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thank god i hoard things on impulse because now i have enough for the trade after checking my vault
thank god i hoard things on impulse because now i have enough for the trade after checking my vault

| Akeovelora

| he/they.

"With so much at stake, and so many eyes upon him, he feels it necessary to stay strong and to silently bear any burden."

I got started reading the side stories of DDLC this morning. I just finished Understanding Part 1.

It’s some pretty heavy stuff, so I’m taking a short break in order to digest it.

I never imagined that the characters would be so three dimensional and relatable.

I swear that watching the way that Yuri thinks and behaves feels like watching myself through a mirror. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that the devs based Yuri’s entire personality off of mine.

I can really relate to Sayori too. I understand how she feels, wishing that people would stop worrying so much about her, even though those worries aren’t necessarily unfounded.

I got started reading the side stories of DDLC this morning. I just finished Understanding Part 1.

It’s some pretty heavy stuff, so I’m taking a short break in order to digest it.

I never imagined that the characters would be so three dimensional and relatable.

I swear that watching the way that Yuri thinks and behaves feels like watching myself through a mirror. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that the devs based Yuri’s entire personality off of mine.

I can really relate to Sayori too. I understand how she feels, wishing that people would stop worrying so much about her, even though those worries aren’t necessarily unfounded.

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tetris 99 music goes HARD
tetris 99 music goes HARD
} pings encouraged! i'm subbed to a lot of threads {

} check out my avatar dragon! {

} i forget things easily, please ping/PM me if i haven't responded in a few days {
i want to write but i don't have the energy for it :( what do?
i want to write but i don't have the energy for it :( what do?
tumblr_inline_pafumapXAW1r16a5d_540.png tumblr_paeahswwr21r45983o8_100.png
ah, yes, matt and kim... WAIT... LEGO MOVIE!!????
ah, yes, matt and kim... WAIT... LEGO MOVIE!!????
'Well, I'm actually confident about my appearance today, not being called a Karen for what I asked about, and even getting a yes on that question. Not to mention completing several hibden quests, and all those familiar drops that came with today's coli run. I guess I must've done something right, because karma is liking me today!

On the other hand: A day this good almost makes you wonder when that proverbial other shoe's gonna drop. Oh well, at least I get to laugh at memes until it does.'
'Well, I'm actually confident about my appearance today, not being called a Karen for what I asked about, and even getting a yes on that question. Not to mention completing several hibden quests, and all those familiar drops that came with today's coli run. I guess I must've done something right, because karma is liking me today!

On the other hand: A day this good almost makes you wonder when that proverbial other shoe's gonna drop. Oh well, at least I get to laugh at memes until it does.'
I need energy and motivation to hit at the same time, not on separate occasions >:U
I need energy and motivation to hit at the same time, not on separate occasions >:U
Need somethin to sketch
Need somethin to sketch
HESLOSTIT_1.gif Anon
They/them, minor
RP friendly (ask about fandoms n OCs)
Ping/PM me if you wish, Idrc :)
Current projects:
Dragon-sona breeding project
Fandergs n whatnot
Moving my lore derg to the hibden and my fandergs to the main lair
these teriyaki noodles are really tasty but are you meant to drink the soup afterwards i feel like most of the seasoning absorbs into the soup so it's kinda... really spicy compared to the noodles but it's kinda tasty ngl
these teriyaki noodles are really tasty but are you meant to drink the soup afterwards i feel like most of the seasoning absorbs into the soup so it's kinda... really spicy compared to the noodles but it's kinda tasty ngl
FR + 0 - pls click them! ->tKwc71.png9CjUA1.pngPoVtq1.pngunknown.png