I picked up your Fest farming order for Ghostlight Ruins [emoji=ice rune size=1] I'll be sure to send via CR this time ^.^
I picked up your Fest farming order for Ghostlight Ruins

I'll be sure to send via CR this time ^.^
Thank you for your order! Please send payment to me via PM and I can add you.
Thank you for your order! Please send payment to me via PM and I can add you.
Tserin If my order haven't started yet, could it be changed to Ghostlight Ruins?
Tserin If my order haven't started yet, could it be changed to Ghostlight Ruins?
Don't forget the l in between the 'i' and 'd' in AlvildaBright
Looking for Light 6 digit Imperial and a unbred 6 digit female Imperial
Also any 7 digit IDs 25703_,_ to 25810_,_

ReiFukai i've picked up your ghostlight order! :3
ReiFukai i've picked up your ghostlight order! :3
Mirna i've picked up your ghostlight ruins order! c:
Mirna i've picked up your ghostlight ruins order! c:
Farming Order
Username: Itani
Type: Standard
Venue: Blooming Grove
Total Hours
or Battles: 2 hours
Payment: 250KT
I assume by choosing standard, that means that whoever picks up my order during this time can keep the currency that drops, correct?
Or is it Festival by default considering that Trickmurk is active?
Either way, I have the treasure for either price but aren't worried about the currency, would just like petals from the Blooming Grove. :) <3 Let me know if I'm good to PM you the funds!
Farming Order
Username: Itani
Type: Standard
Venue: Blooming Grove
Total Hours
or Battles: 2 hours
Payment: 250KT
I assume by choosing standard, that means that whoever picks up my order during this time can keep the currency that drops, correct?
Or is it Festival by default considering that Trickmurk is active?
Either way, I have the treasure for either price but aren't worried about the currency, would just like petals from the Blooming Grove. :) <3 Let me know if I'm good to PM you the funds!
Yes, if you order standard during a festival you do not get festival currency or chests. You can send me payment and I'll add you to the list!
Yes, if you order standard during a festival you do not get festival currency or chests. You can send me payment and I'll add you to the list!
AlvildaBright picking up your festival order for ghostlight ruins <3
AlvildaBright picking up your festival order for ghostlight ruins <3