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TOPIC | Baldwin's Bubbling Brew
[quote name="Zhimonster" date=2015-06-08 23:41:43] [quote name="Araaska" date=2015-06-08 23:39:31] I currently have a Loga brewing with about an hour and sixteen minutes left to it. When FR goes down for the nightly reset, will this brew be cancelled and everything put into it lost? [/quote] I'm wondering too what happens during downtime. Does our brew countdown 'pause' or will will have 30 min less on it when the site comes back up again? Brewin clawtips and they won't be done before rollover. :o [/quote] @Araaska Loga will no longer be a craftable recipe on 22:00 June 9th server time. That will be tomorrow evening, so you still have another day to craft them! As long as you've got the recipe started, it should finish.
Zhimonster wrote on 2015-06-08:
Araaska wrote on 2015-06-08:
I currently have a Loga brewing with about an hour and sixteen minutes left to it. When FR goes down for the nightly reset, will this brew be cancelled and everything put into it lost?

I'm wondering too what happens during downtime.

Does our brew countdown 'pause' or will will have 30 min less on it when the site comes back up again?

Brewin clawtips and they won't be done before rollover. :o

@Araaska Loga will no longer be a craftable recipe on 22:00 June 9th server time. That will be tomorrow evening, so you still have another day to craft them!

As long as you've got the recipe started, it should finish.

Ah, thank you! I misread it as saying it would no longer be craftable tonight as opposed to the day after. Me and my terrible sense of time.

Ah, thank you! I misread it as saying it would no longer be craftable tonight as opposed to the day after. Me and my terrible sense of time.
...wait, so the "Transmute" button on the Transmute Objects page is supposed to start the process? Because it's been useless for me, and I've just been adding items using the plus-sign box above it and then the separate Transmute button that comes up after you've selected an item.

I feel a little confused because that's been working fine for me, but technically it means the Transmute button isn't working (even after the hard refresh which fixed the layout). I guess I will come back tomorrow and read everything more closely....

Edit: Aaaand, now it is working, but I think I'll still give everything a closer read-through, anyway.
...wait, so the "Transmute" button on the Transmute Objects page is supposed to start the process? Because it's been useless for me, and I've just been adding items using the plus-sign box above it and then the separate Transmute button that comes up after you've selected an item.

I feel a little confused because that's been working fine for me, but technically it means the Transmute button isn't working (even after the hard refresh which fixed the layout). I guess I will come back tomorrow and read everything more closely....

Edit: Aaaand, now it is working, but I think I'll still give everything a closer read-through, anyway.
I kinda feel like some people are overthinking the level 4 battlestones.
I'm pretty sure the idea was "let's give players a way to craft battlestones instead of having to buy/grind for them" and staff decided to make them pretty because why not- it's something a little extra.

And it's only level 4- there's still level 5 and the level cap is probably going to be raised eventually. Who is to say there won't be new, non-recolored battlestones later on?
I kinda feel like some people are overthinking the level 4 battlestones.
I'm pretty sure the idea was "let's give players a way to craft battlestones instead of having to buy/grind for them" and staff decided to make them pretty because why not- it's something a little extra.

And it's only level 4- there's still level 5 and the level cap is probably going to be raised eventually. Who is to say there won't be new, non-recolored battlestones later on?
[quote name="Feinreil" date=2015-06-08 23:34:00] I have been trying all day to get blue sludge and have been transmuting trinkets with the highest possible rarity (the shiny star). I have sludge in multiples of every color but blue. I'm wondering if it's a bug. There aren't any in the AH either. [/quote] @Feinreil, they definitely exist! It's just luck of the draw, or lack thereof. I've transmuted four Haunted Stone Orbs (3-star rarity) and got three yellow sludges and one blue one. [img][/img] They're probably not on AH because people are holding on to them in case they're used for something cool.
Feinreil wrote on 2015-06-08:
I have been trying all day to get blue sludge and have been transmuting trinkets with the highest possible rarity (the shiny star). I have sludge in multiples of every color but blue. I'm wondering if it's a bug. There aren't any in the AH either.

@Feinreil, they definitely exist! It's just luck of the draw, or lack thereof. I've transmuted four Haunted Stone Orbs (3-star rarity) and got three yellow sludges and one blue one.


They're probably not on AH because people are holding on to them in case they're used for something cool.
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That would be awesome. What would you like for it? @@
That would be awesome. What would you like for it? @@
Great update!
That Flubber familiar is giving me the creeps, though ... XD
Great update!
That Flubber familiar is giving me the creeps, though ... XD
I'm really digging those new battlestones, I like the idea of being able to personalize and glam up combat a bit, though I do worry that it'll make the coli crash and lag even more than usual.
I'm really digging those new battlestones, I like the idea of being able to personalize and glam up combat a bit, though I do worry that it'll make the coli crash and lag even more than usual.
Cool update! Though I feel sorry for the Familiars xD
Happy anniversary c:
Cool update! Though I feel sorry for the Familiars xD
Happy anniversary c:
@Razorblade @ThornCrimsonWing How to fix the problem has been stated multiple times, guys.
@Razorblade @ThornCrimsonWing How to fix the problem has been stated multiple times, guys.