

Community created guides, helpful strategies, and more.
TOPIC | [TOOLS] Super Lair SS - New Owner
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You're very welcome! I'm glad it's so useful to you. I totally understand the need for organization - I'm the same way. :)

I'll get you added!
You're very welcome! I'm glad it's so useful to you. I totally understand the need for organization - I'm the same way. :)

I'll get you added!
Btw, someday it might be nice to have a space on the breeding sheet where we can keep tabs on the profit made by each pair. It would be a quick way to see at a glance whether it's been a good combination or not.
Btw, someday it might be nice to have a space on the breeding sheet where we can keep tabs on the profit made by each pair. It would be a quick way to see at a glance whether it's been a good combination or not.
Hm. Could be pretty easy to do, yeah. Either as a simple spot on each pair's space, or as a separate tab altogether. I'll try to add that here soon.
Hm. Could be pretty easy to do, yeah. Either as a simple spot on each pair's space, or as a separate tab altogether. I'll try to add that here soon.
Oh my gosh, this is beautiful - would you mind adding me to the pinglist? This is such a glorious beautiful resource, I'm practically drooling over here. I cannot wait to get my copies all set up!
Oh my gosh, this is beautiful - would you mind adding me to the pinglist? This is such a glorious beautiful resource, I'm practically drooling over here. I cannot wait to get my copies all set up!
Glad you like it! I'll be happy to, no problem!
Glad you like it! I'll be happy to, no problem!
@Siscily Is there some way I can edit the code on the lab sheet to produce this? If not that's fine, I've been doing these by hand as notes to myself for breeding and setting up my hatchery (finally..). It just takes a long while to convert all of the code over .. x.x I'd be fine even taking the words out to be honest. I don't expect the quote box to be included either, just a way to format the sheet to set the dragons to the side instead of how they get set up now. [center][url=][center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][b][u]Corra x Daruk[/u][/b][/center] [color=transparent]___________________________________[/color][nextcol][center][b]Wildclaw 100%[/b] [u]Primary: Falcon 75% - Ripple 25%[/u] [size=5][color=#e1e0ff]♦[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#000000]Orca[/color][/size] [u]Secondary: Seraph 25% - Current 75%[/u] [size=5][color=#e1e0ff]♦[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#000000]Orca[/color][/size] [u]Tertiary: Scales 50% - Spines 50%[/u] [size=5][color=#e1e0ff]♦[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#000000]Orca[/color][/size][/center][/columns] [quote=Title Here]Lore Here.[/quote] [b]longer color range example[/b] [center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][b][u]Mirna x Lemanruss[/u][/b][/center] [color=transparent]___________________________________[/color][nextcol][center][b]Wildclaw 100%[/b] [u]Primary: Skink 3% - Savannah 90%[/u] [size=5][color=#20603e]♦[/color][color=#236825]♦[/color][color=#1e371a]♦[/color][color=#1e2716]♦[/color][color=#425036]♦[/color][color=#51684c]♦[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#000000]Emerald, Shamrock, Jungle, Hunter, Forest, Camo[/color][/size] [u]Secondary: Eye Spot 75% - Seraph 25 %[/u] [size=5][color=#e22d18]♦[/color][color=#cd000f]♦[/color][color=#aa0024]♦[/color][color=#840113]♦[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#000000]Vermillion, Ruby, Cherry, Crimson[/color][/size] [u]Tertiary: Scales 97% - Stained 3%[/u] [size=5][color=#827a65]♦[/color][color=#6e665b]♦[/color][color=#564d48]♦[/color][color=#76645a]♦[/color][color=#977b6d]♦[/color][color=#774840]♦[/color][color=#613f3e]♦[/color][color=#57372c]♦[/color][color=#301e1a]♦[/color][color=#5a4534]♦[/color][color=#73583b]♦[/color][color=#865c32]♦[/color][color=#91532c]♦[/color][color=#8e5b40]♦[/color][color=#573013]♦[/color][color=#7b3c1d]♦[/color][color=#a14b2a]♦[/color][color=#8b3222]♦[/color][color=#ba311e]♦[/color][color=#e22d18]♦[/color] [color=#cd000f]♦[/color][color=#aa0024]♦[/color][color=#840113]♦[/color][color=#5b0e14]♦[/color][color=#2e0002]♦[/color][color=#451717]♦[/color][color=#662028]♦[/color][color=#8c272d]♦[/color][color=#c2272d]♦[/color][color=#df3236]♦[/color][color=#a3282a]♦[/color][color=#b1393a]♦[/color][color=#9a534d]♦[/color][color=#cb706f]♦[/color][color=#ffa2a2]♦[/color][color=#ec7998]♦[/color][color=#db518d]♦[/color][color=#ea34ab]♦[/color][color=#ec0089]♦[/color][color=#8a024a]♦[/color] [color=#4e1029]♦[/color][color=#9b4874]♦[/color][color=#e77ec0]♦[/color][color=#e5a9ff]♦[/color][color=#ffd6f6]♦[/color][color=#fbedfa]♦[/color][color=#fffce9]♦[/color][color=#ffefdd]♦[/color][color=#d7d4cd]♦[/color][color=#ffffff]♦[/color][color=#d8d6d7]♦[/color][color=#f0f2ff]♦[/color][color=#e1e0ff]♦[/color][color=#c8bdcd]♦[/color][color=#bab9be]♦[/color][color=#9c9c9e]♦[/color][color=#808080]♦[/color][color=#9394a9]♦[/color][color=#535264]♦[/color][color=#413d3e]♦[/color] [color=#4d484f]♦[/color][color=#636268]♦[/color][color=#545454]♦[/color][color=#4a4945]♦[/color][color=#332a25]♦[/color][color=#333333]♦[/color][color=#1d2225]♦[/color][color=#242925]♦[/color][color=#292b38]♦[/color][color=#3a2e44]♦[/color][color=#4c2a4f]♦[/color][color=#6e235c]♦[/color][color=#863290]♦[/color][color=#724e7c]♦[/color][color=#8e7c8a]♦[/color][color=#a592b0]♦[/color][color=#e1cdfe]♦[/color][color=#cda5e1]♦[/color][color=#9778be]♦[/color][color=#a361cf]♦[/color] [color=#d550f7]♦[/color][color=#993bd1]♦[/color][color=#762db2]♦[/color][color=#643f9c]♦[/color][color=#580fc0]♦[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#000000]Stone, Taupe, Slate, Driftwood, Latte, Dirt, Clay, Sable, Umber, Soil, Hickory, Tarnish, Ginger, Brown, Chocolate, Auburn, Copper, Rust, Tomato, Vermillion, Ruby, Cherry, Crimson, Garnet, Sanguine, Blood, Maroon, Berry, Red, Strawberry, Cerise, Carmine, Brick, Coral, Blush, CottonCandy, Watermelon, Magenta, Fuchsia, Raspberry, Wine, Mauve, Pink, Bubblegum, Rose, Pearl, Maize, Cream, Antique, White, Moon, Ice, Orca, Platinum, Silver, Dust, Grey, Smoke, Gloom, Lead, Shale, Flint, Charcoal, Coal, Oilslick, Black, Obsidian, Eldritch, Midnight, Shadow, Blackberry, Mulberry, Plum, Wisteria, Thistle, Fog, Mist, Lavender, Heather, Purple, Orchid, Amethyst, Nightshade, Violet, Grape[/color][/size][/center][/columns] [quote=The Leaders]Lore goes here[/quote]

Is there some way I can edit the code on the lab sheet to produce this? If not that's fine, I've been doing these by hand as notes to myself for breeding and setting up my hatchery (finally..). It just takes a long while to convert all of the code over .. x.x I'd be fine even taking the words out to be honest. I don't expect the quote box to be included either, just a way to format the sheet to set the dragons to the side instead of how they get set up now.

34655216.png 34698095.png
Corra x Daruk
Wildclaw 100%
Primary: Falcon 75% - Ripple 25%

Secondary: Seraph 25% - Current 75%

Tertiary: Scales 50% - Spines 50%

Title Here wrote:
Lore Here.

longer color range example

16347.png 16348.png
Mirna x Lemanruss
Wildclaw 100%
Primary: Skink 3% - Savannah 90%

Emerald, Shamrock, Jungle, Hunter, Forest, Camo
Secondary: Eye Spot 75% - Seraph 25 %

Vermillion, Ruby, Cherry, Crimson
Tertiary: Scales 97% - Stained 3%

Stone, Taupe, Slate, Driftwood, Latte, Dirt, Clay, Sable, Umber, Soil, Hickory, Tarnish, Ginger, Brown, Chocolate, Auburn, Copper, Rust, Tomato, Vermillion, Ruby, Cherry, Crimson, Garnet, Sanguine, Blood, Maroon, Berry, Red, Strawberry, Cerise, Carmine, Brick, Coral, Blush, CottonCandy, Watermelon, Magenta, Fuchsia, Raspberry, Wine, Mauve, Pink, Bubblegum, Rose, Pearl, Maize, Cream, Antique, White, Moon, Ice, Orca, Platinum, Silver, Dust, Grey, Smoke, Gloom, Lead, Shale, Flint, Charcoal, Coal, Oilslick, Black, Obsidian, Eldritch, Midnight, Shadow, Blackberry, Mulberry, Plum, Wisteria, Thistle, Fog, Mist, Lavender, Heather, Purple, Orchid, Amethyst, Nightshade, Violet, Grape
The Leaders wrote:
Lore goes here
What would you
if you could not
mirna_by_pupmew-dcgjmvo.png snapper_button.png
@Rosekitten You can edit the code, yes. You would need to do so for each pair section, though. Click the box for the breeding card, and at the top where the code is, make the box bigger so you can see most or all of it. You'll see something like this: [img][/img] If you want to take the words out, delete where it has the size=2 color=#000000 Q12 (that number will be different for each pair section and each primary, secondary, and tertiary gene) /color /size. Do so for each of the three genes/colors. To have the dragons off to the side, you'd need to do columns. Between the first quote and center, add the columns code, then nextcol after b u",M7," x ",M8,"/u /b (or whatever those number are; they will be different for each pair), and /columns between the /center and the last quote. You'll also need to add center code to the next column, and delete the carriage returns for percentages. So your code should look something like this: [img][/img] Of course, you can change the underlines and bolds as well, if you want to. As for the breed or genes being the same, you'll have to edit that when you paste the card. I'm not sure how to change it without messing up the coding, should the breeds or genes be different. And, for the code box for lore, I'm not fully certain how to add it to this coding without confusing it too much. I hope that helps some.
You can edit the code, yes. You would need to do so for each pair section, though. Click the box for the breeding card, and at the top where the code is, make the box bigger so you can see most or all of it. You'll see something like this:


If you want to take the words out, delete where it has the size=2 color=#000000 Q12 (that number will be different for each pair section and each primary, secondary, and tertiary gene) /color /size. Do so for each of the three genes/colors.

To have the dragons off to the side, you'd need to do columns. Between the first quote and center, add the columns code, then nextcol after b u",M7," x ",M8,"/u /b (or whatever those number are; they will be different for each pair), and /columns between the /center and the last quote.

You'll also need to add center code to the next column, and delete the carriage returns for percentages.

So your code should look something like this:


Of course, you can change the underlines and bolds as well, if you want to. As for the breed or genes being the same, you'll have to edit that when you paste the card. I'm not sure how to change it without messing up the coding, should the breeds or genes be different. And, for the code box for lore, I'm not fully certain how to add it to this coding without confusing it too much.

I hope that helps some.
@Siscily helps more than I was doing before. ^^ my husband can help if i get too stuck. Thanks a million <3
@Siscily helps more than I was doing before. ^^ my husband can help if i get too stuck. Thanks a million <3
What would you
if you could not
mirna_by_pupmew-dcgjmvo.png snapper_button.png
Sure thing, happy to help. :)
Sure thing, happy to help. :)
So, I just added tapir and striation to the Ref tab in the Super Lair. Striation shows up fine when I put a dragon in that has the genes, but tapir doesn't. I've looked and looked at it, and can't see why the ss isn't accepting tapir and is accepting the other. Can you take a look?
So, I just added tapir and striation to the Ref tab in the Super Lair. Striation shows up fine when I put a dragon in that has the genes, but tapir doesn't. I've looked and looked at it, and can't see why the ss isn't accepting tapir and is accepting the other. Can you take a look?
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