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TOPIC | Baldwin's Bubbling Brew
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Thank You Orlesianbeauty. I should have read a little more:) YAH it works!!! Not going to work today now...GRrrrrrr Why do you make me so irresponsible Baldwin, WHY.
Thank You Orlesianbeauty. I should have read a little more:) YAH it works!!! Not going to work today now...GRrrrrrr Why do you make me so irresponsible Baldwin, WHY.
hmmm I had no idea I got a familiar until now... i should check it more often...

Cant wait to do the comic :)
hmmm I had no idea I got a familiar until now... i should check it more often...

Cant wait to do the comic :)

Thank you so much FR! Happy Anniversary!!!!
Thank you so much FR! Happy Anniversary!!!!
Aw hell yeahhh

So when's the plague doctor mask getting added?
Aw hell yeahhh

So when's the plague doctor mask getting added?
[LF] Aqua Bellies | [LF]Nature-y Dragons | [ Fandragon Hub ]
This is a wonderful update, and the familiars are so cute!
However, I seem to have trouble with the transmute button. It doesn't work for me (and I see others are having the same problem).
I've refreshed the page and CTRL+F5ed all pages of or relating to Baldwin's Bubbling Brew. Nothing seems to be fixing my problem.
This is a wonderful update, and the familiars are so cute!
However, I seem to have trouble with the transmute button. It doesn't work for me (and I see others are having the same problem).
I've refreshed the page and CTRL+F5ed all pages of or relating to Baldwin's Bubbling Brew. Nothing seems to be fixing my problem.
Woohoo! The familiar is so cute too?? I'm so excited to try the new activity!
Woohoo! The familiar is so cute too?? I'm so excited to try the new activity!

I don't suppose it's going to be updated so that you can transmute multiple familiars at the same time? It gives a drop down but it only allows you to choose one if you have multiples. I'm guessing this is because they're not stacked, but I was curious if it was possible to update that?

I'm also having an issue that if I migrate from the page and go back, it will reset the timer back to 30 minutes. Is this how it's supposed to behave? I'm on mobile so I can't exactly leave my phone unlocked for 30 minutes. So every time it locks and I unlock it, it refreshes the page so it's really frustrating.

I don't suppose it's going to be updated so that you can transmute multiple familiars at the same time? It gives a drop down but it only allows you to choose one if you have multiples. I'm guessing this is because they're not stacked, but I was curious if it was possible to update that?

I'm also having an issue that if I migrate from the page and go back, it will reset the timer back to 30 minutes. Is this how it's supposed to behave? I'm on mobile so I can't exactly leave my phone unlocked for 30 minutes. So every time it locks and I unlock it, it refreshes the page so it's really frustrating.
Quick question: For getting the items needed to make a Loga, does it matter which familiars are tossed in the pot?
Quick question: For getting the items needed to make a Loga, does it matter which familiars are tossed in the pot?
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Well my issue is I'm literally in the middle of finals and I don't like that there is such a small time span to this item, especially since it was released on a monday. I would be more understanding if it was a weekend, as more people have time on the weekends.

Well my issue is I'm literally in the middle of finals and I don't like that there is such a small time span to this item, especially since it was released on a monday. I would be more understanding if it was a weekend, as more people have time on the weekends.
WHOOO!!! YEAR 2!!!! Happy Aniverasry!! This looks awesome!!
WHOOO!!! YEAR 2!!!! Happy Aniverasry!! This looks awesome!!
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