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EclipticTheFox's Clan

Normal clan with normal lore
Ancient Lair
overlooking the
Gladeveins icon

Clan Info

Ecliptic, Jasper, etc. // Any Pronouns // 0+ FR
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⸙͎۪۫ Ab⚘ut Me ⸙͎۪۫
Hello! I am EclipticGalaxyFox! You can call me Ecliptic, Fox, Jasper, or whatever else as long as you specify what name you chose.

!I appreciate it when people tell me when a dragon is on the front page!! Obv, you don't have to say anything but if you want to, go ahead! In general, I don't mind comments on my profile, as long as they follow FR rules!
!If it's not in the Auction House, it is not for sale!
!I write long essays and so I may take long to respond!
!MODS: My sibling is LillyTheCat. We live in the same house but we are separate players. If this is an issue, let me know!
!Blocking helps curate one's experience on the Internet. If you want to block me, go ahead! I prefer that over harassment!
!Don't be afraid to be honest! The truth can hurt but sometimes, it is what we need to hear. I am pretty patient so don't worry if you need clarification, want to ask a question more than once, or don't know how to phrase something. As long as you have good intentions and are willing to learn (and is not against FR rules), I am okay with most questions. If something I did or said was not okay, let me know!
!Lore is a W.I.P. A lot of dragons have empty or half-finished bios but I swear they all have plans!
⸙͎۪۫ Ab⚘ut Lair ⸙͎۪۫
How did you get here? Who are you? Where did you come from? These are questions we have all asked at one point but this time, you are seriously lost. A book lays in front of you but you are unable to read what it says. After adjusting your eyes a bit, you notice that you are inside a library. Millions of books surround you, all having the possibility of holding the answers you need but seeing that you lost the ability to read, you will have to look elsewhere...
Code done by: AnyaKnees
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Recent Comments

LoneWolfGamer's avatar
November 23, 2024 03:08:30
Jaipur was on the front page! Absolutely beautiful!
HouseOfAsmodeus' avatar
May 26, 2024 07:46:32
Lotus was on Random Dragon!
FiendEnder6's avatar
April 18, 2024 15:09:01
Lorekeeper got front page!
Shambles' avatar
November 22, 2023 20:05:01
dude thank you for the sanity!!
rybka's avatar
August 28, 2023 04:50:49
Thank you for buying Silver
DrShadowCipher's avatar
November 25, 2020 21:17:03
Apache Was on front page ^^
SmashingPumpkins' avatar
November 25, 2020 21:16:25
Apache was on the front page!
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Date Joined
Dec 30, 2018

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EclipticTheFox's Friends

Lillyisacat's avatar
Lillyisacat (#500018)
Thulcandran's avatar
Thulcandran (#482104)

The crackle of ozone in the sage-scrub dust.
HouseOfAsmodeus' avatar
HouseOfAsmodeus (#650210)

#1_Lazarus_Simp <3

Recent Activity

May 26
Became friends with HouseOfAsmodeus
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Feb 18
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Undertide Female, 1 Undertide Male
Jan 27
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Veilspun Female

Recent Achievements

Mar 03
Actually, I'm Something of a Pet Expert Myself (5)
Dec 27
A Hard Day's Night (10)
Dec 01
Fishy Feast
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