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TOPIC | Absurd Phobias!
I'm "meh" with any bug, but as soon as that bug is a hornet/wasp/bee my reaction changes to "ASDFGHJKL OH GOD RUN".

I can't stand reverb noises or having my photo taken (both usually end with me hitting my head off solid objects and making strange noises??).

My weirdest phobia concerns plesiosaurs. Yeah. The marine dinosaurs that have been extinct for a very long time. I can hardly tolerate pools with deep ends; lakes/other bodies of water are just NOPE.
I'm "meh" with any bug, but as soon as that bug is a hornet/wasp/bee my reaction changes to "ASDFGHJKL OH GOD RUN".

I can't stand reverb noises or having my photo taken (both usually end with me hitting my head off solid objects and making strange noises??).

My weirdest phobia concerns plesiosaurs. Yeah. The marine dinosaurs that have been extinct for a very long time. I can hardly tolerate pools with deep ends; lakes/other bodies of water are just NOPE.
Dishwashers, dirty dishes, and dirty dishwater.
It's gross. It's warm water and food particles and aah!
Dishwashers, dirty dishes, and dirty dishwater.
It's gross. It's warm water and food particles and aah!
I'm absolutely terrified of talking on the phone with someone who I have never had any communication with before (this includes calling stores and restaurants, etc.) and will break down in tears and shake at the thought of doing so until I'm convinced that I don't have to call anyone. The only time I actually forced myself to call (when I left my laptop at a restaurant far from home), I stuttered out a few words of complete nonsense then hung up on them. I think this is a pretty common phobia right now though?

I'm absolutely terrified of talking on the phone with someone who I have never had any communication with before (this includes calling stores and restaurants, etc.) and will break down in tears and shake at the thought of doing so until I'm convinced that I don't have to call anyone. The only time I actually forced myself to call (when I left my laptop at a restaurant far from home), I stuttered out a few words of complete nonsense then hung up on them. I think this is a pretty common phobia right now though?

Want to learn about Sony Aibo robots? Send me a PM! ^^
I suffer from trypophobia (fear of irregular patterns and holes) and ever since I looked it up after someone mentioned it to me, I can't get the images I saw out of my head. The images are so disturbing that I would not recommend that anyone look them up and now whenever I see beehives, the spots on some bugs and weird patterns my skin crawls and I start trembling.

I also have a fear of going down escalators for some reason...? I can go up them, but I get so scared when trying to go down them.
I suffer from trypophobia (fear of irregular patterns and holes) and ever since I looked it up after someone mentioned it to me, I can't get the images I saw out of my head. The images are so disturbing that I would not recommend that anyone look them up and now whenever I see beehives, the spots on some bugs and weird patterns my skin crawls and I start trembling.

I also have a fear of going down escalators for some reason...? I can go up them, but I get so scared when trying to go down them.
Taxidermy. No idea why. When I was like 8 or 9 years old at this sports bar with a big moose head on the wall suddenly my whole brain was like "NOPE".
I cry, I can't breath, it can shake up my whole week if I'm taken off guard.
Taxidermy. No idea why. When I was like 8 or 9 years old at this sports bar with a big moose head on the wall suddenly my whole brain was like "NOPE".
I cry, I can't breath, it can shake up my whole week if I'm taken off guard.
It may seem silly but the 1939 movie adaption of the Wizard of Oz is a traumatic nightmare for me. I could go into lengthy detail but I'd end up spewing about my childhood and things I don't want to share. It is a literal nightmare, it has and still causes me nightmares, very bad anxiety attacks (I've been hospitalized from anxiety several times before and WOZ caused it one of those times), and that movie turned me away from ANYTHING related to it. Toys, Judy Garland/the songs in the movie, spinoffs, musicals like Wicked (though I heard it was fantastic), the ORIGINAL BOOK SERIES (which I would probably enjoy but nope! I refuse to touch them) and even simple references. Yes. You heard me right. Also, I have hyperacusis/phonophobia/misophonia whatever you wish to call it. It's awful. I am scared of noises to a point where everything needs to be dead silent or I just melt inside. Some noises scare me, some anger me, and the rest I'm just really, REALLY sensitive to. People don't understand why I have an absolute childish breakdown if my earbuds turn to trash. It means a lot to me to block out as much noise as I can. [quote]Climacophobia, which is a fear of climbing steep slopes (like steep hills or steep stairs, ladders, going up on rollercoasters, and even ascending in a plane) [/quote] That sounds a lot like me! You're not alone. I get so shaky when faced with steep ascensions. A lot of field trips I had in elementary school required going to old places that had steep, spiral, rail-less steps. Guess who stayed downstairs every single one of those times, ready to cry.
It may seem silly but the 1939 movie adaption of the Wizard of Oz is a traumatic nightmare for me. I could go into lengthy detail but I'd end up spewing about my childhood and things I don't want to share. It is a literal nightmare, it has and still causes me nightmares, very bad anxiety attacks (I've been hospitalized from anxiety several times before and WOZ caused it one of those times), and that movie turned me away from ANYTHING related to it. Toys, Judy Garland/the songs in the movie, spinoffs, musicals like Wicked (though I heard it was fantastic), the ORIGINAL BOOK SERIES (which I would probably enjoy but nope! I refuse to touch them) and even simple references. Yes. You heard me right.

Also, I have hyperacusis/phonophobia/misophonia whatever you wish to call it.
It's awful. I am scared of noises to a point where everything needs to be dead silent or I just melt inside.

Some noises scare me, some anger me, and the rest I'm just really, REALLY sensitive to. People don't understand why I have an absolute childish breakdown if my earbuds turn to trash. It means a lot to me to block out as much noise as I can.
Climacophobia, which is a fear of climbing steep slopes (like steep hills or steep stairs, ladders, going up on rollercoasters, and even ascending in a plane)

That sounds a lot like me! You're not alone. I get so shaky when faced with steep ascensions. A lot of field trips I had in elementary school required going to old places that had steep, spiral, rail-less steps. Guess who stayed downstairs every single one of those times, ready to cry.
I have some phobias (and some of them are kinda strange) but luckily not very severe.

I'm afraid of nocturnal animals, with raccoons being the most horrifying. This is only triggered by 'outside at night and something is moving' kinds of scenarios and ideas, like toy raccoons, nocturnal animals in zoos etc are fine.

I have a fear of anything that might burrow under a person's skin (mainly bugs/worms, but also vines or plantlike things) I have recurring nightmares about this scenario even though nothing like it has every happened to me that I can think of.

I hate holes (specifically sticking an appendage into one, or being close enough to one that whatever lives in there might jump out at me). I'm afraid of falling (not heights... airplane is fine or the 17th floor of an office building is fine, but a slightly wobbly 12-inch step stool? NOPE NOPE NOPE)

I have emetophobia but it seems to be possibly lessening as I get older? Maybe? I hope and pray its so.
I have some phobias (and some of them are kinda strange) but luckily not very severe.

I'm afraid of nocturnal animals, with raccoons being the most horrifying. This is only triggered by 'outside at night and something is moving' kinds of scenarios and ideas, like toy raccoons, nocturnal animals in zoos etc are fine.

I have a fear of anything that might burrow under a person's skin (mainly bugs/worms, but also vines or plantlike things) I have recurring nightmares about this scenario even though nothing like it has every happened to me that I can think of.

I hate holes (specifically sticking an appendage into one, or being close enough to one that whatever lives in there might jump out at me). I'm afraid of falling (not heights... airplane is fine or the 17th floor of an office building is fine, but a slightly wobbly 12-inch step stool? NOPE NOPE NOPE)

I have emetophobia but it seems to be possibly lessening as I get older? Maybe? I hope and pray its so.
Lets see now I have a phobia of being alone ..anywhere I just start having a panic attack if im completely alone
Lets see now I have a phobia of being alone ..anywhere I just start having a panic attack if im completely alone
I'm participating in the FR Trick or Treating!
I have a terrible fear of calling people by their names for the first time.
Like, if someone introduces themsevles to me, I can't refer to them by their name.
Or tell other people their name. I've even had panic attacks over this.

(And I'm afraid of the dark in exactly one scenario - when I'm at my grandma's. But that is because there are CONSTANT sounds everywhere. And most of them sound like footsteps. But there are only living two people (three if I'm there) and I go to bed when my grandparents go to bed, so the sounds cant't come from them. It's horrible.)
I have a terrible fear of calling people by their names for the first time.
Like, if someone introduces themsevles to me, I can't refer to them by their name.
Or tell other people their name. I've even had panic attacks over this.

(And I'm afraid of the dark in exactly one scenario - when I'm at my grandma's. But that is because there are CONSTANT sounds everywhere. And most of them sound like footsteps. But there are only living two people (three if I'm there) and I go to bed when my grandparents go to bed, so the sounds cant't come from them. It's horrible.)
I am legit terrified of letting strangers hear me breathe. If i feel like i'm breathing heavily (after i've run or just am out of breath) i hold my breath when passing strangers on the street. It's uncomfortable and completely unnecessary but I've done it for as long as i can remember.
I am legit terrified of letting strangers hear me breathe. If i feel like i'm breathing heavily (after i've run or just am out of breath) i hold my breath when passing strangers on the street. It's uncomfortable and completely unnecessary but I've done it for as long as i can remember.