
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | [Water Dom] Karis Trading Post • CLOSED
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Heya! Can I buy two sd scrolls please?

Heya! Can I buy two sd scrolls please?
[BSJ 2024] Main Hub[BSJ 2024] Out-of-Flight Raffle
[BSJ 2024] Illuminarti[BSJ 2024] Public Buy

Sure thing! Please send 680,000 treasure over via PM and I can grab those for you when they restock!

Sure thing! Please send 680,000 treasure over via PM and I can grab those for you when they restock!
@Oreithyia - Hello, I would like to get one remove tertiary gene, please! If I read that right, that should be 8500 treasure, so I'll go ahead and send that over.
@Oreithyia - Hello, I would like to get one remove tertiary gene, please! If I read that right, that should be 8500 treasure, so I'll go ahead and send that over.
unicorn_icon_by_orgetzu-d9z1xrd.pnghouse_icon_z_by_orgetzu-d9z2r3i.pngwinter_icon_by_orgetzu-d9z2szz.pngfrog_icon_by_orgetzu-d9zwkt5.pngpixel_potatoes_by_orgetzu-d9z0pkl.gif Some of these pixels go places....



Hello! Could I order 3 Summer Sphinxes, please? :>

Hello! Could I order 3 Summer Sphinxes, please? :>

Sure! It'll be 58,650 treasure, please, PMs preferred!

Sure! It'll be 58,650 treasure, please, PMs preferred!
@Oreithyia Can I please get 2 regular ghost terts, and one regular runes?
@Oreithyia Can I please get 2 regular ghost terts, and one regular runes?

Yes indeed! Total is 459,000 treasure, due via PM please!

Yes indeed! Total is 459,000 treasure, due via PM please!
@Oreithyia Can I get a Guardian Scroll? Thank you!
@Oreithyia Can I get a Guardian Scroll? Thank you!

Sure thing! Please send treasure via PM~

Sure thing! Please send treasure via PM~
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