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TOPIC | homestuck appreciation thread
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Homestuck gave me the Striders and for that alone I am eternally grateful. Dave, Dirk, Davesprite, and Lil Hal my beloved sons.
Homestuck gave me the Striders and for that alone I am eternally grateful. Dave, Dirk, Davesprite, and Lil Hal my beloved sons.
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I absolutely loved homestuck when I was younger! I don't remember much of the comic although I think I remember reading it twice. First at the start of high school and then again when graduating.

I love Feferi and Karloz! <3
I absolutely loved homestuck when I was younger! I don't remember much of the comic although I think I remember reading it twice. First at the start of high school and then again when graduating.

I love Feferi and Karloz! <3
I hate homestuck but in the most affectionate way possible
I'm the type to go "damn you like this ****?" while hugging all the characters as tight as possible
(06 has my soul as well as CD, they look so anxiety ridden)
I hate homestuck but in the most affectionate way possible
I'm the type to go "damn you like this ****?" while hugging all the characters as tight as possible
(06 has my soul as well as CD, they look so anxiety ridden)
I think that Homestuck started to go down after Cascade. Doesn't mean that Act 6 was bad - I rather enjoyed all of the Dancestor stuff (worldbuilding my beloved) - but you can definitely start to feel Hussie getting burned out. The Retcon wasn't really done well, I think. Vriska didn't have to be brought back, and definitely shouldn't, in universe and out. She was deliberately designed to be divisive, and to be honest I feel like that was a mistake.
I think that Homestuck started to go down after Cascade. Doesn't mean that Act 6 was bad - I rather enjoyed all of the Dancestor stuff (worldbuilding my beloved) - but you can definitely start to feel Hussie getting burned out. The Retcon wasn't really done well, I think. Vriska didn't have to be brought back, and definitely shouldn't, in universe and out. She was deliberately designed to be divisive, and to be honest I feel like that was a mistake.
Once there was a dragon...

Profile dragon:
Recently became a fan of Homestuck, so far I love the comic but I lost my place and I don't remember my page number :'). Though as of now my favorite characters are Nepeta and Terezi!
Recently became a fan of Homestuck, so far I love the comic but I lost my place and I don't remember my page number :'). Though as of now my favorite characters are Nepeta and Terezi!
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[quote name="GuyFromLoathing" date="2023-02-24 12:14:55" ] yes nepeta good also, it's actually a misconception that homestuck was made in ms paint in fact, only the first panel of jailbreak was in mspaint everything else was on something different [/quote] I remember Hussie saying something like he couldn't make low enough quality art in MS Paint, so he had to use stuff like Photoshop to make Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.
GuyFromLoathing wrote on 2023-02-24 12:14:55:
yes nepeta good

also, it's actually a misconception that homestuck was made in ms paint
in fact, only the first panel of jailbreak was in mspaint
everything else was on something different

I remember Hussie saying something like he couldn't make low enough quality art in MS Paint, so he had to use stuff like Photoshop to make Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.
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art portfolio and personal blog!
Ah yes good ol Hamstake...
Loved the Trolls and their alien knock-offs of everything
and still a bit bitter about Karkat<> Gamzee not being a thing
we came so close
let the small angry man have a giant murder clown bff please
it is so freaking funny
Ah yes good ol Hamstake...
Loved the Trolls and their alien knock-offs of everything
and still a bit bitter about Karkat<> Gamzee not being a thing
we came so close
let the small angry man have a giant murder clown bff please
it is so freaking funny
Runic Bat Spectral Duskflapper Cursed Bat Armored Duskflapper Spirit of Shadow
I read it in 2016 and caught up just in time to see the final update release live. I'm not hyperfixated on it anymore but it never really left my brain. I always thought classpects were very interesting. Its a fun way to generate character inspo, and I like looking at characters from other media and thinking about what aspect they would be. Part of the reason I joined Wind flight is that I'm a Breath player.

Davepetasprite had a big impact on me. They were the first nonbinary character I had seen in media and I was so excited! I still use them as my PFP. Too bad they had like zero screen time lol. But Dave in general is great
I read it in 2016 and caught up just in time to see the final update release live. I'm not hyperfixated on it anymore but it never really left my brain. I always thought classpects were very interesting. Its a fun way to generate character inspo, and I like looking at characters from other media and thinking about what aspect they would be. Part of the reason I joined Wind flight is that I'm a Breath player.

Davepetasprite had a big impact on me. They were the first nonbinary character I had seen in media and I was so excited! I still use them as my PFP. Too bad they had like zero screen time lol. But Dave in general is great
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Ahhh homestuck... Unfortunately I left the fandom long ago due to how toxic it became, but before that it was one of the most important things to me! I miss it dearly, and often I want to draw it again. It had a huge impact on me, I met a lot of my best friends through it, got strongly into drawing with it, went into a lot of projects and zines, it even helped me figure out my identity. My favs were Nepeta, Karkat, and the Lalondes, and I was a strong arafefnep fan B) I actually was partially responsible for the later fandom's recognition of arafefnep DSGD there was only like 10 posts of them until i started drawing them and then a LOT more ppl joined in. Proud moment of mine<3 A panel for your pleasure [img][/img]
Ahhh homestuck...
Unfortunately I left the fandom long ago due to how toxic it became, but before that it was one of the most important things to me! I miss it dearly, and often I want to draw it again.

It had a huge impact on me, I met a lot of my best friends through it, got strongly into drawing with it, went into a lot of projects and zines, it even helped me figure out my identity.

My favs were Nepeta, Karkat, and the Lalondes, and I was a strong arafefnep fan B) I actually was partially responsible for the later fandom's recognition of arafefnep DSGD there was only like 10 posts of them until i started drawing them and then a LOT more ppl joined in. Proud moment of mine<3

A panel for your pleasure

Skins and Accents
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