those flights sure are... something :D

TOPIC | Waterway Expansion

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I hope we get an arcane pillar!
I hope we get an arcane pillar!
BetaArt is gay is the most discussed in the media in the few years ago. Even it has happened in 2012, but some of the public still curious about what is exactly happening and to be the reason there is a rumor comes out about his gay. At that time he became the massive FR rumor. The public, especially his fans are shocked. He just came out with his lore which is spread massively. This time is not about his art career, but his lore. The lore is out of standardize of hoax, according the last reported this FR user revealed himself as homosexual.
Love the fanrat. Need. Hundreds.
The boss rat's are cool too. Or so I thought till I saw how many tails they had. Creepy things.
The boss rat's are cool too. Or so I thought till I saw how many tails they had. Creepy things.
I can't wait to see the Fire pillar, so I can look back at my Exalted dragons.
I can't wait to see the Fire pillar, so I can look back at my Exalted dragons.
Friendly Buizel weirdo, evil scientist enthusiast, avid writer of fanfiction and Sonic RPs
Of the Fire Flight's legendary Storm Clan
Lore Thread and Short story thread
Of the Fire Flight's legendary Storm Clan
Lore Thread and Short story thread

This new Waterway background art is really well done and atmospheric, don't get me wrong, but I think the old one fit better. Or maybe I'm just attached to that one. XD
The difference between old and new familiars is getting more and more visible. Not like it's a bad thing, the progress is always a good thing, but it's just kinda funny.
[img][/img] [img][/img]
Feel like the new ones are more cartoonish, while old ones were more realistic. Hope that won't trigger an art rewamp for old familiars or their removal at some points. Would be sad to see them go.
Loving the ratties tho. <3
This new Waterway background art is really well done and atmospheric, don't get me wrong, but I think the old one fit better. Or maybe I'm just attached to that one. XD
The difference between old and new familiars is getting more and more visible. Not like it's a bad thing, the progress is always a good thing, but it's just kinda funny.

Feel like the new ones are more cartoonish, while old ones were more realistic. Hope that won't trigger an art rewamp for old familiars or their removal at some points. Would be sad to see them go.
Loving the ratties tho. <3
The difference between old and new familiars is getting more and more visible. Not like it's a bad thing, the progress is always a good thing, but it's just kinda funny.

Feel like the new ones are more cartoonish, while old ones were more realistic. Hope that won't trigger an art rewamp for old familiars or their removal at some points. Would be sad to see them go.
Loving the ratties tho. <3

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