indiscreet.

But if not that, what to speak of? The growing noise from the back of the tavern makes it difficult to think. Athame nearly falls back on ingenuously offering to fetch her a drink. Fortunately, he realizes in time that she already has one. He fidgets a bit, tapping a large foretalon on the floor, until he notices his own actions and halts it forcibly. It shouldn't still be this difficult to converse with Lucis! "I've just come from the Turquoise Seaside. Can you imagine, some of the dragons there had no notion of the egg theft, much less the events occasioning the return of the single egg? Truly, it brings the isolation of the Deepheart into focus. I don't suppose the royal egg has yet hatched?"
[quote=a pair of nerds]Coatls, as a rule, did not [i]stumble[/i]. They were at all times the perfect embodiments of Augur grace and nobility, elegant and surefooted even in the worst of conditions. Clearly no one had ever told Dynamo that. This outing had been [i]his[/i] idea, absolute ruffian that he was, and even after Barrage had agreed to follow along with it he'd felt the need to drag the darker dragon from place to place by the wing or the neck or the tail. So [i]perhaps[/i] the pair of them were... a little less than perfect, entering the tavern. Certainly anyone would have trouble with another dragon's neck slung across theirs, more suitable to a [i]spiral's[/i] demeanor than a noble's. In a place like this, who would even notice? "Yo, 'Ranth!" Unless Dynamo decided to bark across the entire damn tavern at the bartender, before they'd even reached the counter. Barrage sighed, crest flattening, and tried-- in vain-- to duck out from under his wingmate. "Anything special today?"[/quote] @amariex
a pair of nerds wrote:
Coatls, as a rule, did not stumble. They were at all times the perfect embodiments of Augur grace and nobility, elegant and surefooted even in the worst of conditions.
Clearly no one had ever told Dynamo that. This outing had been his idea, absolute ruffian that he was, and even after Barrage had agreed to follow along with it he'd felt the need to drag the darker dragon from place to place by the wing or the neck or the tail. So perhaps the pair of them were... a little less than perfect, entering the tavern. Certainly anyone would have trouble with another dragon's neck slung across theirs, more suitable to a spiral's demeanor than a noble's. In a place like this, who would even notice?

"Yo, 'Ranth!" Unless Dynamo decided to bark across the entire damn tavern at the bartender, before they'd even reached the counter. Barrage sighed, crest flattening, and tried-- in vain-- to duck out from under his wingmate. "Anything special today?"
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[quote=Amaranth]The fae bartender stretches her neck out to address the newcomers, flicking her crest to say [i]come hither.[/i] [b]"Dynamo. You've come at a wonderful time,"[/b] she deadpans. [b]"The musical menagerie has just finished their first set. As for specials, half the tavern has already ordered something to help with a migraine, so I'll get that started for you."[/b] She does so, at the same time peering at the azure coatl's companion. [b]"I see Ignis has decided not to grace us with his presence today."[/b][/quote] @Loquaciousky
Amaranth wrote:
The fae bartender stretches her neck out to address the newcomers, flicking her crest to say come hither. "Dynamo. You've come at a wonderful time," she deadpans. "The musical menagerie has just finished their first set. As for specials, half the tavern has already ordered something to help with a migraine, so I'll get that started for you." She does so, at the same time peering at the azure coatl's companion. "I see Ignis has decided not to grace us with his presence today."

[quote=Dynamo]"Aww, sounds like we missed a party somewhere!" Dynamo grinned, releasing Barrage just long enough to dig coins out for the drinks. "Shame, that. Nah, Ignis had to see a mirror about a dog--" he ignored the scolding flick of Barr's wing across his own-- "so he won't be around today. Make it two, whatever magic you're working back there?" "Eleven know I could use a curative after dealing with [i]you[/i] all afternoon, you absolute disaster." "You don't mean that!" And he didn't, really; if Barrage had actually been annoyed, he wouldn't have stayed close even after Dy'd let him go.[/quote] @amariex
Dynamo wrote:
"Aww, sounds like we missed a party somewhere!" Dynamo grinned, releasing Barrage just long enough to dig coins out for the drinks. "Shame, that. Nah, Ignis had to see a mirror about a dog--" he ignored the scolding flick of Barr's wing across his own-- "so he won't be around today. Make it two, whatever magic you're working back there?"

"Eleven know I could use a curative after dealing with you all afternoon, you absolute disaster."

"You don't mean that!" And he didn't, really; if Barrage had actually been annoyed, he wouldn't have stayed close even after Dy'd let him go.
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