
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | [B/S] Hoarfrost Wares
[color=Navy]Saving up for genes is expensive, so I’ve opted to set up a thread to sell much of my spares from elemental festivals, to Swipp’s swap stand. Everything will be up for LAH. You can also trade if you’d like. Make an offer and haggle for lower prices! [/color] [url=]The wares[/url] [url=]Things I’m looking for[/url] [quote=Board] [b][u][color=DarkRed]If you wish to buy/trade more than 10 items, it might take me some time to reply. [/color][/u][/b] [b][color=Navy]I’m subbed! No need to mention![/color][/b] [/quote]
Saving up for genes is expensive, so I’ve opted to set up a thread to sell much of my spares from elemental festivals, to Swipp’s swap stand.
Everything will be up for LAH. You can also trade if you’d like. Make an offer and haggle for lower prices!

The wares
Things I’m looking for
Board wrote:
If you wish to buy/trade more than 10 items, it might take me some time to reply.

I’m subbed! No need to mention!
A meaningful silence is better than meaningless words.
[center][size=7][color=Navy][b]Fresh From The Cauldron[/b][/color][/size][/center] [item=Unhatched Bogsneak Egg][item=Primary Gene: Pinstripe] [center][size=7][color=Navy][b]Swipp Goods[/b][/color][/size][/center] [item=Crown of Bones][item=Journeyman Satchels][item=Pink Wooly Antennae][item=Pink Wooly Coat][item=Pink Wooly Tail][item=White and Gold Flair Scarf][item=Crimson Wing Silks][item=Raven Sylvan Anklets][item=Raven Sylvan Lattice]x2[item=Onyx Seraph Tail Bangle] [center][size=7][color=Navy][b]Festival Spares[/b][/color][/size][/center] [item=Starlight Cloak][item=Forest's Edge Vines][item=Prismatic Crystalscales][item=Icicle Chains][item=Bramble Mantle][item=Murkmirth Tailcoat][item=Standard of the Arcanist][item=Bloodshard Chains] [item=Sprouting Goblin][item=Frigid Gem Guardian][item=Crackling Leo] [item=Accent: Broken Geode][item=Skin: Lampiona][item=Skin: Snowjourner][item=Skin: Ceremonial Lightcatcher][item=Accent: Frozemaling] [item=Vista: Starfall Celebration][item=Vista: Riot of Rot]x2[item=Vista: Flamecaller]x2[item=Vista: Earthshaker][item=Vista: Windsinger] [center][size=7][color=Navy][b]Spooky Goods[/b][/color][/size][/center] [item=Conjurer's Hat][item=Conjurer's Herb Pouch][item=Conjurer's Staff][item=Ghost Flame Candles]x2[item=Ghost Flame Collar]x3[item=Ghost Flame Headpiece][item=Ghost Flame Tail Jewel]x2[item=Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon][item=Jolly Jester's Tail Bell]x2[item=Jolly Jester's Wing Cover][item=Jolly Jester's Stockings][item=Haunting Amber Forejewels]x3[item=Plasmpool Armet][item=Plasmpool Flightshroud][item=Plasmpool Grimplate][item=Plasmpool Tailspine][item=Plasmpool Hindcallouses]x2[item=Woeful Gambeson]x3[item=Woeful Gloves][item=Woeful Hood][item=Woeful Vial][item=Woeful Tools]x3[item=Woeful Presence]x2[item=Sky Crystal]x5[item=Basic Book Collection]x2[item=Golden Starswirl]x2[item=Black Candle Cascade]x4[item=Enchanted Stag Necklace][item=Enchanted Raven Necklace]x2[item=Enchanted Orca Necklace]x3 [item=Animated Statue]x3[item=Deadly Reflection][item=Spellbound Tome][item=Wooden Marionette][item=Crooked Hatchet]x3[item=Calculating Candelabra][item=Smoldering Sconce][item=Orbiting Spirit]x2[item=Enchanted Armaments][item=Sorcerous Arms]x3[item=Glowing Globe][item=Living Luminance][item=Masked Phantom]x2[item=Serpentine Lamp][item=Animated Armor]x3[item=Ravenous Cauldron][item=Curious Kettle][item=Colubrid Column]x3[item=Serthis Support][item=Poltergeist Pile]x3[item=Time Devourer]x2[item=Dirge Fiddlefiend]x2[item=Kyorinrin][item=Apparition Lance][item=Dancing Chalice][item=Swinging Chandelier][item=Pitfall Fixture][item=Spritely Portrait][item=Seething Stove][item=Bouncy Broiler][item=Manticore's Might]x2[item=Catty Cannon][item=Steadfast Sweeper][item=Raucous Runner][item=Writer's Aid][item=Encouraging Quill][item=Rock Paper Scissors]x3[item=Decision Maker][item=Leisure Loaf]x2[item=Guest Greeter][item=Salt and Pepper]x3[item=Sugar and Spice][item=Book Swarm][item=Nutcracker][item=Snapper Nutcracker]x4[item=Formal Tea Set]x2 [item=Vista: Gossamer Flame]x2[item=Tertiary Gene: Smirch]x3 [center][size=7][color=Navy][b]Digsite Treasures[/b][/color][/size][/center] [item=Armored Iguanador]x2[item=Iguanador]x2[item=Jade Troodo]x2[item=Sunrise Troodo]x2[item=Lowjaw Minmi]x2[item=Shardback Minmi]x2[item=Styracavus]x2[item=Styrantrum]x2 [item=Scene: Thunder Lizards]x4[item=Vista: Thunder Lizards]x3[item=Scene: Ancient Harpy Canyon][item=Primary Gene: Ground]x2[item=Secondary Gene: Fissure]x2[item=Dark Dinosaur Armor]x2[item=Gold Dinosaur Armor]x2[item=Jade Dinosaur Armor]x2[item=Dusty Dinosaur Armor]x2 [center][size=7][color=Navy][b]Spoils of War[/b][/color][/size][/center] [item=Contestant's Pelt]x2[item=Victor's Pelt]x2[item=Victor's Furs][item=Contestant's Skull][item=Victor's Weapons]x4[item=Contestant's Weapons]x2 [item=Sphinx Battlelord][item=Raging Tiger Foo][item=Frosttrail Scout]x5[item=Conflict Creature]x2[item=Blade Horror] [item=Scene: Target Practice]x4[item=Scene: Armory] [center][size=7][color=Navy][b]Other[/b][/color][/size][/center] [item=Sweetheart Lace Wristlet]x2[item=Sweetheart Lace Tail Ornament][item=Celebration Sage Cover][item=Celebration Sage Sleeves][item=LuminaxCon Lanyard]x3 [item=Sweetheart Swan]x10[item=Enamored Swan]x2[item=Which Waychunk] [item=Accent: Research Notes][item=Skin: Gilded Glass][item=Accent: Scroll of Pells][item=Skin: Depleted Dreams]x2[item=Skin: Amber-Trapped Fae]x3 [item=Vial of Scattersight]x2[item=Scene: Drakeharvest][item=Scene: Springswarm]x5
Fresh From The Cauldron
Unhatched Bogsneak Egg Primary Gene: Pinstripe
Swipp Goods
Crown of Bones Journeyman Satchels Pink Wooly Antennae Pink Wooly Coat Pink Wooly Tail White and Gold Flair Scarf Crimson Wing Silks Raven Sylvan Anklets Raven Sylvan Lattice x2 Onyx Seraph Tail Bangle
Festival Spares
Starlight Cloak Forest's Edge Vines Prismatic Crystalscales Icicle Chains Bramble Mantle Murkmirth Tailcoat Standard of the Arcanist Bloodshard Chains
Sprouting Goblin Frigid Gem Guardian Crackling Leo
Accent: Broken Geode Skin: Lampiona Skin: Snowjourner Skin: Ceremonial Lightcatcher Accent: Frozemaling
Vista: Starfall Celebration Vista: Riot of Rot x2 Vista: Flamecaller x2 Vista: Earthshaker Vista: Windsinger
Spooky Goods
Conjurer's Hat Conjurer's Herb Pouch Conjurer's Staff Ghost Flame Candles x2 Ghost Flame Collar x3 Ghost Flame Headpiece Ghost Flame Tail Jewel x2 Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon Jolly Jester's Tail Bell x2 Jolly Jester's Wing Cover Jolly Jester's Stockings Haunting Amber Forejewels x3 Plasmpool Armet Plasmpool Flightshroud Plasmpool Grimplate Plasmpool Tailspine Plasmpool Hindcallouses x2 Woeful Gambeson x3 Woeful Gloves Woeful Hood Woeful Vial Woeful Tools x3 Woeful Presence x2 Sky Crystal x5 Basic Book Collection x2 Golden Starswirl x2 Black Candle Cascade x4 Enchanted Stag Necklace Enchanted Raven Necklace x2 Enchanted Orca Necklace x3
Animated Statue x3 Deadly Reflection Spellbound Tome Wooden Marionette Crooked Hatchet x3 Calculating Candelabra Smoldering Sconce Orbiting Spirit x2 Enchanted Armaments Sorcerous Arms x3 Glowing Globe Living Luminance Masked Phantom x2 Serpentine Lamp Animated Armor x3 Ravenous Cauldron Curious Kettle Colubrid Column x3 Serthis Support Poltergeist Pile x3 Time Devourer x2 Dirge Fiddlefiend x2 Kyorinrin Apparition Lance Dancing Chalice Swinging Chandelier Pitfall Fixture Spritely Portrait Seething Stove Bouncy Broiler Manticore's Might x2 Catty Cannon Steadfast Sweeper Raucous Runner Writer's Aid Encouraging Quill Rock Paper Scissors x3 Decision Maker Leisure Loaf x2 Guest Greeter Salt and Pepper x3 Sugar and Spice Book Swarm Nutcracker Snapper Nutcracker x4 Formal Tea Set x2
Vista: Gossamer Flame x2 Tertiary Gene: Smirch x3
Digsite Treasures
Armored Iguanador x2 Iguanador x2 Jade Troodo x2 Sunrise Troodo x2 Lowjaw Minmi x2 Shardback Minmi x2 Styracavus x2 Styrantrum x2
Scene: Thunder Lizards x4 Vista: Thunder Lizards x3 Scene: Ancient Harpy Canyon Primary Gene: Ground x2 Secondary Gene: Fissure x2 Dark Dinosaur Armor x2 Gold Dinosaur Armor x2 Jade Dinosaur Armor x2 Dusty Dinosaur Armor x2
Spoils of War
Contestant's Pelt x2 Victor's Pelt x2 Victor's Furs Contestant's Skull Victor's Weapons x4 Contestant's Weapons x2
Sphinx Battlelord Raging Tiger Foo Frosttrail Scout x5 Conflict Creature x2 Blade Horror
Scene: Target Practice x4 Scene: Armory
Sweetheart Lace Wristlet x2 Sweetheart Lace Tail Ornament Celebration Sage Cover Celebration Sage Sleeves LuminaxCon Lanyard x3
Sweetheart Swan x10 Enamored Swan x2 Which Waychunk
Accent: Research Notes Skin: Gilded Glass Accent: Scroll of Pells Skin: Depleted Dreams x2 Skin: Amber-Trapped Fae x3
Vial of Scattersight x2 Scene: Drakeharvest Scene: Springswarm x5
A meaningful silence is better than meaningless words.
[quote=Interests][color=Navy][b]LF the following genes: [item=Secondary Gene: Butterfly] [item=Tertiary Gene: Firefly] LF the following items: [item=Bubbling Goblin][item=Sparkling Goblin][item=Which Waychip] [/color][/b][/quote] The gene projects:[center] [morphology=1280083]
Interests wrote:
LF the following genes:
Secondary Gene: Butterfly
Tertiary Gene: Firefly
LF the following items:
Bubbling Goblin Sparkling Goblin Which Waychip

The gene projects:
A meaningful silence is better than meaningless words.
Do you happen to have any umbral yarn? >_>
Do you happen to have any umbral yarn? >_>
interested in [item=peace dove] and [item=violet flowerfall]
interested in Peace Dove and Violet Flowerfall
I’ve got 2 pieces
They don’t seek for much individually so I’m willing to stick with the LAH of 5 gems/4K treasure.

LAH, those are:
Peace Dove - 25 gems/21,800 treasure
Violet Flowerfall - 17 gems/25k treasure
I’ve got 2 pieces
They don’t seek for much individually so I’m willing to stick with the LAH of 5 gems/4K treasure.

LAH, those are:
Peace Dove - 25 gems/21,800 treasure
Violet Flowerfall - 17 gems/25k treasure
A meaningful silence is better than meaningless words.
LAH is actually 3.7g, if you go unit price low to high. Would you take 6g for both?
LAH is actually 3.7g, if you go unit price low to high. Would you take 6g for both?
I’ll start the trade.
I’ll start the trade.
A meaningful silence is better than meaningless words.
All apparel has been added!
All apparel has been added!
A meaningful silence is better than meaningless words.
I'm interested in ur Traditional Broadsword and ur Forest's edge vines!
I'm interested in ur Traditional Broadsword and ur Forest's edge vines!
he/him or she/her