
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | [T] Shock Switch Upcoming Features/Bugs
Yeah I just lost about 12k treasure to a disconnect. BLERGH.
Yeah I just lost about 12k treasure to a disconnect. BLERGH.
Same, constantly getting discounted, which is a pain in the rear when I need to make money quick. :|
Same, constantly getting discounted, which is a pain in the rear when I need to make money quick. :|
It keeps disconnecting in the middle of my games too, it was working fine a few hours ago. It's quite frustrating because I got really far and then all my progress was completely lost and I got nothing for it :/
It keeps disconnecting in the middle of my games too, it was working fine a few hours ago. It's quite frustrating because I got really far and then all my progress was completely lost and I got nothing for it :/
Yes, I'm having the same issues with the disconnect. I attempted several games, and one disconnected right before I was going to get my treasure. Restarted and was promptly disconnected again.
Yes, I'm having the same issues with the disconnect. I attempted several games, and one disconnected right before I was going to get my treasure. Restarted and was promptly disconnected again.
When the game ends sometimes it doesn't give you any money and the server times out either during game or while it's paused.
When the game ends sometimes it doesn't give you any money and the server times out either during game or while it's paused.
Currently: Offline

Final Fantasy Hatchery
The Mint Teacup||Digital and Traditional Art
the server is timing out while i play the game... it´s bizarre... i can´t end even one game...
the server is timing out while i play the game... it´s bizarre... i can´t end even one game...
Working High Scores would be nice ;)
Working High Scores would be nice ;)
Spark of Genius or Spark of Insanity, they both look the same to me.
Sooo I ran into two weird things tonight. One, every so often the stack would 'jump' down a few levels, effectively making it easier every so often. It was never by more than a couple rows, but still noticeable.
Also, I just got 916,000-something points and didn't get on the high score boards. I don't have a screenshot to prove it because I didn't realize that would happen u_u But it's more important to be brought to attention, anyway.

And to put in my two cents, I play on very hard, and I think I was playing for something like a half hour, maybe 45 minutes just now. One game. BUT, I don't think the difficulty should necessarily be increased. (I have a lot of years of experience with Pokemon Puzzle League under my belt, which is exactly the same game, hahaha) My wrists hate me now, haha. Its definitely not easy. I just have a lot of practice.
Sooo I ran into two weird things tonight. One, every so often the stack would 'jump' down a few levels, effectively making it easier every so often. It was never by more than a couple rows, but still noticeable.
Also, I just got 916,000-something points and didn't get on the high score boards. I don't have a screenshot to prove it because I didn't realize that would happen u_u But it's more important to be brought to attention, anyway.

And to put in my two cents, I play on very hard, and I think I was playing for something like a half hour, maybe 45 minutes just now. One game. BUT, I don't think the difficulty should necessarily be increased. (I have a lot of years of experience with Pokemon Puzzle League under my belt, which is exactly the same game, hahaha) My wrists hate me now, haha. Its definitely not easy. I just have a lot of practice.
I achieved a highscore of 906000, but I am not credited with such at the end?
I achieved a highscore of 906000, but I am not credited with such at the end?
Last night I was playing it about 1/2 hour before the update/ server reset. I didn't realize the game ran over and was still going 3 minutes after the reset. Then it crashed and I got said the connection to server was lost. I have played the Puzzles through and past server rest without any problems. If the game can't continue through the reset perhaps a "Game Over: Sever Reset Imminent" should come up a minute before the reset happens and no new games allowed to start. Had I realized I was close to the server reset I'd have perposly ended the game to collect my score and Treasure so I didn't lose it like I did.
Last night I was playing it about 1/2 hour before the update/ server reset. I didn't realize the game ran over and was still going 3 minutes after the reset. Then it crashed and I got said the connection to server was lost. I have played the Puzzles through and past server rest without any problems. If the game can't continue through the reset perhaps a "Game Over: Sever Reset Imminent" should come up a minute before the reset happens and no new games allowed to start. Had I realized I was close to the server reset I'd have perposly ended the game to collect my score and Treasure so I didn't lose it like I did.