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TOPIC | What are you reading right now?
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I’m about to start Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail by Ashley Blake. It’s a romcom and I’m super excited to get into it!
I’m about to start Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail by Ashley Blake. It’s a romcom and I’m super excited to get into it!
i just started the first crescent city book by sjm, house of earth and blood! so far the worldbuildign is kind of confusing
i just started the first crescent city book by sjm, house of earth and blood! so far the worldbuildign is kind of confusing
A Game of Thrones by GRRM!
A Game of Thrones by GRRM!
she/her | infj-t | fr+0 | xxx breeder
I'm currently rereading Out Of the Woods by Petrodactyl352 on A03. It's a Castlevania (anime) AU fanfic.
I'm currently rereading Out Of the Woods by Petrodactyl352 on A03. It's a Castlevania (anime) AU fanfic.
a small gif from how to train your dragon 2 of hiccup and toothless flying. hiccup is yelling and leans back against toothless.
you're an agent of chaos
and i was your stupid little game.
did you think i'd never find out
or did you always wanna watch me fall apart?
a small gray 'they/it' pronoun button with the gendervoid flag to the left of the words.
a small gray button that says 'FR Time +3' with a clock to the left of the words.
a small gray button that says 'wishlist' with a star on either side.
a small gray button that says 'projects' with an egg on either side.
@Igneriss aah, steelheart is another thats been on my backlog forever! I was never sure if I needed to read any of his other books first to understand any of Steelheart though; he has a lot of series!

@seclusion woah! That sounds like a mental drain tbh, have you learnt anything cool from it?

@Vardia haha good luck, I really struggled to read those. It takes a while for them to get going imo but once you finish fellowship you don't want to put them down. Have you read The Hobbit yet?

@Tirea ooooh, I've added it to my 'must read' list, thank you :D

@Strangeflesh I'm sorry... what? Please tell me it's a book just about Ocelots learning geometry and going out into the world discussing math

@TheLonelyCourt ooooOOoo I need a good new romcom, I've added it to the list :D
@Igneriss aah, steelheart is another thats been on my backlog forever! I was never sure if I needed to read any of his other books first to understand any of Steelheart though; he has a lot of series!

@seclusion woah! That sounds like a mental drain tbh, have you learnt anything cool from it?

@Vardia haha good luck, I really struggled to read those. It takes a while for them to get going imo but once you finish fellowship you don't want to put them down. Have you read The Hobbit yet?

@Tirea ooooh, I've added it to my 'must read' list, thank you :D

@Strangeflesh I'm sorry... what? Please tell me it's a book just about Ocelots learning geometry and going out into the world discussing math

@TheLonelyCourt ooooOOoo I need a good new romcom, I've added it to the list :D
Gyplb1f.png Shu l FR+7
Art Dump
@Raquesis oh man, good luck! I read them a few years back when the show first started. There's soo much that's different and I just couldn't continue the show.
I'm also confident that Winds of Winter is never going to be released
@Raquesis oh man, good luck! I read them a few years back when the show first started. There's soo much that's different and I just couldn't continue the show.
I'm also confident that Winds of Winter is never going to be released
Gyplb1f.png Shu l FR+7
Art Dump
Re-reading the Fionavar Tapestry trilogy by Guy Gavriel Kay
Re-reading the Fionavar Tapestry trilogy by Guy Gavriel Kay


Pklc9an.png RFRWPUM.png


Art Credits: Poisonedpaper / Drytil / Osiem
I'm re-reading SubaHibi (the visual novel) and reading Neurosis and Human Growth (Horney) and Lolita (Nabokov). As I type this, just reading AskReddit medical stuff, though lmao.

SubaHibi is a bit lengthy and has mixed reviews. Not my favorite VN, but the first chapter has some of my favorite visual novel characters of all time.

I just enjoy Horney's works. Her philosophies line up with mine.

Lolita is freaking horrifying. Some of the stuff is really just.. ew. It's well-written and gross.
I'm re-reading SubaHibi (the visual novel) and reading Neurosis and Human Growth (Horney) and Lolita (Nabokov). As I type this, just reading AskReddit medical stuff, though lmao.

SubaHibi is a bit lengthy and has mixed reviews. Not my favorite VN, but the first chapter has some of my favorite visual novel characters of all time.

I just enjoy Horney's works. Her philosophies line up with mine.

Lolita is freaking horrifying. Some of the stuff is really just.. ew. It's well-written and gross.
"A Memory Called Empire" by Arkady Martine. I'm not as far along as I'd like to be because of time and the holidays, but it's been good so far! I bought it online on a whim without realizing it's a space opera and just short of 500 pages, though...
"A Memory Called Empire" by Arkady Martine. I'm not as far along as I'd like to be because of time and the holidays, but it's been good so far! I bought it online on a whim without realizing it's a space opera and just short of 500 pages, though...
ciconia: when they cry, a visual novel. so far ive been enjoying it just as much as the previous wtc entries (higurashi + umineko)
hoping to finish it before the end of january so i can pick up mahoyo (another vn) as soon as the physical copy i preordered comes in
ciconia: when they cry, a visual novel. so far ive been enjoying it just as much as the previous wtc entries (higurashi + umineko)
hoping to finish it before the end of january so i can pick up mahoyo (another vn) as soon as the physical copy i preordered comes in
auau or ange ; 19 she / it
clan lore
g1 fan [perpetually broke]

i collect ice pick apparel!
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