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TOPIC | Look at my rats
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[img][/img] Them Their names are Coffee Latte and Espresso. Coffee is the biggest and softest and she loves me. Latte is always hoarding food. Espresso bites and all my friends have scars to prove it. Show me your rats, if you have them. I love rats...


Their names are Coffee Latte and Espresso.

Coffee is the biggest and softest and she loves me. Latte is always hoarding food. Espresso bites and all my friends have scars to prove it.

Show me your rats, if you have them. I love rats...

Coliseum drop rates are ridiculous and ingame economy is not worth forcing people to mindlessly grind
I sadly don't have any rats, but those are good rats. I like them.
I sadly don't have any rats, but those are good rats. I like them.
Pressed Moonflower

((They/Them)) ((Ve/Vir))

Pressed Morning Glory
I too do not have rats, however, I am a certified Baby Inspector™ and I came to notify you that these rats are very baby. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do except give them all of your love and attention. I hope you and your rats have a good week.
I too do not have rats, however, I am a certified Baby Inspector™ and I came to notify you that these rats are very baby. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do except give them all of your love and attention. I hope you and your rats have a good week.
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What little babies! I used to own rats, I've had about 16 over the years. Wonderful, amazing animals <3
What little babies! I used to own rats, I've had about 16 over the years. Wonderful, amazing animals <3
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I had rats as pets when I was younger. Cute buddies in the picture ^^
I had rats as pets when I was younger. Cute buddies in the picture ^^
A bottle of Dasani (water)
Please drink water.

Step away if things get heated.
Coffee, Latte and Espresso look so sweet and baby <3 I used to have rats and miss owning them a lot but I’m sadly not in a place to take care of pets right now. Yours look like a lovely trio!
Coffee, Latte and Espresso look so sweet and baby <3 I used to have rats and miss owning them a lot but I’m sadly not in a place to take care of pets right now. Yours look like a lovely trio!
sol !
he/they | fr+10 | eng/ru
> art shop
> new Gaoler H accent!

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Lil chaos potatoes <3 So cute

I had a rat when I was younger and I would honestly love to get more but uh...5 cats.
Lil chaos potatoes <3 So cute

I had a rat when I was younger and I would honestly love to get more but uh...5 cats.
*Looks at lair* Ah yes. Organised chaos.

I love rats, had them in my late teens/early twenties. They were an absolute dream.
Rats are just so special as pets. I just don't like their short life span. I wished they would live as long as dogs or parrots.

Thos cute little nosies <3

I love rats, had them in my late teens/early twenties. They were an absolute dream.
Rats are just so special as pets. I just don't like their short life span. I wished they would live as long as dogs or parrots.

Thos cute little nosies <3
I don't have any rats, but these are some good little lads if I do say so myself~ They're so precious!! And I love their names. So cute! <3
I don't have any rats, but these are some good little lads if I do say so myself~ They're so precious!! And I love their names. So cute! <3
i sadly don't own any rats - but those are some very good ones ! really adorable <3
i sadly don't own any rats - but those are some very good ones ! really adorable <3
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