
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [P] Newt's Projects/Wishlist/Etc
[img][/img] [img][/img] (^^^ ignore this lol i'm testing how it looks on fr) --------- [center][font=Goudy Old Style][size=6]Table of Contents[/size][/font][/center] --------- [columns][size=5][font=Goudy Old Style][b] [url=]» FAQ[/url] [url=]» Wishlist[/url] [url=]» Projects[/url] [url=]» Things I've Made[/url] [url=]» Dragons I've Owned[/url] [url=]» Code and Credits[/url] [/b] [/font] [/size] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center][/columns]


(^^^ ignore this lol i'm testing how it looks on fr)

Table of Contents

» Wishlist
» Projects
» Things I've Made
» Dragons I've Owned
» Code and Credits

» Skins
» Icon Dragon
[columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]//////[/color] [nextcol] [center] [font=Lucida Sans Typewriter] [size=5]'Ello, my name is [b]Newt.[/b][/size][/center] [size=4] » 23 » They/Them » Demisexual/Panromantic » FR time + 0 » INTP » Neutral Good [/size] [/font] [nextcol] [color=transparent] \ \ / / [/color] [img][/img] [/columns] [center] [img][/img] [/center] [b]G:T ratio?[/b] It's safe to assume it'll be 1000t:1g unless some new update really threw the ratio out of wack, but you can always ask if you're wondering! [b]Are you an exalting lair?[/b] Yep! I usually grow my own fodder for exalt unless I need some extra levels to pay for something though, so chances are your dragon is in good hands if I bought 'em from you. [b]Can I buy (dragon) from you?[/b] Possibly! Any dragons in the [i][u]'Snoozin' tab of my hibden[/u][/i] with [i][u]two parents from my breeders/misc tab[/u][/i] or [i][u]no relations to any of my other dragons[/u][/i] are fair game! I may also be open to selling other dragons in my hibden (G1s, project rejects, permas I fell out of love with). Any others are probably a no, but you're still free to ask if you're unsure/curious! I promise I won't get mad if you inquire about a dragon I don't want to sell (unless you're just looking to flip dragons for profit) ^^ [b]Can I use wishlist items as partial/full payment for a dragon/item/service?[/b] This is kind of a case-by-case basis. Sometimes I need pure currency for other things, but I'm open to talking about it! Feel free to send me a message asking, if you're wondering about it. [b]Can I send a friend request?[/b] No thank you! Unless we've talked extensively and intend to continue talking extensively, I'd prefer to avoid cluttering my friends list. ^^; [i][u]The exception to this is if we're doing anything Arlo related![/u][/i] [b]You have a fandragon for (thing)! Can we chat about it?[/b] Yes! I'm always happy to rant about the things I'm interested in. Feel free to shoot me a PM, or post on my profile asking to chat, and we can talk about it! ^^ [b]You bought (dragon) and named them something I don't like. Can you change it?[/b] Depends on the dragon. If I bought them as fodder, sure! Just send me a renaming scroll and give me a name you'd prefer for them. If I bought them as a perma or as a parent for a breeding project, the answer is no. I'm really particular about my perma/perma parent names. [b]You said you'd do (thing) and I haven't heard from you in a while. What's going on?[/b] Honestly I probably either got super busy or forgot. Feel free to poke me if I was supposed to do something for you/send you a message/etc, and I'll probably get back to you within a few days to let you know what's going on!

'Ello, my name is Newt.

» 23
» They/Them
» Demisexual/Panromantic
» FR time + 0
» Neutral Good



G:T ratio?
It's safe to assume it'll be 1000t:1g unless some new update really threw the ratio out of wack, but you can always ask if you're wondering!

Are you an exalting lair?
Yep! I usually grow my own fodder for exalt unless I need some extra levels to pay for something though, so chances are your dragon is in good hands if I bought 'em from you.

Can I buy (dragon) from you?
Possibly! Any dragons in the 'Snoozin' tab of my hibden with two parents from my breeders/misc tab or no relations to any of my other dragons are fair game! I may also be open to selling other dragons in my hibden (G1s, project rejects, permas I fell out of love with). Any others are probably a no, but you're still free to ask if you're unsure/curious! I promise I won't get mad if you inquire about a dragon I don't want to sell (unless you're just looking to flip dragons for profit) ^^

Can I use wishlist items as partial/full payment for a dragon/item/service?
This is kind of a case-by-case basis. Sometimes I need pure currency for other things, but I'm open to talking about it! Feel free to send me a message asking, if you're wondering about it.

Can I send a friend request?
No thank you! Unless we've talked extensively and intend to continue talking extensively, I'd prefer to avoid cluttering my friends list. ^^; The exception to this is if we're doing anything Arlo related!

You have a fandragon for (thing)! Can we chat about it?
Yes! I'm always happy to rant about the things I'm interested in. Feel free to shoot me a PM, or post on my profile asking to chat, and we can talk about it! ^^

You bought (dragon) and named them something I don't like. Can you change it?
Depends on the dragon. If I bought them as fodder, sure! Just send me a renaming scroll and give me a name you'd prefer for them. If I bought them as a perma or as a parent for a breeding project, the answer is no. I'm really particular about my perma/perma parent names.

You said you'd do (thing) and I haven't heard from you in a while. What's going on?
Honestly I probably either got super busy or forgot. Feel free to poke me if I was supposed to do something for you/send you a message/etc, and I'll probably get back to you within a few days to let you know what's going on!
» Skins
» Icon Dragon
--------- [center][font=Goudy Old Style][size=6]General Wishlist[/size] [/font][/center] [center]___________[/center] [center][font=Goudy Old Style][size=5]Last Updated: 1/1/23[/size] [/font][/center] ---------- [center] [size=4]» Help me achieve my dream of 1 million Meaty Cotton Candy![/size] [item=Meaty Cotton Candy] 1716/1,000,000 [img][/img] Alternatively, help me get some other stuff I like! ___________ [/center] [size=4][b][u]Things I don't have[/u]:[/b][/size] [b][u]Apparel[/u][/b] [item=Will o' the Ember] [item=Unicorn guise] [item=Butterfly's Kiss] [item=Starseer's Emblem] [item=Stonekeeper Emblem] [item=Infectionist's emblem] [item=Searing Emblem] [item=Illuminated Emblem] [item=Druidic Emblem] [item=Electricians Emblem] [item=Black Iron Plates] [item=Flowering Gladeboughs] [item=Fathomsearch Spirit Jug] [item=River Royalist Tail Rings] [item=Skeletal Chimes] [item=Gemologist's Discovery] [item=Cosmologist Fieldtools] [item=Night Sky Bundle] [item=Prismatic Bundle] [item=It's Wigs] [item=Silver Seraph Jewelry] ------------- [b][u]Familiars[/u][/b] [item=Arcane Sprite] [item=Rat King] [item=Ghostly Rat Lord] [item=Hydra] [item=Spirit of Light] [item=Spirit of Ice] [item=Spirit of Wind] [item=Spirit of Earth] [item=Spirit of Water] [item=Phoenix] [item=Boolean] [item=Bone Fiend] [item=sunbeam ursa] [item=cragbacked bouldursa] [item=Murktooth Bramblekeep] [item=Cloudkeeper Herald] [item=Slumbering Charlatan] [item=Lavaborne Hoax] [item=Voltspire Intruder] [item=Spoiling Scorpio] [item=Enchanted Libra] [item=Insubstantial Illusionist] ------------ [b][u]Skins/Accents[/u][/b] [item=Skin: Issue #1] [item=Accent: Caged Angel] [item=Accent: trees for deforestation] [item=Skin: Cervus Canor] [item=Skin: Ghostlight Waxwraith] [item=Accent: Calico Ferberus] [item= Accent: Silhouette] ----------- [b][u]Other[/u][/b] [item=Vista: Something Swarming] [item=Vista: Twilight Firefly] ----------- [size=4][b][u]Things I want/need more than one of[/u]:[/b][/size] [b][u]Misc Items I Hoard[/u][/b] [item=cartographer] [item=scene: cartographer's office] [item=Blue Goo] [item=Exotic Arcanist Idol] [item=Heavy Earthshaker Idol] [item=Smoldering Flamecaller Puppet] [item=Furry Icewarden Puppet] [item=Soft Lightweaver Idol] [item=Charged Stormcatcher Sackdoll] [item=Lost Gladekeeper Sackdoll] [item=Rotting Plaguebringer Effigy] [item=Faded Shadowbinder Effigy] [item=Sopping Tidelord Sackdoll] [item=Playful Windsinger Puppet] ----- [b][u]Apparel[/u][/b] [item=Nurtured Cluster] [item=Void's Grasp] [item=Voltaic Stormclaws] [item=Butterfly's Kiss] [item=Starseer's Emblem] [item=Stonekeeper Emblem] [item=Infectionist's Emblem] [item=Searing Emblem] [item=Illuminated Emblem] [item=Druidic Emblem] [item=Electricians Emblem] [item=Feathery Fallout] [item=Black Iron Plates] [item=Igneous Iguana] [item=Fathomsearch Spirit Jug] [item=Hunter's Trophies] [item=River Royalist Tail Rings] [item=Luminax Plushie] [item=Voltaic Halo] [item=Spellwrought Halo] [item=Luminous Halo] [item=Skeletal Chimes] [item=Gemologist's Discovery] [item=Cosmologist Fieldtools] [item=Light Aura] ----- [b][u]Battle[/u][/b] [item=Eliminate] [item=Berserker] [item=Ambush] [item=Rally] ----- [b][u]Breed Change Scrolls[/u][/b] [item=Breed change: Tundra] [item=Breed change: Guardian] [item=Breed Change: Fae] [item=Breed Change: Mirror] ----- [u][b]Other[/b][/u] [img][/img] [item=Vial of Elemental Sight] [item=Vial of Glowing Sight] [item=Vial of Horizontal Sight] [item=Vial of Unusual Sight] [item=Vial of Rare Sight] [item=Scroll of Renaming] [item=Silhouette Scroll] [item=Scroll of Eternal Youth] [item=Tri-Color Scatterscroll] Will also accept most scenes because I love using scenes.

General Wishlist
Last Updated: 1/1/23

» Help me achieve my dream of 1 million Meaty Cotton Candy!

Meaty Cotton Candy


Alternatively, help me get some other stuff I like!

Things I don't have:


Will o' the Ember Unicorn Guise Butterfly's Kiss Starseer's Emblem Stonekeeper Emblem Infectionist's Emblem Searing Emblem Illuminated Emblem Druidic Emblem Black Iron Plates Flowering Gladeboughs Fathomsearch Spirit Jug River Royalist Tail Rings Skeletal Chimes Gemologist's Discovery Cosmologist Fieldtools Night Sky Bundle Prismatic Bundle It's Wigs Silver Seraph Jewelry


Arcane Sprite Rat King Ghostly Rat Lord Hydra Spirit of Light Spirit of Ice Spirit of Wind Spirit of Earth Spirit of Water Phoenix Boolean Bone Fiend Sunbeam Ursa Cragbacked Bouldursa Murktooth Bramblekeep Cloudkeeper Herald Slumbering Charlatan Lavaborne Hoax Voltspire Intruder Spoiling Scorpio Enchanted Libra Insubstantial Illusionist


Skin: Issue #1 Accent: Caged Angel Accent: trees for deforestation Skin: Cervus Canor Skin: Ghostlight Waxwraith Accent: Calico Ferberus Accent: Silhouette


Vista: Something Swarming Vista: Twilight Firefly

Things I want/need more than one of:

Misc Items I Hoard

Cartographer Scene: Cartographer's Office Blue Goo Exotic Arcanist Idol Heavy Earthshaker Idol Smoldering Flamecaller Puppet Furry Icewarden Puppet Soft Lightweaver Idol Charged Stormcatcher Sackdoll Lost Gladekeeper Sackdoll Rotting Plaguebringer Effigy Faded Shadowbinder Effigy Sopping Tidelord Sackdoll Playful Windsinger Puppet


Nurtured Cluster Void's Grasp Voltaic Stormclaws Butterfly's Kiss Starseer's Emblem Stonekeeper Emblem Infectionist's Emblem Searing Emblem Illuminated Emblem Druidic Emblem Feathery Fallout Black Iron Plates Igneous Iguana Fathomsearch Spirit Jug Hunter's Trophies River Royalist Tail Rings Luminax Plushie Voltaic Halo Spellwrought Halo Luminous Halo Skeletal Chimes Gemologist's Discovery Cosmologist Fieldtools Light Aura


Eliminate Berserker Ambush Rally

Breed Change Scrolls

Breed Change: Tundra Breed Change: Guardian Breed Change: Fae Breed Change: Mirror


tumblr_pswr04b64L1ugssd3o8_r1_100.gif Vial of Elemental Sight Vial of Glowing Sight Vial of Horizontal Sight Vial of Unusual Sight Vial of Rare Sight Scroll of Renaming Silhouette Scroll Scroll of Eternal Youth Tri-Color Scatterscroll

Will also accept most scenes because I love using scenes.
» Skins
» Icon Dragon
--------- [center][font=Goudy Old Style][size=6]Projects[/size] [/font][/center] [center]___________[/center] [center][font=Goudy Old Style][size=5]Last Updated: 1/01/23[/size] [/font][/center] ---------- [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]/////////[/color] [nextcol] [center][size=5][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter]Maybe send me an angel[/font][/size] -------- [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [/columns] [center] [size=5][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter][u]Needs[/u]:[/font][/size] [item=breed change: bogsneak] [item=primary gene: flaunt] [item=secondary gene: constellation] [item=vial of glowing sight] [item=scroll of eternal youth] [/center] -------- [columns] [url=][img],6977,35519,18801,28811,20851,45793,20851,20851,7837&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]/////////[/color] [nextcol] [center][size=5][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter]Summit[/font][/size] -------- [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [/columns] [center] [size=5][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter][u]Needs[/u]:[/font][/size] [item=primary gene: flaunt] [item=secondary gene: flair] [item=tertiary gene: spines] [item=vial of unusual sight] [item=amber flourish tail clasp] [item=amber flourish necklace] [item=adjudicator overcoat] [item=untamed claws] [item=haunting amber clawrings] [item=ethereal flame cloak] [item=gilded compass] [item=ethereal flame cloak] [item=ethereal flame cloak] [item=amber flourish tail drape] [/center] -------- [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]/////////[/color] [nextcol] [center][size=5][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter]???[/font][/size] -------- [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [/columns] [center] [size=5][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter][u]Needs[/u]:[/font][/size] [item=breed change: pearlcatcher] [item=primary gene: skink] [item=secondary gene: striation] [item= tertiary gene: veined] [item=vial of horizontal sight] [item=scroll of eternal youth] [/center] -------- [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]/////////[/color] [nextcol] [center][size=5][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter]The Mind Electric[/font][/size] -------- [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [/columns] [center] [size=5][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter][u]Needs[/u]:[/font][/size] [item=primary gene: cherub] [item=secondary gene: saturn] [item=tertiary gene: ghost] [item=vial of elemental sight] [item=scroll of eternal youth] [/center] -------- [Center][size=5][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter]Other: [/font][/size][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter][size=4](G1s/Skins that need more solid project plans)[/font][/size] ________ [item=skin: Commitment] [item=accent: Shade Touched] [item=Accent: I Open The Door] [skin=46709] [item=Skin: It's just us] [item=Accent: Whispering Scars] [item=Skin: Network Warlock] [item=Skin: Installation Wizard] [item=Skin: Cards Of Fate] [item=Skin: Fishin Fiddles] [item=accent: ERROR: BROKEN DRAGON IMG] [item=Accent: At Odds] [item=accent: how to decay] [item=accent: Hacker Voice: I'm In] [item=accent: Tales of The Hunt] [item=skin: Glass Explosion] [item=Accent: Zone 02] [item=accent: Plot a Course] [item=Skin: Fiendish Company] [item=Accent: Vanishing Act] [skin=36739] [item=Accent: Filled with Mites] [item=Skin: Winterwatch] [item=Accent: Undrowned] [item=Skin: Horseless headman] [item=Accent: ARE YOU OKAY?] [item=Skin: OBLITERATION OVER MERCY] [item=Skin: Carved Face of Deity] [item=Skin: odocoileus] [item=Skin: Orange You Happy] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Lucida Sans Typewriter](Even more dragons stored [url=]here[/url] and [url=]here[/url])[/font] [/center]

Last Updated: 1/01/23

dragon?age=0&body=10&bodygene=82&breed=14&element=10&eyetype=7&gender=0&tert=15&tertgene=0&winggene=25&wings=134&auth=aa3efc40239c14eff31c95f0be1316694fa9bb2a&dummyext=prev.png /////////
Maybe send me an angel



Breed Change: Bogsneak Primary Gene: Flaunt Secondary Gene: Constellation Vial of Glowing Sight Scroll of Eternal Youth

scry?sdid=2732494&skin=45136&apparel=7839,6977,35519,18801,28811,20851,45793,20851,20851,7837&xt=dressing.png /////////



Primary Gene: Flaunt Secondary Gene: Flair Tertiary Gene: Spines Vial of Unusual Sight

Amber Flourish Tail Clasp Amber Flourish Necklace Adjudicator Overcoat Untamed Claws Haunting Amber Clawrings Ethereal Flame Cloak Gilded Compass Ethereal Flame Cloak Ethereal Flame Cloak Amber Flourish Tail Drape

dragon?age=0&body=1&bodygene=15&breed=4&element=1&eyetype=9&gender=0&tert=123&tertgene=38&winggene=21&wings=123&auth=69e148bf98e36cc4018d5559aa10a62a62e69d7e&dummyext=prev.png /////////



Breed Change: Pearlcatcher Primary Gene: Skink Secondary Gene: Striation Tertiary Gene: Veined
Vial of Horizontal Sight Scroll of Eternal Youth

dragon?age=0&body=131&bodygene=10&breed=1&element=5&eyetype=6&gender=0&tert=2&tertgene=20&winggene=15&wings=131&auth=1effef81c0d6a6feaff5e300eaea12a78315aa63&dummyext=prev.png /////////
The Mind Electric



Primary Gene: Cherub Secondary Gene: Saturn Tertiary Gene: Ghost Vial of Elemental Sight Scroll of Eternal Youth

Other: (G1s/Skins that need more solid project plans)

Skin: Commitment Accent: Shade Touched Accent: I Open the Door Skin: It's just us Accent: Whispering Scars Skin: Network Warlock Skin: Installation Wizard Skin: Cards Of Fate Skin: Fishin Fiddles Accent: ERROR: BROKEN DRAGON IMG Accent: At Odds Accent: how to decay Accent: Hacker Voice: I'm In Accent: Tales of The Hunt Skin: Glass Explosion Accent: Zone 02 Accent: Plot a Course Skin: Fiendish Company Accent: Vanishing Act Accent: Filled with Mites Skin: Winterwatch Accent: Undrowned Skin: Horseless headman Accent: ARE YOU OKAY? Skin: OBLITERATION OVER MERCY Skin: Carved Face of Deity Skin: odocoileus Skin: Orange You Happy


(Even more dragons stored here and here)
» Skins
» Icon Dragon
--------- [center][font=Goudy Old Style][size=6]Old Creations[/size] [/font][/center] [center]___________[/center] [center][font=Goudy Old Style][size=5]Last Updated: 1/01/23[/size] [/font][/center] ---------- [center][img][/img] [size=4][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter]My old and dusty art, adopt, and skin/accent threads.[/font][/size][/center] [center][columns] [color=transparent]////////////////[/color] [nextcol] [center][size=4][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter] [u]Art/Adopt[/u]: [url=]Custom Drawn Coli Bars[/url] [url=]CHOMP! Aberration Adopts[/url] [/size][/font][/center] [nextcol] [color=transparent]//////////[/color] [nextcol] [center][size=4][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter] [u]Skin/Accent[/u]: [url=]Eat My Dreams [Abby F][/url] [color=transparent]//[/color] [/size][/font][/center] [/columns] [/center]

Old Creations
Last Updated: 1/01/23


My old and dusty art, adopt, and skin/accent threads.
//////////////// //////////


Eat My Dreams [Abby F]
» Skins
» Icon Dragon
--------- [center][font=Goudy Old Style][size=6]Old Dragons[/size] [/font][/center] [center]___________[/center] [center][font=Goudy Old Style][size=5]Last Updated: 1/15/23[/size] [/font][/center] ---------- [center][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter]Old dragons I used to own/bought, but sold off or gave away to someone else. It's cool to see them change as they get passed around between players. [/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]

Old Dragons
Last Updated: 1/15/23

Old dragons I used to own/bought, but sold off or gave away to someone else. It's cool to see them change as they get passed around between players.

66509958.png 52056769.png 76945159.png
83563400.png 83563401.png 86963667.png
89800161.png 81149873.png
» Skins
» Icon Dragon
--------- [center][font=Goudy Old Style][size=6]Code and Credits[/size] [/font][/center] [center]___________[/center] [center][font=Goudy Old Style][size=5]Last Updated: 1/1/23[/size] [/font][/center] ---------- [center][size=4][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter][b]Code for dragon cells in the 'Projects' post:[/b][/font][/size][/center] [code] [columns] [url=outfit/scry here][img]complete dragon image here[/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]/////////[/color] [nextcol] [center][size=5][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter]dragon name here[/font][/size] -------- [url=dragon url here][img]small dragon here[/img][/url] [/center] [/columns] [center] [size=5][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter][u]Needs[/u]:[/font][/size] stuff here [/center] -------- [/code] [center][size=4][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter][b]Code for small dragon images:[/b][/font][/size][/center] [code] [url=(link here)][img] ID rounded up to 6 digits here)/(dragon ID here).png[/img][/url] [/code] -------------- [center][size=5][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter][b]Artist Credits:[/b][/font][/size][/center] [center] [size=3][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter]Click on any of the art to get to the profile of the artist that made it![/size] [size=4] [url=][img][/img][/url] Art by crazygadget! [url=][img][/img][/url] Art by Twyrine! [url=][img][/img][/url] Art by DragonsMythos (me)![/size][size=3] Although I took heavy inspiration from Twyrine's adopt for me. [/size][size=4] [url=][img][/img][/url] Art by Vivisect! [url=][img][/img][/url] Art by Ceruleanfire! [/center]

Code and Credits
Last Updated: 1/1/23

Code for dragon cells in the 'Projects' post:
[columns] [url=outfit/scry here][img]complete dragon image here[/img][/url] [nextcol] [color=transparent]/////////[/color] [nextcol] [center][size=5][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter]dragon name here[/font][/size] -------- [url=dragon url here][img]small dragon here[/img][/url] [/center] [/columns] [center] [size=5][font=Lucida Sans Typewriter][u]Needs[/u]:[/font][/size] stuff here [/center] --------

Code for small dragon images:
[url=(link here)][img] ID rounded up to 6 digits here)/(dragon ID here).png[/img][/url]

Artist Credits:
Click on any of the art to get to the
profile of the artist that made it!


Art by crazygadget!

Art by Twyrine!

Art by DragonsMythos (me)!

Although I took heavy inspiration from Twyrine's adopt for me.

Art by Vivisect!

Art by Ceruleanfire!
» Skins
» Icon Dragon
[center][color=transparent]///[/color][font=Goudy Old Style][size=6]Thanks for reading![/size] [/font][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
///Thanks for reading!
» Skins
» Icon Dragon