UnStABle GeneTiC ExPEriMenTs!
UnStABle GeneTiC ExPEriMenTs!

It's that time of year again, where Bella, Brew and Muffin set up a bazzar to
(Bazaar can be found at the end of this post)
This year Bella is trying to get rid of a rogue Cog Froh:
This critter seems to have blockaded Bella's Laboratory - please help!

I'd also like to commission a new picture of the three crazies and the (cardboard) lemonade stand, since it is the only thing that has survived. I wonder what the cardboard is actually made of...
As usual, the motley crew will trade just about anything for just about anything, I think that the most expensive items traded last year was a pair of light sprites, but we will see...
If there is anything that you have been trying to trade and couldn't scrape up the dragon cash for, Bella and Brew will almost always trade at or near LAH for - well anything really (although they are a bit leery of accents and such). Muffin, being not the smartest, will often trade *below* LAH, if your dragon is a smooth talker, and there have been several occasions when stuff just escaped, or the Bazaar got carpet "rotbombed" so dropping in and saying "hi" is almost certain to get you something in addition to a laugh (or a groan)
While ther are (as usual) eggs for sale, it appears that the rogue cog frog has kept Bella from her transformations... That said I'm not sure if you really want to hatch any of these, since Bella keeps them near her cauldron and who knows what mutagenic materials have been spilled, but SCIENCE
This is where folks can have things posted for trade: