
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | [Water Dom] Karis Trading Post • CLOSED

Would you mind doing a large order of scrolls? (Not the new ones)

Would you mind doing a large order of scrolls? (Not the new ones)

Could you grab me one more sd scroll?

Could you grab me one more sd scroll?
Light Dom Shop
My Challenges
Dragons for Sale

er0mmVQ.png I am looking for:
Dragons/Breeding Pairs
Art of my ocs (frc only)

er0mmVQ.png I support:
LDFA (Light only)
Nest Network

I can, yes! Your total comes to 357,000 treasure!


I should be okay! How many are we talking?


Absolutely! 340,000 treasure, please!

I can, yes! Your total comes to 357,000 treasure!


I should be okay! How many are we talking?


Absolutely! 340,000 treasure, please!

I'm looking for:
11x Skydancer scroll
5x Gaoler scroll
10x Lionfish scroll
5x Spiral
5x Ridgeback
10x Pearlcatcher
7x Piebald

which is 53 scrolls and should total to 13,000,750t

I'm looking for:
11x Skydancer scroll
5x Gaoler scroll
10x Lionfish scroll
5x Spiral
5x Ridgeback
10x Pearlcatcher
7x Piebald

which is 53 scrolls and should total to 13,000,750t

Hooo boy that's a lot of scrolls! You must be finishing up a lot of projects! This shouldn't be a problem, but it might take a bit to get everything. Would you like things piece by piece as I obtain them or everything at once?

Your total is correct - please send that over via PM and I can get started!

Hooo boy that's a lot of scrolls! You must be finishing up a lot of projects! This shouldn't be a problem, but it might take a bit to get everything. Would you like things piece by piece as I obtain them or everything at once?

Your total is correct - please send that over via PM and I can get started!

Whoops I sent as 1-way CR just now. I have a small preference for piece-by-piece, but either is fine if the other way is easier for you.

Whoops I sent as 1-way CR just now. I have a small preference for piece-by-piece, but either is fine if the other way is easier for you.

looking for a peacock scroll! :3

looking for a peacock scroll! :3

Can do! Please send 127,500 treasure via PM and I'll get right on it!

Can do! Please send 127,500 treasure via PM and I'll get right on it!
Closing this in approximately 2/2.5 hours to allow time to grab last minute orders!
Closing this in approximately 2/2.5 hours to allow time to grab last minute orders!