
General Discussion

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I'm trying to figure out what in the hey to watch on TV before bed. [emoji=guardian laughing size=1]
I'm trying to figure out what in the hey to watch on TV before bed.
I like to think the reason why Grimsley looks the way he does in SuMo is that fairy-types wrecked him so hard that he had a mental breakdown and ran off to Alola. There may or may not be missing posters with his face on them back in Unova...
I like to think the reason why Grimsley looks the way he does in SuMo is that fairy-types wrecked him so hard that he had a mental breakdown and ran off to Alola. There may or may not be missing posters with his face on them back in Unova...
★ Previously MalusNight
☆ She/Her
★ +1 FR Time
once i post this im going to go back to my essay and finish the darn thing i hate economics so much im a level designer why am i even taking economics djkagljhasgljsgldj;
once i post this im going to go back to my essay and finish the darn thing i hate economics so much im a level designer why am i even taking economics djkagljhasgljsgldj;
tumblr_osug20vnII1v8lm95o2_100.gifaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
fr__wind_by_baelfin-d8uyn8b.png Dawn

fr__wind_by_baelfin-d8uyn8b.png They/Them

fr__wind_by_baelfin-d8uyn8b.png FR+0
tumblr_pq070tye9g1y721g1o1_250.pnga DragonDawn.gifa tumblr_pq06kozTR71y721g1o2_250.png
Helloooooo depression
Helloooooo depression
why am i so socially inept

i wish i could live in complete isolation

the only person i'd talk to would be the man who delivered my groceries

that sounds nice
why am i so socially inept

i wish i could live in complete isolation

the only person i'd talk to would be the man who delivered my groceries

that sounds nice
Maedae | It | ASD
maker of fine graves
[color=purple][font=Helvetica][size=4]feels nice to be back in my hometown, but my god am i scared due to all the stuff that happened recently. i should feel safe here but i really don't. oh well, at least i get to see the friends i haven't seen for nearly an entire year and spend time with my dad![emoji=heart]
feels nice to be back in my hometown, but my god am i scared due to all the stuff that happened recently. i should feel safe here but i really don't. oh well, at least i get to see the friends i haven't seen for nearly an entire year and spend time with my dad!

when will the refund transaction be complete?
please, i just want to buy myself a different figure- it's been 4 hours since the order was cancelled
when will the refund transaction be complete?
please, i just want to buy myself a different figure- it's been 4 hours since the order was cancelled
Wow vending machine fries.
Wow vending machine fries.
Mmmm, snowwww. Gonna wrap up and be a burrito all day, since work is closed
Mmmm, snowwww. Gonna wrap up and be a burrito all day, since work is closed
Why do things hurt rn. Stupid lol I thought I was gonna be over this for today.

It's cause I looked back at that right? And now I wanna do it again when I told myself I wouldn't. I don't have what I need anyway so who cares
Why do things hurt rn. Stupid lol I thought I was gonna be over this for today.

It's cause I looked back at that right? And now I wanna do it again when I told myself I wouldn't. I don't have what I need anyway so who cares
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