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TOPIC | Night of the Nocturne Theme: Trickster
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[b]The Scholar[/b] [i]Leshau[/i] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Allies[/b] [i]Abyss[/i] Inseparable since before joining the clan, Leshau had Abyss' support without even having to ask. The bodyguard would follow to the ends of the Sornieth. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]Viper[/i] Leshau decided on Viper because of her wide skill set. And or the right amount Viper would, too, do her job. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
The Scholar


Inseparable since before joining the clan, Leshau had Abyss' support without even having to ask. The bodyguard would follow to the ends of the Sornieth.


Leshau decided on Viper because of her wide skill set. And or the right amount Viper would, too, do her job.

[center][u][b]The Scholar[/b][/u][/center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] By trade, Petani is an alchemist. Truthfully, he has no professional motive for seeking out the Nocturnes, nor had he or anyone in the Allclan ever encountered one of them. His motivation for seeking them out boils down to simple curiosity - curiosity spawned by some strange creatures. A year before, around the time of the winter solstice, creatures began appearing which were both like everyday objects and animals and yet not at all. They appeared over the course of a couple of weeks, then stopped appearing. Though many of them appeared which wicked teeth and illusory magic clearly meant for hunting, few of them were violent. Members of the clan became fond of the strange creatures, and they were kept around as pets. But some of the clan's members weren't content with merely keeping them around; they wanted to know where the creatures had come from, and why. Two dragons headed the initiative to research the creatures, Petani being one of them. What they found was puzzling - though many of the creatures seemed to populate Sornieth, nobody seemed to actually know, or more accurately [i]remember[/i], where they'd come from. Little, consistent bits and pieces - songs, Shadow magic, a plant with unique magic - but nothing concrete. Regardless, the researchers continued to collate data, and eventually, from the tiny bits and pieces, a bigger picture began to form. A clan of Nocturnes in the Tangled Wood with a strange song-magic. The researchers took turns going out on research trips to try and find this clan. Petani just happened to be the one who stumbled upon the plant so often mentioned, and thus was charged with bringing together a party capable of finding Thana and the hatchlings. Petani's strengths are his knowledge of the Nocturne Singers, extensive travel experience, and his alchemical knowledge to the party. [center][u][b]The Allies[/b][/u][/center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Stardawn is the other researcher heading the mimic research project, and thus is the first person Petani goes to when told to assemble a party. Unlike Petani, Stardawn has connections in the Observatory, and thus access to some more sophisticated inventions and spells; also unlike Petani, she's only a student, and thus has to do some trickery to get the things they need. Stardawn's main strengths are her knowledge on the Nocturne Singers, her access (however... rule-bending) to Observatory tech, and her sheer raw magic power - she's capable of spells Petani could only dream of (especially given his already lower magic capability). [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Israphel was not the first person Petani thought of when tasked with finding a third person for their party. Standoffish and frequently silent, Israphel isn't much of a team player, however good his combat skills may be. But when Petani and Stardawn announced that they needed someone to go with them, something strange happened. They kept the details vague in order to preserve the Singers' secrecy, but everyone in the clan knew of their research, so they saw no harm in mentioning the name. When they did, though, the Hurricane Herald that always accompanies Israphel pushed the Fae forward and wouldn't accept any alternatives. If anyone knows why this happened, it's Israphel, and he's not telling anyone. That's nothing new, though. Nobody in the Allclan knows much about him, not even Orchai and Tersia, the clan's leaders. And the mask he always wears doesn't help matters. Only time will tell if his inclusion helps or harms the group's efforts... Israphel's strengths include a vast amount of travel experience (even more than Petani) and incredible skill in melee combat, as well as the aid(?) of a wind elemental. Israphel himself doesn't seem to have any magic, however... ----- I may end up writing a larger story based on this; if so, I'll link it here. I need to get some lore things ironed out first, though (looking at you, Israphel.)
The Scholar


By trade, Petani is an alchemist. Truthfully, he has no professional motive for seeking out the Nocturnes, nor had he or anyone in the Allclan ever encountered one of them. His motivation for seeking them out boils down to simple curiosity - curiosity spawned by some strange creatures.

A year before, around the time of the winter solstice, creatures began appearing which were both like everyday objects and animals and yet not at all. They appeared over the course of a couple of weeks, then stopped appearing. Though many of them appeared which wicked teeth and illusory magic clearly meant for hunting, few of them were violent. Members of the clan became fond of the strange creatures, and they were kept around as pets.

But some of the clan's members weren't content with merely keeping them around; they wanted to know where the creatures had come from, and why. Two dragons headed the initiative to research the creatures, Petani being one of them. What they found was puzzling - though many of the creatures seemed to populate Sornieth, nobody seemed to actually know, or more accurately remember, where they'd come from. Little, consistent bits and pieces - songs, Shadow magic, a plant with unique magic - but nothing concrete. Regardless, the researchers continued to collate data, and eventually, from the tiny bits and pieces, a bigger picture began to form. A clan of Nocturnes in the Tangled Wood with a strange song-magic.

The researchers took turns going out on research trips to try and find this clan. Petani just happened to be the one who stumbled upon the plant so often mentioned, and thus was charged
with bringing together a party capable of finding Thana and the hatchlings.

Petani's strengths are his knowledge of the Nocturne Singers, extensive travel experience, and his alchemical knowledge to the party.

The Allies


Stardawn is the other researcher heading the mimic research project, and thus is the first person Petani goes to when told to assemble a party. Unlike Petani, Stardawn has connections in the Observatory, and thus access to some more sophisticated inventions and spells; also unlike Petani, she's only a student, and thus has to do some trickery to get the things they need.

Stardawn's main strengths are her knowledge on the Nocturne Singers, her access (however... rule-bending) to Observatory tech, and her sheer raw magic power - she's capable of spells Petani could only dream of (especially given his already lower magic capability).


Israphel was not the first person Petani thought of when tasked with finding a third person for their party. Standoffish and frequently silent, Israphel isn't much of a team player, however good his combat skills may be. But when Petani and Stardawn announced that they needed someone to go with them, something strange happened. They kept the details vague in order to preserve the Singers' secrecy, but everyone in the clan knew of their research, so they saw no harm in mentioning the name. When they did, though, the Hurricane Herald that always accompanies Israphel pushed the Fae forward and wouldn't accept any alternatives.

If anyone knows why this happened, it's Israphel, and he's not telling anyone. That's nothing new, though. Nobody in the Allclan knows much about him, not even Orchai and Tersia, the clan's leaders. And the mask he always wears doesn't help matters. Only time will tell if his inclusion helps or harms the group's efforts...

Israphel's strengths include a vast amount of travel experience (even more than Petani) and incredible skill in melee combat, as well as the aid(?) of a wind elemental. Israphel himself doesn't seem to have any magic, however...

I may end up writing a larger story based on this; if so, I'll link it here. I need to get some lore things ironed out first, though (looking at you, Israphel.)
If you buy dragons from me to exalt, please name them first!
[center][center]The Scholar[/center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Expulmarion is the scholar, and a librarian. He's extremely smart and cunning, but a horrible flier... He tends to prefer walking or the use of vehicles, hence he travels very slowly compared to most dragons. He also has extremely bad motion sickness, which means he practically travels only on foot. [center]The First Ally: Akirukh[/center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] As Mari's apprentice, he immediately joined Mari on his quest. He was quick to lend weapons, which were small needles coated in a plant-based poison. He also assists in gathering transport (which usually happens to be stealing it...) and helping Mari with his motion sickness. He deals with any wounds or injuries sustained on their journey using herbal remedies. [center]The Second Ally: Isokel[/center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Isokel joins Mari after learning about his goal, to help someone. She lends her familiars to help in battles and transport, since they don't make Mari sick to ride. She doesn't sleep much, so she is able to keep watch over them when they need to rest. Isokel sometimes hinders them however, when she gets lost (which is often), but her familiars help guide her back. She also has a thing for kids, so she is very motivated to find the hatchlings. [center]The Quest[/center] The three take eight days to trace clues and trails back to where Thana really is, as she's been very elusive and hard to catch. Mari kept dropping his glasses and getting them smudged, Akirukh "accidentally" poked Isokel's enormous black mamba with poisonous needles on multiple occasions, and Isokel got lost more times than can be counted. After successfully locating and finding Thana and the hatchlings, there was much negotiation from both sides. Thana is convinced to come back to her sister and home, along with the Singer hatchlings. The three are successful in their quest![/center]
The Scholar


Expulmarion is the scholar, and a librarian. He's extremely smart and cunning, but a horrible flier... He tends to prefer walking or the use of vehicles, hence he travels very slowly compared to most dragons. He also has extremely bad motion sickness, which means he practically travels only on foot.
The First Ally: Akirukh


As Mari's apprentice, he immediately joined Mari on his quest. He was quick to lend weapons, which were small needles coated in a plant-based poison. He also assists in gathering transport (which usually happens to be stealing it...) and helping Mari with his motion sickness. He deals with any wounds or injuries sustained on their journey using herbal remedies.
The Second Ally: Isokel


Isokel joins Mari after learning about his goal, to help someone. She lends her familiars to help in battles and transport, since they don't make Mari sick to ride. She doesn't sleep much, so she is able to keep watch over them when they need to rest. Isokel sometimes hinders them however, when she gets lost (which is often), but her familiars help guide her back. She also has a thing for kids, so she is very motivated to find the hatchlings.

The Quest
The three take eight days to trace clues and trails back to where Thana really is, as she's been very elusive and hard to catch. Mari kept dropping his glasses and getting them smudged, Akirukh "accidentally" poked Isokel's enormous black mamba with poisonous needles on multiple occasions, and Isokel got lost more times than can be counted. After successfully locating and finding Thana and the hatchlings, there was much negotiation from both sides. Thana is convinced to come back to her sister and home, along with the Singer hatchlings.

The three are successful in their quest!
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used to be SoullessRogue/SoullessARMY
send me a friend request or message, i'm happy to chat~ if you need help or have any questions i'm always open!

wishlist|Hibernal Den Item Trading Hub|i'll pay you to brew!
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[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] "You must come with me." The imposing ridgeback rumbled low to the pair, "You know the ways of shadow better than any. You, Cross, you were born a nocturne. You were [i]born[/i] on the solstice last year. Of arcane and shadow magic so strong it had to create a body to sustain itself. You, of all dragons, would know the ways of this magic." Her crackling stone-brown hide twisted and snarled around her mouth with her words. Bright blue and green veins of magic hissing and spitting from between each little fracture in her stony skin. Her bright arcane eyes turned to the other dragon, the dark skinned bogsneak relaxing his shoulders as that intense stare left him to fall on the jester-clad tundra, "And you, Paresse, you are the most skilled and dutiful tundra, second only to Rider--" [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The ever-clever jester laughed, interrupting the progenitor, "And so why not ask him? You are the ancient and great Imirear. Surely you could call him back from his latest endeavor. Leave me to my napping and joking." Long canines flash from behind peridot lips as he sneered. The bells of his clothing jingling softly as he stood up, prepared to leave as he turned away from the other two. His long legs carried him a short distance away before Imirear spoke again. [u][i]"There are hatchlings at stake, Paresse."[/i][/u] The jester froze in place, a paw in the air. The branches that grew from his shoulders almost seemed to wilt a bit. Slowly, hesitantly, the tundra peered back at the ridgeback through slitted holes in his mask. "Two little nocturne siblings, Paresse. They are hardly grown, last seen scared and trembling under the brush. They are singers. And they need our help." [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Singers?" The bogsneak finally spoke, "I've only heard whispers of such dragons. The only nocturnes who can keep a sense of self." The ridgeback nodded in confirmation. The sound of jingling bells caught their attention, only to see that the jester had stubbornly continued walking. Imirear frowned and shook her head. "A shame. Perhaps I can track them with their magic...?" The bogsneak offered tenatively, to which the ridgeback nodded. "So it seems we will have to try, Cross. Rider cannot be brought back from any of his quests." She stood from her seat and motioned to Cross, "We need to prepare, you need to inform your father. I will meet you outside the lair." xXxXx Hours later found the pair in a bind. Not literally, perhaps, but where could they go from here? Imirear had brought Cross to the very place where Shadowsong had ambushed her. But Cross could not uncover any sign of magic. Either Thana had been clever and not used magic when she'd attacked her sister, or the magic was so cleverly hidden that even Cross could not detect it. The former seemed more likely. Imirear sighed, "We will have to go back. Wait for Rider to return. He will still be able to pick up their scent, even if it takes him a week to return." Cross protested, "We cannot leave two helpless hatchlings in danger." He tried to stand straighter on his stumpy legs, brows furrowing behind his blindfold. The ridgeback sighed and turned back to face him. "The danger, Cross, lies in Thana training them as they grow. Nocturnes may grow quickly, but within a week, their magic will not be matured enough to be of any use to Thana. There is time. I hate it as much as you, Cross, but I spent hundreds of years within the Observatory. I helped to care for the young who were exalted. I know how long it takes any race of dragon to mature magically." She leaned down and nudged him gently with her nose, "It will be alright, Cross. Rider may even return tomorrow." The bogsneak, still vastly young in comparison, opened his mouth to protest once again, but sighed instead. This battle was lost. There was no convincing the ancient arcane woman. He slumped back down and nodded, about to follow the imposing scholar back to their lair, when a soft jingling snagged his attention. He turned, fins on his head tilting. "Paresse?" The blind bogsneak's voice was faintly amused as he took a guess as to the source of the sound. Imirear turned as well, not spotting the jester at first until she saw a thorn brush move against the darkness of the bramble. Then her eyes adjusted to make out the shape of the tundra, his apparel changed to match the depths of Shadow territory. She smiled as he huffed and spoke. [img],25205,8955,10536,25201,25203,25206,15271,25204,25202,5161,352&xt=dressing.png[/img] "I'm not gonna have any of this waiting for an old man on a hunting trip bull crap. I found their scent. Let's go." His voice was annoyed and grouchy, but there was a spark behind the mask. A fury to surpass a guardian with a hurt charge. The lazy jester got up for one thing and one thing alone. [i]Hatchlings.[/i][/center]


"You must come with me." The imposing ridgeback rumbled low to the pair, "You know the ways of shadow better than any. You, Cross, you were born a nocturne. You were born on the solstice last year. Of arcane and shadow magic so strong it had to create a body to sustain itself. You, of all dragons, would know the ways of this magic."

Her crackling stone-brown hide twisted and snarled around her mouth with her words. Bright blue and green veins of magic hissing and spitting from between each little fracture in her stony skin. Her bright arcane eyes turned to the other dragon, the dark skinned bogsneak relaxing his shoulders as that intense stare left him to fall on the jester-clad tundra, "And you, Paresse, you are the most skilled and dutiful tundra, second only to Rider--"


The ever-clever jester laughed, interrupting the progenitor, "And so why not ask him? You are the ancient and great Imirear. Surely you could call him back from his latest endeavor. Leave me to my napping and joking." Long canines flash from behind peridot lips as he sneered. The bells of his clothing jingling softly as he stood up, prepared to leave as he turned away from the other two. His long legs carried him a short distance away before Imirear spoke again.

"There are hatchlings at stake, Paresse."

The jester froze in place, a paw in the air. The branches that grew from his shoulders almost seemed to wilt a bit. Slowly, hesitantly, the tundra peered back at the ridgeback through slitted holes in his mask.

"Two little nocturne siblings, Paresse. They are hardly grown, last seen scared and trembling under the brush. They are singers. And they need our help."


"Singers?" The bogsneak finally spoke, "I've only heard whispers of such dragons. The only nocturnes who can keep a sense of self." The ridgeback nodded in confirmation. The sound of jingling bells caught their attention, only to see that the jester had stubbornly continued walking. Imirear frowned and shook her head.

"A shame. Perhaps I can track them with their magic...?" The bogsneak offered tenatively, to which the ridgeback nodded.

"So it seems we will have to try, Cross. Rider cannot be brought back from any of his quests." She stood from her seat and motioned to Cross, "We need to prepare, you need to inform your father. I will meet you outside the lair."


Hours later found the pair in a bind. Not literally, perhaps, but where could they go from here?
Imirear had brought Cross to the very place where Shadowsong had ambushed her. But Cross could not uncover any sign of magic. Either Thana had been clever and not used magic when she'd attacked her sister, or the magic was so cleverly hidden that even Cross could not detect it. The former seemed more likely. Imirear sighed, "We will have to go back. Wait for Rider to return. He will still be able to pick up their scent, even if it takes him a week to return."

Cross protested, "We cannot leave two helpless hatchlings in danger." He tried to stand straighter on his stumpy legs, brows furrowing behind his blindfold. The ridgeback sighed and turned back to face him.

"The danger, Cross, lies in Thana training them as they grow. Nocturnes may grow quickly,
but within a week, their magic will not be matured enough to be of any use to Thana. There is time. I hate it as much as you, Cross, but I spent hundreds of years within the Observatory. I helped to care for the young who were exalted. I know how long it takes any race of dragon to mature magically."

She leaned down and nudged him gently with her nose, "It will be alright, Cross. Rider may even return tomorrow." The bogsneak, still vastly young in comparison, opened his mouth to protest once again, but sighed instead. This battle was lost. There was no convincing the ancient arcane woman. He slumped back down and nodded, about to follow the imposing scholar back to their lair, when a soft jingling snagged his attention. He turned, fins on his head tilting.

"Paresse?" The blind bogsneak's voice was faintly amused as he took a guess as to the source of the sound. Imirear turned as well, not spotting the jester at first until she saw a thorn brush move against the darkness of the bramble. Then her eyes adjusted to make out the shape of the tundra, his apparel changed to match the depths of Shadow territory. She smiled as he huffed and spoke.


"I'm not gonna have any of this waiting for an old man on a hunting trip bull crap. I found their scent. Let's go."

His voice was annoyed and grouchy, but there was a spark behind the mask.

A fury to surpass a guardian with a hurt charge.

The lazy jester got up for one thing and one thing alone.

[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center]
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Kaleyard, a scholar of necromancy, was studying those imposter species who can mimic the dead. Stumbled upon the Singer clan. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lorem, while themselves are an imposter, is an ally of Kaleyard. However, due to their psychopathic behavior, one should be cautious near them. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Qualia, the second ally, is a messenger for the dead, she can sneak into places without being noticed. ------------------- The whole story is quite long, you can read it [url=]here[/url].


Kaleyard, a scholar of necromancy, was studying those imposter species who can mimic the dead. Stumbled upon the Singer clan.


Lorem, while themselves are an imposter, is an ally of Kaleyard. However, due to their psychopathic behavior, one should be cautious near them.


Qualia, the second ally, is a messenger for the dead, she can sneak into places without being noticed.

The whole story is quite long, you can read it here.
Golden filigree of mustard flower. Used in Lost in the Woods dom event. This link to pinglist of my foddart shop.A silver filigree of an asphodel flower and two pairs of dragonfly wings.A plushie of an Obelisk. This link to my avatar dragon.
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Halwyn's heart pounded out of time with his wingbeats, a painful flurry within his chest as his thoughts swam madly. His breathing irregular, he could feel the pressure of tears forming behind his bright pink eyes, only making his flight that much more difficult. He had to make it to the Highland Scrub to seek help from his clan mates--but he could barely fly straight! His familiar, a Snowflake Nymph named Paige, looked to her friend with deep concern furrowing her brow. As she spoke on his behalf, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt that she couldn't convince Shadowsong to find a better candidate for this mission… And that she did such a poor job in defending her beloved friend. She could give him support now to be sure, but that entire situation was so alarming, it was any wonder Halwyn as even able to take flight. She placed a cold hand on his cheek, which seemed to snap him back to his senses... At least somewhat. Wide-eyed, the Imperial glanced over to her. [center][img][/img][/center] "I think you should land!" Paige stated firmly. Shuddering breath, Halwyn eventually nodded and slowly made a descent for a slightly rough landing. His short legs paced this way and that, wings flapping in an uncomfortable way. His jaw shuddered as he tried to regulate his breathing. He was having a meltdown, and at this rate he was in no case to fly. Not to mention the fact that he could still feel the pain of Shadowsong's attack in his neck and wings... His claws tensed up, digging into the earth below them. "Halwyn," Paige continued, "Breathe. It's going to be okay." the nymph flew to his side, grabbing hold of his snout and pressing her forehead against it gently, "Take a moment to collect yourself." The Imperial screwed his eyes shut tightly, his jaw tensing as tears began to spill from his eyes. This was a task that was far too much for him to handle. He shouldn't have gone after those plants, he shouldn't have gone into the Foxfire Bramble! Why did he have such an undying curiosity? He should have left very well alone! He would gladly have sacrificed being “right” for the sake of mental ease. How on earth was he going to handle this situation, besides? He couldn't fight, he couldn't even talk to a stranger! "Hey," Paige's voice was calm and soothing, "I could go the rest of the way," she cooed, "I'll get your friends, and if it helps, I can get your parents." although she knew he wouldn't be able to respond verbally, she waited for his reply. Though at this point, she didn't think he could even speak to his parents, let alone to her in this state. His jaw was glued shut and what little voice he had simply left him. Slowly and with jerking motions, Halwyn nodded. He didn't want to be left alone, but he himself knew he wouldn't be able to make it all the way home. Time was of the essence, and they couldn’t wait for him to calm down. Paige smiled tenderly as she backed away, soon flying towards Halwyn's bag. From it she produced an old book that had been rebound countless times and smelled of ancient times. It was a bit of a security blanket to Halwyn, and the sheer use of it showed. She passed it to the Imperial. "Read this while I'm gone," she instructed, "I'll be back soon. Take it easy and keep yourself busy, okay?" Halwyn took the book and nodded once more. He trusted her with his life, but wished he could go along with her himself... Paige's flight back to the Highland Scrub seemed to take no time at all, though night was starting to creep over the horizon like a Manticore on the prowl. Her heart trembled; were they going to have enough time to find those hatchlings? Would they be able to stop Thana? She took in a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She couldn't fly into a panic, not when so much was at stake! Finally she reached the clan--the first dragon she met was Reinhart, who was perched atop a pillar, watching the sky and waiting for the sun to set. To those unfamiliar she would have almost looked like a painted statue until she moved. The Spiral glanced to Paige as she passed by, giving a warm smile. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] "Welcome back, my friend.~" she hummed in a smooth, alluring way, "Might I ask where Halwyn is?" "Reinhart!" Paige exclaimed. She hadn't realized how out of breath she was until now, "Listen! Halwyn--no, the entirety of Sornieth is in trouble!" she gasped. The Spiral's head rose, her green eyes widening a touch, "Is that so?" her alluring voice had quickly faded away, "Where is Halwyn now?" she asked again with a firmer tone. "I had to leave him behind in the Sunbeam Ruins," Paige explained hastily, "He was in no condition to fly, and we should really return to him soon! I've gotta find Anixo and Braith--they'll know what to do!" she was still having a hard time catching her breath... But after that flight, who could blame her? Wordlessly Reinhart nodded and took flight, leading the nymph to where she had last seen the clan's leader. They spotted the old Nocturne, who appeared to be discussing something with a few of the other dragons within the clan. As they approached, it seemed as though he was explaining what the Night of the Nocturne actually was--these dragons were quite young and hadn't experienced it themselves yet. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/center] "Anixo!" Paige cried, "We need to talk to you! Right now!!" Turning towards the Nymph and Spiral, Anixo dismissed the other two dragons, "Yes?" though his brow held a twinge of concern, his voice was level, "What is it?" Although her words were hastily spat out and she tripped over them quite a bit, she explained the situation in full to the leader. He listened intently, his expression growing grave as the story progressed. The danger was very real in this case--there was no doubt about that. He had fought numerous invading mimics and imposters in the past, and he wasn’t about to take this lightly. Standing on his hind legs Anixo placed a claw to his chin, a chill passing over him as the familiarity of the story struck him as odd. There was more to last year’s festival than he could easily recall... Should he bring that to light…? For now, he chose to ignore it. "I see," he mused, "We must act quickly then." looking up to Reinhart with a meaningful stare he asked her, "Reinhart. Would you join myself and Halwyn on this journey?" The Spiral blinked in surprise, "Hm? Me?" she shifted uncomfortably on her feet, her tail waying about anxiously, "Are you certain Anixo? Surely Almandine or Mikael would be better suited to such a task!" "That may be true," the Nocturne continued, "However I have an idea... You may not be at all related to these dragons, however your singing skills are near unparalleled in the entirety of the Shifting Expanse. It has mysterious powers..." "Yes, but even I don't know the extent of those!" she squeaked. Suddenly her natural confidence had melted away, replaced with fear and worry for what was about to fall upon her beloved home, "Certainly my voice is alluring and hypnotic, but I couldn't hope to compare to the singing of those Nocturne dragons!" "I suppose now it's time we explore that. I'm confident in your skills, Reinhart. If nothing else, your singing may allow us to find those hatchlings." his pink eyes were intense, though there was an understanding glint within them. He and the Spiral locked eyes for a moment, before she finally nodded. "We shouldn't worry the rest of the clan too much," Anixo concluded, "For now I'll inform Braith, Almandine and Mikael of the situation--if we don't return by morning, I'll ask them to come find us within the Tangled Wood." a foreboding thought, but there was no time to dwell on it as he flew away. While Anixo went to find those dragons, Reinhart and Paige went to collect items that might help them on their task. Magical items, a few small weapons, and extra food to feed Halwyn. The tension in the air was palpable, and it was to the point where Reinhart just wanted to get moving. The sooner they tried to take care of this situation, the better... Anixo seemed to arrive in the nick of time, lighting down beside the Spiral, "Are we prepared?" he asked. "I... I think so." Paige proclaimed. It seemed as though her own confidence was returning, "We've prepared some spells, potions, weapons, and food." she handed a satchel full of items to Anixo, who took it and immediately slung it over his shoulder. "Very good. Let's not waste any more time." without another word he took off for the Sunbeam Ruins, Reinhart close on his tail, and Paige clinging to his back. She had already flown this distance once, no need to exhaust her further before what could be a dangerous fight. Dusk had taken the land and gripped it with its sharp orange claws, nightfall not far behind. The trio didn't speak as the tension was only rising, each one devising strategies in their heads as they tried to brace themselves for what was to come. One of the most chilling thoughts about all of this was that no one knew what to expect. Even Anixo knew little about this mysterious clan of singing Nocturne dragons... Though he did know more than enough about the mimics, and the danger of those foul creatures. They arrived at the ruins, finding Halwyn sorting through his scrolls. He smiled weakly when he saw the others coming, tucking his irrelevant research away as they landed around him. Anixo was the first to act, rubbing his head and neck against the other's, despite being dwarfed by his adopted son. Halwyn had clearly calmed down significantly since Paige had left, though his entire body was still tense. "Don't worry," Anixo cooed soothingly, "We'll take care of this. Everything will be alright." Halwyn merely nodded in reply. His jaw was still sealed shut, but with the posture of his shoulders and wings, it was clear that he was more at ease with his father around. “Are you alright, Halwyn?” Reinhart inquired intently. She stood beside him and gently brushed her head against his shoulders. The Imperial simply nodded again, a faint smile on his lips. “What did you find within your research papers?” Paige piped, now hovering over his work, “Seems you’ve come to a new conclusion! Or at the very least, figured something out.” she glanced to a map of the Tangled Wood, her eyes observing the markings he had made over it. The area where he had hidden the plants and encountered Shadowsong had been marked with blue, as well as the location where he had procured the plants in the first place. There were further markings, this time in red, scattered about the map. Halwyn then slipped her a bit of parchment, which he had written on. His handwriting was usually neat, though it was clear that his claws had been shaking while he wrote. It read, “[i]Shadowsong is right. If I could find Singer magic hidden within the twisting labyrinth that is the Tangled Wood, I should be able to locate where Thana had hidden the hatchlings. I have theories, though they must be hidden somewhere secret and secluded, difficult to get to unless you’re cunning like the Shadow dragons that live within the wood. It’s dangerous, but the locations I marked in red might be locations the imposters use as strongholds.[/i]” “Most of these are within the Foxfire Bramble…” Anixo pointed out. He mused quietly as his eyes scoured the map with great intent. Though he hailed from an Arcane clan, the Tangled Wood was a place he had ventured in the past, seeking for more information on his background and species, “This reaches even as deep as the Obscured Crescent…” he pointed to a place towards the heart of the wood. Halwyn started to write once again, his claws still shaking as he carefully wrote each word. He handed the parchment to Anixo, “[i]I’m uncertain if a clan is that far, but I theorize Singer magic could be that deep into the wood. For the sake of safety, we will search that one last.[/i]” With a proud smile, he placed a claw on Halwyn’s shoulder, “Good on you, Halwyn,” the dragon praised, “A good lead, at any rate.” he gazed back at the map, then placed his claw to the larger of the blue markings, “Is this where you found the magic?” he wondered. When the Imperial nodded, Anixo made a small “hm,” before pointing to a red x marking a good distance away, “They need to keep themselves hidden from the Singing Nocturne, yes? It shouldn’t be too much a stretch to assume their stronghold is a distance away. Let’s try here, first.” Everyone seemed to be in agreement to the idea. Once Halwyn’s parchment and scrolls were all put away the three dragons took to the skies, Paige now riding on Halwyn’s back. Night overtook the land, blanketing them in stars--though it wasn’t as if the additional darkness would have made much of a difference in the land of shadows. Night or day, it was difficult for any dragon not attune to Shadow magic or nocturnal to navigate the darkened corners of the Tangled Wood. [center][size=6][b][url=]CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST ON TUMBLR![/url][/b][/size] [size=4][b]USE CTRL + F TO FIND "CONTINUED FROM FLIGHT RISING"[/b][/size] SilverStarSheep back at it again with a short novel... Though instead of the 4k words that last year's had... This time it's 6k. ^^; I hope you enjoy reading it though! This was fun!~[/center]

Halwyn's heart pounded out of time with his wingbeats, a painful flurry within his chest as his thoughts swam madly. His breathing irregular, he could feel the pressure of tears forming behind his bright pink eyes, only making his flight that much more difficult. He had to make it to the Highland Scrub to seek help from his clan mates--but he could barely fly straight!

His familiar, a Snowflake Nymph named Paige, looked to her friend with deep concern furrowing her brow. As she spoke on his behalf, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt that she couldn't convince Shadowsong to find a better candidate for this mission… And that she did such a poor job in defending her beloved friend. She could give him support now to be sure, but that entire situation was so alarming, it was any wonder Halwyn as even able to take flight. She placed a cold hand on his cheek, which seemed to snap him back to his senses... At least somewhat. Wide-eyed, the Imperial glanced over to her.

"I think you should land!" Paige stated firmly.

Shuddering breath, Halwyn eventually nodded and slowly made a descent for a slightly rough landing. His short legs paced this way and that, wings flapping in an uncomfortable way. His jaw shuddered as he tried to regulate his breathing. He was having a meltdown, and at this rate he was in no case to fly. Not to mention the fact that he could still feel the pain of Shadowsong's attack in his neck and wings... His claws tensed up, digging into the earth below them.

"Halwyn," Paige continued, "Breathe. It's going to be okay." the nymph flew to his side, grabbing hold of his snout and pressing her forehead against it gently, "Take a moment to collect yourself."

The Imperial screwed his eyes shut tightly, his jaw tensing as tears began to spill from his eyes. This was a task that was far too much for him to handle. He shouldn't have gone after those plants, he shouldn't have gone into the Foxfire Bramble! Why did he have such an undying curiosity? He should have left very well alone! He would gladly have sacrificed being “right” for the sake of mental ease. How on earth was he going to handle this situation, besides? He couldn't fight, he couldn't even talk to a stranger!

"Hey," Paige's voice was calm and soothing, "I could go the rest of the way," she cooed, "I'll get your friends, and if it helps, I can get your parents." although she knew he wouldn't be able to respond verbally, she waited for his reply. Though at this point, she didn't think he could even speak to his parents, let alone to her in this state. His jaw was glued shut and what little voice he had simply left him.

Slowly and with jerking motions, Halwyn nodded. He didn't want to be left alone, but he himself knew he wouldn't be able to make it all the way home. Time was of the essence, and they couldn’t wait for him to calm down. Paige smiled tenderly as she backed away, soon flying towards Halwyn's bag. From it she produced an old book that had been rebound countless times and smelled of ancient times. It was a bit of a security blanket to Halwyn, and the sheer use of it showed. She passed it to the Imperial.

"Read this while I'm gone," she instructed, "I'll be back soon. Take it easy and keep yourself busy, okay?" Halwyn took the book and nodded once more. He trusted her with his life, but wished he could go along with her himself...

Paige's flight back to the Highland Scrub seemed to take no time at all, though night was starting to creep over the horizon like a Manticore on the prowl. Her heart trembled; were they going to have enough time to find those hatchlings? Would they be able to stop Thana? She took in a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She couldn't fly into a panic, not when so much was at stake!

Finally she reached the clan--the first dragon she met was Reinhart, who was perched atop a pillar, watching the sky and waiting for the sun to set. To those unfamiliar she would have almost looked like a painted statue until she moved. The Spiral glanced to Paige as she passed by, giving a warm smile.

"Welcome back, my friend.~" she hummed in a smooth, alluring way, "Might I ask where Halwyn is?"

"Reinhart!" Paige exclaimed. She hadn't realized how out of breath she was until now, "Listen! Halwyn--no, the entirety of Sornieth is in trouble!" she gasped.

The Spiral's head rose, her green eyes widening a touch, "Is that so?" her alluring voice had quickly faded away, "Where is Halwyn now?" she asked again with a firmer tone.

"I had to leave him behind in the Sunbeam Ruins," Paige explained hastily, "He was in no condition to fly, and we should really return to him soon! I've gotta find Anixo and Braith--they'll know what to do!" she was still having a hard time catching her breath... But after that flight, who could blame her?

Wordlessly Reinhart nodded and took flight, leading the nymph to where she had last seen the clan's leader. They spotted the old Nocturne, who appeared to be discussing something with a few of the other dragons within the clan. As they approached, it seemed as though he was explaining what the Night of the Nocturne actually was--these dragons were quite young and hadn't experienced it themselves yet.
"Anixo!" Paige cried, "We need to talk to you! Right now!!"

Turning towards the Nymph and Spiral, Anixo dismissed the other two dragons, "Yes?" though his brow held a twinge of concern, his voice was level, "What is it?"

Although her words were hastily spat out and she tripped over them quite a bit, she explained the situation in full to the leader. He listened intently, his expression growing grave as the story progressed. The danger was very real in this case--there was no doubt about that. He had fought numerous invading mimics and imposters in the past, and he wasn’t about to take this lightly. Standing on his hind legs Anixo placed a claw to his chin, a chill passing over him as the familiarity of the story struck him as odd. There was more to last year’s festival than he could easily recall... Should he bring that to light…? For now, he chose to ignore it.

"I see," he mused, "We must act quickly then." looking up to Reinhart with a meaningful stare he asked her, "Reinhart. Would you join myself and Halwyn on this journey?"

The Spiral blinked in surprise, "Hm? Me?" she shifted uncomfortably on her feet, her tail waying about anxiously, "Are you certain Anixo? Surely Almandine or Mikael would be better suited to such a task!"

"That may be true," the Nocturne continued, "However I have an idea... You may not be at all related to these dragons, however your singing skills are near unparalleled in the entirety of the Shifting Expanse. It has mysterious powers..."

"Yes, but even I don't know the extent of those!" she squeaked. Suddenly her natural confidence had melted away, replaced with fear and worry for what was about to fall upon her beloved home, "Certainly my voice is alluring and hypnotic, but I couldn't hope to compare to the singing of those Nocturne dragons!"

"I suppose now it's time we explore that. I'm confident in your skills, Reinhart. If nothing else, your singing may allow us to find those hatchlings." his pink eyes were intense, though there was an understanding glint within them. He and the Spiral locked eyes for a moment, before she finally nodded.

"We shouldn't worry the rest of the clan too much," Anixo concluded, "For now I'll inform Braith, Almandine and Mikael of the situation--if we don't return by morning, I'll ask them to come find us within the Tangled Wood." a foreboding thought, but there was no time to dwell on it as he flew away.

While Anixo went to find those dragons, Reinhart and Paige went to collect items that might help them on their task. Magical items, a few small weapons, and extra food to feed Halwyn. The tension in the air was palpable, and it was to the point where Reinhart just wanted to get moving. The sooner they tried to take care of this situation, the better...

Anixo seemed to arrive in the nick of time, lighting down beside the Spiral, "Are we prepared?" he asked.

"I... I think so." Paige proclaimed. It seemed as though her own confidence was returning, "We've prepared some spells, potions, weapons, and food." she handed a satchel full of items to Anixo, who took it and immediately slung it over his shoulder.

"Very good. Let's not waste any more time." without another word he took off for the Sunbeam Ruins, Reinhart close on his tail, and Paige clinging to his back. She had already flown this distance once, no need to exhaust her further before what could be a dangerous fight.

Dusk had taken the land and gripped it with its sharp orange claws, nightfall not far behind. The trio didn't speak as the tension was only rising, each one devising strategies in their heads as they tried to brace themselves for what was to come. One of the most chilling thoughts about all of this was that no one knew what to expect. Even Anixo knew little about this mysterious clan of singing Nocturne dragons... Though he did know more than enough about the mimics, and the danger of those foul creatures.

They arrived at the ruins, finding Halwyn sorting through his scrolls. He smiled weakly when he saw the others coming, tucking his irrelevant research away as they landed around him. Anixo was the first to act, rubbing his head and neck against the other's, despite being dwarfed by his adopted son. Halwyn had clearly calmed down significantly since Paige had left, though his entire body was still tense.

"Don't worry," Anixo cooed soothingly, "We'll take care of this. Everything will be alright." Halwyn merely nodded in reply. His jaw was still sealed shut, but with the posture of his shoulders and wings, it was clear that he was more at ease with his father around.

“Are you alright, Halwyn?” Reinhart inquired intently. She stood beside him and gently brushed her head against his shoulders. The Imperial simply nodded again, a faint smile on his lips.

“What did you find within your research papers?” Paige piped, now hovering over his work, “Seems you’ve come to a new conclusion! Or at the very least, figured something out.” she glanced to a map of the Tangled Wood, her eyes observing the markings he had made over it. The area where he had hidden the plants and encountered Shadowsong had been marked with blue, as well as the location where he had procured the plants in the first place. There were further markings, this time in red, scattered about the map.

Halwyn then slipped her a bit of parchment, which he had written on. His handwriting was usually neat, though it was clear that his claws had been shaking while he wrote. It read, “Shadowsong is right. If I could find Singer magic hidden within the twisting labyrinth that is the Tangled Wood, I should be able to locate where Thana had hidden the hatchlings. I have theories, though they must be hidden somewhere secret and secluded, difficult to get to unless you’re cunning like the Shadow dragons that live within the wood. It’s dangerous, but the locations I marked in red might be locations the imposters use as strongholds.

“Most of these are within the Foxfire Bramble…” Anixo pointed out. He mused quietly as his eyes scoured the map with great intent. Though he hailed from an Arcane clan, the Tangled Wood was a place he had ventured in the past, seeking for more information on his background and species, “This reaches even as deep as the Obscured Crescent…” he pointed to a place towards the heart of the wood.

Halwyn started to write once again, his claws still shaking as he carefully wrote each word. He handed the parchment to Anixo, “I’m uncertain if a clan is that far, but I theorize Singer magic could be that deep into the wood. For the sake of safety, we will search that one last.

With a proud smile, he placed a claw on Halwyn’s shoulder, “Good on you, Halwyn,” the dragon praised, “A good lead, at any rate.” he gazed back at the map, then placed his claw to the larger of the blue markings, “Is this where you found the magic?” he wondered. When the Imperial nodded, Anixo made a small “hm,” before pointing to a red x marking a good distance away, “They need to keep themselves hidden from the Singing Nocturne, yes? It shouldn’t be too much a stretch to assume their stronghold is a distance away. Let’s try here, first.”

Everyone seemed to be in agreement to the idea. Once Halwyn’s parchment and scrolls were all put away the three dragons took to the skies, Paige now riding on Halwyn’s back. Night overtook the land, blanketing them in stars--though it wasn’t as if the additional darkness would have made much of a difference in the land of shadows. Night or day, it was difficult for any dragon not attune to Shadow magic or nocturnal to navigate the darkened corners of the Tangled Wood.

SilverStarSheep back at it again with a short novel... Though instead of the 4k words that last year's had... This time it's 6k. ^^; I hope you enjoy reading it though! This was fun!~
Hi I'm SilverStarsheep.
* Carrd *
* Wishlist *
[img],20832,20564,20565,20566,20568,20570,20569&xt=dressing.png[/img] [b]The Scholar[/b] [Otoros Faviidaeson] [img],10366,10373,10379,10387,10394,10401,10717,10738,10745,10752&xt=dressing.png[/img] [b]The First Ally[/b] [Jisa Doransblood] [img],1552,12932,12925,950,951&xt=dressing.png[/img] [b]The Second Ally[/b] [Eskame Corrigansblood] Who are their allies? Otoros' allies are his best friends, Jisa and Eskame. He's known them since they were all hatchlings, and though Jisa is rather prissy, and Eskame a bit of a stoner, they're both very loyal to him. Are the allies fellow scholars? Magicians? Warriors? Thieves? Jisa Doransblood is the daughter to the high priest of their land. She is always very prim and proper. Eskame Corrigansblood is another scholar, though she's a total stoner but does very good, if odd, work. How did the scholar convince them to take on such a dangerous and possibly deadly task? He only had to ask. Jisa was glad of the escape from talk of marrying her off, and Eskame was too high to care about the risk. Find Thana, find the hatchlings. Do they succeed? They succeed, if only barely. Each left with their lives, though Otoros will never fly again and Jisa may well be infertile from the blow to her belly. Eskame was the least wounded, and cared for them all including the hatchlings on the way home to Shadowsong.
The Scholar
[Otoros Faviidaeson]

The First Ally
[Jisa Doransblood]

The Second Ally
[Eskame Corrigansblood]

Who are their allies?
Otoros' allies are his best friends, Jisa and Eskame. He's known them since they were all hatchlings, and though Jisa is rather prissy, and Eskame a bit of a stoner, they're both very loyal to him.

Are the allies fellow scholars? Magicians? Warriors? Thieves?
Jisa Doransblood is the daughter to the high priest of their land. She is always very prim and proper.
Eskame Corrigansblood is another scholar, though she's a total stoner but does very good, if odd, work.

How did the scholar convince them to take on such a dangerous and possibly deadly task?
He only had to ask. Jisa was glad of the escape from talk of marrying her off, and Eskame was too high to care about the risk.

Find Thana, find the hatchlings.

Do they succeed?
They succeed, if only barely. Each left with their lives, though Otoros will never fly again and Jisa may well be infertile from the blow to her belly. Eskame was the least wounded, and cared for them all including the hatchlings on the way home to Shadowsong.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url]

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