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TOPIC | Absurd Phobias!
I have a fear of computer viruses, and yet, I watch youtube videos about them... I'm fascinated, and yet, if you bother me while I'm watching, I'll jump a foot into the air.
I have a fear of computer viruses, and yet, I watch youtube videos about them... I'm fascinated, and yet, if you bother me while I'm watching, I'll jump a foot into the air.
I am very afraid of bathrooms, particularly public restrooms. I really dislike going to the bathroom alone. I hate looking at myself in the mirror, not because I'm self-conscious, but because I'm always afraid that I'll see something in it looking at me. It's really weird, I know, but I think it stems from something that happened to me when I was about eight. Apparently in this old house we lived in (which I'm now convinced is haunted), I was in the bathroom, and I told my mom that I saw someone else in the mirror. I can vaguely remember it happening, but I don't remember the specifics, like how I felt or what exactly I saw. I think things like horror movies and superstition also kind of contribute to my fear. Things like Bloody Mary really freak me out. My fear used to be pretty bad in the past, but by this point I've mostly gotten over it. I still get a bit nervous though.

That's the only really 'unreasonable' fear I can think of. Most of the others are due to my anxiety, like my fear of public speaking, being judged, being secretly hated by all of my friends, etc... I'm still trying to work on those.
I am very afraid of bathrooms, particularly public restrooms. I really dislike going to the bathroom alone. I hate looking at myself in the mirror, not because I'm self-conscious, but because I'm always afraid that I'll see something in it looking at me. It's really weird, I know, but I think it stems from something that happened to me when I was about eight. Apparently in this old house we lived in (which I'm now convinced is haunted), I was in the bathroom, and I told my mom that I saw someone else in the mirror. I can vaguely remember it happening, but I don't remember the specifics, like how I felt or what exactly I saw. I think things like horror movies and superstition also kind of contribute to my fear. Things like Bloody Mary really freak me out. My fear used to be pretty bad in the past, but by this point I've mostly gotten over it. I still get a bit nervous though.

That's the only really 'unreasonable' fear I can think of. Most of the others are due to my anxiety, like my fear of public speaking, being judged, being secretly hated by all of my friends, etc... I'm still trying to work on those.
I've had emetophobia for years. I'm getting much, much better, but it still can ruin me for days.

Actually vomiting puts me into basically a "safe mode," to use a computer term. higher functions don't work, and all I think and do is the bare minimum to lessen potential damage.
I've had emetophobia for years. I'm getting much, much better, but it still can ruin me for days.

Actually vomiting puts me into basically a "safe mode," to use a computer term. higher functions don't work, and all I think and do is the bare minimum to lessen potential damage.
I get mini panic attacks from Walmart but I shove it down. Something really bad happened to my family there and that's why I hate it. Not all walmarts just the one it happened at scares me and I only am scared because it pretty much screwed up the lat three years of my life. Not that it wasn't already jacked up before but after the incident it's been completely effed up so now yeah I just have anxiety/panic attacks from there. Sometimes I feel like ill have a heart attack. I'm sorry I just got all depressing and ****... Well anyway
Yeah I'm scared of WALMART! Wow I'm pathetic lol
I get mini panic attacks from Walmart but I shove it down. Something really bad happened to my family there and that's why I hate it. Not all walmarts just the one it happened at scares me and I only am scared because it pretty much screwed up the lat three years of my life. Not that it wasn't already jacked up before but after the incident it's been completely effed up so now yeah I just have anxiety/panic attacks from there. Sometimes I feel like ill have a heart attack. I'm sorry I just got all depressing and ****... Well anyway
Yeah I'm scared of WALMART! Wow I'm pathetic lol
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I have debilitating trypophobia, so much so that I almost considered not going into med sci because I was worried I might not be able to handle the demands of future occupations.

But on a lesser note I'm reeeally scared of / creeped out by moths, crane flies, and their larva. Finding moth larva in the garden in May is like my LEAST favorite part of weeding ever. I hate their little wiggly chitinous butts. Bugs me a lot (no pun intended).
I have debilitating trypophobia, so much so that I almost considered not going into med sci because I was worried I might not be able to handle the demands of future occupations.

But on a lesser note I'm reeeally scared of / creeped out by moths, crane flies, and their larva. Finding moth larva in the garden in May is like my LEAST favorite part of weeding ever. I hate their little wiggly chitinous butts. Bugs me a lot (no pun intended).
j'ai trouvée les bête fauves
I'm squeamish of touching raw chicken. I hate the texture of it. I also refuse to eat anything that I know has been in the fridge for more than a day (bad experience) :/
I'm squeamish of touching raw chicken. I hate the texture of it. I also refuse to eat anything that I know has been in the fridge for more than a day (bad experience) :/
Another emetophobic here, though not in the standard sense if there is such a thing. I'm not so afraid of being sick myself, but witnessing or even hearing another person being sick is enough to make me legitimately lose consciousness from fear. The last time I was physically present during the act which shall not be named, I fainted. It was at an amusement park during summer camp and everyone thought I was suffering from heat exhaustion... NOPE. Just emetophobia at its finest. -_-

This may sound odd, but it's actually very refreshing to see other emetophobics here on FR. Despite having a relatively large social circle, I have yet to meet another person face to face who shares my same phobia. We should start a club or something.
Another emetophobic here, though not in the standard sense if there is such a thing. I'm not so afraid of being sick myself, but witnessing or even hearing another person being sick is enough to make me legitimately lose consciousness from fear. The last time I was physically present during the act which shall not be named, I fainted. It was at an amusement park during summer camp and everyone thought I was suffering from heat exhaustion... NOPE. Just emetophobia at its finest. -_-

This may sound odd, but it's actually very refreshing to see other emetophobics here on FR. Despite having a relatively large social circle, I have yet to meet another person face to face who shares my same phobia. We should start a club or something.
I'm afraid of talking on telephones. I mean, I can make a call on one if I know the person really well, or if I know for a fact that I'll be reaching a robot/automated machine, but if I have to call a person I freak out. I learned very quickly to carry my room keys on me always so I won't get locked out of my dorm room and have to call campus police, and I broke down crying when my parents made me call my credit card company to tell them I'd be leaving the country... even though the automated thinger told me it was alright. I'm getting a bit better about it; I didn't need someone to hold my hand to call Triple A, but it was still terrifying, and a ringing phone is still to be treated like a vicious creature that will eat my hand off.

On a related note, while I don't think it's technically a phobia, I have a psychological reaction to eating scrambled eggs after I got sick after eating them once. I get extremely nauseous after eating some, and for a year or two I would get nauseous just seeing them or seeing someone eat them. But I can eat eggs prepared in other ways just fine. And I can eat quiche. Which is like, scrambled eggs in a pie crust.
I'm afraid of talking on telephones. I mean, I can make a call on one if I know the person really well, or if I know for a fact that I'll be reaching a robot/automated machine, but if I have to call a person I freak out. I learned very quickly to carry my room keys on me always so I won't get locked out of my dorm room and have to call campus police, and I broke down crying when my parents made me call my credit card company to tell them I'd be leaving the country... even though the automated thinger told me it was alright. I'm getting a bit better about it; I didn't need someone to hold my hand to call Triple A, but it was still terrifying, and a ringing phone is still to be treated like a vicious creature that will eat my hand off.

On a related note, while I don't think it's technically a phobia, I have a psychological reaction to eating scrambled eggs after I got sick after eating them once. I get extremely nauseous after eating some, and for a year or two I would get nauseous just seeing them or seeing someone eat them. But I can eat eggs prepared in other ways just fine. And I can eat quiche. Which is like, scrambled eggs in a pie crust.
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I always have a fear when I am standing on the muddy bottom of a lake or river that something will bite my toes.
I always have a fear when I am standing on the muddy bottom of a lake or river that something will bite my toes.
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yes. slugs.

They are freakin scary. Ever accidentally step on one and have it mush and get all toe-jammy up in your toes because you checked your mail barefoot? And they leave nasty slime trails as threats just to let you know THEY"VE STAKED OUT THE AREA.

yes. slugs.

They are freakin scary. Ever accidentally step on one and have it mush and get all toe-jammy up in your toes because you checked your mail barefoot? And they leave nasty slime trails as threats just to let you know THEY"VE STAKED OUT THE AREA.